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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta m113. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 18 de febrero de 2024

Australia: IA para UGV

BAE y TAS desarrollan un sistema de inteligencia artificial para UGV

TAGVIEW se instaló en varios OCCV M113 (fotos: BAE)

Sentando las bases para una capacidad autónoma confiable de próxima generación

BAE Systems Australia y Trusted Andalusian Systems (TAS) han dado un paso más para ofrecer una capacidad autónoma de próxima generación para el ejército australiano.

Las empresas completaron recientemente un programa de investigación y demostración de cuatro años durante el cual desarrollaron un sistema avanzado de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) que podría usarse en vehículos terrestres no tripulados (UGV).

El sistema TAGVIEW (Vehículos Terrestres Autónomos de Confianza en Guerra Electrónica) permitiría que múltiples UGV operen simultáneamente para llevar a cabo los objetivos de la misión mientras identifican y evaden amenazas potenciales.

De diseño modular e integrado con el sistema de gestión de vehículos autónomos de BAE Systems, TAGVIEW será compatible con una gama de diferentes UGV. Puede incorporar una variedad de tecnologías, incluidas cámaras ópticas, LiDaR (detección y alcance de luz) y sistemas internos de navegación y planificación de rutas, lo que facilita el control por parte del usuario.

Durante la fase de demostración, TAGVIEW se instaló en varios vehículos de combate con tripulación opcional (OCCV) M113 y se puso a prueba en una serie de misiones planificadas de búsqueda de barrido, logística y reubicación.

 BAE Systems - Australia

domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2023

Australia mueve blindados para maniobras con Indonesia

Blindados australianos en Indonesia para el ejercicio Super Garuda Shield 2023

Un tanque de batalla principal Abrams M1A1 del ejército australiano, un vehículo logístico blindado M113 AS4 y un vehículo pesado 40M   se descargan del buque del ejército de los Estados Unidos SSGT Robert T. Kuroda en el puerto de Tanjung Perak en Indonesia durante el ejercicio Super Garuda Shield 2023 (todas las fotos: Aus DoD )

Ha sido un largo viaje para la contribución del Regimiento Blindado de tanques de batalla principales M1A1 Abrams y vehículos de apoyo al Ejercicio Super Garuda Shield en Indonesia.

Comenzando en su casa en la Base RAAF de Edimburgo, en el sur de Australia, más de una docena de vehículos fueron transportados a través del continente por carretera en camiones pesados ​​hasta el puerto de Darwin, en el Territorio del Norte.

Los vehículos fueron cargados en el buque del ejército estadounidense (USAV) ​​​​SSGT Robert T. Kuroda y enviados al puerto de Tanjung Perak en Surabaya, Indonesia, para su transporte por carretera al área de entrenamiento en Java Oriental.

Más de 125 miembros del ejército australiano, procedentes principalmente del 1.º Regimiento Blindado de la 9.ª Brigada, del 10.º/27.º Regimiento Real de Australia del Sur y del 3.º Batallón de Salud, así como otros elementos de apoyo, se han desplegado en el ejercicio anual.

El comandante del contingente de las ADF y oficial al mando del Regimiento Blindado, el teniente coronel Michael Henderson, dijo que la actividad fue significativa para su regimiento y la ADF en general.

"Nuestra participación en Super Garuda Shield 2023 brinda una oportunidad importante para que Australia trabaje con nuestros socios indonesios y estadounidenses para apoyar una región del Indo-Pacífico abierta, inclusiva y estable", dijo el teniente coronel Henderson. 

“También demostrará nuestra capacidad para enfrentar los desafíos terrestres más exigentes en el futuro y desplegar de manera efectiva importantes fuerzas terrestres, incluidas armas blindadas, en toda la región del Indo-Pacífico.

"Es importante destacar que también brinda la oportunidad de realizar operaciones interoperables conjuntas y capacitarse con socios y aliados en la región".

El movimiento de los tanques y vehículos de Darwin a Surabaya fue un ejercicio en colaboración, según el capitán del USAV SSGT Robert T. Kuroda, el Suboficial 3 Kyle Nicholas.

