jueves, 11 de abril de 2024
Leonardo ofrece helos navales a Nueva Zelanda
viernes, 28 de julio de 2023
KAI supervisa el desarrollo del helicóptero Marineon
KAI supervisa el programa de reemplazo TLDM Super Lynx para continuar con el helicóptero "Marineon" del Ministerio de Salud
miércoles, 5 de julio de 2023
Filipinas despliega 2 helicópteros navales ASW
Armada filipina despliega 2 modernos activos anti-submarinos en Palawan

Fragata BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) y su socio AgustaWestland (ahora Leonardo) Helicóptero AW-159 "Wildcat" (todas las fotos: PN)
MANILA - La Armada de Filipinas (PN) ha desplegado dos de sus activos más modernos y capaces, la fragata de guerra antimisiles y antisubmarina (ASW) BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) y su socio AgustaWestland (ahora Leonardo) AW-159 " Helicóptero Wildcat", para reforzar las capacidades del Comando Occidental (Wescom) con sede en Puerto Princesa, Palawan.
En una publicación de Facebook el martes, Wescom dijo que estos dos activos antisubmarinos llegaron recientemente a su área de responsabilidad.
"Estas dos plataformas ASW en tándem se han desplegado en la frontera occidental del país para patrullas marítimas y de soberanía que garantizan una presencia marítima efectiva, en particular, en el Mar de Filipinas Occidental (WPS)", agregó.
La publicación no dijo cuándo llegaron la fragata y el helicóptero al área de Wescom por razones de seguridad.
Wescom dijo que el despliegue del BRP Antonio Luna y el helicóptero antisubmarino "Wildcat" representa un despliegue de misión completa para la PN.
También agregó que la inclusión del AW-159 también reforzó el paquete de guerra de BRP Antonio Luna.
"Las plataformas en tándem participan en diferentes pruebas y actividades de capacitación mientras patrullan el WPS", enfatizó Wescom.
Agregó que la presencia de estos modernos activos navales y aéreos en el área operativa conjunta de Wescom garantiza la preparación y el compromiso de las Fuerzas Armadas de Filipinas (AFP) para defender los intereses marítimos del país contra cualquier amenaza potencial.
"El despliegue de estos activos de guerra es un paso necesario para proteger la soberanía y la integridad territorial de la nación. Las tripulaciones FF-151 y AW-159 también han estado trabajando juntas para garantizar la máxima preparación ante cualquier eventualidad", señaló Wescom.
También dijo que el despliegue de estos activos sirvió como elemento disuasorio crítico para cualquier fuerza hostil en la región.
"Las capacidades combinadas de guerra de FF-151 y AW-159 equipan mejor a la AFP para defender la soberanía del país contra cualquier amenaza potencial en su frontera occidental", señaló Wescom.
Un AW-159 aterrizó por primera vez en la cubierta de vuelo del BRP Antonio Luna mientras el barco navegaba frente a la isla Corregidor el pasado 27 de abril.
"En la mañana del 27 de abril de 2023, la Armada de Filipinas logró otro hito importante en su desarrollo de la capacidad de guerra antisubmarina cuando el helicóptero PN AW-159 Mk220 'Wildcat', con el número de cola NH-441, realizó con éxito su primer aterrizaje en cubierta. a bordo del BRP Antonio Luna, una fragata de misiles guiados ASW, mientras navegaba cerca de 30 millas náuticas al suroeste de la isla Corregidor”, dijo una publicación en la página de Facebook del BRP Antonio Luna.
Este logro demuestra la creciente capacidad y preparación de las tripulaciones y plataformas de la Marina como equipo para operaciones ASW.
