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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta simulador. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2024

Argentina: Ministro de defensa visita la EAM

Entrenador Operacional de Vuelo (OFT) del avión T-6C Texan II en la EAM

En la @EAviacionMil los cadetes cuentan con el Entrenador Operacional de Vuelo (OFT) del avión T-6C Texan II. Tener un simulador de vuelo tan avanzado y de un avión conocido por su versatilidad como entrenador, permite a los futuros aviadores perfeccionar sus habilidades en un entorno seguro y controlado. Orgulloso de ver cómo se preparan los próximos oficiales de la @FuerzaAerea_Arg. ¡Éxitos en esta desafiante carrera!

domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2023

Simuladores para la USAF

RYAN Aerospace (Australia) gana importantes contratos para suministrar simuladores de entrenamiento de helicópteros y aviones de combate de la Fuerza Aérea de EE. UU.

 Dispositivo JETMOD de RYAN Aerospace (foto: RYAN Aerospace)

Gold Coast Australia – RYAN AEROSPACE (Australia) ha ganado otro importante contrato militar estadounidense.

Trabajando a través del contratista principal Vertex Solutions, LLC , RYAN AEROSPACE suministrará a la Marina de los EE. UU. simuladores de vuelo avanzados de realidad extendida (XR), comúnmente conocidos como dispositivos de entrenamiento inmersivo (ITD), como parte de un acuerdo de 28 millones de dólares. Esta adquisición reforzará el programa Naval Aviation Training Next (ATN).

El contrato incluirá la entrega de cincuenta simuladores de vuelo de realidad extendida (inicialmente) utilizando el ya probado ITD, que es muy versátil y puede adaptarse a una amplia gama de plataformas de aviones.

Esto representa un avance notable para el programa de formación de pilotos universitarios de la Armada, ya que mejora la eficiencia en la formación de aviación y la producción de tripulaciones aéreas. Esta mejora dará como resultado ahorros sustanciales de tiempo y costos para la Marina.

Versión de control dual de HELIMOD (foto: RYAN Aerospace)

El director general, Chris Ryan, dijo que estaba encantado de ganar este contrato, ya que era la siguiente etapa de su trabajo innovador en el Programa Piloto de Transformación del Entrenamiento (PTT), donde RYAN entregó cerca de 300 dispositivos de entrenamiento de realidad virtual. Como fueron diseñados pensando en el futuro, ahora pueden transformarse de forma rápida y rentable en simuladores de realidad mixta para un avión diferente. Esto es importante para el gobierno y los contribuyentes, ya que obtienen una excelente relación calidad-precio.

El contrato se entregará dentro de los próximos doce meses.

Esperamos trabajar con Vertex Solutions y otros socios, incluidos Varjo, FoxGuard Solutions, TakeFlight y ASTi, en otro interesante programa de capacitación de pilotos en apoyo del Departamento de Defensa de EE. UU.

viernes, 23 de junio de 2023

Singapur: La RSAF utiliza simuladores e IA para determinar la potencialidad de un piloto

La RSAF utiliza simuladores e IA para determinar mejor el potencial piloto

La aprendiz de piloto, la teniente segunda Natalie Quahe, derriba un objetivo en un simulador de vuelo en el Centro de Simuladores del Proyecto SOAR (foto: Pioneer)

¿A dónde miran los pilotos cuando vuelan? ¿Mantienen la calma ante una avería del motor? ¿Qué tan precisos son sus controles mientras persiguen y derriban un objetivo?

La Fuerza Aérea de la República de Singapur (RSAF) ahora puede responder estas preguntas. Bajo un nuevo programa de prueba, el Proyecto SOAR, la fuerza aérea está utilizando simuladores y sensores biométricos, combinados con análisis de datos, para entrenar y evaluar a sus pilotos en formación.

Por lo general, los pilotos en formación recién egresados ​​del entrenamiento militar básico son enviados al Air Grading Center (AGC) en Australia, luego de aprobar sus exámenes de selección y aptitud. Allí, son evaluados volando el avión de entrenamiento CT-4B.

Con el Proyecto SOAR, se sometieron a un entrenamiento de 10 días en el Comando de Entrenamiento de la Fuerza Aérea en Singapur, antes del AGC.

El simulador de vuelo de alta fidelidad puede inyectar diferentes escenarios y entornos, como el mal tiempo, en la formación de pilotos (foto: Pioneer)

Los alumnos se enfrentan a diferentes escenarios en los simuladores avanzados de alta fidelidad en el Centro de Simuladores del Proyecto SOAR, mientras usan equipos que capturan sus movimientos oculares, expresiones faciales, niveles de electrocardiograma o ECG (que rastrean el ritmo y el latido del corazón) y más.

Los datos se introducen en un programa de inteligencia artificial (IA) que puede predecir el potencial de vuelo del piloto y ayudar a mejorar su rendimiento.