"Estas actividades fortalecen el vínculo y la relación con nuestros países, además de brindar experiencia sobre cómo es y qué tipo de interoperabilidad existe entre las fuerzas estadounidenses y australianas", dijo el suboficial Nicholas.

"Nos lo hemos pasado muy bien trabajando con el personal de ADF, que es muy profesional".

Las tropas australianas se han unido a más de 4.000 efectivos de 24 países participantes y observadores en operaciones conjuntas en el ejercicio dirigido por las Fuerzas Armadas de Indonesia y el Comando Indo-Pacífico de Estados Unidos.

( AusDoD )


viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2021

Australia recibe M113 modernizados

BAE Systems Australia entregó 20 vehículos de combate con tripulación opcional M113 AS4
M113AS4 del ejército australiano (fotos: BAE Systems Australia)

Utilizando tecnologías autónomas líderes en el mundo desarrolladas localmente, BAE Systems Australia ha entregado 20 vehículos de combate con tripulación opcional (OCCV) M113 AS4 al ejército australiano.

Cada M113 AS4 está equipado con un sistema de gestión de vehículos, derivado de las tecnologías de autonomía independientes del dominio de BAE Systems, que le permite funcionar de forma autónoma.

Los vehículos de demostración ahora brindan información crucial sobre las capacidades de las tecnologías autónomas integradas en los futuros campos de batalla.

Recientemente se probaron cuatro vehículos como parte del Ejercicio Koolendong, un ejercicio de combate de alto nivel con fuego real en el Territorio del Norte. Army probó con éxito las limitaciones de los vehículos y la capacidad autónoma en condiciones difíciles dentro del entorno de combate.

BAE Systems Australia

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2019

BAE Systemas ensaya vehículos autónomos para Australia

BAE Systems and ADF Showcase Autonomous Vehicles for Australian Army

Two M113 fully autonomous armoured vehicles (photo : Army Recognition)

Two fully autonomous armoured vehicles were the centrepiece of a landmark demonstration for the Australian Army this week, providing crucial insights into the capabilities of integrated autonomous technologies on future battlefields.
The ‘battlefield simulation’ demonstration was held at the Majura Training Site where the Chief of Army observed the two M113 vehicles in operation.

In a six month project, engineers and technicians installed hardware and software in the vehicles enabling them to operate autonomously. The innovative autonomous technologies being explored could remove soldiers from future battlefields and enable a range of other applications including intelligence gathering and logistics support. The on-board systems have been designed to comply with the rules of engagement, which always require human in the decision-making loop.

BAE Systems Australia CEO Gabby Costigan said:

“This project highlights our commitment to leading the development of new technologies and collaborating across industry and academia to advance autonomous capabilities.

“BAE Systems Australia’s autonomous systems capability leverages more than three decades of collaboration between BAE Systems Australia and the Commonwealth Government through Programs such as Nulka and Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM).

“Autonomous technologies will support soldier responsiveness in an accelerating warfare environment - increasing their ability to outpace, out-manoeuvre and out-think conventional and unconventional threats.”

The BAE Systems autonomous technologies used for this project have already supported Australian and UK Autonomy programs such as Taranis, Mantis, Kingfisher UAS demonstrators as well as the multi-all terrain vehicle (MATV) and Digger unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) demonstrators.

With the technologies now integrated into the M113 prototype, the vehicles will now be used by the Army to experiment with to better understand the opportunities to employ autonomy on the battlefield as part of its recently released Robotics and Autonomous Systems Strategy.

The vehicles will also be used as test vehicles for technology developed by the Commonwealth’s recently announced Trusted Autonomous Systems Defence Cooperative Research Centre (TAS-DCRC).

The TAS-DCRC was announced by the Australian Government in 2017 under the Next Generation Technologies Fund to deliver game-changing autonomous systems that ensure trusted, reliable and effective cooperation between people and machines during military operations.

BAE Systems is a founding member of the CRC and the industry lead for Land Autonomy, working closely with Army and with Defence Science and Technology Group to ensure soldiers have what they need to be future ready.

