viernes, 28 de junio de 2024
Botadura de la primera corbeta surcoreana para Filipinas
martes, 28 de noviembre de 2023
Botada OPV en Australia
Se bota el segundo buque patrullero offshore clase Arafura en Australia del Sur
sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2023
Botan nueva patrullera para Nigeria
Dearsan bota el primer patrullero en alta mar para Nigeria
Dearsan Shipyard ha botado el primero de dos buques de patrulla costa afuera (OPV) de 76 metros de largo para la Armada de Nigeria durante una ceremonia en Turquía.
A la ceremonia de botadura, celebrada el 26 de octubre en el Astillero Dearsan en Tuzla, asistieron el Jefe del Estado Mayor Naval de Nigeria, el Vicealmirante Emmanuel Ikechukwu Ogalla, el Director General de Dearsan, Murat Gordi, el Vicepresidente de la Agencia Turca de la Industria de Defensa, Gokhan Ucar, y de Estambul, el comandante del astillero, el contraalmirante Recep Erdinc Yetkin, entre otros.
Al primer patrullero (P203) se le colocó la quilla el 16 de septiembre de 2022, tras el anuncio del contrato para los dos barcos en noviembre de 2021. En ese momento, la Armada de Nigeria dijo que el Dearsan fue seleccionado en función de su trayectoria y economía. El precio y la adquisición son parte del esfuerzo de renovación de la flota de la Armada de Nigeria, en línea con su Plan Estratégico 2021-2030.
Los nuevos buques se utilizarán para interdicción marítima, vigilancia y operaciones de fuerzas especiales, así como para proporcionar apoyo de fuego naval a las fuerzas terrestres. Las OPV también serán capaces de realizar operaciones de búsqueda y rescate, operaciones contra la piratería, contra el contrabando y el narcotráfico, y operaciones de socorro en casos de desastre, entre otras.
Cada buque tiene una eslora de 76,90 metros, una manga de 11,90 metros y un desplazamiento de 1.100 toneladas. Cada uno estará armado con un solo cañón Leonardo Oto Marlin de 40 mm, un solo sistema de armas operado remotamente (ROWS) Aselsan Muhafiz de 30 mm, dos ROWS Aselsan Stamp de 12,7 mm y dos ametralladoras controladas manualmente de 12,7 mm.
El equipo de combate incluirá un radar de búsqueda naval Aselsan MAR-D y un sistema electroóptico/infrarrojo Aselsan DenizGozu-AHTAPOT (Sea Eye-Octopus). Havelsan suministrará su sistema de gestión de combate Advent y su sistema de distribución de datos para barcos GVDS, mientras que Yaltes suministrará las consolas de operador.
Cuatro motores diésel MAN 18VP185 en configuración combinada diésel y diésel (CODAD) proporcionarán una velocidad máxima de 28 nudos y una autonomía de 2.500 millas náuticas/16 días. La tripulación es de 47 personas. El vuelo tiene capacidad para un helicóptero, pero no hay hangar. Se transportarán dos RHIBS para interdicción y otras tareas.
Después de conseguir el contrato de patrullero en alta mar, Dearsan Shipyard firmó en junio de este año un acuerdo con la Armada de Nigeria para la modernización de mediana edad de su buque insignia, el NNS Aradu, y el suministro de un patrullero de la clase Tuzla de 57 metros de largo .
NNS Aradu – Foto: Alexandre Galante
La revisión y el diseño del NNS Aradu , construido originalmente por el astillero alemán Blohm & Voss en 1982 y puesto en servicio en 1985, se llevarán a cabo en las instalaciones del astillero Dearsan en Tuzla. El NNS Aradu es un barco de clase Meko 360 con una eslora de 125 metros y un desplazamiento de 3.500 toneladas.
Las fuentes indican que el barco clase Tuzla estaba inicialmente destinado a Libia; sin embargo, debido a complicaciones imprevistas, la entrega no pudo concretarse. Una vez que se complete la entrega, la Armada de Nigeria se convertirá en la cuarta en operar barcos de clase Tuzla, después de las Fuerzas Navales turcas, la Armada turcomana y el Comando de la Guardia Costera turcomana.
FUENTE : DefenseWeb
jueves, 29 de junio de 2023
Austal de Australia bota su sexto barco patrullero clase Cape
Austal Australia ha botado el sexto barco patrullero de clase Cape evolucionado, el RAN

