domingo, 12 de febrero de 2023
domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2020
Indonesia: Tanques Leopard 2 en ejercicios Yonkav-8
El tanque Leopard 2 dispara fuego en el ejercicio Yonkav-8 entre ramas del ejército indonesio
Entrenamiento de tiro de tanques Army Leopard II (todas las fotos: Kostrad)
El disparo del vehículo blindado perteneciente al 8 ° Batallón de Caballería (Yonkav) resonó en el Centro de Entrenamiento de Combate (Puslatpur), Baturaja, Palembang, Sumatra Sur, el sábado (14/11/2020) durante el entrenamiento para disparar Tanques Leopard en Ejercicio Inter-Ramas (Lat Ancab) Grupo de trabajo Brigif R-9 / DY Kostrad.
"Este disparo es parte de la fase de defensa dinámica, donde se prueba la preparación para el combate de Alutsista de todas las ramas, especialmente su potencia de fuego y poder destructivo contra objetivos", dijo el mayor Kav Suharto de Danyonkav-8.
En este ejercicio de tiro, el Yonkav-8 desplegó seis de sus blindados insignia, a saber, el tanque Leopard II A4 con proyectiles de cañón de 120 mm y balas PSU de calibre 7,62 mm.
A título informativo, el tanque gahar de este fabricante alemán tiene características automotrices en forma de un motor MTU MB 873 de 12 cilindros, un multicombustible de 1.500 HP refrigerado por líquido con transmisión automática y puede acomodar hasta 1.200 litros de combustible.
Además, visto por sus dimensiones, a saber, 7,72 m de largo, 3,75 m de ancho, 3 m de alto, 56,5 toneladas de peso, respaldado por la capacidad de soportar trazas de presión de 0,98 kg / cm y 0,49 m de base libre. muy dinámico para maniobrar incluso en los terrenos más difíciles. Además, con el armamento principal en forma de pistola de ánima lisa calibre 120 mm L44 y calibre Coax / Psu MG 7,62 mm, este tanque se está volviendo cada vez más aterrador para destruir su objetivo.
sábado, 18 de enero de 2020
IMI elegida para proveer de municiones a los Leopard 2 fineses
Sistemas IMI seleccionados para suministrar municiones de tanques de 120 mm al ejército finlandés

El 13 de enero, Elbit Systems anunció que su subsidiaria, IMI Systems, fue seleccionada por el Ministerio de Defensa de Finlandia (MOD finlandés), luego de una prueba competitiva realizada por las Fuerzas de Defensa de Finlandia (FDF), para proporcionar al Ejército finlandés el M339, un La OTAN cumple 120 mm de alto explosivo de municiones multipropósito y unidades de configuración de datos, para sus Leopard 2 Main Battle Tanks (MBT).
Sistemas IMI seleccionados para suministrar municiones de tanques de 120 mm al ejército finlandés
Leopard 2A6 (Fuente de la imagen: Fuerzas de defensa finlandesas)
Adecuado para todos los MBT de pistola de ánima lisa de 120 mm de la OTAN, el M339 es una munición de tanque de 120 mm multipropósito de alta precisión que cumple con los requisitos de la OTAN STANAG. El FDF seleccionó el M339 para mejorar el poder de fuego y la capacidad de los tanques de batalla para enfrentarse a diferentes tipos de objetivos.
Yehuda (Udi) Vered, vicepresidente ejecutivo y gerente general de la división Elbit Systems Land, comentó: “Creo que el resultado de las rigurosas pruebas del FDF y la selección del MOD finlandés subrayan el creciente reconocimiento, por parte de los ejércitos occidentales, de la calidad de nuestra cartera de municiones ".
lunes, 8 de julio de 2019
18 Leopards 2 SG adicionales para Singapur
Singapore Add 18 Leopard 2 SG in 2018

