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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta motor aeronáutico. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 24 de julio de 2022

Mantenimiento de motores de F-35 en Australia

La instalación de mantenimiento pesado de motores F135 de TAE en Australia logra IDC

El depósito de motores F135 de TAE Aerospace está en pleno funcionamiento (fotos: TAE Aerospace)

TAE Aerospace ha cumplido con éxito los requisitos de capacidad de depósito inicial (IDC) para la reparación del ventilador del motor Pratt & Whitney F135 y los módulos de potencia, que alimentan las tres variantes del avión de combate F-35 Lightning II de quinta generación. Con este logro, la instalación o depósito de mantenimiento, reparación, revisión y actualización (MRO&U) del F135 de TAE Aerospace en Australia se convierte en el primer depósito operativo de motores F135 en la región de Asia-Pacífico y ha comenzado a respaldar la reparación de ventiladores y módulos de potencia para el flota.

El hito del módulo IDC se alcanzó con la finalización de una reconstrucción completa de un módulo de potencia F135 en las instalaciones de Queensland de TAE Aerospace. Este logro sigue a la exitosa calificación de reparación del módulo de ventilador de la compañía en 2020.

Según el CEO de TAE Aerospace, Andrew Sanderson, lograr el módulo IDC marca un punto crítico en el desarrollo de una capacidad regional de MRO&U del motor F135. Como depósito operativo de motores F135 fuera de los EE. UU., TAE Aerospace admitirá motores para todos los operadores de F-35 en la región de Asia y el Pacífico bajo el Sistema de soporte global del F-35.

“La inversión realizada por Commonwealth of Australia y TAE Aerospace en los últimos cinco años resultará en beneficios tanto para Australia, con una importante capacidad industrial soberana ahora disponible en el país, como a nivel local, con la creación de muchos puestos de trabajo. en los próximos años”, dijo el Sr. Sanderson.

“Felicitamos al equipo aeroespacial de TAE por alcanzar este hito crítico de mantenimiento para el motor F135”, dijo O Sung Kwon, vicepresidente de operaciones de mantenimiento de motores militares de Pratt & Whitney. “La activación del depósito de Australia traerá una mayor capacidad a la red global F135 MRO&U en apoyo de la creciente flota. Mantener los depósitos regionales de MRO&U es una parte integral de la estrategia de la empresa para acelerar el crecimiento de la capacidad en la red F135 MRO&U para superar los requisitos del programa”.

Desde que se les asignó la responsabilidad de MRO&U del motor F135 de la región de Asia-Pacífico en 2015, TAE Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney y el gobierno australiano han presentado una amplia gama de iniciativas para respaldar esta capacidad regional, que incluyen:
  • El desarrollo de la nueva instalación de mantenimiento de motores de turbina (TEMF) de 16 000 m2 de TAE Aerospace en Bundamba, Queensland
  • La finalización de la primera reparación del módulo de ventilador F135 fuera de los Estados Unidos en febrero de 2020
  • La finalización de la primera reparación del módulo de potencia fuera de los Estados Unidos en mayo de 2021
El Sr. Sanderson dijo que las tres organizaciones han trabajado en estrecha colaboración durante los últimos seis años para lograr IDC de ventiladores y módulos de potencia en la región de Asia-Pacífico, un hito importante para el programa.

“Las asociaciones sólidas entre la Commonwealth, los OEM globales y la industria australiana son fundamentales para respaldar la capacidad del poderío aéreo en nuestra región. La estrecha colaboración nos ha permitido hacer frente a esta importante capacidad a tiempo, lo que respalda el objetivo de Australia de lograr una capacidad soberana de MRO&U para el motor F135”.

“Pratt & Whitney tiene una relación de larga data con TAE Aerospace que se remonta a la década de 1990 en el programa F-111 Aardvark, donde TAE era la autoridad de ingeniería para nuestro motor TF30 y proveedor de mantenimiento para la RAAF”, agregó el Sr. Kwon. “Estamos encantados de aprovechar esta asociación con el motor F135 para el caza F-35, que será la pieza central del poder aéreo aliado en Asia-Pacífico en los próximos años”.

El F135 de 5.ª generación es el motor de combate más avanzado y potente del mundo y presenta una gran cantidad de atributos de rendimiento que ofrecen un cambio radical en la capacidad con respecto a los motores de 4.ª generación. Esto incluye más de 40 000 libras de empuje; un aumento del 50 por ciento en la capacidad de gestión térmica que permite el espectro completo de capacidades de sensores y armas del F-35; un sistema de control de motor integrado preciso y receptivo que permite al piloto concentrarse directamente en la misión; y una firma baja observable inigualable que permite al F-35 realizar operaciones en entornos modernos de Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2AD).

Además, el F135 es el motor de combate más confiable que Pratt & Whitney haya construido en sus 96 años de historia. Con su diseño avanzado tolerante a daños y monitoreo de salud de pronóstico totalmente integrado, el motor de producción actual del F135 ha demostrado un promedio de horas de vuelo entre retiros (MFHBR), que es la métrica principal de confiabilidad, que es más del doble del objetivo del programa.

 TAE Aeroespacial 

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2021

Malasia: India promueve su Tejas diciendo que comparte motor con el F/-18D malayo

Tejas Engine also being Used by RMAF F/A-18D Hornet

HAL Tejas (photo : Deccan Chronicle)

Hornet’s F404 Engines For Tejas

When looking at potential candidate for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) Fighter Lead-In Trainer/Light Combat Aircraft (FLT/LCA), it is important that crucial factors such as after sales support, commonality between platform and maintenance are being given utmost emphasis.