Futuro ADV Cape Pillar 319 (fotos: Austal)
miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2023
Nuevo patrullero australiano botado
Austal bota el barco patrullero ADV Cape Woolamai de la clase Evolved Cape para Australia

ADV Cape Woolamai, el quinto barco patrullero de clase Cape evolucionado (foto: Austal)
Austal ha lanzado con éxito el quinto barco patrullero de clase Evolved Cape para la Armada australiana, el futuro ADV Cape Woolamai se lanzó en el astillero de Henderson, Australia Occidental, luego de aproximadamente 12 meses de construcción y solo 4 meses después del último ECCPB, en septiembre de 2022.
Austal está en camino de entregar ADV Cape Woolamai al Departamento de Defensa más adelante en 2023. Con nuestros 300 socios de cadena de suministro fuertes, estamos produciendo un ECCPB cada 12 meses, lanzando cada 3 meses; un historial impresionante de fabricación y de ayudar a construir la empresa de construcción naval de Australia.
jueves, 19 de enero de 2023
La Real Armada Tailandesa botó en China su futuro LPD
La Marina Real de Tailandia botó oficialmente un buque de desembarco Tipo 071E LPD HTMS Chang en China

Sus principales características del HTMS Chang LPD 792 son 213 metros de largo, 28 metros de ancho, 17,4 metros de calado, un desplazamiento máximo de 20.003 toneladas, una velocidad máxima de 25 nudos, rango de operación de no menos de 10.000 millas náuticas. El casco es duradero hasta el nivel del mar 9 (Sea State 9) y puede transportar 600 tropas de combate de desembarco. (foto: AAG)
miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2022
Malasia bota OPV
Barco OPV marítimo de Malasia botado con éxito
domingo, 21 de agosto de 2022
Corea del Sur busca su nuevo AEGIS

Corea del Sur bota nuevo destructor Aegis de 8.200 toneladas
La Armada de Corea del Sur ha lanzado un nuevo destructor de 8.200 toneladas equipado con potentes armas y sistemas de última generación.
Nombrado en honor a un rey visionario de la dinastía Joseon, el destructor Jeongjo The Great fue botado en el astillero de Hyundai Heavy Industries.
Alrededor de 150 personas, incluidos militares y altos funcionarios del gobierno, estuvieron presentes durante el evento.
Según los informes, el destructor es el primer buque de guerra construido bajo el programa de adquisición Gwanggaeto-III Batch-II del país para adquirir y desplegar tres destructores de última generación.
"Como símbolo de los esfuerzos para construir una Armada oceánica fuerte y de alta tecnología y un activo estratégico nacional, se espera que el destructor de 8200 toneladas aumente aún más las capacidades de combate de la Armada", dijo el servicio , citado por Yonhap News. agencia _
ROKS Jeongjo the Great (DDG-995), the latest AEGIS destroyer of the Republic of Korea Navy, was launched today at Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) shipyard in Ulsan. It is the first South Korean warship service capable of firing ballistic missiles.
— World Military News (@Military_News4) July 28, 2022
Características y capacidades
El destructor Jeongjo The Great está equipado con una plataforma de interceptación de misiles y capacidades mejoradas de guerra antisubmarina.
Con una longitud registrada de 170 metros (557 pies) y un ancho de 21 metros (68 pies), puede transportar helicópteros MH-60R Sea Hawk y otros tipos de aeronaves militares.
El buque cuenta con funciones de evasión de radar y está equipado con el sistema de combate Aegis más nuevo capaz de detectar, rastrear e interceptar misiles balísticos.
El buque también está equipado con misiles balísticos guiados barco-tierra y misiles guiados barco-aire de largo alcance.
Su sistema de sonar avanzado de construcción local también puede apuntar a submarinos enemigos y armas submarinas como torpedos.
Según la Armada de Corea del Sur, el servicio continuará desarrollando y adquiriendo tecnologías de vanguardia basadas en el mar para abordar amenazas futuras y prepararse para cambios en el entorno de batalla.
sábado, 20 de agosto de 2022
Indonesia bota buque hospital
TNI AL junto con PAL lanza con éxito el buque hospital dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat-992