"Tanto las JRCF (Jose Rizal Class Fragates) como las PN Wildcats fueron productos de los 1er Proyectos Horizon bajo el Programa de Modernización Revisado de las AFP (Fuerzas Armadas de Filipinas), que se entregaron y pusieron en servicio en 2020/2021 y 2019, respectivamente. Los JRCF fueron construidos por Hyundai Heavy Industries de Corea del Sur, mientras que los PN 'Wildcats' fueron construidos por Leonardo Helicopter Limited UK (LHUK)", dice la publicación.
La tripulación aérea "Wildcat" de la PN aún se encuentra en el entrenamiento en el país contratado con LHUK, mientras que los JRCF se utilizan en las diversas áreas operativas del país.
Los AW-159, de los cuales la PN tiene dos, fueron adquiridos para aumentar las capacidades ASW de las JRCF.
“La PN, a través del Ala Aérea Naval y la Fuerza de Combate en alta mar, están tomando medidas para completar la integración de estos activos revolucionarios con el fin de desplegarlos juntos para asegurar nuestro dominio marítimo”, dijo el BRP Antonio Luna.
Agregó que estas iniciativas son una gran contribución para cumplir la visión de la Armada de convertirse en una fuerza naval moderna y con múltiples capacidades que responda a la defensa y el desarrollo de nuestra nación marítima.
Mientras tanto, el portavoz de Wescom, el comandante Ariel Joseph Coloma, en una entrevista separada, dijo que estos dos activos de ASW llegaron a su área la semana pasada.
Agregó que estos activos ahora están realizando patrullajes en el WPS.
Coloma también dijo que el despliegue de estos activos navales tiene como objetivo cumplir con los requisitos de patrullaje marítimo en el WPS.
miércoles, 4 de enero de 2023
Corea del Sur inicia programa de helicóptero dragaminas
Corea del Sur iniciará un proyecto de desarrollo de helicópteros buscaminas
miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2022
Australia: 49 millones USD para modificar 12 MH-60R
Sikorsky recibe 49 millones de dólares para modificar 12 MH-60R más para Australia
Montaje Sea Hawk y Black Hawk de Sikorsky (foto: Luís Tavares)
viernes, 14 de octubre de 2022
Helicópteros Seasprite en las Anzac neozelandesas
Primer desembarco de Seasprite en fragatas Anzac después de cuatro años
domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2022
12 MH-60R para Australia
Lockheed Martin contratado para los próximos 12 MH-60R para Australia
Helicóptero MH-60R ASW (foto: Lockheed Martin)
Lockheed Martin Corp., Owego, Nueva York, recibe un pedido de precio fijo firme de $503 718 672 (N0001922F2291) contra un acuerdo de pedido básico emitido anteriormente (N0001921G0017).
Este pedido prevé la producción y entrega de 12 aviones MH-60R para la Commonwealth de Australia. El trabajo se realizará en Owego, Nueva York (52%); Stratford, Connecticut (40%); y Troy, Alabama (8%), y se espera que esté terminado en octubre de 2026.
Los fondos de clientes de Foreign Military Sales por un monto de $503,718,672 estarán obligados al momento de la adjudicación, ninguno de los cuales vencerá al final del año fiscal en curso. El Comando de Sistemas Aéreos Navales, Patuxent River, Maryland, es la actividad de contratación.
Departamento de Defensa de USA
viernes, 25 de marzo de 2022
España renueva sus helicópteros navales con MH-60R por 950mUSD
España autorizada a comprar helicópteros MH-60R por valor de 950 millones de dólares
El anuncio se produce cuando España trabaja para actualizar otras partes de su flota de helicópteros.Por Aaron Mehta || Breaking Defense

