Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Grupo de Operaciones Especiales. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Grupo de Operaciones Especiales. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2025

Perú: Maniobras Gemini del GOE1

Comandos de la Marina de Guerra del Perú en ejercicios

¡Perfeccionando técnicas! El Grupo de Operaciones Especiales Nro. 1 realizó el entrenamiento “Gemini” para optimizar procedimientos de dominación de inmuebles y buceo avanzado de combate.

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Argentine Air Force and Navy: Special Forces Joint Training

Special groups of Navy and Air Force exercised in a joint operation

27/08/2010 | It was based on the training of both groups on the difficulties offered by the seat of valleys ski resorts and the mountains around Mount Castor.

Ushuaia - The Special Operations Group (GOE), a branch of the Seventh Air Brigade "Mariano Moreno" of the Air Force and a group of  Argentina Navy Amphibious Commandos held for ten days, a training set in the southern geography called Operation "Castor" .

During the exercises were put into practice the skills of downhill skiing, use of snowshoes, cross country skiing techniques and survival skills. Participants were 40 men: 30 troops from the GOE of the Air Force and 10 Argentina Navy Amphibious Commandos, the latter, with greater experience in the area, transferring their knowledge in this field.

The Southern Naval Area Command helped with the logistics providing accommodation, transportation and equipment for activities.

After the exercise, Squadron Chief GOE, Walter Darío Sosa Vicecomodoro said that "the balance is highly positive" and noted that "although not performed this exercise in Ushuaia since 1998, the staff was very pleased and enthusiastic for this activity. "

He mentioned that "doing this on Tierra del Fuego has its benefits, as previously required the Company of Hunters of Mendoza, where the property is bare stone. Here, the forest is very different. "

"The lessons learned here are put into practice as one of the Group's tasks is to find and rescue the stricken crew ejected or both conflict and in peacetime," he said.

He revealed that "with the Amphibious Commandos, like the Tactical Divers Group, we have worked ever since. On some occasions we have been skydiving courses and other officials have been sharing. "