Buque Auxiliar para KRI Hospital dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat 992 (fotos: PAL)
El lunes pasado, se llevó a cabo el segundo evento de lanzamiento de barcos y nombramiento de barcos de BRS en Dock Dig Pier Semarang, la división de barcos comerciales de PT PAL Indonesia. Hermandad del buque BRS KRI dr. Se espera que Wahidin Sudirohusodo-991 pronto esté listo para unirse a las filas de la flota de buques hospitalarios de la Armada de Indonesia.
La elección del nombre del segundo barco BRS fue propuesta directamente por el quinto presidente de la República de Indonesia, la Sra. Megawati Soekarnoputri. La elección del nombre se tomó de uno de los líderes, médicos y estadistas que eran muy populistas. Agradecer los servicios del dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat, que es tan extraordinario para la nación y el estado, su nombre está inmortalizado en este segundo barco BRS, que se espera que sea una flota orgullosa en el desempeño de sus funciones con la Armada de Indonesia.
El Sr. KASAL, el almirante TNI Yudo Margono también expresó su gran aprecio y agradecimiento a los comisionados y la junta directiva de PAL por la buena cooperación en la construcción de este barco, y a todas las partes que han contribuido a la adquisición de equipos de defensa hasta el Etapa de bautizo y botadura hoy.
sábado, 11 de junio de 2022
AELP: Tercer portaaviones pronto a botarse
El tercer portaaviones chino podría lanzarse pronto