Being one of the contender for the RMAF FLIT/LCA program, the HAL Tejas LCA fits most of the check boxes especially commonality between platform. Indian defence companies have been supporting the KNAAPO built Sukhoi Su-30MKM (NATO Reporting Name: Flanker) heavy Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA) which was essentially a de”Isralised” variant of the HAL built Sukhoi Su-30MKI.

Most of the MKM avionics and electronic counter measures were either of Western European origin or Made in India. Interestingly enough, most of the avionics fitted in the Tejas LCA are also Made in India.

RMAF F/A-18D Hornet (photo : Vivek Manvi)

The Tejas is powered by General Electric F404 engine which is also being used to power the RMAF Boeing F/A-18D Mod 25X Hornet strike fighters. The Malaysian Hornets have been the back bone of the RMAF and such success is contributed and credited to among other things, the reliability of the F404 engines that powered the US made fighters.

Engine serviceability has been one of major issues that plagued the RMAF MiG-MAPO built Mikoyan Gurenvich Mig-29N/NUB (NATO Reporting Name: Fulcrum) supersonic interceptors which forced the Air Force to retire the 16 remaining aircraft beginning from 2010 until 2015. The Klimov engines spewed too many soot (black smoke) that prompted the nickname “Smokey Bandit” among the Malaysian pilots.

One Western observer even commented that he once thought the Malaysian Fulcrum was on fire when he saw the black smoke billowing from the fighter jet’s engines. Although they are cheap to procure, Klimov engine has been notoriously proven to be expensive to operate (as it guzzles lots of fuel) and maintain.

The Klimov engine is also powering Pakistani assembled PAC Kamra JF-17 Thunder light MRCA which, just like the Indian made Tejas, is also participating in the FLIT/LCA tender exercise.


martes, 20 de julio de 2021

Mientras tanto en Ciudad Gótica: 40 cazas F-35 sin motor en la USAF

Más de 40 cazas F-35 de la USAF no tienen motor

Más de 40 F-35 en la Fuerza Aérea de los EE. UU. actualmente no tienen motores según los datos más recientes, dijeron altos funcionarios al Congreso el 13 de julio.

Al hablar ante el subcomité de las Fuerzas Armadas de la Cámara sobre fuerzas tácticas aéreas y terrestres, la secretaria adjunta interina de Adquisiciones, Tecnología y Logística de la Fuerza Aérea, Darlene Costello, dijo que 41 de los cazas de quinta generación no tienen motor debido a problemas de mantenimiento, mientras que 56 módulos de potencia F135 están siendo reparados en Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma. Hay 272 aviones F-35A en el inventario de la Fuerza Aérea de los EE. UU., Lo que significa que casi el 15% no tiene motor.

El teniente general Eric T. Fick, director ejecutivo del programa F-35, confirmó los números de Costello y señaló que el número exacto se puede calcular de diferentes maneras.

El representante Donald Norcross (demócrata de Nueva Jersey), sin embargo, ha expresado su malestar por proporcionar fondos para comprar más F-35, mientras que una cantidad significativa de aviones ya están en servicio y necesitan motores.

“La idea de lanzar un nuevo avión con un motor mientras los demás están inactivos, y estoy escuchando los números y podemos discutir cuáles son, pero [esto es] ciertamente algo que es una preocupación real”, dijo Norcross.

Norcross fue solo uno de varios representantes que expresaron preocupaciones sobre el programa F-35 durante la audiencia del 13 de julio, y otros abordaron temas familiares de altos costos de mantenimiento y retrasos en la producción mientras discutían la solicitud de presupuesto 2022 para programas comerciales. aviones de entrenamiento.

El representante Mike Turner (República de Ohio) citó un informe de la Oficina de Responsabilidad del Gobierno que encontró que menos del cuatro por ciento de los motores F-35 se entregaron a tiempo, preguntando si el ejército estaba buscando opciones de motores alternativos para mantener los costos de mantenimiento y bajo funcionamiento. .

“Los costos de mantenimiento del motor son un desafío”, reconoció Fick, al tiempo que señaló que la entrega del F-35 no se retrasó debido a un motor. “Y a medida que nos acerquemos rápidamente a la primera remoción programada del motor de 2000 horas, comenzaremos a asumir estos costos de mantenimiento del sistema de techo. Y también sabemos que hemos comenzado a llegar a un punto plano o plano en la curva de aprendizaje en relación con el costo total de los motores de producción.

"Cuando combino esto con la noción de que después del contenido actual del Bloque 4, es probable que necesitemos más capacidad de gestión térmica y de energía de nuestro sistema de propulsión, creo que la necesidad de buscar opciones desde la perspectiva del sistema de propulsión es un regalo".

Mientras tanto, dijo Fick, la oficina del programa conjunto está adoptando un enfoque triple para cerrar la brecha del motor, trabajando para reducir el tiempo de reparación en la base de Tinker, mantener las operaciones de reparación en otras instalaciones y mantener los motores en el lugar.

Para los módulos de potencia del motor en particular, dijo Fick, la oficina del programa ahora anticipa la oferta y la demanda para 2024, y la acumulación se eliminará para 2029.