BAE Systems

miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2019

US Army otorga a BAE contrato para modernizar M113s

US Army contract for BAE Systems for AMPV low-rate initial production

Army Recognition

The U.S. Army has awarded BAE Systems two contract modifications worth up to $575 million for the low-rate initial production of the Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV). These awards mark the beginning of low-rate production for the highly mobile, survivable, multipurpose vehicle designed to meet the mission of the U.S. Army’s Armored Brigade Combat Teams (ABCT).

AMPV Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (Picture source BAE Systems)

“Moving into this phase of the AMPV program is exciting because it brings soldiers one step closer to deploying this critical capability for completing their missions and coming home safely,” said Bill Sheehy, AMPV program director for BAE Systems’ combat vehicles business. “We have been preparing for this moment and are ready to take this program to the next stage.”

Previously awarded funding to support production planning, combined with the $128 million January award allowed BAE Systems to start production. A second award in February for $447 million brings the total LRIP funding so far to $873 million.

The AMPV program provides the Army with a more survivable and mobile fleet of vehicles that addresses a critical need to replace the Vietnam War-era M113s. Production will include five variants of the AMPV: command and control, general purpose, medical evacuation, medical treatment, and mortar carrier.

The AMPV is a mature, cost-effective solution that leverages the most modern and proven combat vehicle designs. It meets the Army’s force protection and all-terrain mobility requirements, enabling the AMPV to maneuver with the rest of the ABCT. Commonality within the ABCT also reduces developmental risk and streamlines maintenance, providing significant cost savings to the Army.

These contracts come following the Engineering, Manufacturing and Development phase and a Milestone C decision. Under the earlier EMD award, the company produced and delivered prototype vehicles to the Army for test and evaluation purposes. The initial award in 2014 also provided options to begin the LRIP phase prior to the completion of the EMD phase, at which time the company would produce up to approximately 460 additional vehicles for a cumulative contract value of up to $1.2 billion.

BAE Systems is a premier supplier of combat vehicles to the U.S. military and allied nations. We have an extensive manufacturing network across the United States and continue to invest in it. Work on the program will take place at BAE Systems’ facilities in Aiken, South Carolina; Minneapolis, Minnesota; San Jose, California; Sterling Heights, Michigan; and York, Pennsylvania.

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2018

Israel moderniza Vulcans tailandeses

IMI Systems will Upgrade the Royal Thai Army M-163 VADS

M-163 Vulcan Air Defense System (VADS) of the Royal Thai Army after upgrade 

Ramat Hasharon, Israel – IMI Systems will upgrade the venerable M-163 Vulcan Air Defense System (VADS) of the Royal Thai Army.

According to the Thai Military and Asian Region magazine, the upgrade will consist of laser rangefinder to replace AN/VPS-2, video feed, thermal imaging sight (uncooled) and some new functions including remote-controlled operation, all-weather operation capabilities as well as automatic target tracking.

Using linkless feed system the, M168 20mm autocannon rotary gun can fires at 3,000 rounds per minute in short bursts of 10, 30, 60, or 100 rounds or in a continuous fire mode at a rate of 1,000 rounds per minute.

IMI Systems

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

Ejército de Indonesia busca M113 anfibios italianos

Army Explores Bid Arisgator Transport Vehicles

Arisgator amphibious vehicle capable M113 variants 

Army Will Buy Vehicle Transport Arisgator, What a great thing?

Army is in the process of acquiring M113 troop transport vehicles, totaling together amount will be close to 200 units, or the equivalent mechanical strength to the three battalions. The next question is, what will be done with the M113?

M113 itself is iconic. Is widely used since the Vietnam War, is famous for troop transport vehicle stubborn, easy to maintain, and suitable for use in a muddy field or on the highway. Buoyancy is also very good, because of its box and simple.

Speaking of buoyancy, the only shortcoming M113 only propulsion system that is too simple. Although it can float on the water surface, the speed is relatively low because only rely on the movement of the chain only. Suppose M113 can move quickly in the water, of the transport vehicle's ground forces could be living in two worlds as an amphibious troop transport vehicles.