Tercer portaaviones de China (foto: CSIS)
Un medio de comunicación afiliado al Partido Comunista de China dice que el tercer portaaviones naval chino podría lanzarse pronto.
El Global Times citó el martes a un experto militar chino diciendo que un astillero en Shanghái reanudó sus operaciones después de que la ciudad anunciara el fin de su bloqueo por coronavirus. El tercer portaaviones se encuentra actualmente en construcción en el astillero.
El periódico dice que se cree que el portaaviones es más grande que los dos portaaviones anteriores y probablemente estará equipado con catapultas electromagnéticas, un sistema de lanzamiento que permite que los aviones aceleren y despeguen del buque.
En abril, la Armada del Ejército Popular de Liberación de China publicó un video promocional del programa de portaaviones de China después de que se desplegara su primer portaaviones, el Liaoning.
El video fue publicado en el 73 aniversario de la fundación de la Marina. Insinuaba la preparación del tercer portaaviones.
China ha estado desarrollando sus capacidades navales como parte de su objetivo de crear un ejército de clase mundial para mediados de siglo.
Se espera que el presidente Xi Jinping busque un tercer mandato sin precedentes como líder en el congreso del partido programado para finales de este año. Aparentemente, China está tratando de aumentar su prestigio nacional utilizando su último portaaviones.
domingo, 31 de octubre de 2021
Botan nueva patrullera australiana
New Patrol Boat for RAN Launched
The first Evolved Cape-class patrol boat in the water after being launched (photo: Austal)
The first of six Evolved Cape-class patrol boats was recently launched at the Austal Ships shipyard in Henderson, Western Australia.
Head Maritime Systems Rear Admiral Wendy Malcolm said the vessels would replace the Navy’s Armidale-class patrol boats and would be used as interim patrol platforms until the commissioning of the Arafura-class offshore patrol vessels.
“The Evolved Cape-class patrol boats will ensure the Royal Australian Navy is well-equipped to keep Australia’s borders safe,” Rear Admiral Malcolm said.
“With all six Evolved Cape-class patrol boats to be built in WA, we are continuing to strengthen Australia’s naval capability while supporting local jobs.”
Austal has commenced construction on the remaining five boats, the first of which is expected to be accepted by the Navy early next year.
The 58-metre long boats are being built with a number of enhancements, improving operational capability and crew capacity compared to the vessels already operated by the Navy and Australian Border Force.
Ministerio de defensa de Australia
martes, 4 de mayo de 2021
Taiwán bota buque anfibio misilístico
Taiwan launches new amphibious vessel with anti-ship missiles
By: Mike Yeo || Defense News
The Yu Shan is fitted with a pair of missile launchers that are believed to be capable of holding eight indigenous Hsiung Feng II anti-ship or 16 Hai Chien naval surface-to-air missiles. (Taiwan's Office of the President)
MELBOURNE, Australia — Taiwan has launched the first of a new class of multimission amphibious ships that can carry troops and equipment to its offshore and South China Sea islands. The vessels can also conduct surface warfare missions with anti-ship missiles.
The landing platform dock, named Yu Shan after Taiwan’s tallest mountain, was launched at the shipyard of the state-owned shipbuilder CSBC Corporation in the southern Taiwanese port city of Kaohsiung on Tuesday. The launch ceremony was attended by Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng, among other senior civilian and military officials.
Speaking at the ceremony, Tsai called the launch of the Yu Shan a “milestone” for the self-governing East Asian island’s plans to bolster its shipbuilding capabilities, adding that the ship “will strengthen the Navy’s ability to fulfil its mission and further solidify our defenses.”
Previously released specifications for the LPD indicate that the ship displaces 10,600 tons when fully loaded and measures 152 meters, or about 500 feet, with a hull draught of 20 feet. Top speed of the LPD is said to be 21 knots with a range of 7,000 miles.
Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense said the Yu Shan can accommodate up to 673 troops and its vehicle deck can carry AAV7 tracked amphibious vehicles, among other land platforms. The ship also has a twin hangar sized for Sikorsky Seahawk and Black Hawk helicopters as well as a single flight deck spot to conduct helicopter operations. A well dock is incorporated in the design to stow, launch and recover landing craft.
Unusually for an LPD, the Yu Shan is fitted with a pair of missile launchers believed to be capable of holding eight indigenous Hsiung Feng II anti-ship or 16 Hai Chien naval surface-to-air missiles, giving the ship a combat capability.
The ship is also equipped with a single 76mm multipurpose gun and a pair of Phalanx close-in weapon systems; the latter is for defense against missile threats.
The Yu Shan is scheduled to enter service with Taiwan’s Navy in 2022 following final construction and sea trials with the builder. Taiwan has a requirement for four LPDs to replace the Navy’s current amphibious fleet, which is made up of two Newport-class landing ship tanks and a single Anchorage-class landing ship dock, all of which are former U.S. Navy hulls.
sábado, 8 de agosto de 2020
Botan dos guardacostas tailandeses
Thai Navy Conducts a Launch Ceremony for Two Costal Patrol Boats

Tor 114 Costal Patrol Boats (photo : RTN)
The launching ceremony of 2 coastal patrol boats, consisting of Tor 114 and Tor 115 was held on July 31, 2020 at the shipyard of Marsun Public Company Limited, Thai Ban Subdistrict, Mueang District, Samut Prakan Province.
It is the latest progress of the project since the keel laying ceremony was held on 8 June 2018 at the Marsun Shipyard, with former Admiral Naris Pratumsuwan, while that is the president.
The coastal patrol boat Tor.111 class uses the Marsun M36 Mk II based model, modified from the M36 Patrol Boat design that is used as the base of the Costal Patrol Boats Tor. 111, or support vessels for ship operations Tor 111.
The 3 patrol boats that were previously in service, consisting of the Tor 111, Tor 112 and Tor 113, are one of the works of Marsun Thailand that received the construction contract ships for the Thai navy as well.