Leopard 2 SG MBT (photo : Mike Yeo)
German government export documents reveal that Singapore is continuing to take delivery of Leopard 2 MBTs, with 18 more transferred in 2018.
43 MBT delivered since 2016, and brings the number of tanks received to between 199 and 204 starting from 2007.
The Base Leg
lunes, 18 de marzo de 2019
Noruega decide si mejora el Leopard 2A4 o comprar uno nuevo
Norway to choose between upgrading Leopard 2A4NO or buying a new tank
Army RecognitionThe modernization project of the Leopard 2A4NO of the Norwegian Army seems abandoned. Norway would prefer the purchase of a new battle tank by 2025, reveals an annual report detailing the defense acquisitions of the country for the next eight years.

Leopard 2A4NO (Picture source: Norwegian MoD)
Formally abandoned last June, the 5050 Leopard 2 Upgrades Project concerning the some 30 units still operational among the 52 in the park, has not been followed by any decision on the future of this component, Nathan Gain reports on ForcesOperations. The only certainty is that a reduced armored capacity would be maintained until 2025, by which time Oslo should choose between acquiring a new tank or an interim solution. In the meantime, the Norwegian Defense would release from 7 to 20 M € by 2024 to preserve its tank fleet.
Nine months later, the first option seems to dominate: the Norwegian army will maintain three mechanized battalions, all equipped with a modern battle tank. A conceptual study is underway to assess, among other things, the number of vehicles required and their capabilities, says the Norwegian Defense.
Barely mentioned in 2018, this project has a budget between 400 and 800 M €. The date of implementation is set at 2025, enough to give continuity to the choice of a Leopard 2 of the latest generation. This solution is reinforced by the project to develop a new programmable fuze for the 120 mm shell and the replacement of the Leguan bridge-layer tanks with a more modern system mounted on Leopard 2 chassis.
So, will the Norwegian army buy a new tank or not? The ground force remains the least well served in terms of investment by component, with 21% of total planned finances. The acquisition of Lockheed F-35 “Lightning II” fighters, submarines and a maritime patrol aircraft is a priority. Reductions in some projects offer the opportunity to invest in new modern and vital systems, says the report quoted above. Reductions that the document obviously does not detail and that will be subject to other budgetary uncertainties concerning land investments.
lunes, 4 de marzo de 2019
Documentos federales alemanes revelan más ventas de Leopard 2 a Singapur
German Documents Reveal Singapore Received More Leopard 2 Tanks
An upgraded Singapore Army Leopard 2SG tank in 2017. (photo : DefenseNews)
MELBOURNE, Australia — Information from government documents about a delivery of German Leopard 2 tanks to Singapore in 2017 suggest the city-state bought a new batch of tanks for its Army.
According to the register of conventional arms exports released by the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Singapore received 18 Leopard 2 main battle tanks in 2017, adding to the seven tanks the German government said it exported in 2016.
The additional delivery in 2017 brings the total number of tanks received by Singapore to more than 170.
It’s unknown how many tanks were ordered or what variant of was delivered. It is also unknown if this latest batch of tanks are brand new or refurbished secondhand vehicles, although the former is unlikely given production of the Leopard 2A4 has ended.
German media reports say the manufacturer Krauss-Maffei Wegmann was building Leopard 2A7s for Singapore and Qatar.
Germany previously declared it exported 161 Leopard 2 tanks to Singapore between 2007 and 2012 in its reports to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms database. Singapore declared the receipt of 156 Leopard 2A4s during the same period.
The 2017 delivery forms part of the $93 million worth of conventional arms exported to Singapore from Germany that year, which also included recovery vehicles, parts for tanks, various military vehicles, training and in-flight refueling aircraft, and small arms.
When contacted for comment regarding the 2017 deliveries, the ministry told Defense News to refer to its earlier statement. It had previously said that “no other variants of the Leopard has (sic) been acquired” since Singapore announced it had acquired refurbished Leopard 2A4s from Germany in 2006. Singapore announced at the time that it had acquired 96 tanks, with 66 to be refurbished and put into service, with the remaining 30 to serve as spares.
However, the statement does not deny Singapore increased the number of Leopard 2A4s in its possession. KMW declined to comment about the transfer when asked by Defense News.
The Singapore Army has one active battalion of Leopard 2s, with additional vehicles assigned to training units in Singapore and Germany, where it uses Oberlausitz Military Training Area. Even accounting for those being used as a source for spares, the number acquired so far suggests Singapore has enough vehicles to equip a number of reserve units.
Singapore’s Leopard 2s are also being upgraded to the Leopard 2SG standard with the addition of an IBD Deisenroth Advanced Modular Armor Protection modular composite armor package, El-Op Commander Open Architecture Panoramic Sight and other improvements. Singapore also reportedly acquired Rheinmetall’s ADS active protection system for its Leopard 2 tanks.
sábado, 9 de febrero de 2019
Leopard 2 alemanes equipados con APS Trophy israelí
Israeli Rafael Trophy to protect German Leopard 2 main battle tanks
Army RecognitionRafael Advanced Defense Systems will test the Trophy APS (Active Protection System) on Germany’s Leopard 2 main battle tanks, The Jerusalem Post has reported. A spokesman for Rafael Advanced Defense Systems confirmed reports that the company will be testing the system on the Leopard 2 later this year, along with the tank’s manufacturer Krauss-Maffei Wegmann.