Esto les permite aprender técnicas básicas de vuelo como despegue y aterrizaje, así como pasar por escenarios como maniobras de combate o manejo de emergencias.

Los datos en vivo recopilados durante la simulación se someten a un programa de IA para evaluar mejor el potencial de vuelo del aprendiz de piloto, así como sus fortalezas y debilidades (foto: Pioneer)

Project SOAR utiliza análisis de datos e inteligencia artificial para dar sentido a los datos en vivo recopilados de la simulación de vuelo del aprendiz. Los alumnos reciben un informe después de cada misión para aprender de sus errores.

"Con la recopilación de datos en segundo plano, junto con el informe, (el proyecto) puede mejorar la evaluación del instructor de los alumnos, y el aprendizaje de los alumnos se acelera", dijo el Mayor (MAJ) Jeremy Lim, quien dirige SOAR.

Actualmente, los instructores evalúan a los alumnos acompañándolos en vuelos en vivo para observar cómo vuelan. Esto es una carga para ellos, ya que anotan sus observaciones en papel, mientras guían a los alumnos y cuidan el medio ambiente, agregó MAJ Lim.

Alrededor de 250 aprendices han pasado por Project SOAR desde su primera ejecución en septiembre de 2021 (foto: Pioneer)

Los alumnos también usan un rastreador ocular que puede señalar con precisión dónde están mirando.

Esto significa que los instructores pueden advertir a los pilotos en formación si están fijando la mirada (por ejemplo, mirando demasiado su medidor de altitud) en lugar de escanear tanto el exterior como el interior de la aeronave.

Para integrar los dispositivos portátiles para este proyecto, RSAF se asoció con los Laboratorios Nacionales DSO y la Dirección de Tecnología y Sistemas Futuros del Ministerio de Defensa.

Los comentarios de los aprendices e instructores sobre el programa han sido positivos, dice MAJ Lim (foto: Pioneer)

El Proyecto SOAR comenzó en enero de 2020, con su primera tanda de aprendices a partir de septiembre de 2021. Desde entonces, 250 aprendices han pasado por el programa.

Los comentarios de los aprendices e instructores han sido positivos, dijo MAJ Lim. quien también es un piloto calificado de F-16 e instructor de vuelo.

"El Proyecto SOAR pudo brindarles a los alumnos esa experiencia (de vuelo) antes de volar en vivo... (Luego pueden) trabajar en sus debilidades durante un vuelo en vivo y emerger como un piloto más fuerte".

El programa se encuentra en su etapa experimental y se evaluará para su uso posterior en la evaluación de los pilotos en formación.

( Pioneros )

jueves, 21 de abril de 2022

Nuevos simuladores para Australia

Software de simulación para impulsar el entrenamiento preparado para el futuro del ejército

Land Simulation Core 2.0 (imagen: AVS)

El Future Ready Training del ejército australiano está listo para recibir un impulso, con el Ministro Adjunto de Defensa, el Hon Andrew Hastie MP, anunciando hoy que se ha otorgado un contrato de $ 17,6 millones a una empresa de Newcastle para proporcionar la próxima evolución del software de entrenamiento de simulación por computadora militar. , desarrollado específicamente para el ejército australiano.

Applied Virtual Simulation Pty Ltd , una pequeña empresa regional australiana con sede en Newcastle, ganadora de la licitación , se adjudicó el contrato para proporcionar el software de simulación común del ejército bajo Land Simulation Core 2.0 Tranche 1.

El Ministro Adjunto de Defensa, el Hon Andrew Hastie MP, felicitó a Applied Virtual Simulation por asegurar el contrato, reforzando el compromiso del gobierno australiano de invertir en tecnología de capacidad soberana.

“Este contrato representa una parte de una inversión más amplia de Defensa en simulación para capacitación y otros fines a través de múltiples programas y proyectos”, dijo el Ministro Asistente Hastie.

“Los soldados y los comandantes ahora tendrán acceso al software de simulación común a través de varias plataformas para entrenar en entornos realistas y relevantes, lo que contribuirá a la futura postura del Ejército.

“El nuevo software se implementará en la Red de Simulación Terrestre del Ejército durante los próximos dos años e incluye vehículos militares y plataformas de armas”, dijo el Ministro Asistente Hastie.

El entrenamiento de simulación presenta datos y modelos de alta calidad y comportamientos desarrollados específicamente para el ejército australiano.

El Tramo 2 del Proyecto entregará una Red de Simulación Terrestre ampliada para permitir que el Ejército conecte virtualmente sus capacidades geográficamente dispersas y sus lugares de entrenamiento.

La inversión del gobierno en capacidades de entrenamiento de simulación durante la próxima década incluye varios sistemas de simulación de vehículos blindados bajo Land 400.