Tor 115 Costal Patrol Boats (photo : RTN)
Two new patrol boats of Tor 114 have been modified differently from the previous 3 series of patrol boats, using primary armament guns, size machine guns 30mm (likely the MSI-DS SEAHAWK) with a shot control system instead of the 20mm manual-controlled Denel Land Systems GI-2 machine gun.
Including the interior of the ship's room, supporting a special operation unit Naval Special Warfare Command (Royal Thai Navy SEAL), a total of 13 units, which is highly flexible in various operations.
Two new Costal Patrol Boats Tor 114 and Tor 115 are expected to have a delivery ceremony by August 2020 and will enter service in Coast Guard Squadron, Royal Thai Fleet, as well as the Tor. 111 set, previously.
The Marsun shipyard is currently being built two Costal Patrol Boats, the Tor. 997 and the Tor 998, which were laid down on the November 14, 2019.
miércoles, 19 de junio de 2019
Impresionante Marina Italiana: Bota un OPV muy poderoso
Fincantieri launched first PPA of the Italian Navy
Navy RecognitionRecently, Fincantieri hosted the launching ceremony of the Italian Navy's first PPA (Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Ship, or OPV), dubbed Paolo Thaon di Revel (P430), at its shipyard in Muggiano (La Spezia).

The first PPA of the Italian Navy, the Paolo Thaon di Revel, during its launching ceremony (Picture Source: Fincantieri)
The launching ceremony of the PPA (Pattugliatore Polivalente d’Altura) was conducted in the presence of the Italian Minister of Defence Elisabetta Trenta. Godmother of the ceremony was Mrs. Irene Imperiali, nephew of the Admiral Paolo Thaon di Revel (who gave his name to the vessel). The ceremony was attended among others by the Chief of Staff of the Italian Navy, Admiral Valter Girardelli, Fincantieri’s Chairman Giampiero Massolo and CEO Giuseppe Bono.
The PPA is part of the renewal plan of the operational lines of the Italian Navy vessels, approved by the Government and Parliament and started in May 2015 (“Naval Act”). The multipurpose offshore patrol vessel is a highly flexible ship with the capacity to serve multiple functions, ranging from patrol with sea rescue capacity to Civil Protection operations and, in its most highly equipped version, first line fighting vessel.
There will be indeed different configurations of combat system: starting from a “soft” version for the patrol task, integrated for self-defence ability, to a “full” one, equipped for a complete defence ability. The vessel is also capable of operating high-speed vessels such as RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) up to 11 meters long through lateral cranes or a hauling ramp located at the far stern.
In 2015, Fincantieri received an order for 7 PPA (Pattugliatore Polivalente d’Altura, Offshore Multipurpose Patrol Ship) as part of the Italian Navy fleet renewal plan. The PPA vessels are planned to replace Navy’s four Soldati class light patrol frigates and eight Minerva class corvettes between 2021/2035.
The PPAs will be built at the Integrated Shipyard of Riva Trigoso and Muggiano, with delivery expected, for the first vessel of the class, in 2021, while the following deliveries will take place in 2022, 2023, 2024 (two units), 2025 and 2026.
domingo, 2 de junio de 2019
Botado en Coreal del Sur buque más moderno de Filipinas
BRP Jose Rizal Launched in South Korea

BRP Jose Rizal is the first brand new Philippine Navy ship capable of anti-warfare, anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare and electronic warfare operations (photo : Frances Mangosing)
Philippines’ most modern warship launched in South Korea
ULSAN, South Korea — The first ever missile-capable warship to be built for the Philippine Navy was transferred to the water for the first time, seven months after her keel was laid.
The future BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150) was launched on Thursday during a ceremony at the Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) shipyard here.
The 107-meter-long vessel represents the first brand new Philippine Navy ship capable of anti-warfare, anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare and electronic warfare operations.
The Philippine government signed a deal with HHI to buy two ships of this type for P16 billion in 2016.