Un helicóptero MH-60R Seahawk toma el aire. (Marina de los EE. UU./Charles DeParlier)
WASHINGTON: España recibió autorización para comprar ocho helicópteros MH-60R Seahawk por un precio estimado de $ 950 millones, anunció hoy el Departamento de Estado de EE. UU.
Si bien el anuncio puede llamar la atención como la primera venta de armas a una nación de la OTAN desde la invasión de Ucrania por parte de Rusia, tales solicitudes de armas tienen una cola larga que requiere meses o años de trabajo para llegar a un anuncio público.
“Esta venta propuesta apoyará la política exterior y los objetivos de seguridad nacional de Estados Unidos al mejorar la seguridad de un aliado de la OTAN que es una fuerza importante para la estabilidad política y el progreso económico en Europa”, dice el anuncio en el sitio web de la Agencia de Cooperación para la Seguridad de la Defensa.
“La venta propuesta mejorará la capacidad de España para hacer frente a las amenazas actuales y futuras. El helicóptero multimisión MH-60R proporcionará la capacidad para realizar misiones de guerra antisuperficie y antisubmarina junto con la capacidad de realizar misiones secundarias que incluyen reabastecimiento vertical, búsqueda y rescate y retransmisión de comunicaciones, y reforzará la capacidad de la Armada española para apoyar a la OTAN y seguir siendo interoperable con los EE. UU. y la alianza de la OTAN. España no tendrá dificultad en incorporar estos helicópteros a sus fuerzas armadas”, dice el anuncio.
Los anuncios de ventas no son definitivos. Los casos de Ventas Militares Extranjeras (FMS) anunciados como estos han sido aprobados por el poder ejecutivo, y ahora el Congreso debe opinar o no hacer nada. Si Hill no se opone, las cantidades y los valores en dólares de los acuerdos pueden cambiar durante las negociaciones con la industria.
Tal como está, la solicitud española cubre ocho de los helicópteros MH-60R, 20 motores T-700-GE-401C (16 instalados, 4 de repuesto); 32 misiles AGM-114R(N) Hellfire, todas las municiones; dos misiles de entrenamiento aéreo cautivo Hellfire II (CATM); 100 WGU-59/B Sistema avanzado de armas para matar con precisión (APKWS) II Secciones de guía, todas las municiones; y ocho sistemas de distribución de información multifuncional Link 16, sistemas de radio tácticos conjuntos, junto con una variedad de otras armas y equipos asociados, según el aviso de DSCA.
El trabajo se realizará principalmente en las instalaciones de Lockheed Martin en Owego, NY.
Esto representa la quinta solicitud de venta militar extranjera de España desde abril de 2018, por un precio estimado combinado de poco menos de $ 3.5 mil millones. Eso incluye una solicitud de Madrid de 17 helicópteros de carga CH-47F.
miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2021
Australia compra 12 MH-60R más
Australia Buys 12 More MH-60R Helicopters
MH-60R ASW helicopter (photo : US Navy)
WASHINGTON - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Australia of MH-60R Multi-Mission Helicopters, Related Defense Services, and related equipment for an estimated cost of $985 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.
The Government of Australia has requested to buy twelve (12) MH-60R Multi-Mission helicopters; thirty (30) T-700-GE-401C engines (24 installed, 6 spares); twelve (12) APS-153(V) Multi-Mode Radars (installed); twelve (12) AN/AAS-44C(V) Multi-Spectral Targeting Systems (installed); thirty-four (34) Embedded Global Positioning System/Precise Positioning Service (GPS/PPS)/Inertial Navigation Systems (EGI) with Selective Availability/Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) (24 installed, 10 spares); twenty (20) Link 16 Multifunctional Information Distribution Systems (MIDS) – Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) (12 installed, 8 spares); twelve (12) GAU-61 Digital Rocket Launchers (aircraft provisions only); twelve (12) Airborne Low Frequency Sonars (ALFS) (aircraft provisions only); eighteen (18) AN/AAR-47 Missile Warning Systems (12 installed, 6 spares); eighteen (18) AN/ALE-47 Chaff and Flare Dispenser, Electronic Countermeasures (12 installed, 6 spares); twelve (12) AN/ALQ-210 Electronic Support Measures (ESM) Systems (installed); twenty-four (24) M299 Missile Launchers; twelve (12) GAU-21 Crew Served Guns aircraft provisions (installed, includes aircraft adapter, ammunition bin, and other accessories); twelve (12) M240D Crew Served Gun Cradles (installed); and eighteen (18) AN/ARQ-59 Hawklink Radio Terminals (12 installed, 6 spares). Also included are AN/ARC-210 RT-2036 UHF/VHF radios with Communications Security (COMSEC); AN/APX-123 Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transponders; KIV-78; KIV-6; KOV-21; KGV-135A; Advanced Data Transfer Systems (ADTS); Airborne Low Frequency Sonars (ALFS) Training Simulators/Operational Machine Interface Assistants (ATS OMIA); spare engine containers; trade studies with industry to determine the feasibility and cost of implementing provisions for additional passenger seating and modifications to achieve enhanced crew survivability; defense services; spare and repair parts; support and test equipment; communication equipment; ferry support; publications and technical documentation; personnel training and training equipment; United States (U.S.) Government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support services; obsolescence engineering, integration, and test activities required to ensure readiness for the production of the Australian MH-60R helicopters; and other related elements of programmatic, technical and logistics support. The total estimated value is $985 million.
This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States.
Australia is one of our most important allies in the Western Pacific. The strategic location of this political and economic power contributes significantly to ensuring peace and economic stability in the region. It is vital to the U.S. national interest to assist our ally in developing and maintaining a strong and ready self-defense capability.
This proposed sale will improve Australia’s capability to perform anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare missions along with the ability to perform secondary missions including vertical replenishment, search and rescue, and communications relay. Australia will use the enhanced capability as a deterrent to regional threats and to strengthen its homeland defense. Australia will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment into its armed forces.
The proposed sale of this equipment will not alter the basic military balance in the region.
The principal U.S. contractor will be Lockheed Martin Rotary and Mission Systems, Owego, NY. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.
Implementation of the proposed sale will require U.S. Government and contractor personnel to visit Australia on a temporary basis in conjunction with program technical oversight and support requirements, including program and technical reviews.
jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2021
Real Armada Malaya: AW139 toma vuelo
Royal Malaysian Navy's AW139 Takes Flight