Ministerio de defensa de Australia

viernes, 21 de enero de 2022

Filipinas recibe simulador de artillería de tanques

El ejército filipino recibió un simulador de artillería de tanques

Sistema de simulación de artillería de tanques (fotos: MaxDefense)

Simulador de artillería de tanques para mejorar las capacidades de tiro del Ejército

MANILA – Una vez entregado y operativo, el sistema de simulación de artillería de tanques recién entregado del Ejército de Filipinas (PA) mejoraría en gran medida las capacidades de las unidades encargadas de operar los tanques ligeros entrantes del servicio.

"El sistema de simulación de artillería de tanques es parte de la primera lista en el Horizonte 2 del RAFPMP (Programa revisado de modernización de las Fuerzas Armadas de Filipinas). (El) proyecto aún no se ha completado en el primer trimestre de este año. Una vez entregado al Ejército, se realizará una inspección para su aceptación", dijo el vocero de la Autoridad Palestina, el coronel. dijo Jerjes Trinidad en un mensaje a los periodistas el martes por la noche.

El simulador de PHP36 millones, que se entregó a principios de este mes, fue adquirido de Wolfberry Asia - PT Indocertes Joint Venture para brindar capacitación a las tripulaciones de tanques ligeros PA en el uso de sus armas principales de 105 mm.

Se espera que la Autoridad Palestina, especialmente su División Blindada, lleve a cabo la entrega de 20 tanques ligeros ASCOD Land Sabrah de Elbit Systems (seguidos) para este año.

"El simulador de artillería de tanques mejoraría las habilidades y capacidades de nuestro personal del Ejército en el desempeño de sus tareas/misiones de unidad asignadas", dijo Trinidad.

Agregó que el sistema sería aceptado en servicio una vez inspeccionado y aprobado por el Comité Técnico de Inspección y Aceptación (TIAC).

“El TIAC necesita convocar y tener el cronograma. Esto es para verificar que lo que se ha especificado en la orden se debe entregar en consecuencia”, agregó.

Trinidad dijo que el TIAC es la parte donde la Autoridad Palestina realiza su inspección técnica final y toma la decisión de aceptar los equipos o plataformas recién entregados.


jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2021

China construye un modelo de portaaviones americano en el desierto para simular ataques

China construye una maqueta de un portaaviones estadounidense en el desierto, según un informe

WIB || Michael Swaney

Beijing - El ejército chino ha construido maquetas de un portaaviones estadounidense y otros dos buques de guerra estadounidenses en su desierto noroccidental, posiblemente para ejercicios de selección de misiles, según el Instituto Naval de Estados Unidos.

La institución con sede en Maryland, que es independiente del ejército estadounidense, dijo el domingo que las imágenes de satélite que obtuvo revelaron que las réplicas habían sido colocadas en el desierto de Taklamakan en la región de Xinjiang.

El portaaviones ficticio yace prácticamente plano, pero tiene el mismo tamaño que el original, lo que significa que debería parecer similar a la imagen de un objetivo de radar, dijo el Instituto Naval.

No es la primera vez que se han visto tales maquetas en el desierto de China, pero se dice que estas réplicas son más precisas y detalladas.

Cuando se le preguntó sobre el informe, el portavoz del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Wenbin, dijo a la prensa en Beijing: "No estoy al tanto de este problema".

Hay crecientes tensiones entre Estados Unidos y China por Taiwán, que Beijing considera una provincia separatista, así como el fortalecimiento militar de China y los vastos reclamos territoriales en el Mar de China Meridional.

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2021

Indonesia: Desarrollan simulador para N219

IAe and HAVELSAN to Develop N219 Simulator

Signing of MoU between Indonesian Aerospace and Havelsan (photo : Havelsan)

The Indonesian Aerospace (IAe) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with HAVELSAN from Turkey to develop flight simulator for Indonesian made N219 Short Take Off and Landing (STOL) turboprop passenger aircraft.

The development of the flight simulator involved Avionic and System Modeling, Flight and Engine Modeling, as well as Computer System and Interface.

N219 flight simulator (photo : IndoAviation)

Turkey is a major operator of CN-235 transport aircraft having using these European-Indonesian tactical transport aircraft for maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) and transport duties.

The IAe is now promoting its CN235 NextG as well as the N219 in Turkey.


lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2021

Cabina de práctica para la FAP de Vietnam

Autonomous Practice Cockpit of Vietnamase People's Air Force

The BTD-Mi8 training room was researched, designed and manufactured by the Air Force-Air Defense Technical Institute (photo : QDND)

QDND - Over the past years, the Air Defense-Air Force (PK-KQ) has actively researched and invested in the manufacture of aircraft cockpits in order to gradually become autonomous in research and production of weapons, equipment and facilities in water, contributing to improving the skills and technical manipulation of pilots during training for all types of aircraft on the payroll.
Currently, most airlines in the country as well as in the world organize training, training and periodical testing of pilots through the cockpit, greatly reducing time, costs, improving effective pilot training, especially beginner or transitional pilots. The Air Force PK-KQ is exploiting and using many different types of aircraft cockpits. Some cockpits are imported from abroad with very expensive prices and it is difficult to proactively secure materials in the process of exploitation and use.