Defense Undersecretary Raymundo Elefante, Armed Forces chief Gen. Benjamin Madrigal Jr., Navy chief Vice Adm. Robert Empedrad, and Philippine Fleet commander Rear Adm. Giovanni Carlo Bacordo were among the Philippine delegation who witnessed the naval tradition.
The event coincided with the keel laying ceremony for the second frigate, the future BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151). The event marked the formal construction of the vessel.
The frigates were designed based on the Incheon/FFX-I/HDF-3000-type multi-purpose frigate of the Republic of Korea Navy. It will be armed with Oto Melara 76mm super rapid gun and SMASH 30mm remote-controlled established naval gun.
The ships will be fully equipped with surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missiles, torpedoes, launchers and weapon systems for four-dimensional warfare.
Each vessel is capable to carry more than a hundred officers and crew. It also features a flight deck towards the stern with the ability to handle one maritime helicopter weighing up to 12t. A hangar will also be fitted to accommodate the helicopter.

It will also be equipped with two rigid-hulled inflatable boats for military and emergency operations at sea.
The two ships will have a maximum speed of 25 knots, with a range 4,500 nautical miles at cruising speed of 15 knots. It can sustain operational presence for 30 days.
It is expected to be delivered to the Philippines by Sept. 6, 2020 and March 6, 2021.
Empedrad said the ships will beef up the Philippines’ sea defenses and will likely patrol the West Philippine Sea and Philippine Rise.
“Having frigates used to be just a dream,” said Elefante, who read the prepared speech of Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana who was not present at the event.
“The frigates we are acquiring will serve as a shining symbol of our people who come from a proud race of seafarers and boost our ability to defend our seas and territories,” he added.

The frigate acquisition project of the Philippine Navy attracted attention late 2017 after then Navy chief Vice Adm. Ronald Joseph Mercado was sacked for pushing for a certain brand of combat management systems for the frigates (CMS).
The Malacanang allegedly intervened in the selection of the CMS, prompting the Senate and House of Representatives to investigate into the matter. President Rodrigo Duterte later revealed that he acted on a complaint by HHI.
Speaking to reporters at the HHI headquarters in Seoul on Tuesday, chief executive officer and president Sam Ka denied endorsing the selection of the CMS, saying they did not have influence to do such.
“We are not so strong, not so much impression, so we can’t have many friends so we can’t approach your government. I think when you do any kind of business activities, we try to follow the official channels, which means that it should have been done according to your acquisitions or modernization programs,” he said.
“As far as I understand there were two vendors in the maker’s list for the CMS system. We also understand that there were some cases in the Korean Navy the system was supplied and it was proved to be very good system and good quality. So according to the contractor we have dual vendor, we just recommended Hanwha to the clients in the Philippine side,” he added.
sábado, 27 de abril de 2019
Real Armada Tailandesa bota su nuevo remolcador
Royal Thai Navy Holds Ceremony to Launch New Tugboat

Second tug boat for RTN (photos : RTN)
BANGKOK (NNT) – The Royal Thai Navy has launched the second YTM-858 H.T.M.S. Panyi medium-sized tugboat, in a ceremony according to naval tradition for good fortune.
This is the second Panyi-class medium sized tugboat, number 858 commissioned in a boat launching ceremony, presided over by Royal Thai Navy Commander in Chief Luechai Ruddit, with the Navy Wives Association President Ubonwan Ruddit as the christening lady taking part in the ceremony at ItalThai Marine’s shipyard in Samut Prakan.
The Royal Thai Navy previously hired ItalThai Marine to build two tugboats, with one of the two currently in service with the Amphibious and Combat Support Service Squadron. The second Panyi-class boat in the ceremony today was built under contract to replace older boats and increase the number of medium size tugboats in the fleet.

