domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2024
Australia: Prueba de Tomahawks desde el HMAS Brisbane
viernes, 23 de agosto de 2024
Misil de crucero hipersónicos para los Super Hornet australianos
Australia planea armar al Super Hornet con un misil de crucero de ataque hipersónico (HACM)
viernes, 2 de febrero de 2024
UK quiere comprar misiles Taurus a Alemania para dárselos a Ucrania
Gran Bretaña quiere comprar misiles Taurus a Alemania para suministrar a Ucrania más misiles Storm Shadow
Gran Bretaña ha ofrecido a Alemania un intercambio de misiles de crucero que podría permitir al gobierno alemán una forma de superar las preocupaciones sobre una sugerida de misiles a Ucrania, informó el miércoles el diario alemán Handelsblatt. Kiev ha estado presionando a Berlín para que suministre sus misiles Taurus, lo que podría dar a Ucrania la capacidad de causar daños significativos más profundamente dentro del territorio ocupado por Rusia, pero el gobierno alemán se ha mantenido vacilante por preocupación que podría desencadenar una escalada internacional del conflicto.
El periódico citó fuentes gubernamentales y diplomáticas diciendo que el gobierno británico había sugerido a Berlín hace varias semanas que podría exportar misiles de crucero Storm Shadow a Ucrania y, a su vez, recibir los misiles Taurus alemanes. La oficina del canciller alemán Olaf Scholz ha estado analizando esta propuesta, agregó el informe. Una persona familiarizada con las negociaciones dijo que el canje propuesto podría potencialmente encontrar apoyo en Berlín. El gobierno alemán declinó hacer comentarios sobre el informe. Cuando se le pidió que comentara, un portavoz del Ministerio de Defensa británico dijo que el Reino Unido y sus socios, entre ellos Alemania, siguen trabajando juntos para equipar a Ucrania lo mejor posible para que pueda defender su territorio. El gobierno alemán ha dicho repetidamente que sólo actuará en concierto con Washington en entregas de armas a Ucrania.
jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2023
USA aprueba venta de 400 Tomahawk a Japón
Estados Unidos aprobó la venta de 400 misiles Tomahawk a Japón

Misil de crucero Tomahawk (foto: Marina de los EE. UU.)
WASHINGTON - El Departamento de Estado ha tomado la decisión de aprobar una posible venta militar extranjera al gobierno de Japón del sistema de armas Tomahawk y equipos relacionados por un costo estimado de 2.350 millones de dólares. La Agencia de Cooperación para la Seguridad de la Defensa entregó hoy la certificación requerida notificando al Congreso esta posible venta.
El Gobierno de Japón ha solicitado comprar hasta doscientas (200) Tomahawk Block IV All Up Rounds (AUR) (RGM-109E); hasta doscientos (200) AUR Tomahawk Block V (RGM-109E); y catorce (14) sistemas de control de armas tácticas Tomahawk (TTWCS). También se incluye soporte para el Sistema de Armas Tomahawk (TWS) (All Up Round, los Sistemas de Control de Armas Tácticas Tomahawk (TTWCS) y los Centros de Suite de Software de Distribución de Misiones (MDSSC)), así como contenedores; estudios de viabilidad; software; hardware; capacitación; mantenimiento de misiles no programado; repuestos; apoyo en servicio; equipo de comunicaciones; pruebas operativas de vuelo; publicaciones; experiencia técnica y de ingeniería para mantener la capacidad del TWS; Ingeniería no recurrente; transporte; y otros elementos relacionados de logística y apoyo a programas. El costo total estimado es de 2.350 millones de dólares.
Esta venta propuesta respaldará los objetivos de política exterior y de seguridad nacional de Estados Unidos al mejorar la seguridad de un aliado importante que es una fuerza para la estabilidad política y el progreso económico en la región del Indo-Pacífico.
La venta propuesta mejorará la capacidad de Japón para enfrentar amenazas actuales y futuras al proporcionar un misil tierra-tierra convencional de largo alcance con un alcance significativo que puede neutralizar amenazas crecientes. Japón no tendrá dificultades para absorber estos artículos en sus fuerzas armadas.
La venta propuesta de este equipo y apoyo no alterará el equilibrio militar básico en la región.
El contratista principal será Raytheon, Tucson, AZ. No se conocen acuerdos de compensación propuestos en relación con esta posible venta.
La implementación de esta venta propuesta no requerirá la asignación de ningún representante adicional del gobierno de los EE. UU. ni de contratistas a Japón.
No habrá ningún impacto adverso en la preparación de defensa de Estados Unidos como resultado de esta venta propuesta.
La descripción y el valor en dólares corresponden a la cantidad y el valor en dólares estimados más altos según los requisitos iniciales. El valor real en dólares será menor dependiendo de los requisitos finales, la autoridad presupuestaria y los acuerdos de venta firmados, en caso de que se concluyan.
viernes, 31 de marzo de 2023
USA vende 220 Tomahawks a Australia
El gobierno de EE. UU. aprobó la venta de 220 Tomahawk Block V y Block IV a Australia
miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2022
El misil Kalibr vietnamita
Misil de crucero Kalibr 3M-54 de la Armada de Vietnam
La versión de exportación del Kalibr 3M-54E/3M-14E tiene un alcance de 220-300 km. Según registros del SIPRI, Vietnam en 2009 ordenó a Rusia 50 misiles 3M-54E/3M-14E Kalibr para armar sus submarinos (fotos: Ann Quann)
martes, 18 de octubre de 2022
Ucrania intercepta misiles Kalibr

