jueves, 3 de marzo de 2022
domingo, 2 de enero de 2022
Irán va de shopping a Rusia: Su-35, S-400 y material espacial
Irán planea adquirir docenas de Su-35, S-400 y un satélite de Rusia
La agencia de noticias iraní Mehr dijo que Rusia e Irán firmarán un acuerdo de cooperación de seguridad y defensa de 20 años en enero de 2022. Como parte de ese acuerdo, Irán pagará $ 10 mil millones por la adquisición de docenas de Su-35, S-400 antiaéreos. sistemas de misiles y un satélite espacial.
La agencia Mehr cita información de otros dos portales: el sitio estadounidense 19fortyfive.com y el portal argentino de defensa y seguridad Aviacionline.
Los periodistas iraníes dicen que Teherán está listo para adquirir 24 aviones de combate Su-35 de Moscú. Estos cazas ya han sido producidos y son parte de un pedido inconcluso entre Rusia y Egipto, dijo el portal Mehr. Rusia y Egipto firmaron un acuerdo en 2018 para comprar y vender alrededor de 24 aviones de combate Su-35. En ese momento, el acuerdo estaba valorado en casi $ 3 mil millones. Según Mehr, Rusia produce actualmente 16 aviones de combate en virtud del acuerdo.
principal razón por la que Egipto duda en adquirir aviones de combate
rusos es la posibilidad de sanciones económicas de Estados Unidos contra
el país africano. Esta opinión la expresa el sitio web argentino Aviacionline. Egipto
y Estados Unidos tienen vínculos comerciales en la industria de
defensa, siendo Egipto el mayor usuario extranjero de tanques Abrams e
incluso tiene una fábrica para la producción de M1A1 Abrams cerca de El
Cairo. Recientemente, incluso El Cairo ha expresado su deseo de actualizar sus tanques Abrams a una versión superior: A1M2.
Otro hecho importante sobre las relaciones entre Egipto y Estados Unidos en el campo de la producción de defensa: El Cairo tiene 200 aviones de combate F-16 y docenas de helicópteros Apache AH-64.
Por esta razón, el sitio web aviacionline.com cree que Egipto no se quedará con los cazas rusos Su-35. Recientemente, ha quedado claro que Indonesia también se niega a comprar 11 unidades de aviones de combate rusos, también por temor a las sanciones económicas de Washington. Actualmente, solo el Rafale francés y el F-15EX estadounidense participan en la licitación indonesia de nuevos aviones de combate.
Habiendo visto todo esto, Irán debe ser el mejor destino para que Rusia “se deshaga” de los aviones de combate ya producidos. La ONU levantó el embargo de armas a Irán a pesar de las repetidas protestas de Washington.
Es el embargo de armas a lo largo de los años lo que ha dejado a Irán atrás en el desarrollo de tecnología de armas. Y aunque Teherán ha invertido y producido algunos de sus productos en los últimos años, como drones y varios misiles tierra-aire, Irán necesita conocimientos técnicos extranjeros. La posible compra del sistema de defensa aérea ruso S-400 no sorprendería al mundo.
Lo mismo ocurre con un satélite de comunicaciones. Hace apenas unos meses, Irán lanzó su primer satélite al espacio, pero es más una "cámara grande" como algunos medios occidentales. En esta área, Teherán desea recibir ayuda de Moscú en su futura expansión espacial.
viernes, 6 de agosto de 2021
Rusia: Detalles del accidente del Su-35 en Sajalin
La fuente contó los curiosos detalles de la caída del Su-35 en Sakhalin
El 31 de julio, a 50 km del asentamiento de tipo urbano de Smirnykh, región de Sakhalin, se estrelló un caza Su-35S. Según el servicio de prensa del Distrito Militar Oriental, la catástrofe se produjo debido a una falla en el motor de un avión. No hubo víctimas, el piloto fue expulsado con éxito y fue trasladado al aeropuerto.
En las redes sociales ha circulado un video de la búsqueda de los restos de una máquina voladora estrellada. Además, una de las fuentes no oficiales informó interesantes y a la vez curiosos detalles de la caída del luchador.
Según la fuente del conocido blog BMPD, en el momento de la expulsión del piloto, el avión estaba absolutamente en servicio. En la cabina, el interruptor para disparar trampas de calor se configuró incorrectamente, en la posición automática en lugar de la manual. Cuando el Su-35 despegó de la pista, se eliminó el bloqueo del disparo de los cartuchos; debido a la poderosa radiación de las estaciones de radar del aeródromo, se lanzaron trampas.
