domingo, 19 de mayo de 2024
Corea del Sur acepta reducción de costos de Indonesia en proyecto KF-21
martes, 27 de febrero de 2024
Turquía: Vuela el caza furtivo KAAN
El avión de combate de quinta generación de Türkiye KAAN completó con éxito su primer vuelo
viernes, 12 de enero de 2024
(Increíble Corea del Sur) Arranca la producción en serie del KF-21
Corea del Sur comenzará la producción de aviones de combate KF-21 de fabricación nacional
lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2022
Turquía se acerca a su caza furtivo autónomo

Turquía, cada vez más cerca del vuelo inaugural del primer avión de combate no tripulado
Alie Peter Neil GaleónLa firma de defensa turca Baykar Technology lanzará el vuelo inaugural del primer avión de combate no tripulado del país luego de una prueba de despegue a fines de noviembre.
El dron Kizilelma completó recientemente pruebas de rodaje autónomo y en pista en una base aérea en la provincia noroccidental de Tekirdag.
Bayraktar #KIZILELMA ✈️🍎🚀
— BAYKAR (@BaykarTech) December 3, 2022
🛫 Alçak İrtifa Kalkış İniş Testi ✅
🛫 Low altitude take off and landing test ✅#MilliTeknolojiHamlesi 🌍🇹🇷
Totalmente Autónomo
El primer avión de combate no tripulado de Turquía es capaz de despegar y aterrizar de forma totalmente autónoma, incluso en portaaviones de pista corta, incluido el futuro portaaviones insignia del país, el TCG Anadolu.
La embarcación de 232 metros (761 pies) completó sus primeros ejercicios de aterrizaje y despegue de helicópteros a fines de noviembre.
El Kizilelma puede operar con aviones pilotados y puede estar equipado con misiles aire-aire.
“Teniendo en cuenta un futuro en el que el combate aéreo estará dominado por la tecnología no tripulada, nuestro Bayraktar Kizilelma Fighter UAV, que se está desarrollando completamente dentro de las fronteras turcas, sin duda desempeñará un papel cada vez más importante en el futuro”, dijo la compañía.
El avión puede alcanzar una altitud de 35.000 pies (10.668 metros) y volar hasta cinco horas.
martes, 29 de noviembre de 2022
Concepto de caza de 4.5 generación indonesio
Mire el concepto de caza de la generación 4.5 de Infoglobal

El concepto del caza i-22 Flyover de Infoglobal (fotos: Infoglobal)
La compañía aeroespacial indonesia Infoglobal ha presentado una maqueta conceptual de su caza de generación 4.5, conocido como i-22 Flyover, en la exposición Indo Defense 2022 en Yakarta.
El concepto se inició en colaboración con la empresa local de diseño aeroespacial Vimana R&D & Engineering, presidida por el ex piloto comercial de vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV), Sunanto Ajidarmo.
Hablando con Janes en la exhibición, Sunanto explicó el i-22 Flyover como un concepto de caza bimotor con un diseño inspirado en el Saab JAS Gripen. Cuenta con un diseño de sección transversal de radar reducido y utiliza principalmente materiales compuestos para mejorar sus características de sigilo, agregó.

El concepto tiene dos variantes: una con una configuración de ala canard y otra sin ella. La configuración de ala canard tiene una envergadura de 9 m, mientras que las que no tienen una envergadura de 9,6 m. Los dos conceptos fueron diseñados completamente en el país por ingenieros aeroespaciales locales, dijo Sunanto.
La maqueta que se exhibe en Indo Defense 2022 es la variante sin canards, y se hizo hasta aproximadamente el 90% de su tamaño original para facilitar los arreglos de envío, agregó.
"Lo que queremos lograr con esta maqueta es aumentar la conciencia del pueblo indonesio, que hay talento y conocimiento de diseño aeroespacial local en el país", dijo Sunanto.