Ucrania intercepta misiles rusos Kalibr: Pentágono
Jose SabalaThe Defense Post
Ucrania ha interceptado con éxito todos los misiles Kalibr disparados por Rusia después del ataque al puente Kerch de Crimea, según un alto funcionario del Departamento de Defensa de EE. UU.
Durante una sesión informativa sobre la situación en Kiev, el funcionario reveló que tres buques rusos con capacidad Kalibr dispararon los misiles hacia un lugar no revelado en Ucrania.
Según los informes, los intentos fueron una represalia de Moscú por la explosión en el puente de Kerch , un vínculo estratégico que conecta a Rusia con Crimea.
Aunque Kiev no se ha atribuido la responsabilidad del ataque, Moscú dirigió su ira hacia su vecino europeo lanzando una andanada de misiles a través de Ucrania.
Misil Kalibr
El misil de crucero 3M-14 Kalibr vuela de forma autónoma a bajas altitudes, penetrando objetivos terrestres estacionarios como puestos de mando, instalaciones de almacenamiento y bases militares.Se puede disparar desde barcos o submarinos, y su ruta hacia un objetivo se puede configurar a mitad de camino por satélite.
Con una capacidad de ataque de alta precisión, el Kalibr puede viajar hasta 1550 millas (2494 kilómetros).
Según los informes, el misil de ataque terrestre contiene una ojiva altamente explosiva de 1,000 libras (453 kilogramos) para aumentar el daño al objetivo.
Rusia usó misiles Kalibr cuando golpeó varios cuarteles en la ciudad portuaria sureña de Mykolaiv, matando a ocho soldados ucranianos.
miércoles, 20 de abril de 2022
Australia compra excelentes misiles de largo alcance para buques y aviones
Australia aprobó $ 3.5 mil millones para acelerar las capacidades de ataque con misiles