Después de disparar el primer cartucho, rebotó en la pista, creando una ilusión de fuego para el director de vuelo: las precipitaciones y la bruma matutina obstruían la visibilidad. Recibió una orden de rescate. El piloto abandonó el coche, mientras los motores seguían funcionando en modo despegue (postcombustión). El piloto aterrizó en la pista, el caza escaló 13 mil metros y luego de quedarse sin combustible después de 1 hora 13 minutos se estrelló contra el suelo en la isla Sakhalin.
lunes, 2 de agosto de 2021
Primeras fotos de los Su-35 egipcios
Aparecieron en la web fotos de los cazas multiusos rusos Su-35 para la Fuerza Aérea Egipcia
Revista Militar
Una foto de los cazas multipropósito Su-35 en el sitio de la Planta de Aviación de Komsomolsk-on-Amur apareció en la Web. El lote de aviones rusos supuestamente está destinado a la Fuerza Aérea Egipcia.
La imagen fue publicada en la red social VKontakte en el blog "War Syria Donbass Ukraine". No hay una descripción para la foto, hay un pie de foto con el siguiente contenido: "Una foto del Su-35S de la Fuerza Aérea Egipcia se ha filtrado a la red. El primer lote de aves ya está listo, y está esperando su Nuevo dueño." De dónde proviene esta información, no hay explicación. La imagen en sí muestra al menos tres cazas con cubiertas que cubren la nariz junto con la cabina y las tomas de aire. No hay marcas de identificación en la aeronave.
Cabe señalar que estas no son las primeras imágenes de los cazas Su-35 destinados a la Fuerza Aérea Egipcia. En julio del año pasado, el blog bmpd informó que en el aeropuerto de Tolmachevo (Novosibirsk), los observadores filmaron los primeros cinco cazas Su-35 de la Fuerza Aérea Egipcia durante una escala. Se argumentó que los aviones fueron transportados a la parte europea de Rusia para su posterior transferencia al cliente.
Hacemos hincapié en que El Cairo no ha confirmado oficialmente la conclusión de un contrato para los Su-35 rusos, aunque han circulado rumores al respecto desde 2019. Además, el Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos "presionó" a Egipto dos veces en virtud de este acuerdo, exigiéndole que abandonara la compra de aviones. Recientemente en la prensa polaca se publicó una nota sobre una batalla aérea entre un Su-35 ruso y un Rafale francés, ambos aviones de la Fuerza Aérea Egipcia. Se argumentó que el caza ruso perdió ante los franceses. Egipto no hizo ningún comentario sobre este mensaje.
Hasta la fecha, se sabe, nuevamente de fuentes no oficiales, que en 2018 Rusia y Egipto supuestamente firmaron un contrato para el suministro de 24 cazas Su-35 a la Fuerza Aérea Egipcia (según otras fuentes, 26 aviones). Los primeros combatientes iban a ser entregados a El Cairo a fines de 2020, y el contrato completo se completaría en 2023.
Si Egipto compró Su-35 rusos, entonces se convirtió en el segundo país después de China en recibir estos aviones. Se puede ignorar a Indonesia, ya que el contrato de 11 cazas Su-35 finalmente se ha "congelado" y es poco probable que se implemente.
martes, 17 de noviembre de 2020
Indonesia vuelve por el Su-35 dado que USA le niega el F-35
Indonesia Wants to Buy the Su-35 Again Because the US Refuses to Sell the F-35

Su-35 fighter (photo : Zap16)
Indonesia intends to return to buying Russian Su-35 fighter jets due to Washington's view of selling the F-35 stealth fighter to Jakarta.
Indonesia intends to return to buying Russian Su-35 fighter jets after the US officially refuses to supply the country with the fifth generation of stealth fighter F-35 Lightning II.
“The United States leaves Indonesia without fifth generation F-35 fighter jets, according to Indonesian Ambassador to the US - Mr. Muhammad Lutfi, Washington has no intention of selling the F-35 stealth fighter until Jakarta buys enough number of F-16 ", CNN Indonesia reported.
According to the ambassador, Washington specifically said that Jakarta could not own the fifth generation Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter until it purchased the fourth generation US fighter.
"So there are platforms we have to work on to get the F-35. We have to buy fourth generation F-16 fighters first," said Mr Lutfi.
The Ambassador explained that in the near future, the United States will come to Indonesia with the proposal to purchase a batch of F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters, the Russian news publication Military Review said.
The local media and analysts quickly grasped the topic and claimed that the purchase of the US F-16 for the price of the Russian Su-35 - the fighter is even outperforming the F-35 is absurd.
“It was the Americans who asked for that. Why do we need the US F-16 if we can easily buy the Russian Su-35, which is even more dangerous than the F-35 ".
"We did everything we could, but the Americans refused to sell their planes - now it's Washington's problem," an Indonesian analyst told the local newspaper.
It should be noted that negotiations between Indonesia and Russia were conducted earlier, but then frozen due to the appearance of an opportunity for Jakarta to buy the F-35, along with concerns from the US imposition of embargo with CAATSA law, but now Indonesia can declare its intention to return to Russia's Su-35 fighter.
domingo, 7 de junio de 2020
Rusia adaptaría al Su-35 a las necesidades de Indonesia
Russia is Ready to Adapt the Su-35 for the Needs of the Indonesian Air Force

Su-35 fighter (photo : chrisual777)
Russia can adapt Su-35 multipurpose fighters to the request of the Indonesian Air Force, the press service of Rosoboronexport (part of Rostec) reports.