RMN AW139HOM helicopter (photo : Tiziano Carpenti)
A Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) Leonardo AW139HOM Maritime Operation Helicopter has made its first flight over Leonardo’s facility in Turin, Italy some time on September 16 or September 17. The said helicopter, the first of three helicopters to be operated by No 503 Skn out of Kota Kinabalu Naval Air Station, was seen adorning the color scheme adopted by the RMN Aviation Branch (Cawangan Udara TLDM– CUT) but devoid any insignia that relates to Navy.
It sports a temporary Italian registration numbers CSX820036 but will soon get its military serial number which could be M503-01 in accordance to the convention set for Malaysian naval helicopter and aircraft.

RMN AW139HOM helicopter (images : Galaxy Aerospace)
The future M503-01 was seen with electro optic/infra red (EO/IR) camera turret mounted on the helicopter’s chin. It also has radar, flash light as well as hoist making it obviously being optimised for Special Operations (SpecOps) in support of PASKAL Unit 2 out of KD Sri Semporna as well as resupply (RESUP) and vertical replenishment (VERTREP) missions for deployed ships, submarines, offshore stations and sea bases under the command of the Eastern Fleet.
Besides the Kota Kinabalu Naval Air Station which is situated at the Kota Kinabalu Naval Base near Teluk Sepanggar, Sabah, the helicopter would also being deployed to KD Sri Semporna in Semporna, Sabah where PASKAL Unit 2 is garrisoned. The helicopter would also be operating onboard PL Tun Sharifah Rodziah seabase, the two Multi Purpose Support and Command Ships (MPCSS) the KD Mahawangsa and KD Sri Inderaskati as well as two naval Auxiliary Ships the KA Tun Azizan and KA Bunga Mas 5.

Following a tender exercise held in 2019, the RMN has signed a contract with Galaxy Helicopter for the supply of three AW139 on September 20, 2020 (nice number right?). The first helicopter will be delivered on October 20, 2022 while the second and third to be delivered subsequently on May 31, 2023 and on February 28, 2024.
Earlier, Galaxy Helicopters has revealed Computer Generated Images (CGI) of the Navy’s AW139HOM.
jueves, 12 de agosto de 2021
Australia: MH-60R Seahawk en prácticas de tiro
RAN MH-60R Seahawk Completed Exercise Tigerfish
Ministerio de defensa de Australia
RAN MH-60R from No. 816 Squadron conducts Exercise Tigerfish (all photos : Aus DoD)
Tigerfish tests warfighting proficiency of aircrews
Navy’s submarine-hunting and anti-surface warfare helicopters have successfully completed Exercise Tigerfish, proving the warfighting proficiency of aircrews from No. 816 Squadron.
MH-60R Seahawk helicopters from the Nowra-based squadron dropped recoverable exercise torpedos and fired precision air-to-ground missiles and rockets at various surface and sub-surface training targets off the eastern coast, in order to practice, develop and demonstrate their ability to employ weapons system against realistic targets.
Overall, 16 weapons were employed during the two weeks of the exercise. It was the culmination of significant collaborative effort by units of the Fleet Air Arm and supporting agencies.
Flight Commander No. 816 Squadron’s Flight 1 Lieutenant Commander Matthew Hudson said the importance of the exercise to advancing aircrew skills could not be overstated.