Colonel Pham Thanh Giang, Director of the PK-KQ Technical Institute (PK-KQ Army) said: "In the 90s of the 20th century, the PK-KQ Technical Institute researched and successfully manufactured the cockpit. MiG-21 aircraft. Recently, the institute continues to research, develop, and apply many new simulation techniques to create cockpits for aircraft. moving racks; spherical flight space simulation technique, in which, the moving rack is made by a new technology combining electro-pneumatics with 6 degrees of freedom allowing relatively accurate simulation of force sensation for pilots during flight training in the cockpit”.

Regiment 929 (Division 372, Air Force Air Force) has been equipped with the Brigade-22M4 cockpit. This cockpit simulates tactical and technical features: Take-off and landing with three-dimensional images in real time; solo flight, squadron flight, squadron take-off and terrain flight; fly by the clock and fly by route with radio-guided devices; flying using the RLPK-54 aiming and guiding system and the CAY-22M2 autopilot system; handle contingencies in the air. The BDC-22M4 training room can train pilots to fly in simple and complex meteorological conditions and fly according to the clock over the entire range of speeds and altitudes allowed by the Su-22M4, including the post squadron flight and combat application.

Battalion-Mi8 training room has been used at Regiment 930 (Division 372) since October 2020. This cockpit can be used to conduct training courses for pilots, simulation systems work well with 35 contingencies according to the pilot's manual, flight space using digital maps with images. Clear image, hemispherical design screen with many high-definition projectors to help simulate space images close to reality, flight commanders check aircraft status during the entire flight.

Colonel Le Kim Trong (Department of Flight Inspection and Safety, General Staff, Air Force Air Force) after directly testing with the BTD-Mi8 cockpit, assessed: "The simulation system creates a sense of force. help pilots feel like they're using a real plane, when the plane tilts, tilts, and turns during maneuvers, and at the same time feels the vertical acceleration when taking off and landing. can reach 80-85% compared to flying in a real plane".

From the beginning of March to the middle of April 2021, Army Corps 18 coordinated with the General Staff of the Air Force PK-KQ and the 930th Regiment to use the Battalion-Mi8 to fly periodically for some of the unit's pilots. do not have to send pilots abroad to perform these flight contents as before. Lieutenant Colonel Pham Xuan Dong, Technical Director of the 930th Regiment said: "The training room of the BDT-Mi8 has used nearly 200 hours of training flight to ensure stable features, technical parameters, and good operation. meet the technical and tactical requirements, contributing to improving the quality of the regiment's pilot training".

According to Colonel Pham Thanh Giang, the dynamic cockpit meets tactical and technical criteria that have been tested and accepted according to regulations and approved by the Ministry of National Defense. At this point, the PK-KQ Technical Institute continues to research, produce and manufacture training rooms for air force units, especially for newly equipped aircraft.


miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2021

Contrato para simulador de P-8A neozelandés

CAE Awarded Contract from Boeing to Develop P-8A Operational Flight Trainer for RNZAF

CAE will design and manufacture a P-8A flight simulator for the Royal New Zealand Air Force similar to the P-8A operational flight trainer shown above already delivered to the U.S. Navy (photo : CAE)

On the eve of the start of the CAE OneWorld 2021 virtual conference and tradeshow, CAE today announced that during its fiscal third quarter Boeing ordered a P-8A operational flight trainer (OFT) for the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF).

CAE will design and manufacture the hardware for the RNZAF’s P-8A flight simulator. In addition, CAE will develop a suite of P-8A Aircraft Equipment enhanced Desktop Environment (AeDTE) trainers, which will be used as role playing stations during training of P-8A aircrews. The P-8A OFT and AeDTEs are scheduled for delivery to RNZAF Base Ohakea in 2023.

The CAE OneWorld virtual conference and tradeshow begins tomorrow and will feature a range of panel discussions, conference presentations, and product demonstrations on the latest digital innovations for military training and simulation. CAE OneWorld 2021 is free to all attendees who register ( and will remain online for one month.

“We are pleased to continue supporting Boeing on the development of training systems for the international customers acquiring the next-generation P-8 maritime patrol aircraft,” said Daniel Gelston, Group President, Defence & Security, CAE. “We are a strategic partner to the New Zealand Defence Force due to the critical training services we provide across a range of platforms such as the T-6C, SH-2G, and NH90. We look forward to the P-8 being added to the list of training systems that CAE has played a role in delivering to support the safety, training and readiness of Royal New Zealand Air Force aircrew.”