“Russia can supply Indonesia with the latest Su-35 multipurpose fighters, adapting them as much as possible to the needs of the customer. We are sure that this is the best choice for increasing the combat effectiveness of the Indonesian Air Force, ”the report said.
The company added that US attempts to force other countries, including Indonesia, to abandon the acquisition of the Su-35 are unacceptable and are "a manifestation of unfair competition."
In March, the head of the FSVTS Dmitry Shugaev said that Russia concluded contracts for the supply of military products worth $ 17 billion last year.
Su-35 is a Russian multi-purpose, highly maneuverable 4 ++ generation fighter. By its characteristics, the machine is closely approximated to fifth-generation aircraft.
It is a deep modernization of the Su-27. The modernization affected both on-board equipment and the airframe, which was strengthened.
In addition, the machine received a significantly more powerful radar station, an expanded arsenal of guided weapons, including long-range missiles aimed at the target by radar.
Su-35 is capable of performing a long flight at transonic speeds without turning on afterburner due to the replacement of AL-31F engines with “product 117C”.
martes, 14 de abril de 2020
Su-35S disparará el cojonudo R-37M
Su-35S to fire R-37M missile
Air RecognitionSu-35S multirole fighter jets will be able to fire R-37M air-to-air guided missiles. They will destroy targets in a radius of 200 km and provide an edge over the latest foreign analogues. R-37M will be able to down AEW aircraft and intercept cruise missile carriers before the launch, the Izvestia daily writes.

Newest Su-35S during its first flight (Picture source: Russian MoD)
Su-35 with R-37M missiles (also known as RVV-BD) began test flights. Test launches are expected in late 2020. At present, electromagnetic compatibility and integration into onboard arms are tested.
Su-35 is to become the third type of aircraft to carry the missile. Its powerful radar and communications with automatic air defense system allow engaging missiles with such a big range.
The new weapon will increase the characteristics and combat capabilities of Su-35, former Commander of the 4th air force and defense army, Hero of Russia Lieutenant-General Valery Gorbenko said.
“It will engage in a broad range of missions, defensive and offensive combat. It will be able to down AEW aircraft, bombers and tactical aviation. It is difficult for the adversary to escape such missiles, as it has little time to maneuver from the threat,” he said.

R-37M (also known as RVV-BD) missile showcased at MAKS 2013 (Picture source: Air Recognition)
One Su-35 can carry two-four RVV-BD which will bring its combat capabilities close to Su-57. The 200-km range makes the missile superior to US AIM-120 air-to-air missiles which are the main air combat weapon for NATO aircraft. The range is twice as big as R-77 has. It is the longest-range missile for Su-35 at present.
Su-35 will remain the latest Russian fighter jet until fifth-generation Su-57 is accepted into service. The Aerospace Forces have to receive 98 aircraft by the contracts signed in 2009 and 2015. The final batch of ten jets is to be supplied this year. The procurement of an additional batch has been announced.
R-37M was designed for upgraded MiG-31BM to replace outdated R-33. It was later adapted for Su-57. The long-range R-37M operates by the fire-and-forget principle. It has a sensitive homing warhead which detects targets without additional guidance by the radar of the fighter jet as it happens with older models with semi-active guidance.
RVV-BD can sustain a double overload against R-33 predecessor which was designed to destroy the same targets. It can catch up with big aircraft and maneuverable fighter jets.
Due to a high speed the missile covers the maximum distance to the target in two-three minutes. The inertial navigation system with precision laser gyroscopes guides it most of the flight. If the target changes the course, the missile trajectory can be adjusted via a radio channel by the fighter jet.
The radar homing warhead activates in the target area. Its characteristics are not disclosed, but the designer earlier said its new products can lock on a target at a distance of 40-70 km. The distance is shorter for stealth aircraft or cruise missiles, but longer for big bombers. It can be only then detected by radar emission, however it is problematic to react and escape a high-speed missile from a short distance.
Other fourth-generation fighter jets can be armed with R-37M in future. They can be adapted for Su-30SM, in particular, the Izvestia said.
sábado, 21 de marzo de 2020
Rusia refuta que Indonesia haya desestimado el Su-35
Russia Rebuts Claims that Indonesia has Dropped Su-35 Fighter Procurement Plans

Su-35 Flanker E fighter (photo : PowerFu)
The Indonesian Air Force's (Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara: TNI-AU's) planned procurement of Sukhoi Su-35 'Flanker-E' multirole combat aircraft from Russia is still "active", Dmitry Shugayev, the director of Russia's Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSVTS), said on 16 March, denying media reports that Jakarta, under US pressure, has dropped a deal to buy 11 of the Russian-made fighters.