“The success of Tigerfish has been crucial in furthering the MH-60R capability and increasing the lethality of our operational aircrews,” he said.
“For participating aircrew, the exercise provided a valuable opportunity to hone complex skills obtained in aircraft simulators with live weapons and real-world environments.”
Aviation Warfare Officer Lieutenant Eliza Josey said she was eager to put her synthetic training in simulators to use with real-world ordnance.
“The training benefit we receive from firing live weapons is invaluable and the opportunity to employ multiple weapons gives a crew the ability to enhance their skill sets and tactical appreciation for how we would actually fight,” Lieutenant Josey said.

For No. 816 Squadron maintenance teams, exercising the procedures for loading live ordnance helps ensure effective training to support aircraft entering potential conflict.
Petty Officer maintenance manager Matthew Cooney said the exercise gave his team a chance to increase familiarity with the complexities surrounding live weapon loading procedures.
“Participating in Exercise Tigerfish enables us as maintainers to refresh and put into practice the skills that we have previously been taught,” he said.
Navy has a fleet of 24 MH-60Rs across No. 816 and No. 725 Squadrons.
martes, 6 de julio de 2021
Prácticas con cohetes de la aviación naval filipina
Prueba funcional de municiones cohete HE y TP de 2,75 pulgadas
Philippine Fleet
El AW-109 naval realiza una prueba de disparo en vivo con cohetes de 2,75 pulgadas
Crow Valley Range, Capaz, Tarlac: el comandante de la flota filipina, RADM ALBERTO B CARLOS PN, observó el disparo de prueba de los cohetes de 2,75 pulgadas de la Armada el 22 de junio de 2021 en Crow Valley Range, Capaz, Tarlac.
Como proveedor principal de buques y aeronaves navales, RADM CARLOS vio a través de la realización exitosa de disparos de municiones de prueba en vivo para garantizar su funcionalidad y capacidad con los lanzadores de cohetes de helicópteros navales (AW-109) de la Armada de Filipinas.
Las pruebas satisfactorias también destacaron la cooperación entre la Armada de Filipinas y la Fuerza Aérea de Filipinas, ya que compartieron información operativa y experiencia en el disparo del mismo tipo de cohetes.
miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2021
Malasia usa helicópteros Fennec para control de sus aguas
Los Fennec del Escuadrón 502 de la TLDM controla las aguas de Sabah y Sarawak
Berita Harian - original en malayo
El escuadrón RMN Fennec 502 refuerza la red de seguridad en aguas de Sabah y Sarawak (foto: Berita Harian)
KOTA KINABALU: El monitoreo de seguridad en aguas de Sabah ahora puede fortalecerse con la presencia del helicóptero US 555 SN Fennec perteneciente a la Real Armada de Malasia (RMN) que operará en la Base Kota Kinabalu RMN (PTKK) en Teluk Sepangar.
El helicóptero llegó ayer a PTKK desde el Cuartel General del Comando de la Flota Occidental utilizando el barco TLDM, el Royal Ship (KD) Mahawangsa.

AS 555 SN Fennec TLDM equipado con radar de vigilancia marítima Telephonics 1500 (foto: helosrgreat)
El comandante de la Flota del Este, contralmirante, Datuk Sabri Zali, dijo que el uso de activos aéreos como helicópteros es muy efectivo para frenar la entrada de inmigrantes ilegales (PATI) por mar.
Aparte de eso, también se puede frenar el contrabando de productos básicos y la intrusión de pescadores extranjeros en las aguas de Sabah.