The P-8A OFT for the RNZAF will be similar to the P-8A OFTs that CAE and Boeing have already developed for the U.S. Navy, Royal Australian Air Force, Indian Navy, and Royal Air Force. CAE designs and manufactures the P-8 OFT hardware to Level D standards, the highest qualification for flight simulators. CAE also provides the 737-800 OFT software baseline and simulation-based software lab environment that is used for the P-8 OFT development and integration tasks. CAE then delivers the simulators to Boeing, who designs, installs and integrates software specific to the P-8 aircraft.


lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2020

Nuevo simulador de P-8 Poseidon para los All Blacks

Boeing Wins $109M for New Zealand’s P-8A Trainers

An RAAF P-8A operational flight trainer (photo : Aus DoD)

The Boeing Co., St. Louis, Missouri, is awarded a $109,155,844 firm-fixed-price order (N61340-21-F-0002) against previously issued basic ordering agreement N00019-19-G-0002 to procure P-8A training systems for the government of New Zealand.

This order procures one Operational Flight Trainer (OFT) with one OFT Brief/Debrief Station (BDS); one Weapons Tactics Trainers (WTTs) with one WTT BDS; one 10-seat flight management systems trainer electronic classroom; one 10-seat mission systems desktop trainer electronic classroom; one training system support center; one scenario generation station; one virtual maintenance trainer; one maintenance support cabinet; and one 10-seat maintenance electronic classroom.

Additionally, this order provides for software, books and other publications, contracts, logistics, engineering and management technical assistance required for the development, production, test and in-country delivery, installation and inspection of the training systems.

Work will be performed in St. Louis, Missouri (36%); Tampa, Florida (23%); Long Island, New York (12%); Ohakea, New Zealand (10%); San Francisco, California (8%); Huntington Beach, California (5%); Seattle, Washington (3%); and Jacksonville, Florida (3%), and is expected to be completed in January 2024.

Foreign Military Sales funds in the amount of $109,155,844 will be obligated on this award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Warfare Center, Training Systems Division, Orlando, Florida, is the contracting activity.

Departamento de Defensa de USA

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020

Simulador de NH90 para Nueva Zelanda

CAE Hands Over CAE 700MR NH90 Simulator to Royal New Zealand Air Force

Royal New Zealand Air Force NH90 aircrew are now training in a new CAE 700MR NH90 simulator located at RNZAF Base Ohakea (photo : CAE)

CAE announced that earlier this month it officially handed over a CAE 700MR Series NH90 flight training device to the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) and Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF).

“This advanced NH90 simulator means Royal New Zealand NH90 aircrews can train safely and cost-effectively in New Zealand,” said Matthew Sibree, Managing Director, Asia/Pacific, CAE. “The realistic training capability provided by the NH90 simulator will enable the RNZAF to maximize the availability of the NH90 fleet for operational taskings while ensuring aircrew are prepared for the wide range of missions they are called on to perform.”

Due to COVID-19 over the past six months, the RNZAF and CAE had to adapt its traditional on-site installation, integration, and acceptance testing procedures. A range of teams, including local staff from CAE New Zealand, performed the on-site installation at RNZAF Base Ohakea with remote virtual support from CAE staff in Montreal and Australia. The simulator is now ready for use in order to meet the RNZAF’s currency requirements for crews due to the current COVID-19 situation. CAE New Zealand staff will continue to provide ongoing maintenance and support services on the NH90 simulator.

“We are honoured to be the training partner of choice for the Royal New Zealand Air Force and provide training systems and support services that contribute to the readiness of the New Zealand Defence Force,” said Daniel Gelston, Group President, Defence & Security, CAE.

The CAE 700MR Series NH90 simulator delivers an immersive and realistic virtual training environment ideal for rehearsing challenging tasks such as ship deck and confined area landings. The RNZAF NH90 simulator features an extreme field-of-view visual display system (240 degrees horizontal by 88 degrees vertical) with imagery generated by the CAE Medallion-6000MR image generator. In addition, the CAE 700MR Series includes a revolutionary dynamic seat for vibration and motion cueing, thus maximizing the realism of the training experience on a fixed-based simulator.


domingo, 11 de octubre de 2020

Simulador de carga para los A400M malayos

Royal Malaysian Air Force Operates Rheinmetall's A400M Cargo Hold Simulator


Cargo hold simulator (photo : Rheinmetall)

Rheinmetall and Airbus Defense & Space continue their successful cooperation in training systems for the A400M transport aircraft. The new turnkey A400M Cargo Hold Part Task Trainer (CPTT) for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) has been used for training since February 2020.

The A400M CPTT, an A400M Cargo Hold Trainer with controls that are exactly reproduced in the original scale, is used to provide realistic training for the Load Masters and Ground Personnel in accordance with the requirements of the RMAF. The CPTT can be used to train the mission-specific configurable conversion of the Cargo Hold, the preparation of the load, loading and unloading, procedures during the flight and on the ground, and the cooperation of the air crews. The system is suitable for initial as well as advanced as well as repetition and deployment training. Even complex scenarios and emergency situations can be practiced safely since no original aircraft is required.