"There is no official cancellation of the [Indonesian] order [for the Su-35s]," Shugayev told the Russia 24 news channel. "We haven't received any papers regarding the issue and haven't been told about it."
Shugayev said Indonesia is still interested in acquiring the Su-35s, adding, "We hope that the contract will be implemented." No further details were provided.
Bloomberg had quoted an unnamed official "familiar with the matter" on 12 March as saying that Jakarta had recently decided against moving ahead with the plan to procure the 11 fighter aircraft for about USD1.1 billion.
The official was also quoted as saying that, as recently as February, Washington had also pressured Indonesia into walking away from talks with China to procure several naval patrol vessels for about USD200 million, adding that the moves "illustrate how the US is having some success - at times by using financial and economic levers - in deterring countries from dealing with Russia and China, which the [Donald] Trump administration has identified as the biggest threats to US national security".
Jane's reported in November 2019 that Indonesia's procurement of the Su-35s had stalled due to several factors, including the Indonesian presidential election held in April of that year, funding and countertrade issues, and concerns in Jakarta about US legislation - notably the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) - under which Washington seeks to penalise defence customers of Russia.
viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2019
Rusia espera completar el contrato de Su-35 con Indonesia
Russia Expects to Fulfill a Contract with Indonesia on the Su-35

Su-35 fighter (photo : the Moscow Times)
The contract with Indonesia for the supply of Su-35 fighters is valid, Dmitry Shugaev, director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSVTS) of Russia, told reporters in Belgrade. According to him, Russia expects to begin its implementation in the foreseeable future.
“Su-35 is not a closed topic, we will talk about development,” said Mr. Shugaev (quoted by Interfax). The head of the FSMTC expressed hope for a decision on the implementation of this contract.
At the end of 2018, Indonesian Air Force spokesman Novyan Samega did not rule out that the supply of the Su-35 could be in jeopardy due to U.S. sanctions. Then it was reported that in case of refusal of Russian fighters, Indonesia will choose the American F-16 Viper. According to Mr. Samega, Jakarta "needs to use a combination of fighters of both eastern and western production."
Before that, Kommersant learned that the shipments planned for October of this year to Indonesia, the Su-35, are being delayed, since the authorities of this country are waiting for guarantees from the United States that they will not apply sanctions due to cooperation with Rosoboronexport.
domingo, 16 de junio de 2019
También a fin de año Indonesia espera sus Sukhoi Su-35
Indonesia Expects Su-35 Supplies to Start by Yearend

Sukhoi Su-35 fighter (photo : UAC)
SINGAPORE/TASS/. Indonesia expects the supplies of Russian Su-35 fighter jets to start by the end of 2019, the republic’s Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu told TASS on Sunday.
"I think that the issue will be solved this year," he said.
According to the minister, "certain challenges (in finalizing the contract) are due to the fact that three departments of the republic are involved in the process." "The Defense Ministry has signed all documents, whereas the Trade Ministry and Finance Ministry are still in the process of approval," which is connected with the fact that "there will be different forms of payment," he explained, adding that though discussions are still underway "fundamentally the issue has been solved."
Earlier the minister told TASS that Jakarta "would not cancel the contract on jet supplies despite the US sanctions against Russia." The signing of the contract with Indonesia to supply 11 Su-35 fighter jets was announced at the beginning of last year.
Indonesia became the second country after China to buy Su-35 aircraft from Russia. The Su-35S generation 4++ supersonic fighter jet performed its debut flight on February 19, 2008. The fighter jet is a derivative of the Su-27 plane. The Su-35S weighs 19 tonnes, has a service ceiling of 20,000 meters, can develop a maximum speed of 2,500 km/h and has a crew of one pilot. The fighter jet’s armament includes a 30mm aircraft gun, up to 8 tonnes of the weapon payload (missiles and bombs of various types) on 12 underwing hardpoints.
jueves, 25 de abril de 2019
Sanciones americanas no afectan la provisión de Su-35 a China
US Sanctions should Not Affect the Deliveries of Su-35 Fighter Jets
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Su-35 of the PLAAF (photo : sina) |
Russia completes deliveries of Su-35 fighter jets to China
MOSCOW /TASS/. Russia has completed the deliveries of Sukhoi Su-35 generation 4++ fighter jets to China under a contract signed earlier, Russia’s Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation told TASS on Tuesday.
"In compliance with the contract, all the Su-35 planes have been delivered to the foreign customer," the Federal Service said.
China has been the first foreign buyer of Russian Su-35 fighter aircraft. The contract worth about $2.5 billion on the deliveries of 24 fighter jets to China was signed in 2015. The contract also stipulates the delivery of ground equipment and reserve engines.