Well, this is the thinking underlying the modifications offered by an Italian company called ARIS (Applicazioni Rielaborazioni Impianti Speciali) SpA in Arisgator concept. The basic idea is the modifications and improvements to the M113 on buoyancy and propulsion sector so that such maternity M113 can be amphibious landing vehicle.

To achieve this goal, there are a number of modification kits prepared, that muzzle addition to the M113-shaped bow of the ship (or even muzzle crocodile) containing cork and rubber special lightweight and can increase buoyancy, plus panel pembelah waves that can spread when wade water , Similar additional panel affixed to the rear of the vehicle which is also home to the waterjet system. Box adder similar buoyancy can be spotted in the left-right Arisgator.

At the top, exhaust or exhaust lengthened by using a snorkel on the right side of the roof. Grille for the engine air inlet also given cover higher than vehicles that do not take in water when wading the river and the sea surface.

For propulsion system in the water, two hydrostatic propeller mounted at the rear of the bottom with a large size, capable of propelling the vehicle at a speed of 5 knots on the water surface. The propeller system can be moved independently to make Arisgator turn when maneuvering on the water surface.

The prime amphibious capability makes Arisgator can be used to conduct an amphibious landing operations, released from the ship LPD to swimming, reaches the surface, and fight. Modifications Arisgator itself does not affect maneuverability on the ground when compared with the M113. For matters of armament is the same, Arisgator only provide dome systems and stand with the waves splashing retaining walls, plus a holder for M2HB machine gun or a 40mm grenade launcher MK19 Mod 0.

Overall, the M113 is behind and change into Arisgator arguably similar to amphibious landing vehicle LVTP-7, but more mini size. His figure is clearly growing longer than the M113 which is shaped like a box of soap, and the ability amfibinya so suitable for amphibious landing operations or operations in the flow of the river and its estuary so Weka increasingly like.

In Italy, Arisgator given the official name of VAL and used by the San Marco Regiment Battalion Landing AL Italy. In Indonesia, the concept Arisgator has several times offered to the Army, as from the beginning of 2000. Along with the acquisition of M113 by the army, reportedly currently being explored again about the compatibility with the needs of the military to support the mechanical operations.


viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015

77 M113A2 para Filipinas

AFP Received 77 units of M113A2 APC under the US EDA Program

M-113 APC of the AFP 

US Government Transfers 114 M113A2 Armored Personnel Carriers to Armed Forces of the Philippines Under the USG Excess Defense Article Program

Manila - 77 units of M113A2 Armed Personnel Carriers (APC) arrived at Subic Bay yesterday evening. This was the first shipment of 114 such vehicles to arrive.

The second shipment of 37 units is scheduled to arrive on 14 Dec, and the remainder will be delivered later this month. The APCs will be transferred from the U.S. government to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) via the Excess Defense Article (EDA) Program.

The EDA Program grants excess U.S. military equipment from the U.S., without cost, to qualified allied countries. The transfer is a result of a formal request made by the AFP to assist in their defense modernization efforts.

The M113 was developed to provide a survivable and reliable light tracked vehicle that allows for troops to be brought forward under armor for dismounted operations. A number of the vehicles are scheduled to participate in the annual AFP Day Parade, Dec. 21.

AFP is scheduled to receive the remaining vehicles later this month.

Embajada americana en Filipinas

jueves, 2 de julio de 2015

M113 mejorados para el Ejército de Filipinas

6 Upgraded AFVs to Arrive by June 18

M-113 of the Philippine Army

Manila (PNA) - "The first six units of the upgraded AFVs are arriving by June 18," Lt. Col. Noel Detoyato, PA spokesperson, told the Philippines News Agency.

This lot will be followed by 18 other units and four more by July or August, he said.

Fourteen of the M-113s will be configured as fire support vehicles, four as infantry fighting vehicles, six as armored personnel carriers, and another four as armored recovery units.

The M-113s will be supplied by Israeli defense manufacturer Elbit Systems Ltd.

The contract, which is worth PhP882 million, was signed on June 22, 2014.