The new Cargo Hold Part Task Trainer complements the existing simulation and training systems of the A400M Training Center at the Kuala Lumpur site (Malaysia). The targeted expansion of Rheinmetall’s comprehensive cargo product line by the CPTT enables the entire spectrum of cargo training resources to be adapted for other platforms.

In addition to the CPTT, Rheinmetall has delivered further training equipment such as the Airbus Load Master Work Station Trainer (LMWST) as well as the Airbus Cargo Hold Trainer Enhanced (CHT-E) to various A400M user nations.

The CHT-E can be classified one level higher than the CPTT. In almost every detail, it is the exact replica of the loading space, including all operating elements, control stations, electronics and equipment true to the original. With this all training contents can be trained for which a real flight is not necessary. The CHT-E was delivered to the ITC of Airbus in Seville, the Royal Air Force in Brize Norton, the German Air Force in Wunstorf and the French Paratroopers (Army) in Toulouse.

A LMWST is in use at Airbus' International Training Center (ITC) in Seville, the A400M French National Training Center in Orléans and the Royal Air Force National Training Center in Brize Norton.


lunes, 5 de octubre de 2020

Singapur comisiona simulador de tiro para guardacostas

Singapore Commissions Coast Guard Boat Handling, Firing Simulator

The Police Coast Guard simulator, which has been developed as a collaboration with HTX (photo : Singapore Police Force)

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) has commissioned a new tactical boat handling and firing simulator (TBHFS) to improve the Police Coast Guard’s (PCG’s) training capabilities.

The system, which has been described as the first of its kind in the country, has been incorporated with an eye tracker to detect trainees’ visual focus during stressful simulation scenarios. It has been installed at the PCG’s headquarters on Brani Island.

The simulator developed by the PCG in collaboration with the country’s Home Team Science and Technology Agency (HTX). It can emulate the PCG’s high-speed patrol interdiction boats, and second-generation high-speed PK-class interceptor boats.

The system can generate vessel simulation at speeds exceeding 50 knots, and can also mimic how vessels behave in the real world when affected by factors such as wave movements or impacts with other crafts and floating objects, in a range of sea states with different speeds, said the HTX.

Training scenarios, conditions, and environment can be controlled and replayed via an instructor operating station, the agency added in a 27 September media release.


viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2020

Simulador para la infantería australiana

InVeris Training Solutions to Provide Mobile Weapons Training Simulation System for Army and Navy

Army member train in Weapons Training Simulation System in Brisbane (photo : Aus DoD)

A NSW-based company will supply Defence with a mobile weapons training simulator to help Australian sailors and soldiers maintain their weapons skills wherever they are in the world.

InVeris Training Solutions Pty Ltd, based in Albury in southern NSW, is delivering and supporting a fully digitised Mobile Weapons Training Simulation System (MWTSS).

It will now help hone the skills of those using the Australian-made EF-88 assault rifle and a range of other weapon systems operated by Australian Defence personnel.

Minister for Defence Industry, Melissa Price, said the $4.1 million contract would deliver 14 simulators by July 2021.

“The contract includes the simulation system, associated training and systems which are compatible with in-service weapons, and then converted to laser-based simulators,” Minister Price said.

“This is another example of the Morrison Government’s continued commitment to invest in local companies to ensure we build Australia’s capability to equip and sustain the ADF in its defence of Australia and our national interests.”

“The system provides an efficient and cost-effective mobile small arms training and skills maintenance capability for Australia’s regionally based Army units, as well as Royal Australian Navy personnel in remote areas.”

The Australian Army will receive nine of the simulation systems, of which seven will support Army Reserve units throughout regional and remote Australia.

The other two will support deployable units such as the Amphibious Ready Group and 2/30th Training Group in Butterworth, Malaysia.

“Navy will also receive five systems, which will be issued to key naval bases for delivery of training while on-shore and at sea,” Minister Price said.

Member for Farrer, the Hon Sussan Ley MP, said InVeris Training Solutions has an outstanding track record in designing and developing live fire and weapons simulation training systems for military, law-enforcement and commercial range customers since the late 1990s.

“The company employs over 50 staff and right now boosting or retaining jobs in the border region is absolutely vital,” Ms Ley said.

“This new contract is another real vote of confidence for our local defence industries.”

Ministerio de defensa de Australia

sábado, 6 de junio de 2020

Australia desarrolla simulador de C-130

Australian Industry to Develop New Hercules Training Systems

Current C130J exterior simulator (photo : USAF)

Sydney-based CAE Australia has been awarded a $26 million contract to upgrade an aircraft simulator and other training systems as part of the C-130J Block Upgrade Program at RAAF Base Richmond, New South Wales.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP, said Defence’s partnership with CAE Australia would deliver game-changing capability for the Air Force.