Indonesia is the second foreign buyer of Russian Su-35 fighter jets. Reports emerged in early 2018 that Russia had signed a contract with Indonesia on the delivery of 11 fighters. Under the contract, Russia is due to deliver the first fighter jets to Indonesia this year. The fulfillment of the Indonesian contract ran across some difficulties related to US sanctions but a TASS source in military and diplomatic circles said these difficulties "are not critical" and should not affect the deliveries of fighter jets.
The Su-35S generation 4++ supersonic fighter jet performed its debut flight on February 19, 2008. The fighter jet is a derivative of the Su-27 plane. The Su-35S weighs 19 tonnes, has a service ceiling of 20,000 meters, can develop a maximum speed of 2,500 km/h and has a crew of one pilot. The fighter jet’s armament includes a 30mm aircraft gun, up to 8 tonnes of the weapon payload (missiles and bombs of various types) on 12 underwing hardpoints. The Su-35S has been in service with the Russian Army since 2015.
martes, 16 de abril de 2019
Compra de Su-35 para Indonesia queda en espera por las elecciones
Indonesia’s Su-35 Procurement Stalled by Election

Su-35 fighter (photo : SergeyL)
The Indonesian Air Force's (Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara: TNI-AU's) procurement of Sukhoi Su-35 'Flanker-E' multirole combat aircraft from Russia is expected to proceed following Indonesia's general election in April, a senior Russian defence industry official has stated.
Viktor Kladov, the director for international co-operation and regional policy at Russia's Rostec defence industrial holding company, said the TNI-AU acquisition - featuring the sale of 11 Su-35s for USD1.14 billion - was confirmed by Indonesian Defence Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu in a visit to Moscow in February.
The deal has been complicated by an Indonesian request for an accompanying countertrade deal but could proceed soon, Kladov indicated.
domingo, 7 de abril de 2019
Indonesia reemplaza sus F-5 con Su-35... que lo parió!
Excelente revisión de las instalaciones de Su-35 y el depósito de AMRAAM.
A ser reemplazado por el Sukhoi Su-35, el caza F-5E Tiger ahora es un ícono de la Base Aérea Iswahyudi - (foto: Reportase News)
Kuker Kasau en Madiun, Kasau: Reemplazar al F5 Tiger II de la la Fuerza Aérea, Prepararse para el Sukhoi Su-35
MADIUN, DISPENAU. El caza Sukhoi Su-35 fue planeado para reemplazar al avión F5 Tiger II operado por el Escuadrón Aéreo 14 del Aeropuerto Iswahjudi Madiun.
Esto fue dicho por el Jefe de Estado Mayor de la Fuerza Aérea (Kasau) Mariscal Yuyu Sutisna, S.E., M.M., durante una visita de trabajo en una visita de trabajo en el Aeropuerto Iswahjudi Madiun, East Java, el lunes (18/03/2019).
Junto con el ritmo, Kasau también llevó a cabo la colocación de la vía de rodaje y la piedra de construcción appron, así como las instalaciones de apoyo para Air Squadron 14.
"La construcción de esta instalación se llevó a cabo para satisfacer las necesidades del Escuadrón Aéreo 14 como base de operaciones de aviones de Sukhoi, debido a que las instalaciones antiguas no satisfacían las necesidades de la nueva aeronave", dijo Kasau.
Kasau espera que en 2019 se pueda realizar la construcción del camino del taxi y la plataforma, y en 2020 se continuará con la construcción de refugios y hangares y otras instalaciones de apoyo.
"Lleve a cabo el mejor desarrollo para que pueda completarse con el tiempo especificado y de acuerdo con los estándares de calidad establecidos para que pueda brindar el máximo beneficio para la Fuerza Aérea", ordenó Kasau.
La construcción de la 14ª instalación del Escuadrón Aéreo en el Aeropuerto Iswahjudi estaba preparada para dar la bienvenida a la llegada de aviones de combate Sukhoi Su-35 de Rusia para reemplazar la existencia del legendario F5 Tiger II, que ahora ha sido retirado después de décadas de uso por parte de la Fuerza Aérea para salvaguardar la soberanía del NKRI.
La llegada de Kasau y su séquito en el aeropuerto de Iswahjudi fue recibida por Danlanud Iswahjudi Marshal TNI Widyargo Ikoputra, S.E., M.M., y rangos honoríficos.
Además de revisar la ubicación de los planes para la construcción de 14 instalaciones del Escuadrón Aéreo Sukhoi y la colocación de la primera piedra, Kasau y su séquito también revisaron el Alcance Medio del Alcance Medio Avanzado de Misiles (AMRAAM) de Depohar 60 y RSAU. Doctora Efram Harsana.
También estuvieron presentes Kasau, Kasau Assistant, Pangkohanudnas, Pangkoopsau I, Dankodiklatau, Dankoharm o, Kadisaeroau, Kadiskomlekau, Kadispamsanau, Kadiskesau, Kadisfaskonau, Kadismamsaiu, Kadiskesau, Kadisfaskonau, Kadismamsaiu y Kadiskesau, Kadisfaskonau, Danlanud Iswah Judi y otros.
viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018
Indonesia pospone compra de Su-35
Media: Indonesia has Postponed the Purchase of Russian Fighters Due to US Sanctions

Su-35 fighter (photo : Komotoz)
MOSCOW - RIA News. The implementation of the Russian-Indonesian contract for the supply of 11 Su-35 fighters to Jakarta has been delayed due to possible US sanctions, the Kommersant newspaper reports, citing two top managers of defense enterprises and a source close to the government.
According to the newspaper, restrictive measures that Washington is ready to introduce within the framework of the Law on Countering the Opponents of the United States through Sanctions (CAATSA) have had an effect on the delivery time of the Su-35. "The US has not given Indonesia guarantees not to apply restrictive measures," the newspaper writes.
At the same time, Kommersant notes that the contract for the supply of Su-35 retains its legal force.
In addition, according to the newspaper, Russia also has difficulties. “When implementing the contract, it was planned to use a credit scheme, funds for which would be allocated by one of the commercial banks. But this is fraught with serious consequences for him, because in the US they regard this loan as cooperation with Rosoboronexport and impose sanctions against the bank,” the newspaper writes.
One of the interlocutors of the publication called the situation "unpleasant, but in no way critical." "We are in constant contact with our Indonesian partners, looking for ways out of the situation," he added.
Supply of Su-35 to Indonesia
In September, the Indonesian Ambassador to Russia Mohammad Wahid Supriyadi said that Indonesia expects to receive the first Su-35 in October 2019.
Prior to this, the diplomat stated that Indonesia expects delivery of the first of 11 Russian Su-35 aircraft by October 2018. In June, he said that Indonesia had signed an agreement with Russia to purchase 11 newest Sukhoi aircraft, calling the deal “very large.” Earlier, Director of International Cooperation and Regional Policy of Rostec State Corporation Viktor Kladov said that Indonesia could purchase an additional batch of Su-35 fighter jets while allocating the necessary funds from the country's budget.
According to the Director General of the Foreign Trade Department of the Indonesian Ministry of Commerce, Oke Noorwan, the cost of the deal to buy 11 Russian aircraft is estimated at 1.14 billion dollars He noted that, according to the terms of the agreement, Russia needs to purchase a number of goods from Indonesia, including palm oil, coffee, tea and rubber, worth about 570 million dollars.
RIA Novosti
domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2018
Indonesia aplica por una préstamo ruso para adquirir Su-35
Kremlin: Indonesia Applied for Loan to Buy Russian Su-35 Fighter Jets

Su-35 fighter
Indonesia has applied for a bank loan as part of a signed contract for the procurement of Russian Su-35 Fighter jets, reported theDeputy Director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation of Russia, Vladimir Drozhzhov.
"There are several directions that we had to follow simultaneously with the signing of the contract. Work continues. A bank loan must be secured and now we are handing this arrangement, “said Drozhzhov.
Earlier, sources informed that Indonesia would receive a commercial loan from Russia for the purchase of 11 Su-35 Fighter jets. Reports said that it would be commercial and not a state loan.
Russia signed the contract for the supply of 11 multifunctional fighters Su-35 Indonesia in mid-February. The amount of the contract exceeds $ 1 billion.
As noted, in accordance with the Indonesian law, the supply of modern aircraft to the country is based on the offset obligations and countertrade. In return, Russia pledged to purchase Indonesian goods, such as rubber, palm oil and other Indonesia's traditional exports.
miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018
Indonesia compraría más Su-35s
Indonesia May Buy More Su-35's - Rostec

ANTALYA (Turkey) - (Interfax-AVN) - Indonesia may buy an additional set of Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets from Russia, Rostec Director for International Cooperation and Regional Policy Viktor Kladov told Interfax on Friday.
"They make purchases according to the state's financial resources," Kladov said in response to Interfax's question as to whether Indonesia might buy five more Su-35 fighters.
viernes, 27 de abril de 2018
Mas Sukhois para Indonesia
Danlanud Iswahjudi Expects The Next Year Sukhoi Comes

The Sukhoi fighter plane took off before flying formation during the air demo drill at Lanud Iswahjudi, Magetan, East Java (photo: Antara)
Magetan (Antaranews Jatim) - The First Air Marshal Iswahjudi Commander of the TNI Samsul Rizal hopes the Sukhoi Su-35 fighter plane ordered by the Indonesian government to Russia will arrive at Lanwas Iswahjudi Magetan, East Java in 2019.
"(The arrival of Sukhoi aircraft) This year is clearly impossible, because it is still in the process and it is expected that next year there will be a Sukhoi plane coming," Samsul Rizal said at Iswahjudi Airport on Tuesday.
The process intended by Samsul Rizal is to wait until the effective contract of procurement of 11 units of Sukhoi Su-35 aircraft from Russia.
"About the procurement contract of 11 Sukhoi aircraft, we are waiting for further developments for effective contracts so that if the effective contract is realized, next year there will be a plane (Sukhoi Su-35) that will be imported," he said.
Lanud Iswahjudi oversees three air squadrons. Each air skadron 3 operates an F-16 aircraft and the air-skadron 15 operates the Golden Eagle T-50i aircraft.
While the air squadron 14 over the last few years does not operate its fighter aircraft. That's because the previously operated F-5 Tiger aircraft has been declared "grounded" (not allowed to fly due to inadequacy).
The government through the Ministry of Defense subsequently entered into a Sukhoi Su-35 plane purchase contract for the replacement of the F-5 Tiger aircraft to fill the air squadron 14.
Antara News
domingo, 18 de marzo de 2018
Indonesia prepara técnicos y aviadores para sus futuros Su-35
TNI AU prepara aviadores y técnicos para aviones Su-35
Angkasa Review
Caza Sukhoi Su-35
ANGKASAREVIEW.COM - El Ministerio de Defensa ha firmado el contrato de adquisición de 11 aviones de combate Sukhoi Su-35 de Rusia. TNI Air Force estaba preparando pilotos y técnicos para llevarlo.
Jefe de la Fuerza Aérea Oficina de Información (Kadispenau) Jemi militar Marsma Trisonjaya, M.Tr (Han) dijo que la Fuerza Aérea ha preparado pilotos y técnicos que van a ocuparse del Su-35. La Fuerza Aérea está actualmente esperando una mayor coordinación para sus envíos a Rusia.
"Los pilotos y los técnicos deben haber sido preparados por la Fuerza Aérea. Estamos esperando una mayor coordinación de los líderes, por ejemplo, para su entrega a Rusia para asistir a la educación allí. Actualmente no hay envíos de personal TNI AU relacionado a Rusia ", dijo Kadispenau cuando se contactó con Angkasa Review, el jueves (22/2/2018).
Jemi añadir, planificación y discusión al hombre el avión de reemplazo F-5E / F Tiger II escuadrilla de aire 14 Iswahjudi Air Force Base, se ha llevado a cabo desde hace mucho tiempo a la espera de una decisión del Ministerio de Defensa con respecto a la aeronave para comprar.
Debido en los últimos años de la escuadrilla de aire 14 ya tienen más aviones (F-5E / F ya dipenisunkan), los pilotos y técnicos se llevó a cabo temporalmente a otras unidades operativas. Varios pilotos estaban estacionados en Air Squadron 11 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar y Air Squadron 15 Lanud Iswahjudi, Madiun.
El ministro de Defensa, Ryamizard Ryacudu, dijo anteriormente que se había completado la firma del contrato de adquisición de Su-35.
"Está firmado, hecho. Once aviones. Está hecho primero. No directamente Hizo un año gradualmente. A principios del año que viene hay dos ", dijo el ministro de Defensa a un reportero en Yakarta, el miércoles (21/2/2018), transmitido por el canal CNNIndonesia tv.
La información de la adquisición con la firma del contrato 11 Su-35 aviones para la Fuerza Aérea, presentado originalmente por el Jefe del Centro de Comunicación Pública (Kapuskompublik) del Ministerio de Defensa militar Brgjen Totok Sugiharto cuando dikornfirmasi rilis.id. Totok dijo que la firma del contrato de adquisición del Su-35 se llevó a cabo el miércoles (14/2/2018).
martes, 6 de marzo de 2018
Indonesia espera 2 Su-35 en 2018
Dos Sukhoi Su-35 esperan llegar a 2019

Caza Sukhoi Su-35
Después de pasar por varios procesos y largas esperas, finalmente el Ministerio de Defensa firmó un contrato para comprar 11 aviones de combate Su-35. Se espera que la adición de estos aviones de combate aumente la capacidad militar de Indonesia, especialmente la Fuerza Aérea.
"Sí, sí, el contrato de compra de Sukhoi ha sido firmado", dijo el jefe del Centro de Comunicación Pública del Ministerio de Defensa, Totok Sugiharto, el viernes (16/2).
Sobre la base de la información recibida por Kompas, Sukhoi la firma del contrato de compra se llevó a cabo por el Jefe de los Servicios de Defensa del Ministerio de Defensa Agus Setiadji con representantes de Rosoboronexport, Yuri. La firma se llevó a cabo el miércoles 14 de febrero a las 11:23.
El valor contractual de 11 aviones de combate es de 1.140 millones de dólares estadounidenses. Como se acordó previamente, este valor también va acompañado de un plan de devolución, compensación y transferencia de tecnología. En Indonesia se llevará a cabo un lugar de mantenimiento para que el avión ya no necesite ser llevado a Rusia para su mantenimiento.
Se espera que esto también aliente a los países de la ASEAN que son propietarios de Sukhoi a llevar a cabo el mantenimiento de sus aviones en Indonesia. A pesar de la mención de los retornos comerciales mediante el uso de productos de caucho, los detalles sobre transferencia de tecnología o comercio y compensación aún no se han entregado públicamente.
Totok Sugiharto dijo que el plan para la entrega del avión se hará por etapas. Si todo ha ido bien, incluyendo la efectiva entrada en vigor del contrato en agosto de 2018, dos aviones Sukhoi Su-35 será entregado a Indonesia en agosto de 2019. Seis siguiente unidad será entregado en febrero de 2020, mientras que las otras tres unidades en julio el 2020.
El Jefe del Servicio de Información del Primer Mariscal del Aire, AU Jemi Trisonjaya, dijo que la Fuerza Aérea de Indonesia apoyó la firma de un contrato de reemplazo F-5. Según él, han pasado casi dos años para que el aviador del 14 ° Escuadrón Aéreo no vuele, ya que el avión F-5 es declarado inutilizable. "Esperamos que el sucesor del F-5 llegue pronto al país", dijo Jemi.
domingo, 4 de marzo de 2018
India quiere un Su-35 de 5ta generación
Russia May Develop a Fifth Generation Su-35 for India
A stealthy 4++ generation Su-35? It could happen, the deal to design an Indian Su-57 variant is on the rocks and this is a viable alternative the two are already talking aboutAbraham Ait || Russia Insider

Except for (overrated?) stealth a Su-35 is already 5th gen
With the future of India’s HAL fifth-generation fighter aircraft (FGFA), a program to design an Indian next generation fighter based on the Russian Su-57 fifth-generation air superiority platform, currently uncertain, Moscow and New Delhi are reportedly discussing developing a “fifth-generation” version of the Su-35 for India’s needs. This would provide the Indian Air Force with a fifth-generation air superiority platform at a lower cost that the Su-57 derivative — a capability the country sorely needs in light of the induction of the J-20 heavy fifth-generation fighter in neighboring China.
At Abu Dhabi’s IDEX show, the CEO of Russia’s Rostec, Sergey Chemezov, stated, “We have been negotiating and have signed the intention protocol for the Su-35. Now we are working on designing ideas for this contract and on creating a manufacturing platform for an aircraft of the fifth generation.”
The size of India’s intended order remains uncertain, but could well be over 100 platforms, considering the size of previous orders and the planned size of orders for the FGFA fighter.
If reports of development of a fifth-generation platform based on the Su-35 are true, their results could be intriguing and lead to a world-leading fighter. The standard Su-35 design is more than capable of matching the performance characteristics of a fifth-generation fighter — with the sole exception of its lack of stealth capabilities. A fifth-generation variant of the Su-35 could well mean nothing more than modifying the fighter, termed a “4++” generation platform by Russia’s military, to incorporate stealth.
This would hardly be the first time that such a modification had been attempted. With the United States unwilling to export its F-22 Raptor fifth generation platform, Boeing has extensively modified the airframe of its F-15E strike fighter to develop the F-15SE Silent Eagle — a variant of the fighter with a reduced frontal radar cross section and radar absorbing paints. While the F-15E lacks the upgraded avionics, advanced missiles, and supermaneuverability of the Su-35, and cannot be considered “fifth generation” even with stealth capabilities, its stealth variant allows U.S. allies to field low observable heavy fighters — something sorely needed in light of their inability to acquire the F-22 Raptor. Saudi Arabia, currently fielding over 150 F-15 and F-15E fighters, has notably expressed a strong interest in acquiring the platform. The modifications proposed for the Su-35 are likely to be in many ways analogous to those applied to the F-15E to create the F-15SE.
With Russia’s willingness to export the Su-57 as yet unknown, and with several potential clients seeking air superiority fighters with stealth capabilities, a modified Su-35 variant potentially based on a similar concept to the F-15SE could well prove a less costly and highly demanded product. The United Arab Emirates in 2017 entered cooperation with Russia to develop a fifth-generation fighter, and has also shown interest in acquiring large numbers of the Su-35. A stealth variant of the fighter, which would fulfill the criteria of a fifth-generation platform despite being less capable that the Su-57, could well be ideal for the Arab state as well as for India.
In Indian hands the platform could provide the country with the critical advantage it seeks over China’s advanced J-11B and Su-30 air superiority fighters. With Pakistan developing its own light stealth fighter, New Delhi’s need to acquire stealth technology appears greater than ever. The upgraded Su-35 variant is set to cost significantly more than the standard fighter, and come with far higher maintenance requirements. Should it be modified to deploy Russia’s latest missile platforms, such as the K-77 missiles developed for the Su-57 or the 400-kilometer range R-37 interceptor missiles, the stealth variant of the Su-35 designed for India could be a truly lethal, cost-effective alternative to the HAL FGFA.