Radar Telephonics RDR 1500 B (foto: Telephonics)
"Estos helicópteros también ayudarán a mejorar la capacidad de la flota de RMN a través del entrenamiento conjunto con aviones como Deck Landing Training (DLT), Winchex (Winchex), Naval Gun Fire Support (NGS) Spotter y otros", dijo en un comunicado. hoy dia.
Mientras tanto, Sabri recibió hoy una llamada de cortesía del Comandante del Escuadrón 502 que opera Fennec, el Comandante de TLDM Fairul Mohd Shukor en su oficina en Teluk Sepanggar.
lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020
Simulador de NH90 para Nueva Zelanda
CAE Hands Over CAE 700MR NH90 Simulator to Royal New Zealand Air Force

Royal New Zealand Air Force NH90 aircrew are now training in a new CAE 700MR NH90 simulator located at RNZAF Base Ohakea (photo : CAE)
CAE announced that earlier this month it officially handed over a CAE 700MR Series NH90 flight training device to the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) and Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF).
“This advanced NH90 simulator means Royal New Zealand NH90 aircrews can train safely and cost-effectively in New Zealand,” said Matthew Sibree, Managing Director, Asia/Pacific, CAE. “The realistic training capability provided by the NH90 simulator will enable the RNZAF to maximize the availability of the NH90 fleet for operational taskings while ensuring aircrew are prepared for the wide range of missions they are called on to perform.”
Due to COVID-19 over the past six months, the RNZAF and CAE had to adapt its traditional on-site installation, integration, and acceptance testing procedures. A range of teams, including local staff from CAE New Zealand, performed the on-site installation at RNZAF Base Ohakea with remote virtual support from CAE staff in Montreal and Australia. The simulator is now ready for use in order to meet the RNZAF’s currency requirements for crews due to the current COVID-19 situation. CAE New Zealand staff will continue to provide ongoing maintenance and support services on the NH90 simulator.
“We are honoured to be the training partner of choice for the Royal New Zealand Air Force and provide training systems and support services that contribute to the readiness of the New Zealand Defence Force,” said Daniel Gelston, Group President, Defence & Security, CAE.
The CAE 700MR Series NH90 simulator delivers an immersive and realistic virtual training environment ideal for rehearsing challenging tasks such as ship deck and confined area landings. The RNZAF NH90 simulator features an extreme field-of-view visual display system (240 degrees horizontal by 88 degrees vertical) with imagery generated by the CAE Medallion-6000MR image generator. In addition, the CAE 700MR Series includes a revolutionary dynamic seat for vibration and motion cueing, thus maximizing the realism of the training experience on a fixed-based simulator.
miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2020
Nuevo AW-159 de la Armada de Fiilpinas inicia el servicio
Navy AW-159 Choppers' Specialized Ops Training to Start Soon

AW-159 of the Philippine Navy (photo : rhk111)
MANILA – The deck-landing training for the aircrew of the AgustaWestland (now Leonardo) AW-159 "Wildcat" anti-submarine helicopters and integration to the Jose Rizal-class missile frigates will start once British instructors arrive in the country with the easing of the pandemic, the chief of the Philippine Navy (PN) said Tuesday.
Vice Admiral Giovanni Carlo Bacordo said the arrival of the foreign instructors has been delayed by the travel ban in effect due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) outbreak.
"(We will start) once the (British) instructors arrive for the 'helops' (helicopter operations) (phase), which includes deck-landing operations and eventual integration (of the AW-159s to the ship)" he said in an interview.
The PN's two AW-159s were acquired to complement the Jose Rizal-class frigates' ASW capabilities.
The helicopters arrived in May 2019 and were commissioned in June that year.
"Also included in their training is the dipping of (the AW-159s) flash sonar and other sensors (in conjunction with the) FF-150," Bacordo said.
The dipping of flash sonar signifies that the helicopter is attempting to detect a submerged or submarine contact.
The contract for the helicopters' munition, mission essential equipment, and integrated logistic support is worth PHP5.4 billion.
The helicopters can be armed with rockets, machine guns, missiles, torpedoes, and depth charges and fitted with modern sonar systems for tracking down submarines.
viernes, 24 de julio de 2020
Bell 212 aeronavales en pruebas de anavizaje en Tailandia
Thailand Begins Deck Landing Trials for Bell 212, H145M Helicopters on Bhumibol Adulyadej