JASSM-ER para FA-18F Super Hornet y F-35A Lightning II (foto: bankier)
El gobierno de Morrison aprobó la adquisición acelerada de capacidades de armas mejoradas para la Fuerza de Defensa de Australia (ADF) a un costo total de $ 3.5 mil millones.
El ministro de Defensa, el Hon Peter Dutton MP, anunció hoy que Defensa acelerará la adquisición de:
-El misil de separación aire-superficie conjunto de alcance extendido (JASSM-ER) para la Real Fuerza Aérea Australiana;
-El misil de ataque naval (NSM) para la flota de superficie de la Royal Australian Navy; y
-Minas marítimas para asegurar los puertos y accesos marítimos de Australia.
“Con el entorno estratégico de Australia cada vez más complejo y desafiante, nuestro ADF debe ser capaz de mantener en riesgo las fuerzas y la infraestructura del adversario potencial desde una distancia mayor”, dijo el Ministro Dutton.
“Estos sistemas de armas de ataque de clase mundial equiparán a nuestras fuerzas para proteger mejor los accesos marítimos de Australia y, cuando sea necesario, contribuirán a las operaciones de la Coalición en nuestra región”.

NSM para fragatas clase ANZAC y destructores clase Hobart (foto: Air Recognition)
“El JASSM-ER permitirá al FA-18F Super Hornet, y en el futuro al F-35A Lightning II, atacar objetivos en un rango de 900 km”.
La adquisición del Kongsberg NSM para reemplazar el misil antibuque Harpoon en las fragatas Clase ANZAC y los destructores Clase Hobart proporciona una mejora significativa a la capacidad de ataque marítimo de Australia, más que duplicando el rango de ataque marítimo actual de nuestras fragatas y destructores.
A partir de 2024, las fragatas Clase ANZAC y los destructores Clase Hobart tendrán instalada la capacidad NSM.
La combinación de NSM y los misiles de crucero Tomahawk previamente anunciados es la mejor combinación de capacidad para satisfacer las necesidades de Australia y está probada en servicio con nuestro socio clave de la alianza, los Estados Unidos.
Ministerio de defensa de Australia
jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2021
Las AWD clase Hobart se vuelve demasiado poderosas con sus Tomahawks
Tomahawk Confirmed for Hobart Class AWD

Tomahawk cruise missile is a long range Land Attack Missile (photo : Raytheon)
One of the announcements in yesterday's AUKUS agreement was confirmation that Australia is procuring Raytheon's Tomahawk cruise missiles for the Hobart class destroyers.
The announcement was included in a ministerial statement, which also stated plans to acquire Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (Extended Range) for the F/A-18 A/B Hornets and in future the F-35s.
Australia has operated the earlier AGM-158A JASSM for a number of years but the release now indicates that the RAAF will now also acquire the AGM-158B-ER JASSM, previously only operated by the USAF.
In addition, the release included what appears to be recycled news around plans to procure Long-Range Anti-Ship Missiles (LRASM) for the F/A-18F Super Hornet (and possibly P-8A Poseidons in future), and unnamed precision guided strike missiles for land forces.

AGM-158C LRASM is a stealthy anti-ship cruise missile (photo : US Navy)
In a joint statement, PM Scott Morrison, Minister for Defence Peter Dutton and Minister for Foreign Affairs Marise Payne said: "These capabilities, coupled with the planned Life-of-Type Extension of Australia’s Collins class submarine fleet, will enhance Australia’s ability to deter and respond to potential security challenges.
"The management of this transition, and other capability acquisition options that will meet Australia’s strategic requirements, will be at the forefront of consultations through AUKUS over the next 18 months."
The decision to accelerate $1 billion for a sovereign guided weapons manufacturing enterprise was also mentioned as Request for Proposals open for a Medium Range Ground Based Air Defence capability.
"The Request for Proposal will improve Defence's understanding of the capability and likely availability and timelines of current and potential future systems that can meet Australia's requirements," Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said.
"We are also seeking to understand how Australian industry can leverage the Sovereign Guided Weapons Enterprise in their proposals to harness existing or emerging local munitions production capabilities."
viernes, 2 de abril de 2021
Misiles K-300P Bastion-P de defensa costera ya están en servicio en Vietnam
It looks Like Vietnam Received the Third Division of Missile Systems K-300P "Bastion-P"