También se examinó la actualización del Bloque 4, que según la Fuerza Aérea es clave para garantizar que el F-35 pueda ganar un partido entre sus pares. Jon Ludwigsson, director de adquisiciones y adquisiciones de seguridad nacional de la GAO, reiteró las preocupaciones de su oficina de que los plazos vinculados a la capacidad de producción total y al Bloque 4 eran demasiado optimistas, lo que configuraba el programa para incumplir los plazos. Esto, combinado con los problemas de la cadena de suministro y los costos de mantenimiento, “plantea preguntas sobre cuántos aviones se pueden producir a tiempo de manera realista sin dejar de dar soporte a los aviones en el campo”, atestiguó Ludwigsson.

Sin embargo, sin el Bloque 4, la Fuerza Aérea de EE. UU. Ha decidido no agregar ningún F-35 a su lista de prioridades no financiadas para 2022, dijo el teniente general David S. Nahom, subjefe de personal de planes y software. Por cada F-35 que compre el servicio antes de la actualización del Bloque 4, dijo que habrá un costo para actualizar las nuevas funciones. Y en ciertos casos, agregó Ludwigsson, estas modificaciones pueden ocurrir incluso antes de que la aeronave se entregue al Departamento de Defensa.

La cuestión de cuántos F-35 ordenará la Fuerza Aérea en un futuro cercano permanece abierta; El general Charles Q. Brown Jr., jefe de personal, dijo que los resultados de un estudio de aviación táctica en curso determinarán si el servicio aumentará la producción de aviones. El 13 de julio, Nahom le dijo al subcomité que esperaba que el estudio se completara a fines del verano.


lunes, 1 de marzo de 2021

Indonesia: Técnico desarrolla motor para misiles

Conferencista de ITB desarrolla motor turborreactor para misiles


Motor Turbojet 500 N del Dr. Firman Hartono (foto: JawaPos, ITB)

Dr. Firman Hartono: Pioneros en el motor de misiles turborreactor como paso para la independencia de la tecnología militar

BANDUNG, - El desarrollo de tecnología militar en Indonesia no está actualmente a la par con países desarrollados como Estados Unidos y Rusia. Sin embargo, eso no significa que Indonesia no tenga la capacidad de crear equipo para fines militares o su propio equipo de combate. La investigación realizada por el Dr. Firman Hartono, S.T, M.T., profesor de Ingeniería de Aviación en el Instituto de Tecnología de Bandung, ha demostrado que Indonesia también es capaz de desarrollar tecnología en el sector militar, a saber, tecnología de motores turborreactores para misiles de crucero.

A diferencia de los misiles balísticos que se lanzan directamente con proyectiles parabólicos y tienen un alcance limitado, los misiles de crucero son misiles que pueden volar una distancia lo suficientemente larga para perseguir objetivos y con una altitud de solo aproximadamente veinte metros sobre el nivel del mar. Esta capacidad permite que los misiles de tipo crucero eviten el radar y los conviertan en un misil eficaz. Este misil consta de una sección de navegación computarizada, una sección de combustible y una parte del motor de propulsión del misil. El motor que impulsa el misil es un motor turborreactor.

El motor turborreactor desarrollado por el Dr. Firman Hartono recibe el nombre de Motor Turbojet 500 N. Esta máquina es el resultado de la colaboración con otros colegas en varios campos, tales como: aerodinámica, termodinámica, transferencia de calor, ingeniería de producción y materiales. Esta colaboración se realiza porque el turborreactor de misiles es la aplicación de muchos enfoques científicos. Dr. Firman Hartono también explicó que la razón por la que eligió realizar una investigación sobre motores de misiles turborreactores fue porque los criterios para fabricar misiles eran relativamente ligeros. "El funcionamiento del motor de misiles, que suele durar de una a dos horas, hace que el material básico del motor sea fácil de encontrar en el país sin necesidad de importarlo del exterior. Por cierto, Indonesia tampoco se ha desarrollado", dijo el Dr. . Firman Hartono.

Como todos los viajes exitosos, este estudio también enfrenta obstáculos en su curso. La investigación y la fabricación de máquinas lleva mucho tiempo, mientras que la financiación de la investigación del gobierno está limitada por el tiempo. Cambiar el período de gobierno hizo que las nuevas burocracias en la financiación de la investigación fueran ligeramente diferentes y más difíciles. Además de colaborar con varios otros campos, esta investigación sobre motores turborreactores también colabora con el Ministerio de Defensa y Seguridad (KEMHAN) en términos de financiación. Desafortunadamente, KEMHAN solo pudo obtener financiamiento interno para esta investigación en 2016. Sin embargo, este obstáculo no detuvo de inmediato la investigación. Dr. Firman explicó que todavía había otros componentes del motor turborreactor que podrían usarse como material de investigación y estudiarse más a fondo, como la eficiencia del combustible o el compresor del motor. "Si la financiación se atasca así, haremos una investigación computacional y basada en cómputo, el problema es que no necesita grandes costos", agregó.

El motor turborreactor 500 N desarrollado por el Dr. Firman Hartono es en realidad un motor turborreactor simple. Sin embargo, con modificaciones y más investigación, se realizarán mejoras en el motor turborreactor. Fabricar motores turborreactores de calidad con bajos costos de producción será un desafío en el futuro. De este motor de misiles turborreactor, se espera que nazcan más obras creativas de tecnología de los niños de la nación. "Debemos utilizar los productos de los niños de la nación, partiendo del deseo de crear trabajos domésticos como este", concluyó el Dr. Firman Hartono.

viernes, 19 de junio de 2020

Provistos los primeros motores para el caza KF-X

GE Aviation Delivers First F414 Engine for KF-X Fighter

GE F414 engine for KF-X (photo : GE)

GE Aviation delivered in May the first F414-GE-400K engine for Korea Aerospace Industries’ (KAI) KF-X aircraft, an in-development fifth-generation fighter for the South Korean air force.