Agregó que el i-22 Flycatcher aprovecha décadas de experiencia de Infoglobal, cuyos ingenieros han trabajado en la flota Hawk Mk 109/209 de la Fuerza Aérea de Indonesia desde 2006, así como en aviones de combate F-5 y F-16 desde 2010. el dominio de especialización incluye integración y mantenimiento de aviónica.
miércoles, 5 de enero de 2022
Tailandia analiza 8 cazas furtivos
La Fuerza Aérea tailandesa observa 8 aviones furtivos F-35
01 de enero de 2022
Caza F-35 Lightning II (imagen: Lockheed Martin)
La Real Fuerza Aérea de Tailandia está considerando la adquisición de ocho aviones furtivos F-35 de fabricación estadounidense, el avión de combate más avanzado del mundo, para fortalecer la defensa nacional, dijo su comandante en jefe ACM Napadej Dhupatemiya.
ACM Napadej dijo que la fuerza aérea necesitaba una nueva flota de aviones de combate porque los viejos aviones F-5 y F-16 habían estado en servicio durante más de tres décadas.
A medida que las aeronaves envejecen, los costos de mantenimiento y los riesgos de seguridad tienden a aumentar.
Los aviones F-35, fabricados por el gigante de la defensa estadounidense Lockheed Martin, han surgido como la mejor opción ahora que sus costos son más bajos, cayendo a 82 millones de dólares (2.700 millones de baht) cada uno desde 142 millones de dólares cuando el modelo se lanzó por primera vez a los Estados Unidos. Estados. Mercado, dijo.
Con el nuevo Saab Gripen de fabricación sueca con un precio de 85 millones de dólares por unidad, los productos Lockheed Martin no están fuera de su alcance, dice ACM Napadej. Dependiendo de las negociaciones, el precio unitario del F-35 podría reducirse a poco más de $ 70 millones, dijo.
ACM Napadej dijo que la planificación presupuestaria para el proyecto de adquisición del F-35 comenzará en el año fiscal 2023, a partir de octubre, y que la fuerza aérea está lista para responder todas las preguntas si decide continuar con la compra.
Se establecerá un panel para estudiar el programa de adquisición de aeronaves para justificar la solicitud de financiamiento de la fuerza aérea, dijo.
Según ACM Napadej, la fuerza aérea no compra armas sino que implementa seguridad para defender a la gente y los intereses de la nación. Expresó su confianza en que si el público estuviera en sintonía con la fuerza aérea, apoyaría el programa.
Programa de la Fuerza Aérea de Tailandia (imagen: Bangkok Post)
Dadas sus ventajas tecnológicas, los aviones F-35 se adaptarían a la necesidad del país de aumentar su poder aéreo, una parte esencial de la guerra moderna, dijo.
La Fuerza Aérea es consciente de las restricciones presupuestarias causadas por la pandemia Covid-19, dijo, y señaló que planea realizar compras por etapas y seleccionar productos de alta calidad que vienen con la transferencia de conocimientos técnicos.
ACM Napadej dijo que la fuerza aérea también estaba interesada en las operaciones aéreas modernas, en particular las que involucran al Loyal Wingman, un vehículo aéreo no tripulado, en la guerra.
Desarrollado por la fuerza aérea australiana y Boeing, el avión vuela en equipos con otros aviones para brindar apoyo y puede equiparse con sistemas de armas, dijo.
"No necesitamos una flota completa de aviones F-35. Solo podemos usar de ocho a 12 y usar drones para volar con aviones tripulados ", dijo ACM Napadej.
"Esto ayudará a ahorrar costos. Es relativamente nuevo, pero es probable que la tecnología se desarrolle rápidamente".
"Si la fuerza aérea recibe el apoyo del público, incluidos los políticos, y si podemos, [la fuerza aérea] se moverá para aumentar y fortalecer su poder aéreo", dijo, agregando que las propuestas se presentarán al primer ministro y Defensa. . Ministro Prayut Chan-o-cha para su consideración cuando finalice la fuerza aérea.
Según el plan, los nuevos aviones de combate se desplegarán desde el Ala 1 con base en Nakhon Ratchasima.
Bangkok Post
viernes, 1 de octubre de 2021
Loyal Wingman será construido en Australia

Boeing Loyal Wingman (photos : Boeing)
Boeing Selects Australia for Company's First Final Assembly Facility Outside North America
TOOWOOMBA, Queensland – Boeing [NYSE:BA], in partnership with the Queensland Government, has selected Toowoomba as the preferred site for the company’s first aircraft assembly facility of its kind outside of North America.