K-300P Bastion-P coastal defence anti-ship missile systems (photo : QPVN)
It looks like Vietnam received the third division of the K-300P Bastion-P missile systems.
A new report from the Vietnamese TV channel QPVN tells about the preparation of combat crews of the coastal mobile missile systems K-300P "Bastion-P" in the newly formed 682nd regiment of the Coastal Missile Forces of the Vietnamese Navy.
Let me remind you that the Bastion-P complexes, delivered from Russia in 2011, are part of the 681st coastal missile regiment stationed in Phan Thiet (Binh Thuan province).
lunes, 1 de marzo de 2021
Indonesia: Técnico desarrolla motor para misiles
Conferencista de ITB desarrolla motor turborreactor para misiles
Motor Turbojet 500 N del Dr. Firman Hartono (foto: JawaPos, ITB)
Dr. Firman Hartono: Pioneros en el motor de misiles turborreactor como paso para la independencia de la tecnología militar
BANDUNG, - El desarrollo de tecnología militar en Indonesia no está actualmente a la par con países desarrollados como Estados Unidos y Rusia. Sin embargo, eso no significa que Indonesia no tenga la capacidad de crear equipo para fines militares o su propio equipo de combate. La investigación realizada por el Dr. Firman Hartono, S.T, M.T., profesor de Ingeniería de Aviación en el Instituto de Tecnología de Bandung, ha demostrado que Indonesia también es capaz de desarrollar tecnología en el sector militar, a saber, tecnología de motores turborreactores para misiles de crucero.
A diferencia de los misiles balísticos que se lanzan directamente con proyectiles parabólicos y tienen un alcance limitado, los misiles de crucero son misiles que pueden volar una distancia lo suficientemente larga para perseguir objetivos y con una altitud de solo aproximadamente veinte metros sobre el nivel del mar. Esta capacidad permite que los misiles de tipo crucero eviten el radar y los conviertan en un misil eficaz. Este misil consta de una sección de navegación computarizada, una sección de combustible y una parte del motor de propulsión del misil. El motor que impulsa el misil es un motor turborreactor.
El motor turborreactor desarrollado por el Dr. Firman Hartono recibe el nombre de Motor Turbojet 500 N. Esta máquina es el resultado de la colaboración con otros colegas en varios campos, tales como: aerodinámica, termodinámica, transferencia de calor, ingeniería de producción y materiales. Esta colaboración se realiza porque el turborreactor de misiles es la aplicación de muchos enfoques científicos. Dr. Firman Hartono también explicó que la razón por la que eligió realizar una investigación sobre motores de misiles turborreactores fue porque los criterios para fabricar misiles eran relativamente ligeros. "El funcionamiento del motor de misiles, que suele durar de una a dos horas, hace que el material básico del motor sea fácil de encontrar en el país sin necesidad de importarlo del exterior. Por cierto, Indonesia tampoco se ha desarrollado", dijo el Dr. . Firman Hartono.
Como todos los viajes exitosos, este estudio también enfrenta obstáculos en su curso. La investigación y la fabricación de máquinas lleva mucho tiempo, mientras que la financiación de la investigación del gobierno está limitada por el tiempo. Cambiar el período de gobierno hizo que las nuevas burocracias en la financiación de la investigación fueran ligeramente diferentes y más difíciles. Además de colaborar con varios otros campos, esta investigación sobre motores turborreactores también colabora con el Ministerio de Defensa y Seguridad (KEMHAN) en términos de financiación. Desafortunadamente, KEMHAN solo pudo obtener financiamiento interno para esta investigación en 2016. Sin embargo, este obstáculo no detuvo de inmediato la investigación. Dr. Firman explicó que todavía había otros componentes del motor turborreactor que podrían usarse como material de investigación y estudiarse más a fondo, como la eficiencia del combustible o el compresor del motor. "Si la financiación se atasca así, haremos una investigación computacional y basada en cómputo, el problema es que no necesita grandes costos", agregó.