Flight tests on the twin-engined KF-X are planned to start in 2023, with the development programme scheduled to be finished in 2026. As part of the development programme, GE Aviation is to deliver 15 F414 flight test engines for six prototype fighters by 2021, the company says.

Seoul wants the KF-X to replace its air force’s aging McDonnell Douglas F-4D/E Phantom II and Northrop F-5E/F Tiger II fighter aircraft fleet. It plans to order 120 examples of the stealth aircraft, with GE Aviation supplying 240 production examples of the F414, plus an undisclosed number of spares.

“GE’s F414 engine went into service in 1998 and has flown more than 4.6 million flight hours with more than 1,750 engines delivered,” says GE Aviation. “In addition to the KF-X, the F414 powers Boeing’s F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler, Saab’s JAS 39E/F Gripen, India’s Tejas Mark 2, and Lockheed Martin and NASA’s X-59 Quiet Supersonic Transport.”

GE Aviation also supplies the F404 engine for the KAI T-50 Golden Eagle trainer jet.


domingo, 1 de marzo de 2020

Primera reparación del motor F135 del F-35 en Australia y fuera de USA

First F135 Engine Module Repair Completed Outside of the United States

Pratt and Whitney F135 engine (photo : UTC)

TAE Aerospace — based in Ipswich, Australia — announced today that it has completed repair of its first Pratt and Whitney F135 engine fan module for the F-35 Lightning II fighter aircraft. This marks the first time depot maintenance has been completed on an F135 engine module outside of the United States.

The Australian company was first assigned the Asia-Pacific Region’s F135 Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul and Upgrade (MRO and U) depot responsibility in 2015. Over the last five years, TAE Aerospace has been working closely with Pratt & Whitney, the F-35 Joint Program Office in the U.S., and the Australian Government through the Joint Strike Fighter Division in Canberra, Australia to develop a world-class MRO and U facility, technical workforce and test facility that has the capacity and capability to sustain the F135 engine for the Royal Australian Air Force and other F-35 program
participants in the region.

“We congratulate TAE Aerospace for demonstrating the capability to repair and overhaul the F135 fan module,” said O Sung Kwon, Vice President, Pratt and Whitney Military Engines Sustainment Operations. “This represents a significant sustainment milestone for the F135 program and is a testament to the hard work of the joint government and industry team that made it happen. With a worldwide fleet of over 600 F135 engines that is expanding rapidly, we remain focused on standing up an effective global sustainment network that will support the F135 throughout its lifecycle.”

Activity over the last 12 months has ramped up significantly at TAE Aerospace with training commencing in mid-2019 and completion of a new 15,000 sqm Turbine Engine Maintenance Facility (TEMF) in December 2019. The new state of the art facility has been purpose built for the F135 and the other engines – F404, F414 and AGT1500 – that TAE maintains today. The completion of the first F135 fan module signifies that TAE Aerospace is one step closer to achieving Initial Depot Capability and regularly delivering modules to the F-35 Global Support Solution (GSS).

“Completing the fan module is a great milestone and the start of a significant capability here in the Asia-Pacific region. We’re looking forward to working with Pratt and Whitney as part of the GSS to support the F135 engine for the AsiaPacific’s regional F-35 fleets including those flown by Australia, South Korea, Japan and the U.S. forces within theregion,” said Andrew Sanderson, TAE Aerospace CEO.

“The next step is completing qualification on the F135 power module in late 2020 and getting into full production at our new facility,” he said.

Pratt & Whitney’s combat-proven F135 – which powers all three variants of the F-35 Lightning II – is the world’s most advanced fighter engine, delivering more than 40,000 lbs. of thrust and unmatched advances in safety, performance, and reliability. Backed by decades of engineering and development experience, the F135 features 5th Generation power and stealth capabilities as well as advanced prognostics and health management systems – all of which provide the warfighter with a technological advantage.


domingo, 28 de julio de 2019

JF-17 opera con motor RD-93 del MiG-29

JF-17 realiza acrobacias aéreas en el motor RD-93 de la Federación Rusa

Revista Militar

JF-17 es un caza ligero desarrollado en China para las necesidades de Pakistán. Como planta de potencia, recibió un motor RD-93 de fabricación rusa, una versión mejorada del RD-33, que estaba equipado con un MiG-29. Es gracias a este "motor" que la aeronave realiza un ejercicio único para combatir a las aeronaves.

En casi todos los espectáculos aéreos, los pilotos paquistaníes muestran un fuerte aumento debido a la elevación casi vertical. En China, esta figura de acrobacias aéreas recibió inherente en este país la designación poética "la cebolla sale de la tierra seca".

Según algunos observadores, en el salón de espectáculos recientemente concluido en París, el JF-17 alcanzó el ángulo máximo de despegue de los observados durante demostraciones públicas anteriores. Luego apareció la opinión de que esto se logró a expensas de una nueva central eléctrica de fabricación china. Sin embargo, a juzgar por las fotografías, la boquilla se expandió de la misma manera que en el RD-93.