Artist view of a main battle tank equipped with Rafael's Trophy APS (Picture source: D.R.)
The details were disclosed at the International Armored Vehicles 2019 event which took place from 21 to 24 January in London. The initial trials on the Leopard 2 are expected to begin this year, with the system’s integration and testing completed by 2021. A total of 17 tanks will be equipped with the APS, with a unit training and qualifying to operate it by 2022. The beneficiary unit is expected to be combat ready by 2023 and join a Germany’s deployment to NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF), the report added.
Germany’s Bundeswehr operates 328 Leopard 2 tanks of three types – the 2A6, 2A6M and 2A7. The Leopard 2 has also served in the militaries of 12 other countries and several non-European nations, including Canada, Indonesia and Turkey, and seen combat in Afghanistan and Syria, where they suffered heavy losses from anti-tank guided missiles.
The Trophy Active Protection System (APS), developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, is the only fully operational and combat-proven APS in the world. According to Rafael, the company has provided some 1,000 systems to all major IDF ground combat platforms.
sábado, 19 de enero de 2019
Hungría compra 44 nuevitos Leopard 2A7+
Krauss-Maffei Wegmann Supports the Modernization of the Hungarian Army
(Source: Krauss-Maffei Wegmann; issued Dec 19, 2018)Defense Aerospace

In addition to 44 new-build Leopard 2A7+ tanks and 24 new PzH 2000 self-propelled guns, Hungary is also buying 12 used Leopard 2A4s for training. (KMW photo) MUNICH --- NATO and EU member state Hungary is modernizing its land forces and seeking a European alliance for its equipment.
As part of this modernization process, Hungary signed a contract for the procurement of 44 new Leopard 2 A7+ main battle tanks and 24 new PzH 2000 howitzers with German defense technology company Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) on December 19th, 2018.
In addition, Hungary is procuring 12 used Leopard 2 A4 main battle tanks from KMW’s inventories for training purposes. The project represents a further step toward greater interoperability between European armed forces.
Hungarian Defense Minister Tibor Benkő emphasized that the contract would strengthen the smooth and extensive cooperation between the German and the Hungarian Armies.
Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, a member of the German-French defense technology group KNDS, leads the European market for highly protected wheeled and tracked vehicles. At locations in Germany, Brazil, Greece, Mexico, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the USA more than 4.000 employees develop, manufacture and support a product portfolio ranging from air-transportable, highly protected wheeled vehicles through reconnaissance, anti-aircraft and artillery systems to main battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and bridgelaying systems.
domingo, 29 de abril de 2018
Singapur dice que compra más Leo 2A7 pero hay dudas
Singapore Denies Leopard 2A7 Acquisition, but Questions Remain Over Anomalies