El motor turborreactor 500 N desarrollado por el Dr. Firman Hartono es en realidad un motor turborreactor simple. Sin embargo, con modificaciones y más investigación, se realizarán mejoras en el motor turborreactor. Fabricar motores turborreactores de calidad con bajos costos de producción será un desafío en el futuro. De este motor de misiles turborreactor, se espera que nazcan más obras creativas de tecnología de los niños de la nación. "Debemos utilizar los productos de los niños de la nación, partiendo del deseo de crear trabajos domésticos como este", concluyó el Dr. Firman Hartono.
domingo, 10 de enero de 2021
Japón desarrollará su propio "Tomahak autóctono"
Japan to Develop "Domestic Tomahawk" with Range of 2,000 km and New Type-12 Anti-ship Missile Extended to 1,500 km

New cruise missiles will be developed by Japan (photo : Sankei Shimbun)
It was revealed on the 28th that the range of the new anti-ship guided bullets that the government is conducting research and development will reach about 2,000 kilometers. If the deployment is realized, it will be the longest range of missiles owned by the Self-Defense Forces. Apart from this, it was also found that a plan to extend the range of the Type 12 surface-to-ship guided bullet operated by the Ground Self-Defense Force to 1500 km in the future has emerged. By promoting the development of long-range missiles that can be called "domestic Tomahawks," the aim is to strengthen the deterrence of the Self-Defense Forces. Several government officials have revealed.
The Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency began research on the new anti-ship guided ammunition in 2018, and by the second year of Reiwa, a total of 10.5 billion yen was allocated. The company plans to develop a prototype by FY4 and conduct performance tests within the same year.
The range is about 2,000 km, and even if it is launched from Japan on the ground, China and North Korea will be in range. We will also pursue stealth ability to reduce the detectability from radar and high mobility to prevent interception from enemies with complicated movements. In addition to ground launch, it also enables launch from ships and aircraft.

Type 12 land-to-ship cruise missile (photo : Wiki)
The range of the Type 12 surface-to-ship guided ammunition was decided to be extended by a cabinet meeting on the 18th of this month. For the time being, it will be extended from the conventional 200 km to 900 km, but the final goal is 1500 km.
In 2017, the government decided to acquire the Norwegian-made "JSM" (range 500 km) to be mounted on the F35 fighter and the US-made "JASSM" and "LRASM" (both range 900 km) to be mounted on the F15 fighter it was. The new anti-ship guided missiles and the Type-12 range far exceed these, and are comparable to the US cruise missile "Tomahawk," which has a range of more than 1,600 kilometers.
Regarding the introduction of long-range missiles, the government explained that it "effectively blocks the opponent's attacks while ensuring the safety of SDF personnel." The aim is to make it easier to deal with the situation by having a missile that exceeds the range of the opponent, and it is mainly envisioned to defend the islands.
When deployed in the Nansei Islands, 1500 km will cover Pyongyang and 2,000 km will cover Beijing. The government decided to postpone the examination of the enemy base attack capability indefinitely by a cabinet decision in December, but if North Korea and China recognize the SDF's long-range missile as "enemy base attack capability", it will attack Japan. It can also be expected to have the effect of discouraging itself.
Sankei Shimbun
miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020
Rusia estrena misil Kalibr de 1.000 kilómetros de alcance
Newest Russian Submarine Hits Target 1,000 km Away with Kalibr Cruise Missile

Russian submarine launching a “Kalibr” cruise missile (photo : Russian MOD)
MURMANSK/TASS/. The Project 885M Kazan nuclear submarine, deployed in the White Sea, successfully hit a target at the Chizha proving ground in Russia’s Arkhangelsk Region about 1,000 kilometers away, with a Kalibr cruise missile during the final stage of state trials, the Northern Fleet press service announced on Monday.
"Today, the lead ship of the Yasen-M project - the Kazan nuclear underwater cruiser - successfully fired its main missile system at a coastal target. The firing took place within the final stage of state trials from the White Sea. The target, located over 1,000 kilometers away at the Chiza proving ground in the Arkhangelsk Region, was successfully hit by the Kalibr cruise missile warhead," the announcement says.
The firing area was secured and supported by ships of the Northern Fleet’s White Sea naval base.
The press service disclosed that the submarine entered the final trial stage on November 21, with its regular crew and the commissioning team onboard. The crew will practice surface and underwater maneuvering at various depths, and will check the ship’s main systems, including weapons.
The Kazan submarine was laid down in 2009 and launched in 2017. It is expected to join the Russian Navy in late 2020 and will serve in the Northern Fleet. The ship’s main weapons are Kalibr-PL and Oniks cruise missiles.
jueves, 10 de enero de 2019
Indonesia podría ser el primer cliente del Brahmos
Indonesia could be India's First BrahMos Client

Ship based BrahMos cruise missile (photo : BrahMos Aerospace)
India exploring sale of BrahMos cruise missile to Indonesia
India has earlier held talks with the Vietnam government for the sale of the BrahMos, a supersonic cruise missile developed by an Indo-Russian joint venture set up in 1998. The Indian Navy inducted the missile on its frontline warships in 2005.
India is exploring the possibility of selling the BrahMos cruise missile to Indonesia, and a team from the Indo-Russian joint venture that makes the weapon system visited a state-run shipyard in Surabaya last year to assess the fitting of the missile on Indonesian warships, people familiar with developments said.
Besides the BrahMos, India has offered to supply coastal defence radars and marine grade steel to Indonesia and to service the Russian-made Su-30 combat jets flown by the Indonesian air force as part of efforts to deepen bilateral defence and military cooperation, the people said.
India has earlier held talks with the Vietnam government for the sale of the BrahMos, a supersonic cruise missile developed by an Indo-Russian joint venture set up in 1998. The Indian Navy inducted the missile on its frontline warships in 2005.
Though India and Indonesia have not reached a final agreement on the sale of the BrahMos, the visit of the a team from the Indo-Russian company to the state-run PT PAL shipyard on the sidelines of the Indo Defence 2018 expo late last year was a significant step forward in efforts to sell the weapon system to a foreign country.
“The BrahMos team was invited to visit the state-run ship-building enterprise and had a look at the Indonesian platform,” a person said. The inspection of the warships was focused on fitting the BrahMos system on them, the people cited above said.