“This will equip Defence with a state-of-the-art C-130J aircraft simulator so that our Air Force can access the highest quality of training available,” Minister Price said.

“A modern training system closely aligned with the upgraded C-130J aircraft configuration is essential to providing a robust and safe capability.

“This partnership demonstrates CAE Australia’s in-country expertise in this field, and their commitment to supporting these Air Force capabilities.”

Minister Price said the contract would also create seven new full-time jobs over the next four years.

“The first students will commence training on the new simulator and training systems in early 2023, which is designed to train 16 pilots, 8 loadmasters and up to 100 maintenance crew each calendar year,” Minister Price said.

Ministerio de defensa de Australia

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2020

Simulador de APC Boxer para Australia

Universal Motion to Support Boxer Training Simulators

Boxer 8x8 Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles (photo : ADF)

Support contract signed for armoured vehicle driver training simulators

Geelong company Universal Motion Simulator Pty Ltd has been awarded a $21.4 million support contract for the sustainment of training simulators for the new Boxer 8X8 Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles.

In addition to supporting Boxer training, the simulators can be reconfigured to train Army drivers on other types of armoured vehicles including the M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank and the future Infantry Fighting Vehicles.

Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, said this milestone was another step towards modernising Australia’s armoured vehicle fleet through the $5 billion LAND 400 Phase 2 Mounted Combat Reconnaissance Capability project.

“The new Boxer vehicle fleet is part of the Government’s $200 billion investment in our defence capability to deliver a more potent, agile and capable Australian Defence Force,” Minister Reynolds said.

“The new vehicles will provide a world-class capability to the Australian Army with their high levels of protection, firepower and mobility.”

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP, said the Australian Government is committed to maximising Australian defence industry involvement in the project.

“This seven-year contract will provide long-term employment opportunities for Universal Motion Simulator Pty Ltd and its Australian workforce,” Minister Price said.

“The potential for growth for this Geelong-based company is indicative of this Government’s commitment to further strengthen Australia’s defence industry.”

Defence’s acquisition of six driver training simulators was announced in February 2019, with the first simulators expected to be delivered in 2022.

Departamento de Defensa de Australia

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2020

Singapur moderniza su CH-47 Chinook

RSAF’s Upgraded CH-47 Simulator Enters Service

CH-47 Chinook full mission simulator (photo SAS)

CAE announced at the ongoing airshow that its upgraded CH-47 Chinook helicopter Full-Mission Simulator (FMS) has now been put into service for training by the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF). The newly delivered CH-47 Chinook FMS for the RSAF was recently upgraded by CAE and is now delivering enhanced crew training to maintain a high state of mission readiness.

“The Chinook helicopter is an iconic medium-to-heavy lift helicopter and CAE has played a key role helping prepare aircrews for operating this enduring platform,” said Ian Bell, CAE’s Senior Vice President, Global Strategy & Business Development. “Many military customers including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and the Netherlands have leveraged training systems and services from CAE to help ensure their CH-47 aircrews are ready to carry out the range of missions the Chinooks are called on to perform.”

CAE offers a wide range of customisation and upgrade services for existing operators of CH-47 FMS. These include services such as incorporation of new features for later variants of the CH-47.

Amongst the upgrades being offered include the fitment of a new avionics suite, the latest generation CAE Medallion-6000 image generator (IG) with Open Geospatial Consortium Common Database (OGC CDB) architecture, and enhanced synthetic and tactical environment simulation software.

Upgraded simulators by CAE for the CH-47 also feature a new or refurbished six-degree-of-freedom motion system and the implementation of a digital automatic flight control system.

CAE Elektronik GmbH is presently also part of a group of German aerospace companies along with Boeing to offer the CH-47 Chinook for the heavy-lift helicopter competition in Germany. The Canadian firm will develop and support a range of aircrew training systems and services should the CH-47 Chinook helicopter be selected by the Government of Germany.

SAS Daily News

lunes, 6 de enero de 2020

Empresa recibe pedido de entrenador de Chinook para Australia

 Kratos Maintenance Blended Reconfigurable Aviation Trainers (MBRATs) (photo : Kratos)

Kratos Awarded $3 Million+ Contract for Aviation Trainer Enhancements by Australia Department of Defence

SAN DIEGO (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: KTOS), a leading National Security Solutions provider, announced today that it was awarded a AUD $4,840,720.04 (approximately USD $3,300,000) contract by the Australia Department of Defence to deliver hardware, software and technical data package upgrades to their Kratos Maintenance Blended Reconfigurable Aviation Trainers (MBRATs) and CH-47F Chinook Avionics Trainer (CAT).