Upgrades include installation of 25mm unmanned turrets, 12.7mm remote controlled weapon stations (RCWS) and fire control systems (FCS) for 90mm turrets.

The PA operates around 343 AFVs (armored fighting vehicles) and APCs (armored personnel carriers).

Around 85 percent of these AFVs are on green status (fully mission capable), another 10 percent on yellow status (undergoing repair) and five percent on red (beyond repair)

About 150 of these are the United Kingdom-built GKN "Simba," with the remaining AFVs consisting of United States-designed V-150 and V-200 APCs, M-113s, Turkish made ACV-300s and British Scorpion CVRTs.

These vehicles give the PA its armor capability and are organized into a 14-vehicle mechanized infantry companion for deployment with regular units.


sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015

Italia: Cerca de 3.000 blindados esperan nuevos dueños

Entre ellos hay más de veinte Centauros *(Ver Actualización al final de la nota)

Una gran cantidad de blindados, entre tanques, vehículos de exploración, artillería autopropulsada y transportes de tropas, permanecen almacenados en una instalación militar al oeste de Lenta, Vercelli, en el Piamonte, a la espera de ser vendidos a países amigos o de ser convertidos en chatarra, reveló el jueves el diario L'Espresso.

De acuerdo con el medio italiano, en el lugar se encuentran 2.700 unidades, que incluyen MBTs Leopard, obuses autopropulsados M109, vehículos antitanques Centauro, y transportes de personal M113 y VCC-1 Camillino. De todos ellos, 2.300 aún mantienen sus capacidades operativas y se encuentran a la venta a precios interesantes.

Por ejemplo, el valor promedio de un M109 rondaría los 40.000 euros, un Leopard de la primera generación estaría por los 30.000 euros, mientras que una versión actualizada del mismo podría llegar a los 150.000 euros. Por su parte, la mayoría de los 1.903 vehículos M113 tiene un precio de 15.000 euros.

Hasta el momento, se sabe que Paquistán y Jordania son algunos de los países interesados en adquirir parte de este armamento. Por ejemplo, el primero está negociando la compra de al menos cien unidades autopropulsadas de 155 mm para reforzar su artillería.

* Actualización: En base a fotografías obtenidas de Google Maps, Hasta el año pasado el número de Centauros almacenados en esa unidad militar italiana rondaba las 70 unidades.

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

EE.UU. ofrece a Argentina un centenar de blindados de la familia M113

Todo el paquete, por 2.5 millones de dólares

El Departamento de Defensa de los Estados Unidos ofreció al gobierno argentino un centenar de vehículos de cien vehículos blindados a orugas de la clase M113, por un valor total de 2.495.368 dólares, de acuerdo con lo informado hoy por Asean Militar Defense Review.

Según la pulicación, 2.277.049,20 dólares corresponden a 93 modelos M113A2, 24.412 dólares a un M548A1 y 193.906,80 dólares a seis vehículos de mando M577A2.

La oferta había sido emitida por la Agencia de Cooperación de Seguridad y Defensa (DSCA), con la autorización del Departamento de Estado.

Como se puede ver en esta captura de pantalla de la base de datos de la DSCA, los vehículos ofrecidos pertenecen a lotes incluidos en el programa EDA (Excess Defense Articles), que se encarga de transferir a terceros países material bélico declarado excedente por las Fuerzas Armadas estadounidenses, ya sea mediante su venta a precio reducido (de acuerdo con la condición del artículo), o bajo la forma de cesión.

Es necesario tener en cuenta que el precio de la oferta no incluye los costos de carga, embalaje y transporte de los vehículos, que deben ser cubiertos por el país que los adquiere.

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Video: Más blindados de Gadafi destruidos por Odyssey Dawn

Almanara Media publica en su página en Facebook las imágenes de un recorrido por la autopista que une Bengasi con la localidad de Geminis (o Qaminis, ubicada a 50 km al sur). Se pueden apreciar varios vehículos de las fuerzas de Gadafi, destruidos principalmente por acción de la aviación francesa.

Clickear sobre la imagen para ver el video: