miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2024
sábado, 9 de enero de 2021
Tailandia compra 3 aviones DA42MPP adicionales
Thai Air Force Purchases 3 Additional DA42MPP Aircraft

DA42 MPP model (photo : Diamond)
Last month The Royal Thai Air Force has signed three additional DA42MPP reconnaissance aircraft with a budget of $ 400 million, which will be equipped with Riegl's LiDAR Sensor and surveillance cameras to enter service in Squadron 402 Wing 4 Takhli.
The LiDAR Sensor is a terrain survey system by projecting laser beams and measuring the reflection of light to generate a three-dimensional image of the terrain or target. It is expected that the Air Force will choose the VQ-1560 II-S from Austria Riegl. This procurement should be from the budget in the 2020 budget.

DA422MPP up to 12 hours non-stop missions (image : Diamond)
The Air Force currently has 29 DA42s, divided into:
- Model VI was used in flight training missions of 12 aircraft at Kamphaeng Saen Aviation School.
- Model TDI, used in flight training missions of 6 aircraft at 604 Squadron, Wing 6, Don Muang
- The MPP model was used in eight air reconnaissance missions at the 402 Squadron 4 Takhli, equipped with different sensors such as the MX-15 and A3 Edge.
- The UAV model, Dominator XP, is used in three air reconnaissance missions at the 404 Squadron 4 Takhli.
Together with these last three orders, the Air Force has 32 DA42s in use.
martes, 20 de octubre de 2020
Ministro de defensa indonesio inicia charlas por los 15 Eurofighters austríacos
Prabowo to Visit Austria to Talk About Possible Typhoon Jet Fighter Deal
EF-2000 Typhoon of the Austrian Air Force (photo : Philip Lueger)
Defense Minister Prabowo is scheduled to visit Austria later this month to discuss the possible purchase of Eurofighter Typhoon jet fighters after his much-anticipated visit to the United States from Oct. 15 to 19.
Prabowo is expected to also visit France, Germany and Turkey, although there is no official confirmation yet from the Defense Ministry other than for his visit to the US. The ministry’s head of public relations, Brig. Gen. Djoko Purwanto, referred journalists to Prabowo’s spokesman Dahnil Simanjuntak, who was not available for comment.
The series of visits is believed to be aimed at cementing deals for the procurement of weaponry and for defense industry cooperation to help domestic companies meet the so-called Minimum Essential Force (MEF) targets by 2024.
Based on a leaked document, Prabowo sent a letter dated Oct. 8 to his Austrian counterpart Klaudia Tanner, thanking her for a letter dated Sept. 4 in response to Prabowo’s initial letter dated July 10.
“We are in the middle of procuring vital [defense] equipment to protect our national territory and citizens, thus following [up on] our proposal [regarding] the Austrian Eurofighter [airplanes],” Prabowo said in the letter, a copy of which was received by the The Jakarta Post from an Austrian source.
“In light of the above, I would like to pay a courtesy call at a time of Your Excellency’s convenience.”
Prabowo added that he would be in Vienna on Oct. 20 and hoped to could use the occasion to discusses issues of mutual concern regarding defense.
As of Tuesday afternoon, the Post had not received any confirmation from the ministry or Prabowo's spokesman Dahnil on the authenticity of the letter.
The first strategic plan within the MEF road map covers the 2009-20014 period. By the end of the second strategic plan in 2019, only 63.19 percent of the procurement plan had been achieved, instead of the targeted 75.54 percent. The government is under pressure, therefore, to achieve the outstanding 36.81 percent to reach 100 percent by 2024.
One option for meeting the MEF targets is to buy used weaponry from other countries, such as the Typhoon from Austria.
The plan has reignited an old debate as to whether Indonesia should buy all its military hardware brand new for higher quality or take some second-hand weapon systems to acquire a bigger number and faster deployment.
The delivery of second-hand jet fighters may take between 12 and 24 months, while the delivery of brand-new jet fighters may take some 36 months or even longer.
The Jakarta Post
martes, 4 de agosto de 2020
Buque australiano dispara Sea Sparrow para calificación operacional
HMAS Ballarat has Successfully Fired a Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM)

An Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile being fired from HMAS Ballarat during sea qualification trials on July, 23 2020 (photo : RAN)
Royal Australian Navy warship HMAS Ballarat has successfully fired a Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) as part its Ship's Qualification Trials.
HMAS Ballarat is a long-range frigate capable of air defence, surface and undersea warfare, surveillance, reconnaissance and interdiction.

HMAS Ballarat, an Anzac class frigate firing its five-inch gun (photo : RAN)
The ESSM is a surface-to-air weapon that uses radar homing guidance to counter anti-ship missiles moving at supersonic speeds, and forms part of HMAS Ballarat’s air defence capability.
Navy is committed to continuous high-end warfare serials and practical training at sea in order to satisfy current operational requirements, exercises, engagements and future contingencies.
domingo, 26 de julio de 2020
Extraño: Indonesia pide a Austria que le venda 15 Eurofighters
Austrian Defence Ministry Examines Eurofighter Letter from Indonesia

Austria would need approval from several sides: Eurofighter consortium would have to agree - that is Germany, Spain, Great Britain and Italy. The United States should also agree, because there is also US technical equipment installed in the planes. Airbus also has to agree to the sale (photo : flugrevue)
AUSTRIA - The letter from Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, addressed directly to Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner (ÖVP), is dated July 10, 2020 in Jakarta and has an official sigil labeled “Minister of Defense Republic of Indonesia”. The letter speaks of the plan to modernize Indonesia’s Air Force and the desire to buy the 15 Eurofighter Typhoon from Austria.
Airbus would have to vote on sale
However, it is not so easy to sell the Austrian Eurofighter to another country. According to the contract, Austria cannot sell directly, and nothing is possible without the approval of Airbus/EADS, military aviation expert Georg Mader told APA (Austrian Press Agency).
However, Airbus could be interested in a deal. The company would get a foot in the Southeast Asian market. The approval, which is absolutely necessary according to the purchase contract, could be linked to the condition that Austria should end the ongoing legal disputes, said Mader.
martes, 9 de junio de 2020
Más equipos de simulación de combate para Australia
Meggitt Training Systems Wins ADF Contract for Additional Wireless Virtual Weapons

ADF will train with the BlueFire® wireless virtual weapons (photo : thales)
SUWANEE, Ga.--Meggitt Training Systems announced today it has been awarded a US $1.8 million contract for 73 additional BlueFire® EF88 assault rifle wireless virtual weapons to be used by the Australian Defence Force (ADF) on its Weapon Training Simulation Systems (WTSS), also delivered by the company as a program of record. These latest EF88 weapon simulators will be used at several ADF bases throughout the country with all deliveries to take place in the first half of 2021.
“BlueFire wireless simulators provide the highest level of realism by maintaining form, fit and function of the original weapon,” said Andrea Czop, vice president of strategy, sales and marketing at Meggitt Training Systems. “Like all our simulators, this version of the EF88 reinforces marksmanship training by providing sensor feedback on a variety of fundamental parameters.”
The development and ongoing delivery of 533 BlueFire EF88 simulators has allowed the ADF to continue to train and qualify soldiers on its new rifle using the WTSS. BlueFire EF88s are manufactured at Meggitt Training Systems in Suwanee, Georgia, with service and maintenance conducted in Australia under the Operations & Maintenance Support Services (OMSS) contract, which has been held by Meggitt Training Systems Australia (MTSA) since 1999.
“This order builds on the original EF88 contract awarded in 2018 to Meggitt Training Systems Australia and further proves the value of BlueFire weapons for soldier readiness,” said Kevin McNaughton, managing director of MTSA. “As the Australian Army transitions from the F88 to the EF88 as its primary frontline assault rifle, its BlueFire equivalent paired with upgraded WTSS units being delivered by Meggitt this year will significantly improve ADF weapon training capabilities.”
BlueFire EF88 simulators bring a substantial improvement in capability to the ADF over the tethered F88, including the use of commercial wireless technology to communicate with WTSS and other FATS 100MIL-based virtual training systems. This provides the same control as tethered weapons, but with full range of movement. For enhanced, more realistic visuals, Meggitt’s BlueFire weapon simulators feature a 3D marksmanship training environment. The after-action review allows engagement and shot assessment in a 3D virtual environment, while providing detailed trainee diagnostics for skill reinforcement or correction.
lunes, 20 de enero de 2020
jueves, 1 de agosto de 2019
Thales compra proveedor de motor en bancarrota
Thales Buys Insolvent Hawkei Engine Manufacturer