The CH-47F CAT is a High Fidelity Hands On Training System (HOTS) that provides full-task training through simulation of all avionics sub-systems and aircraft survivability equipment in an integrated configuration within a fully immersive physical environment. The CH-47F MBRAT blends a virtual immersive environment and spatial physical awareness with established CH-47F Chinook simulation software.

The enhanced MBRAT training capabilities enable the end user to increase student training throughput by enabling new training tasks to be performed on the upgraded MBRAT trainers and the CH-47F CAT simultaneously.

Kratos CH-47F Chinook Avionics Trainer (CAT) (photo : Kratos)

The CAT and MBRATs have enabled the Australian Department of Defence to establish a local CH-47F Chinook maintenance training center of excellence for the Australian military. Previously, maintenance training had been conducted in the United States, but with Kratos MBRATs and CAT the Australian Defence Force (ADF) is now self-sufficient in this regard.

“As the global demand for training continues to increase, Kratos is expanding its training footprint to support the demanding and complex training requirements of the U.S. and its allies worldwide by applying advanced technologies like those incorporated in the MBRAT and CAT,” said Jose Diaz, Senior Vice President of Kratos Training Solutions.

Kratos develops advanced, affordable training solutions for U.S. and allied forces that enhance learning retention and increase warfighter readiness. Kratos is driving innovation in military simulation and training programs by integrating the latest immersive technologies with its blended learning content and open architecture simulation systems for air, ground, maritime and soon space domains.


sábado, 29 de junio de 2019

Filipinas obtiene su simulador de FA-50PH

PAF Gets FA-50PH Flight Simulator

PAF FA-50PH flight simulator (photo : PAF)

Acceptance, Turn-over and blessing FA-50PH Flight Simulator and Facility

The Philippine Air Force held the Acceptance, Turn-Over and Blessing of FA-50PH Flight Simulator and Facility at 5th Fighter Wing, Basa Air Base, Floridablanca, Pampanga on June 14, 2019 with the Secretary of National Defense, Delfin N Lorenzana as Guest of Honor together with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Philippines, His excellency Dong-Man Han.

The FA-50PH Flight Simulator is a ground-based simulation training system that can help improve the operational capability of real aircraft through systematic flight training and tactical mission training programs.

It also provides the appropriate training environment for pilots by simulating scenarios similar to actual flight operations.

The FA-50PH Flight Simulator and Facility is part of the Horizon I of the AFP Modernization Project.

The construction of the facility started last October 19, 2018 and was finished last February 20, 2019 with the Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. (KAI) as the contractor.


lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018

Empresa proveerá de unidades de simulación de helicópteros a Australia

Ryan Aerospace Wins Australian Navy Contract for Multiple Helicopter Simulators Units


Helicopter simulators unit for RAN (photos : Ryan Aerospace)

Deputy Commander Fleet Air Arm, Captain Grant O’Loughlan, Royal Australian Navy took possession of three Ryan Aerospace virtual reality helicopter simulators at an official handover ceremony at HMAS Albatross, Nowra, NSW Australia.

The three simulators will be used by the Fleet Air Arm’s Naval Aviation Prospects Scheme as an engagement tool to attract the interest of aspiring aircrew to join the Royal Australian Navy.

Captain O’Loughlan said that he was impressed with the new simulators and (coming from a helicopter background) somewhat surprised with how realistic they were. He added that it was important for the Australian Defence Force to support local entrepreneurial businesses such as Ryan Aerospace. He said these simulator units will be a valuable asset for Navy in supporting Defence Force recruiting.

Managing Director of Ryan Aerospace, Chris Ryan said he was “delighted to partner with the Navy to develop a bespoke system in conjunction with the highly popular HELIMOD Mark III product launched earlier this year”. The units take advantage of improved capability of virtual reality technology.

In addition to the HELIMOD Mark III helicopter simulator units, Ryan Aerospace developed a unique accompanying unit comprising a PC and monitor with integrated cabling and head-tracking sensors. This allows spectators to see on a display screen what the pilot is seeing in the virtual reality goggles. The display unit has wheels attached and doubles as a shipping crate by being laid down flat, with the HELIMOD device sitting right on top. This allows staff to push the devices easily to the purposely modified van for transportation.

The simulators have motion actuators attached to the base and link with the simulation software to provide an even more realistic experience.

It is expected that the simulators will be getting constant use as they travel around the country to various events including the International Air Show at Avalon in February.

The handover ceremony in Nowra earlier this week attracted some significant interest from Captain Fiona Sneath, Commanding Officer HMAS Albatross and Commanding Officers from Fleet Air Arm Squadrons.

Mr Ryan said that in a few weeks, Ryan Aerospace will be participating at the world’s largest military simulation and training event in Orlando, Florida and will be taking two devices. The HELIMOD Mark III has attracted a great deal of interest from another International Navy entity who will be participating in a trial program using the product in December.

Ryan Aerospace