The Navy Deputy Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Yongyut Phrompromrach said the new boat will assist in the navigation of large warships into and out of piers; fighting fire in naval bases, and in other operations more effectively, such as the removal of oil slicks at piers and on shore, and pulling weapons’ exercise targets.
The hiring of a domestic company to construct the boat is considered a demonstration of Thai ship building capacity and proficiency required for technological transmission which will help drive the country’s ship building industry forward.
Thai News
jueves, 25 de abril de 2019
Mayor buque neocelandés botado en Surcorea
New Zealand Navy’s Biggest Vessel Ready for Launch in South Korea

HMNZS Aotearoa
The future HMNZS Aotearoa, the biggest ever vessel to be built for the Royal New Zealand Navy, is taking shape and is ready for launch in South Korea.
Aetorea is being constructed at Hyundai Heavy Shipbuilding’s Ulsan shipyard and is scheduled to be launched within the next two weeks, according to the New Zealand Navy.
The launch will take place some nine months after the tanker’s keel was laid in August 2018.
Aotearoa represents the first of a new fleet of RNZN ships built specifically to address the global requirements of the New Zealand Defence Force and government agencies for deployment from Antarctica to the Arabian Gulf.
HMNZS Aotearoa is designed to provide logistical support to New Zealand and coalition maritime, land and air units.
Her primary purpose is to conduct fuel resupply but she will also be capable of supplying dry goods, water, spare parts or ammunition. Her missions will include humanitarian and disaster relief, support to United Nations security operations, support to a coalition naval task group and Antarctic resupply.
Featuring a wave-piercing hull form, the 173.2-meter-long ship will have the ability to carry twelve 20-foot shipping containers, high-capacity freshwater generation plants, self-defense systems, aviation and marine fuel cargo tanks, dual all-electric replenishment-at-sea rigs and will be able to carry a Seaspite or NH90 helicopter.
Aotearoa will displace 26,000 tonnes and will be operated by a crew of 64.
The ship’s $493 million price tag includes the tanker’s enhanced “winterization” capabilities, such as ice-strengthening for operations in Antarctica, including resupplying McMurdo Station and Scott Base. Predecessor tanker HMNZS Endeavour was not Antarctic-capable.
Naval Today
lunes, 4 de marzo de 2019
Singapur bota la última nave de misión litoral
Singapore Navy Launches Final Littoral Mission Vessel, RSS Fearless

RSS Fearless LMV (photo : Sing Mindef)
Senior Minister of State for Defence Heng Chee How officiated at the launching ceremony of the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN)'s eighth and final Littoral Mission Vessel (LMV), Fearless, at ST Engineering's Benoi Shipyard today. The LMV was launched by Mrs Heng Soon Poh, wife of Mr Heng.
Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Heng highlighted the importance of a strong and capable RSN to safeguard Singapore's sovereignty. He said, “The navy is every maritime nation's first line of defence. A strong RSN is key to protecting our maritime sovereignty, and keeping our Sea Lines of Communication open. Singapore's maritime agencies work together 24/7 to monitor threats. The RSN augments this by conducting patrols around the clock – tirelessly – to keep our waters safe and secure. We do this to protect Singapore, Singaporeans, and our Singaporean way of life.”
On the launch of Fearless, Mr Heng encouraged the crew to "live up to the fearless spirit of our founding fathers and continue to live out its legacy. As you embark on your next journey to defend our sovereignty, our security, and our economic prosperity, I am confident that you will overcome all challenges fearlessly, never flagging in adversity."

Littoral Mission Vessel of the Republic of Singapore Navy (photo : Sing Mindef)
The launch of Fearless is a significant milestone in the RSN's continued transformation to enable it to continue safeguarding the sovereignty and security of Singapore's waters. The LMV programme is progressing well. Since 2017, five LMVs – RSS Independence, RSS Sovereignty, RSS Unity, RSS Justice and RSS Indomitable – have been commissioned. They have rapidly assumed and effectively executed operational duties, including the DPRK-US Singapore Summit and daily maritime security patrols, and have participated in exercises such as the ASEAN Multilateral Naval Exercise and Singapore-India Maritime Bilateral Exercise. LMVs Fortitude and Dauntless, launched in 2018, are undergoing sea trials and will be commissioned later this year. All eight LMVs will be fully operational by 2020.
Also present at the ceremony was Chief of Navy Rear-Admiral Lew Chuen Hong, as well as senior officers from the RSN and the Defence Science and Technology Agency.
Ministerio de defensa de Singapur