Singapore’s Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) has refuted speculation that the country has acquired the A7 variant of the German-built Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) Leopard 2 main battle tank (MBT) that stemmed from a recent entry in the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s (SIPRI’s) Arms Transfer Database.
According to SIPRI’s data – which the institute says is drawn from a range of sources, including the UN Register of Conventional Arms (ROCA), national reports on arms exports and imports, as well as official defence budget documents and parliamentary records – Singapore has acquired 12 Leopard 2A7 MBTs that were delivered in the 2016–17 timeframe. The institute also recorded that the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) received a total of 182 ex-Bundeswehr Leopard 2A4 MBTs in the 2007–12 timeframe, with a number of these used as spares and training.
Meanwhile, a separate check on the UN ROCA database has also shown that Germany reported a transfer of 168 MBTs to Singapore, with the most recent entry in 2016 indicating that seven Leopard 2 MBTs – although of an unspecified variant – had been exported to Singapore, further casting doubt on the official information released by MINDEF.
“In 2006, the SAF announced the acquisition of the Leopard 2A4 from Germany to replace the SM1 tanks,” MINDEF said a 20 March statement. “Since then, the refurnished Leopard tanks have entered service and no other variants of the Leopard has [sic] been acquired by the SAF.”
Only 96 Leopard 2A4 MBTs were ever declared to have been ordered by Singapore in a December 2006 announcement by MINDEF. The first batch of six MBTs was transferred in June 2008 and deliveries are understood to have been completed by mid-2010.
martes, 15 de marzo de 2016
Polonia moderniza sus Leopardos

Seguranca e Defesa
A un costo de unos 220 millones de euros, Polonia contrató empresas locales Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa (PGZ) y ZM-Bumar Labedy SA - junto con el grupo alemán Rheinmetall (que proporcionan, por ejemplo, la tecnología de armas y equipos electrónicos) - para la modernización de 128 coches de intensos combates Leopard 2A4. Los vehículos fueron comprados de segunda mano en 2002 (antes pertenecía al ejército alemán) y será elevado a la norma 2PL leopardo (Foto: Rheinmetall), que corresponde al nivel de la 2A5 y 2A6 Leopard alemán. Después de Canadá e Indonesia, Polonia se convierte en el tercer país a elegir Rheinmetall como socio en la modernización de su leopardo CC - en total, 17 países utilizan este vehículo. El contrato especifica que el consorcio entregará un prototipo en 2017; después de la aprobación del ejército polaco, Rheinmetall modernizará cinco copias desde 2018. Se modernizarán los siguientes doce vehículos en Bumar-Labedy, con la asistencia de Rheinmetall, y el servicio 110 restante será totalmente en manos de los polacos.
sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015
Italia: Cerca de 3.000 blindados esperan nuevos dueños
Entre ellos hay más de veinte Centauros *(Ver Actualización al final de la nota)
Una gran cantidad de blindados, entre tanques, vehículos de exploración, artillería autopropulsada y transportes de tropas, permanecen almacenados en una instalación militar al oeste de Lenta, Vercelli, en el Piamonte, a la espera de ser vendidos a países amigos o de ser convertidos en chatarra, reveló el jueves el diario L'Espresso.De acuerdo con el medio italiano, en el lugar se encuentran 2.700 unidades, que incluyen MBTs Leopard, obuses autopropulsados M109, vehículos antitanques Centauro, y transportes de personal M113 y VCC-1 Camillino. De todos ellos, 2.300 aún mantienen sus capacidades operativas y se encuentran a la venta a precios interesantes.
* Actualización: En base a fotografías obtenidas de Google Maps, Hasta el año pasado el número de Centauros almacenados en esa unidad militar italiana rondaba las 70 unidades.