Este ejercicio requiere no solo un alto empuje del motor, sino que también tiene requisitos estrictos para la estabilidad de la planta de energía. Además, en caso de accidente, el piloto amenaza con una muerte clara. Por supuesto, esto no significa que otros aviones no sean capaces de realizar este tipo de acrobacias aéreas. Así, los "secos" rusos se centran en otros ejercicios, por ejemplo, la cobra de Pugachev y otras acciones más complejas. Sin embargo, esto no resta valor a los méritos del JF-17 y su "motor" ruso, concluye el chino Sohu.

jueves, 6 de junio de 2019

Centro de mantenimiento ruso en Vietnam repara 5 motores de helicóptero

Russia's Service Center in Vietnam has just Finished Repairing the First Five Helicopter Engines

Klimov VK-2500 engine (photo : Sputnik)

TSAMTO - The Center for Integrated Logistics Support (ILP) for the repair of helicopter engines of ODK-Klimov JSC (part of the Rosk GOK ODS) in the Vietnamese city of Vung Tau, carried out a refurbishment of already five engines.

Earlier this year, the Aviation Administration of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam certified the new center. It is equipped with all the necessary equipment, spare parts and units for the repair of engines developed by the JDC-Klimov.

The average repair of engines such as TV3-117 and VK-2500, which are in operation in Vietnam, is performed by specialists of the JDC-Klimov. The Russian side supplies parts and assemblies, spare parts, trains personnel to maintain engines and main gearboxes.

Klimov TV3-117 engine (photo : Sputnik)

The Vietnamese side provided support staff to accompany the work. Vietnamese specialists have already received ODK-Klimov certificates on successful familiarization with the process of medium engine repair. With their help, the forces of the Russian employees successfully carried out a pilot repair of the first TV3-117VM ser.02 engine for the Mi-17-1V helicopter, which is in service in Vietnamese civil aviation for passenger traffic. The engine received damage due to a foreign object.

In October 2018, ODK-Klimov, JSC and the Vietnamese company Helicopter Technical Service Company signed a distribution agreement for the maintenance of engines. Helicopter Technical Service Company, on the territory of which the ILP center is located, is engaged in servicing Russian-made helicopters. It serves as a distributor of engines such as TV3-117 and VK-2500.


sábado, 23 de marzo de 2019

Rusia advierte a Indonesia de no contratar mantenimiento ucraniano

Russians are Trying to Squeeze Out Ukrainian Weapons from Indonesia

TNI AU's Su-27 fighter (photo : TribunNews)

Comrade Petukhov strongly warns the Indonesian Marshal against placing in Ukraine orders for the repair of aircraft, including the AL-31F engines for the Su-27. Petukhov said that the certification of Ukrainian enterprises for compliance with the current technical documentation was not made.

Changes and additions to the documentation available at these enterprises, including the AL-31F engine, have not been made since 1991. It is separately emphasized that the Russian side "will not be able to bear responsibility for the operation of such aircraft."

Pavel Bukin, General Director of the Ukroboronprom Group of Companies, considers the assertion about the developer’s exclusive right to influence the maintenance of the implemented aviation technology to be dubious and confirms attempts to put pressure on Ukraine by the Russian Federation.

AL-31F engine for Su-27 fighter (photo : Censor)

“Such letters are an attempt to oust Ukraine from promising international markets,” says the head of the concern. Our country is a strong player in the market for repairing, maintaining airworthiness and modernizing aircraft, including those developed in other states. the plant "Motor" performs a contract for the repair of aircraft engines for the Indonesian Air Force. Therefore, the Russians are trying to put pressure on Ukraine’s friends and partners in Indonesia and other countries.

We have the necessary technical documentation for the maintenance and overhaul, the extension of the flight range of military aircraft of a wide model range - MiG, Sukhoi, Ilyushin, Mil, Kamov. Such rights are not retroactive, and the Russian Federation has no legal basis for requiring additional licensing from Ukraine.

In matters of military aviation regulation, each country-operator establishes its own rules and makes changes to its design. A marker of its independence is the sufficiency of the scientific, technical, design and production potential. Complaints of developers or manufacturers, in this case Russian, are irrelevant.

Let me also remind you of the double standards of the Russian Federation. There, a number of steps were taken in terms of promoting the repair and modernization of the An-family aircraft in the external markets. The Russian Federation approved a general decision of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which defines the institutions responsible for the design support in the operation of Ukrainian-made aircraft."


viernes, 8 de marzo de 2019

Se presenta drone jet de Emiratos Árabes Unidos

IDEX 2019: Emirates Advanced Research and Technology unveils SCRAB III turbojet drone

Army Recognition

Emirates Advanced Reasearch and Technology (EARTH) and its Spanish partner Systemas de Control Remoto (SCR) unveil SCRAB III turbojet drone.

The Scrab III displayed at IDEX 2019 (Picture source: Army Recognition)

The Scrab III has been designed from scratch, having in mind military training operations where high speed, long range missile weapon systems are used, such as Patriot, AMRAAM or Nasam.

The Scrab III is powered by two turbojet engines which provide unprecedented performance levels at high speeds, while allowing the target to climb to altitudes unreachable by most of the other systems. The drone’s autopilot is capable of executing a totally autonomous flight plan from take-off to recovery in a precise and reliable manner with a datalink coverage exceeding 100 km and a maximum operating ceiling of 26,247 ft. is easy to operate and maintain following a short training program.