HMTS Bhumibol Adulyadej with H145M helicopter (photo : RTN)
The Royal Thai Navy (RTN) has begun deck landing qualification (DLQ) activities for H145M light utility twin-engine, and Bell 212 medium helicopters aboard its sole Bhumibol Adulyadej-class guided-missile frigate.
The first DLQ trials were held on 9 July in the Gulf of Thailand, the service’s 202 Squadron said in a statement the next day.
The landings involved a single H145M airframe with serial number 2215, and a Bell 212 helicopter bearing serial number 2211. Both aircraft are operated by 202 Squadron, and were dispatched from the U-Tapao naval aviation base for the trials. Meanwhile, the frigate operates out of the Sattahip Naval Base, which is located about 12 km away.

Bell 212 of the Royal Thai Navy (photo : gearphoto)
HTMS Bhumibol Adulyadej is the South Korean-built warship that the RTN commissioned in December 2018. The Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME)-designed vessel has an overall length of 123 m, an overall beam of 14.4 m, and a hull draught of 4.2 m. It can accommodate one helicopter on its flight deck.
The frigate is equipped with a Mk 41 VLS, 30 mm guns from MSI, a 76 mm Super Rapid naval gun from Leonardo, and launchers for the Boeing Harpoon Block II anti-surface missiles. It features combat systems from Saab.
Equipped with a hull mounted DSQS 24C sonar, an active towed array sonar (ACTAS) from Atlas Elektronik, and six (two triple) 324 mm torpedo tubes, Bhumibol Adulyadej is presently the RTN’s most capable warship in terms of anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities. The service plans to eventually embark the frigate with an S-70B ASW helicopter.
lunes, 20 de abril de 2020
HMAS Adelaide realiza vuelos de prueba de sus MH-60R
HMAS Adelaide Sails for Flight Trials of MH-60R Helicopters

MH-60 Romeo helicopter ‘COBRA 15’ prepares to land onboard HMAS Adelaide as she departs Sydney for First of Class Flight Trials (photo : RAN)
Adelaide departs Sydney to maintain Navy preparedness
HMAS Adelaide has left its home port in Sydney to conduct First of Class Flight Trials for the MH-60R ‘Romeo’ helicopters off the coast of Queensland.The trials will determine the safe operating limits of the Romeo helicopters on the Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) in a range of sea states and wind speeds at both day and night.
Adelaide’s Commanding Officer, Captain Jonathan Ley, said the training was essential to ensuring Navy maintains its readiness to conduct Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief operations in support of the Australian public and our neighbours if required.
“The results will provide a new standard of operational capability, informing how Navy can employ the MH-60R and LHD together in the future to increase both lethality in combat, and responsiveness during humanitarian assistance and disaster relief tasks,” Captain Ley said.
The Australian Defence Force is supporting Whole-of-Government COVID-19 efforts while maintaining operational preparedness.
Captain Ley said Navy had put in strict measures on its ships to ensure the continuation of essential training while preserving the health and welfare of its people.
All crew on Adelaide were screened for COVID-19 symptoms before departure.