BrahMos anti ship cruise missile (photo : India Today)
Though there has been “some traction” in India’s offer of coastal defence radars to Indonesia, matters were “more advanced in considering” the BrahMos system, the people added.
A group of MPs from the commission on defence, foreign and information affairs of Indonesia’s lower house of parliament had visited the BrahMos headquarters last year, the people said.
“It is a good proposition to have deeper defence cooperation with India because it has advanced technology that it is both functional and economical,” the first person cited above said. “Indian technology is not as complicated as technology from the West as it is of good value for regional countries,” the person added.
Commodore (retired) C Uday Bhaskar, director of the Society for Policy Studies, said: “It is significant if India is offering the BrahMos missile to Indonesia. It enhances the relevance of India’s military profile as a credible exporter of cruise missile technology.”
Besides the BrahMos, India had offered to sell marine grade steel and to service the Indonesian Air Force’s Su-30 combet jets, which are very similar to the Su-30s flown by the Indian Air Force, the people said.
On the other hand, Indonesia’s state-run Pindad enterprise is bidding for the Indian Army’s contract to acquire a new assault rifle, the people said. This is currently at the “request for proposal” stage and the rifle offered by Indonesia has consistently performed well at regional shooting competitions, the people said.
The Indonesian and Indian armies have held exercises for several years and the first bilateral naval wargame was held last November. The first bilateral air force exercise is expected to be held in 2019, the people said.
Hindustan Times
sábado, 14 de abril de 2018
Putin dice que los ataques a Siria son actos de agresión
Russian President Vladimir Putin: Missile strikes on Syria 'act of aggression'
Oren Dorell, USA TODAY
Targets attacked in Syria
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia will call for an emergency meeting of the United Nations' Security Council following the coordinated missile strikes by the U.S., France and the U.K. against Syria.
Calling the airstrikes as “act of aggression," the Russian leader said Saturday that strikes had a “destructive influence on the entire system of international relations" and will exacerbate humanitarian catastrophe in Syria, the Associated Press reported. Putin also reaffirmed Russia’s view that a purported chemical attack in the Syrian town of Douma that prompted the strike was a fake.
Syria's President Bashar Assad announced after a U.S. military strike that his country would respond, while Russia's ambassador to Washington warned of unspecified "consequences."
"Good souls will not be humiliated," Assad said on his official Twitter account.
President Trump on Friday announced that a series of strikes were launched by the United States, France and Britain on Assad's chemical weapons facilities in Syria. Trump said the attack would be sustained to ensure that Syria does not use chemical weapons to attack civilians.
After the Pentagon said the strikes were over, Russian ambassador Anatoly Antonov issued a statement on Twitter accusing the allies of "a pre-designed scenario" against Russia and Syria.
"Again, we are being threatened. We warned that such actions will not be left without consequences," Antonov said. "All responsibility for them rests with Washington, London and Paris."
He added: "Insulting the president of Russia is unacceptable and inadmissible. The U.S. — the possessor of the biggest arsenal of chemical weapons — has no moral right to blame other countries."
The Russian military said Saturday that Syria’s Soviet-made air defense systems downed 71 out of 103 cruise missiles launched by the United States and its allies, according to The Associated Press.
Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoi of the Russian military’s General Staff said the strikes have not caused any casualties and Syrian military facilities targeted by the U.S., Britain and France have suffered only minor damage, the Associated Press reported.
Russian military and diplomatic officials warned before Trump ordered a military strike on Syria that they would counter any attack on Syrian forces in retaliation for an alleged chemical attack on April 7.
Russia’s ambassador to Lebanon on Tuesday had told Lebanon's Al Manar TV that any U.S. missiles fired at Syria would be shot down and the launch sites targeted, Reuters reported.
Russian Ambassador to Beirut Alexander Zasypkin cited orders by Putin.
"If there is a U.S. missile attack, we — in line with both Putin and Russia's chief of staff's remarks — will shoot down U.S. rockets and even the sources that launched the missiles," Zasypkin told al Manar.
Russian submarines

Russian President Vladimir Putin visits the Hmeimim (also Khmeimim) Air Base, south-east of the city of Latakia in Syria, with transport planes seen in the background on Dec. 11, 2017. (Photo: Michael Klimentyev, EPA)
On Friday, before Trump’s announcement, Russia’s government news site Tass reported that the Russian Navy was monitoring U.S. and NATO ships in the eastern Mediterranean.
Warships and submarines of the Russian naval task force were keeping track at a close distance of U.S. and NATO assault ships and submarines in the area, Tass said, citing military and diplomatic sources.
The Russian navy ships were ordered to monitor the underwater, surface and air situation in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, including approaches and maneuvering of foreign ships in the area near Syria’s Tartus, a port city where Russia has its only foreign base outside of Europe.
Russia in the past week also sought to counter U.S. diplomatic efforts to marshal international support for its condemnation of the Syrian government led byAssad, who the U.S. has concluded ordered the chemical attack that killed dozens of Syrian civilians in the East Goutha suburb of Damascus.