The drone has a maximpum take-off weight of 140 kg, including a 13 kg payload. Its maximum speed is 389 knots and its endurance averages 1 hour.

domingo, 28 de octubre de 2018

Mantenimiento de motor de helicópteros para Vietnam

Rostec to Provide Helicopter Engine Maintenance in Vietnam

Mi-8 helicopter of the VPAF (photo : Pham Lam)

JSC UEC-Klimov (part of the Rostec’s United Engine Corporation) and Vietnamese Helicopter Technical Service Company have signed a distributor agreement on maintenance of TV3-117 and VK-2500 civil helicopter engines. The companies will support the operation of the engines and main gearboxes in 12 Asian countries. For this purpose, the Center for Integrated Logistics Support will be created in Vũng Tàu (Vietnam) by the end of this year.

The partners have signed the agreement today in Saint Petersburg. Within the framework of the deal, Helicopter Technical Service Company, that provides maintenance of Russian‑built helicopters, will distribute TV3-117 and VK-2500 civil helicopter engines designed by UEC-Klimov in Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Australia, India, China, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. UEC-Klimov will repair power units, supply engines, components, assemblies and spare parts, and train the staff in maintenance of civil engines and VR-12/VR-252 main helicopter gearboxes.

“By developing the system of after-sales support of aircraft engines in Asia, we will be able to increase the attractiveness of our products for local customers. Our offer to the partners is not an individual product – it comprises the whole range of related maintenance services. We are ready to provide support of the power units throughout their life cycle. Such approach will help reduce the duration of engine maintenance and repair and lower the machine operation costs,” noted Anatoly Serdyukov, Industrial Directorof Rostec’s Aviation Cluster.

Within implementation of the agreement, the Center for Integrated Logistics Support of UEC-Klimov will be established in Vũng Tàu (Vietnam) by the end of this year. It will include a center for mid-life repair of civil helicopter engines, a warehouse of spare parts and assemblies, and a representative office of UEC-Klimov. The aviation authorities of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam are expected to issue the certificate to the Center in December 2018 after completion of pilot repair of one engine.

“The negotiations on the cooperation were held within UEC-Klimov's 2018–2022 service development program. As a result of these negotiations, our enterprise has entered a new market. We believe that we will become reliable partners providing prompt and high-quality after-sales support and repair of power units operated not only in Vietnam, but across the entire Southeast Asia,” said Alexander Vatagin, CEO of UEC-Klimov.


miércoles, 24 de enero de 2018

T-50TH tailandeses en tierra por 2 semanas en Malasia

T50TH Grounds in Malaysia for Two Weeks


RTAF wants engines replaced on new S.Korean jets

The Royal Thai Air Force is demanding South Korea replace the weather-damaged engines of two new KAI T-50 advanced jet trainer/light attack planes before it takes delivery.

Air force chief ACM Johm Rungswang said on Monday the air force expects the supplier, Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), to replace the engines.

He expected KAI to deliver the two planes in about two weeks. Delivery was earlier scheduled for last Thursday at Wing 4 in Nakhon Sawan province, but postponed because of the aircraft had weather-damaged engines. They were parked at Kuantan airport in Malaysia pending maintenance.

ACM Johm said the damage was limited and the planes could still fly. However, they must be in perfect condition when delivered, he said.

Bangkok Post

Air Force puts off today’s ceremony to receive two Korean trainer jets

The Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) has announced the postponement of the ceremony to receive the first two of a fleet of 12 T-50TH Golden Eagle fighter training aircraft it bought from Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) indefinitely after it was notified by the Korean manufacturer that the trainer jets need more checks.

The ceremony was earlier scheduled to be held at the Takhli airbase in Nakhon Sawan province on Friday (Jan 12) to receive the two aircraft and the two RTAF pilots who have finished training with the aircraft.

According to the RTAF’s statement, the KAI has notified that while the two aircraft were on the flight to Thailand on Jan 8, the pilots unavoidably flied into extreme turbulent weather forcing them to make landing at Kuantan airport in Malaysia.

From the eye inspection, the pilots and technicians noticed some unusual happening that they needed thorough inspection in details for utmost safety.

KAI then said it has to delay the delivery of the aircraft for inspection to ensure full safety before delivery to the RTAF.

According to Korea’s Yonhap News Agency, KAI received two separate orders from Thailand to build four T-50TH trainer jets worth US$110 million on Sept 17, 2015 and eight T-50TH jets valued at $260 million in 2016.

The RTAF placed order for 12 T-50TH aircraft for training and supporting air striking mission, with the delivery of the first two aircraft in January, and two between April-May this year. 

martes, 15 de agosto de 2017

India instalará motores nacionales en sus Su-30MKI

India plans to install Kaveri engines for modernized Su-30MKI fighters


According to the resource "Indian Defense Update" in the material "India plans to use new Kaveri engine to Power its Sukhoi-30MKI fleet?", The development project of the Indian engine development Kaveri can be revised and adapted for use in fighter aircraft. Therefore, India asked its French partners to study the possibility of further increasing the thrust of the engine for installation on Su-30MKI fighters.

The Kaveri engine project was frozen in 2014 due to the fact that the engine could not reach the Air Force requirements for power. But now he is back again with the help of French companies, and he plans to install it on the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) and shock UAV.

Work with French companies to refine the Indian engine is carried out within the offset obligations of the latter under the contract for the purchase of the Indian Air Force fighter Dassault Rafale. French developer and engine manufacturer Safran should invest almost $ 1 billion in India due to its obligations under the contract for the supply of Rafale.