Steyr engine for Thales Hawkey (photo : Steyr)
Thales has bought bankrupt Hawkei engine manufacturer Steyr Motors, it has emerged.
The Austrian company went into receivership in February, threatening the supply of engines to the Hawkei progam and the jobs of 150 Thales workers in Bendigo.
The news saw some vehicles slated for Initial Operational Capability delayed, although Final Operational Capability is set to occur as scheduled. Army has procured engines for the vehicles scheduled under low rate initial production and has an order for the subsequent 1,000 engines.
According to Austrian news outlets, four bidders, some under tender groups, were in the race to buy Steyr, with Thales only entering the bidding process two weeks ago. Negotiations reportedly concluded late Wednesday night local time. The purchase price is unclear.
"It was one of my [most] costly procedures so far, since there were economic, technical and legal problems," liquidator Norbert Mooseder said.
“Thales is fully committed to delivering the world-class Hawkei to the ADF," a Thales spokesperson said to ADM.
“After a deep-dive analysis of the Steyr Motors situation, Thales has committed to support the company to ensure long term sustainability and assure engine supply.
“Thales has been working closely with Steyr Motors for several years and we know the quality of its products so this decision has been made with an excellent understanding of the context.
“Thales will continue to work closely with the Commonwealth to deliver Hawkei to the ADF.”
“Thales have kept us closely in the loop. They’ve leant forward very heavily to support Steyr Motors,” MAJGEN Bottrell told ADM earlier this year. “The advice we’ve had back through the administrator is that had Thales not done that, then Steyr Motors may not have continued to operate."
Thales is contracted to deliver 138 Hawkei vehicles for IOC. All are set to be delivered towards the end of the year.
jueves, 28 de junio de 2018
Colaboración austro-singapuresa en mortero automático
ST Engineering, Hirtenberger Collaborate on 120 mm Mortar

Austrian-made Hirtenberger 120mm SRAMS mortar
Singapore’s ST Engineering Land Systems division Hirtenberger Defence Systems (HDS) signed an agreement on 12 June to co-operate on 120 mm mortar systems.
Under the agreement, HDS’s UK branch will market ST Engineering’s 120 mm Super Rapid Advanced Mortar Systems (SRAMS), which will be combined with HDS’s Arc-Fire mortar fire control system and 120 mm mortar ammunition.
The teaming also covers collaboration on potential work with third-party vehicle manufacturers at the request of customers to integrate the SRAMS system onto a vehicle, with HDS seeing an increase in demand from customers and the market for mobile and vehicle-mounted mortar systems.
sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014
Entrenador primario austríaco para la Aviación Militar chavista

La Aviación Militar Bolivariana de Venezuela recibió en las oficinas de Diamond Aircraft (Austria), su primer entrenador primario DA40NG. El orden total es para 30 aviones y pilotos venezolanos ya están entrenando en el simulador DA40NG comprado para la instrucción. El avión se distribuirá a la recién creada Air Group Entrenamiento # 1. (Juan Carlos Agustín Cicalesi y Puetz)
Segurança e Defesa
domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013
Grob explora el mercado australiano
Grob G120TP basic trainer aircraft (photo : Grob)
Grob Aircraft mounted a major push for its G120TP basic trainer at this year's Avalon air show, with its stand including a simulator for the type, as it eyes an upcoming requirement to replace the Royal Australian Air Force's fleet of 63 Pilatus PC-9/9As.
Andre Hiebeler, chief executive of Grob Aircraft, says the G120TP can "eat into" up to 60-70% of the syllabus provided by higher-end tandem-seat turboprop aircraft such as the Pilatus PC-21, which is also likely to compete for the Australian deal.
Canberra's requirement is designated AIR 5428, and calls for a complete training solution, including simulators and aircraft. Grob envisages the RAAF using the G120TP in conjunction with a more advanced basic trainer type.
Hiebeler notes that only 45% of pilots trained by the Australian military end up in the air force. Of these, only a small portion transition to fighters such as the Boeing F/A-18 Hornet or F/A-18F Super Hornet. The majority become transport aircraft or helicopter pilots, making the G120TP, with its side-by-side configuration, a suitable training platform.
Hiebeler claims the G120TP's operating costs are far below those of higher-powered basic trainers. The aircraft has maximum continuous power of 380shp (283kW), which is considerably below that of rival types.
A request for proposals for the AIR 5428 requirement has yet to be issued, but Grob believes it could come by the end of 2013.
The RAAF's current PC-9s were delivered between 1987 and 1992, as recorded by Flightglobal's MiliCAS database.