Boeing Australia will establish the facility in the Wellcamp Aerospace and Defence Precinct at Wellcamp Airport to produce and assemble the Boeing Airpower Teaming System (also known as Loyal Wingman), the first military combat aircraft designed, developed and manufactured in Australia in half a century. The aircraft made its first flight in February 2021.
The partnership to establish the facility will create new opportunities for Toowoomba, bringing jobs and skill development to the region and the state.
“In choosing Wellcamp Airport, Boeing have taken an important step towards delivering their purpose-built final assembly facility. This has the potential to greatly improve our state’s advanced manufacturing capability and help shape a workforce of Queenslanders with the skills to build some of the world’s most cutting-edge aircraft,” said Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.
Wagner Corporation expects that this facility will support approximately 300 jobs during construction and will create highly skilled jobs, furthering Queensland’s status as a centre for defence industries.
Treasurer and Minister for Investment Cameron Dick said today’s announcement reinforced the strength of the state’s almost 25-year relationship with Boeing.

“This announcement follows our success with Australia’s first commercial drone flight testing facility at Cloncurry Airport last December, of which Boeing was a first user. It’s the result of an arrangement our government entered into with Boeing Australia last year to support the establishment of the primary final assembly facility for the Boeing Loyal Wingman here in Queensland, subject to defence orders. It’s expected the project could generate up to $1 billion dollars for Queensland’s economy over 10 years, with more than just defence industries to benefit,” said Dick.
This project delivers on the vision of the Queensland Defence Industries 10-year Roadmap and Action Plan, which aims to significantly increase defence revenue and generate 3,500 new full-time jobs by 2028.
The uncrewed aircraft is designed to operate as a team, using artificial intelligence to extend the capabilities of crewed and uncrewed platforms.
Boeing Defence Australia Vice President and Managing Director Scott Carpendale believes the selection of Wellcamp Airport as Boeing’s preferred location for the company’s first final assembly production facility is indicative of Boeing’s global focus and support for Australia’s sovereign defence capability growth, supply chain and export opportunities.
“We are confident in the future production outlook for this world-class, innovative aircraft,” said Carpendale.
“We’re thinking long-term about this investment, which could assist Australia to gain future work share in other global defence and aerospace opportunities, in addition to the Loyal Wingman assembly.
“The Wellcamp Aerospace and Defence Precinct location is attractive due to its access to a flight line, clear flying days, commercial flight access from major cities and ability to support the rapid pace at which the Airpower Teaming System program is growing.
“Sustainable aerospace is a critical focus for Boeing, and Wagner Corporation’s use of sustainable construction methods supports our vision to create a leading sustainable aerospace manufacturing facility from the ground up, including renewable technologies and human-centric design,” Carpendale said.
Wagner Corporation Chairman John Wagner said Boeing’s selection of Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport for its newest uncrewed aircraft production facility was a major boost for the region.
“Attracting investment and global companies such as Boeing to Toowoomba is recognition of the strategic advantages the Wellcamp Airport site offers, including access to the future Inland Rail,” Wagner said.
Boeing Australia is currently developing six aircraft in partnership with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), with flight testing ongoing.
domingo, 29 de agosto de 2021
Corea del Sur e Indonesia se reúnen por el KF-21 Boramae
S. Korea, Indonesia Hold First Working-Level '2+2 Talks'

KF-21 Boramae fighter (photo : news1)
SEOUL (Yonhap) -- South Korea and Indonesia had discussions on security ties during their inaugural working-level two-plus-two talks on Tuesday.
The dialogue, held via teleconference, brought together four director-level officials from the defense and foreign ministries of the two sides, according to Seoul's ministries.
Among agenda items were bilateral relations, regional security conditions and ways to boost security cooperation, including their joint fighter jet development program, called the KF-21 project.
"During the meeting, Seoul and Jakarta noted their recent decision to resume the joint project of developing an advanced fighter jet, and vowed to work more closely to achieve good results," the ministries said in a press release.
Indonesia agreed to partner in South Korea's initiative aimed at developing a new fighter jet by 2026. But there had been speculation that Jakarta could quit the program as it failed to make due payments. It promised to shoulder 20 percent of the total development cost of 8.8 trillion won (US$7.6 billion), but around 700 billion won is overdue.
South Korea also proposed the swift launch of a joint committee for bilateral defense cooperation, the ministries said.