The Su-30MKI fighter at the assembly of the Indian state association Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) in Nasik (c)

The Indian side now admits that the thrust of the Kaveri engine can be increased to 125 kN, which makes it possible to install it on the Su-30MKI fighter. In the Indian Air Force there are almost 300 Su-30MKI fighters, which require modernization. The idea is to create a more powerful engine that can be used in the 'Super Sukhoi' project. And such a project fits well into the "Make in India" program.

GTRE (Gas Turbine Research Establishment) and French Safran are already working together to resolve technical issues with the Kaveri engine. The French party undertook to resolve all technical difficulties and prepare the engine for mass production by the end of 2018.

Sources of the publication report that at present OCD is being conducted regarding the installation of the modernized Kaveri for Su-30MKI fighters. Although consultations with Russia are required as an aircraft developer, Indian officials do not see any difficulties, given the fact that French engines are being actively used now, including Ka-226 helicopters, which are to be produced in India for army aviation.

Under the "Super-30" program, the Russian company offers India the installation of a more powerful engine AL-41F1S (117C) with a thrust of 142kN, which is installed on the Su-35 fighter, as a replacement for the AL-31F engines because of the difficulties with it, but India rejected this proposal.

A more powerful modification of the Kaveri engine with a thrust of 123 kN is being developed, which is likely to be used on the fifth-generation AMCA fighter, which requires an engine with a thrust of 110 kN.

martes, 25 de julio de 2017

Empresa rusa reparará motores de Flanker malayos

UEC has Signed Contracts for the Repair of Engines Su-30MKM of the RMAF

Saturn AL-31FP engine 

Zhukovsky (Moscow region) - RIA Novosti. The joint engine building corporation during the MAKS-2017 airshow has signed a package of agreements on the repair of AL-31FP engines installed on the Su-30MKM Air Force fighters of Malaysia, the press service of the UEC told journalists on Wednesday.

"UEC within the framework of the International Aviation and Space Salon held in the city of Zhukovsky MAKS has concluded a number of agreements on the overhaul of the fleet of turbojet engines AL-31FP and their units installed on the Su-30MKM multi-role fighters of the Royal Air Force (RMAF) of Malaysia," - The report said.

Sukhoi Su-30MKM

The documents were signed by the general director of the UEC Alexander Artyukhov and the general director of the Malaysian company ATSC (Aerospace Technology Systems Corp.) Mohd Fadzar in the presence of the Commander-in-Chief of the RMAF Malaysia, Dato Sri Haji Affendi.

"For us, Malaysia is one of the key partners in the Asia-Pacific region. As part of the development of cooperation with Malaysian partners, our corporation is interested in the formation of a system of comprehensive after-sales technical support of previously delivered products.

"I am confident that the agreements signed today will strengthen the foundation of our relations with Malaysian operators "- quoted in the message of the word Artyukhov.

RIA Novosti

martes, 11 de julio de 2017

Fábrica de partes aeronáuticas en Vietnam

Hanwha Techwin to Build Aircraft Engine Parts Factory in Vietnam

Hanwha Techwin is produce engine parts from GE, Pratt & Whitney (P&W) and Rolls-Royce.

Hanwha Techwin has selected about 100,000 square meters of land near Hanoi, Vietnam to construct a plant to manufacture aircraft engine parts and is requesting the approval of its investment from the Vietnamese government. If approved, the company will start the construction of a plant in August and operate the plant beginning in the second half of 2018. The plant size is about 60,000㎡, which is about eight times the size of a regular football field.

Hanwha Techwin is planning to expand its sales of civilian aircraft engine parts to about 1 trillion won (US$900 million), which is the top level in the aircraft parts processing industry, by 2025 by expanding its engine parts production capacity through the establishment of overseas plants.

Hanwha Techwin is growing the volume of its engine parts business by winning large-scale parts orders from world-class aircraft engine manufacturers such as GE, Pratt & Whitney (P&W) and Rolls-Royce.

As a result, Hanwha Techwin selected Vietnam as a production base with a nice logistics environment and high cost competitiveness among many candidate regions by strategically studying the feasibility of a plan for the establishment of an overseas engine parts manufacturing factory,

"Aircraft engine parts makers such as Dynamic Precision, Barns and Magellan are also expanding their production capacity by constructing manufacturing factories at home and abroad," said an official of Hanwha Techwin. "In the future, based on its technological capabilities, Changwon Factory will serve as a production base for high-value-added products, providing technical support to the factory in Vietnam. The Vietnamese base will take charge of production of products that require price competitiveness by utilizing Changwon Factory’s superior technology capabilities and business experience."

Business Korea

lunes, 10 de abril de 2017

Motores F-100 para Indonesia

F-100 Engine for Indonesia
Departamento de Defensa de USA

Pratt & Whitney F100 is F-16 engine

Pratt & Whitney, Military Engines, East Hartford, Connecticut, has been awarded an $8,156,606 modification (P00026) to previously awarded contract FA8124-13-C-0009 for the remanufacturing of the F100 engine for the Indonesian Air Force.

Work will predominantly be performed at Columbus, Georgia, and is expected to be complete by April 15, 2018.

This contract is 100 percent foreign military sales to Indonesia. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, is the contracting activity.

sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016

Filipìnas busca motor para sus FA-50PH

DND in the Market for FA-50PH Engine


MANILA (PNA) -- The Department of National Defense (DND) is allocating the sum of PHP416,476,000 for the acquisition of brand-new engine unit for one of its FA-50 "Fighting Eagle" jet aircraft.