Chemical attacks' victims
Russia's diplomats and military officers issued numerous contradictory statements about the chemical attack, saying it didn't happen, that it launched by Syrian rebels on themselves, and that British intelligence ordered it as a provocation.
Iran's Fars News Agency reported Friday that Russian fighter jets were patrolling Syrian air space to defend against any attackers.
The Russian aircraft were scrambled in response to reports of seven U.S. spy planes near the coastal regions of Tartus and Lattakia.
The U.S. aircraft were reported flying along the coast near Russia's Humeimim Military Airport in the southwestern Lattakia province, Fars reported.
miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017
Pakistán desarrolla misil de crucero lanzado desde submarino

Pakistan says it has test launched a nuclear-capable missile
Pakistan has successfully tested its first submarine-launched cruise missile, the country's military says.
The Babur-3 missile, which has a range of 450km (280 miles), could carry a nuclear warhead, a spokesman confirmed to the AFP news agency.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said the test showed Pakistan's technological progress and self-reliance.
However, analysts say the development could further heighten tensions with neighbouring India.
The two countries have been involved in three wars since independence from Britain in 1947, and have been developing missiles since they both demonstrated their nuclear capabilities in 1998.
India had already successfully test-fired a nuclear-capable, submarine-launched missile in 2008 and tested a submarine-launched cruise missile in 2013.
India is yet to make a statement about Pakistan's successful test, which was undertaken at an undisclosed location in the Indian Ocean.
jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016
Surcorea desarrollará misiles de crucero para su KF-X
Korea Times

South Korea will push to develop its own indigenous long-range air-to-ground missile to cope with the growing military threat from North Korea, the state arms procurement agency said Wednesday.
The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) plans to start its research on relevant missile technologies from 2018 with a plan to produce some 200 air-to-surface Taurus-class missiles until 2031.
The missile will be mounted on the KF-X fighter jets to be developed by mid-2020s. The military will spend an estimated 810 billion won ($695.2 million) on the project.
The missile will be modeled after the Taurus which has a 500-kilometer range and can be fired from the country's F-15K. It is known to be capable of hitting the capital city of Pyongyang when fired from a plane flying over Daejeon, 164 kilometers south of Seoul.
The military is currently deploying the German long-range air-to-ground missile within this year.
The North has continued to enhance its military capabilities, carrying out two nuclear tests and dozens of missile launches this year alone.
jueves, 2 de julio de 2015
Fotos: Llegada del cuarto Kilo para la armada vietnamita
...Y todavía faltan dos más.
lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013
Vietnam muestra los misiles de sus Flankers
The advanced air missile for the Su-30MK2 is on display for the Prime Minister and Minister of Defense test.
This is the first time the weapon equip Vietnamese Su-30MK2 is a public official.
The air missiles such as the R-27, R-73, Kh-29 is on display in the warehouse in the maintenance state, they have not been mounted off to fight. Kh-29 is an air-to-surface missile, range 10-30 km.
However, the transition to a state of combat readiness for the missiles will take place in just a few minutes.
There is a full range of categories, different variants carry fire fitted to the Su-30MK2 Vietnam.
Air-to-air missiles mounted on the rack of weapons Vietnam Su-30MK2 aircraft.
The R-27 missile was ready to fight.
Close-up of a probe-to-air missile R-27. R-27 is a medium range air-to-air missile with range up to 120 km
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung will not forget to remind the officers, soldiers, officers ... 923 regiment quickly master the equipment, weapons and equipment of modern ready defense.
However, probably the most special is the appearance of anti-ship missiles / high-speed anti-radar Kh-31A/P. KH-31A is a medium range air to surface missile against up to destroyer size, range 25-50 km.
High-speed anti-ship missiles, anti-radar Kh-31A and Kh-31P appeared reasonable, next to the modern-to-air missiles. Kh-31P is an anti radiation missile, range 110 km.
The tail of a close-to-air missiles (R-73) in a state of combat readiness on the Su-30MK2. R-73 is a short range air-to-air missile, range 20-40 km.
The aircraft can perform multitasking, including fights, sea and land evaluation.
Phunu Today