HMAS Adelaide LHD (photo : Owen Foley)
At sea, health threats including communicable diseases like COVID-19, are deliberately considered as part of force health protection.
Major Fleet Units deploy with a medical officer or an appropriately trained medical team who are capable of screening and providing care to any personnel with symptoms.
“Adelaide is currently the Navy’s High Readiness Vessel and may be tasked by the Australian Government to respond to emergencies across the region, including support to civil authorities in Australia, or overseas, in their efforts against COVID-19. It is imperative that we maintain that high readiness capability, and provide reassurance that ADF can respond immediately even in times of crisis,” Captain Ley said.
The MH-60R ‘Romeo’ helicopter, based at 816 Squadron in Nowra, New South Wales, is the Navy's next generation submarine hunter and anti-surface warfare helicopter.
The trials are a crucial testing process to establish the true extent of how the MH-60R operates in the maritime environment on Navy’s various platforms.
Lieutenant Commander Chris Broadbent of the Aircraft Maintenance and Flight Trials Unit said the trials include aviation facilities assessments, equipment calibration, and evaluation of the interface between a particular helicopter type and class of ship.
“While MH-60R aircraft have been used on HMA Ships Adelaide and Canberra for some time, new tests are required to determine what new safe operating limits they can achieve when working together,” Lieutenant Commander Broadbent said.
The flight trials will be conducted in Queensland waters over the coming weeks and include actively chasing the right weather conditions to adequately prove capability.
lunes, 2 de marzo de 2020
Pilotos filipinos entrenan en guerra ASW
Navy Pilots Undergo Anti-Submarine Warfare Training

PN AW159 helicopter (photo : Inquirer)
MANILA -- The Philippine Navy (PN) on Wednesday said pilots and aircrew tasked to man its two AgustaWestland (now Leonardo) AW-159 "Wildcat" helicopters are currently undergoing anti-submarine warfare (ASW) training.
Philippine Navy (PN) flag-officer-in-command, Rear Admiral Giovanni Carlo Bacordo said these trainings, which are programmed for the entire year, are designed to equip personnel with adequate knowledge in manning these specialized helicopters the finer points of submarine detection and prosecution.
He added that these ASW maneuvers are in support of the flight training of the AW-159 pilots conducted in Yeovil, in the United Kingdom last year.
These involved training in the use of various surveillance systems of the AW-159s including its dipping sonar which is its primary equipment for submarine detection.
"Once our frigates (BRP Jose Rizal and BRP Antonio Luna) arrive, these ships can team up with the AW-159s, the 'ASW' maneuvers and train in the detection and prosecution of (submarine contacts)," Bacordo said in Filipino.
The AW-159s were acquired for PHP5.4 billion including its munition, mission essential equipment and integrated logistic support.
These are capable of speeds of 291 km/h (181 mph), range of 777 km (483 miles), a ferry range of 963 km (598 miles) and an endurance of one and-a-half hours (four hours and 30 minutes if fitted with auxiliary fuel tanks).
The AW-159s can also be armed with rockets, machine guns, missiles, torpedoes, and depth charges and fitted with modern sonar systems for tracking down submarines.
jueves, 20 de febrero de 2020
LM gana contrato para mantenimiento de MH-60R australianos
Lockheed Wins $186M to Support Australian MH-60R Helicopters

Royal Australian Navy MH-60R (photo : Calum Linnen)
Lockheed Martin Corp., Owego, New York, is awarded a $185,874,486 firm-fixed-price, cost-plus-fixed-fee, cost-reimbursable indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract. This contract provides program management, various levels of maintenance, training and logistics support to sustain the operational capability of 24 Royal Australian Navy MH-60 Romeo aircraft.
Work will be performed at Yerriyong, Australia (79%); Owego, New York (18%); Edinburgh, Australia (1%); Stratford, Connecticut (1%) and Orlando, Florida (1%), and is expected to be completed in January 2024. No funds will be obligated at the time of award. Funds will be obligated on individual orders as they are issued. This contract was not competitively procured pursuant to Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation 206.302-4. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity (N00019-20-D-0001).
Departamento de Defensa de los Estados Unidos
domingo, 9 de febrero de 2020
Ka-32 tailandés listo para misiones
Ka-32 Ready for First Mission

Kamov Ka-32 helicopter of DPPM (photo : TAF)
The Army featuring the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DPPM) of Thailand has brought 2 KA-32 Disaster Relief Helicopters, which are in the 2563 Wildfire Control training during 27 - January 31, 2020 support the operation to solve wildfires and smog, including reduce the amount of dust in northern areas. It will be supported until the situation unravel. The helicopter has arrived to the 41 Chiang Mai Province.
Sending helicopters to the mission is according to the collaboration program between Army and the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Thailand, which is going to be recorded together this week.