The fund for the engine will be sourced from the Philippine Air Force General Appropriations Act CY 2016.

Earlier reports claimed that the engine of one of the two operational FA-50PHs was totally destroyed after a bird strike in Clark Field, Pampanga.

The first two FA-50PHs, out of 12-plane order from Korea Aerospace Industries, was delivered last November.

Winning bidders are required to deliver the engine within 720 days upon receipt of Notice to Proceed.

F404 engine 

They should have also completed a similar project within the last five years.

The DND Bids and Awards Committee will hold a pre-bid conference on Oct. 13, 10:00 a.m. at the DND BAC Conference Room, basement, left wing, DND Building, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City.

While bid opening is on Oct. 25, 10:00 a.m. at the same venue.

The FA-50PH uses a single General Electric F404-102 turbofan engine license-produced by Samsung Techwin, upgraded with a full authority digital engine control system jointly developed by General Electric and Korean Aerospace Industries.

The engine consists of three-staged fans, seven axial stage arrangement, and an afterburner.

Its engine produces a maximum of 78.7 kN (17,700 lbf) of thrust with afterburner.


domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2015

Pakistán se queda con los motores rusos RD-93

Pakistan to stick with RD-93 engine for JF-17, say PAF officials 

Reuben F Johnson, Dubai - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

A Pakistan Air Force JF-17 Thunder making the type's first European display at the Paris Air Show on 15 June. Source: IHS/Patrick Allen

The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) has no plans to replace the JF-17 fighter's Klimov/Sarkisov RD-93 powerplant despite Chinese suggestions otherwise, according to Pakistan Air Force (PAF) officials.

While several, non-specific statements have been made by representatives from Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) during the past few months, a PAC senior representative recently told IHS Jane's , "We are completely satisfied with this Russian-made engine.

"When we designed the JF-17 we evaluated a number of design alternatives and we determined that the RD-93 in this single-engine installation is absolutely right for this application," he said. "We worked extensively with the people from Klimov bureau in St Petersburg [Russia] and this engine turned out to be an ideal solution."

PAC representatives added that the next step is to establish a full-scale servicing and overhaul facility for the RD-93 at their plant in Kamra.

"What does this tell you?" asked one programme officer rhetorically. "If the situation was as it has been portrayed at times - that we are just utilising the RD-93 as a temporary solution until the Chinese can 'save' us with their own new engine - then we would not be expending the resources to set up this overhaul base. For us, changing to another engine would not make any sense and would be disruptive and cause a huge expense for the JF-17 programme."

PAF officials told IHS Jane's at the 2015 Dubai Air Show that improvements to the JF-17's design and the reliability of the RD-93 have attracted a number of interested parties.

"The experience at [the Paris Airshow in] Le Bourget brought about 11-12 countries that approached us with some interest in a JF-17 acquisition," said one of the officials. "Out of all of those there are today some four or five customers that we regard as being serious prospects in the near term." PAC representatives declined to name any of those countries, however.

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miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

Entrenadores filipinos con nuevo motor

Three S-211 will Have New Engine

PAF S-211 aircraft 

Engine of S-211 jet trainer up repairs

MANILA (PNA) -- One of Philippine Air Force (PAF)'s three remaining SIAI-Marchetti S-211 jet trainers will be having its engine maintained and replaced.

Budget for this project is placed at PhP25,000,000.

The engine is for PAF S-211 with tail number 008.

Pre-bid conference is scheduled for Oct. 21, at 9 a.m. PAF Procurement Center Conference Room, Villamor Air Base, Pasay City, while submission and opening of bids is on Nov. 10, 9 a.m. at the same venue.

The S-211 is the PAF's sole jet-powered aircraft following the retirement of the Northrop F-5 "Tiger" jet fighter fleet in 2005.

It is now configured for air-to-air and air-to-ground missions pending the arrival of the first two Korea Aerospace Industries F/A-50 "Fighting Eagle" jet aircraft this December.


sábado, 4 de julio de 2015

Nuevo Pampa remotorizado

FAdeA entrega a la IV Brigada el octavo Pampa II remotorizado

Por Marcelo R. Cimino
La semana pasada, la Fábrica Argentina de Aviones “Brig. San Martin” entregó un nuevo ejemplar IA-63 llevado al estándar Pampa II-40. La aeronave entregada, matrícula E-803 (c/n 2008), ingresó en FAdeA el 13 de Abril de 2015. A diferencia de otros ejemplares ya remotorizados, el E-803 ingresó a planta, pura y exclusivamente para llevarle a cabo el proceso de remotorización correspondiente. Concretando su primera puesta en marcha el 19 de Mayo del corriente.
E l IA-63 Pampa II E-803, es el octavo avión remotorizado de la serie inicial de 12 encargados, en tanto los ejemplares que le siguen a remotorizar son el E-807 y el E-822, aunque a estas dos aeronaves también se le aplica además la revisión de 1200 hs respectivamente.
El proceso de remotorización, consiste en incorporar partes estructurales nuevas, sistema de cableado y cajas eléctricas (todo fabricado en FAdeA) en virtud de alojar un motor Honeywell TFE 731-40-2N totalmente nuevo.
Finalmente el IA-63 Pampa II-40 E-803, partió rumbo a su base asiento en la IV Brigada Aérea Mendoza, en compañía de otros cuatro aviones Pampa, desplegados días antes a la provincia de Córdoba, para efectuar una campaña de instrucción y tiro.
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