During the dialogue, the two sides agreed on the need for substantial progress in efforts to achieve the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula through dialogue and diplomacy, and Indonesia vowed continued backing for Seoul's peace drive, according to the statement.
Also on the table was the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar, and South Korea voiced support for ASEAN's role to resolve the matter, it added.
"This initial 2+2 meeting served as a chance for the two nations to strengthen communication as special strategic partners," it read.
miércoles, 21 de julio de 2021
Clientes potenciales del Sukhoi Checkmate
Clientes potenciales del nuevo caza ligero ruso Checkmate nombrado
Revista Militar
El nuevo caza ligero ruso de quinta generación Checkmate ya tiene un cliente, el avión se desarrolló inicialmente para la exportación. Así lo anunció el viceprimer ministro Yuri Borisov.
Como parte de la exhibición aérea internacional MAKS-2021, Borisov, respondiendo a una pregunta sobre un posible comprador extranjero de un nuevo caza, dijo que ya había un cliente ancla para el avión, para el cual se estaba creando el caza.
Ya lo tenemos, por el lo hacemos- dijo el viceprimer ministro, agregando que estamos hablando de la fuerza aérea extranjera, pero no nombró el país cliente.
También señaló que la demanda del nuevo caza en el mercado internacional se estima en 300 aviones. Se espera que la aeronave sea exportada a los países del sudeste asiático y África.
Al mismo tiempo, el jefe de Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, dijo que las Fuerzas Aeroespaciales Rusas actuarían como otro cliente de este caza. El caza se desarrolló teniendo en cuenta las entregas tanto a las Fuerzas Aeroespaciales Rusas como a los clientes extranjeros. Las características declaradas: velocidad - hasta 2M, rango de vuelo - hasta 3 mil km, peso de carga útil - 7,4 mil kg. Se instalaron un radar con AFAR, un sistema de reconocimiento óptico y electrónico circular, un sistema de interferencia electrónico incorporado, un sistema de mira óptica y un sistema de comunicación de amplio alcance.
Como dijo el jefe de la UAC, Yuri Slyusar, durante la presentación, la UAC tiene la intención de ingresar entregas en serie del nuevo caza en 2026-2027. Anteriormente se anunció que la aeronave realizará su primer vuelo en 2023, los prototipos de la aeronave aparecerán en 2024-2025 y el lote piloto en 2026.
lunes, 19 de julio de 2021
Más imágenes del... ¿Su-75?
Sobre el nuevo caza táctico ruso Sukhoi Su-75 Jaque Mate
En la primavera de 2021, la empresa rusa de construcción de aviones Sukhoi, parte de la corporación Rostec, anunció el diseño del último caza táctico. A pesar del encubrimiento de casi todas las características de la máquina, ya ahora la totalidad de la información conocida sobre la aeronave deja claro que nunca ha habido algo así en la Rusia moderna ...
sábado, 17 de julio de 2021
viernes, 16 de julio de 2021
Rusia se burla del caza furtivo "Jaque Mate" ofrecido a Argentina
Rusia se burla del caza 'Jaque mate' antes del show aéreo MAKS
Nuevo caza ruso monomotor Gen-5 visto en las afueras de Moscú (foto: Ivan Novikov)
Rusia se ha burlado de la existencia de un nuevo avión de combate, denominado "El Jaque Mate", antes del MAKS Moscow Airshow que se celebrará del 20 al 25 de julio.
Rostec State Corporation publicó un video teaser del nuevo avión el 13 de julio, que contenía, dijo la organización, "alusiones a las características clave y propiedades únicas del proyecto" que ha sido desarrollado por United Aircraft Corporation (aunque no se anunció oficialmente, ha medios rusos informaron que Sukhoi es la casa de diseño).
Si bien el video en sí reveló poco sobre la configuración o las capacidades de la aeronave, aludió a un mercado de exportación objetivo que incluye a Argentina, India, Vietnam y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU). En línea con este nuevo avión que apunta más al mercado de exportación, el video está en inglés en lugar de ruso.
De mayor importancia que el video teaser promocional ha sido la aparición de fotos no oficiales del avión o de una réplica a gran escala en el sitio de exhibición de Zhukovsky en las afueras de Moscú. Aunque la aeronave está cubierta con una lona destinada a disfrazar su línea de molde exterior, a partir de estas fotos y las imágenes divulgadas anteriormente es posible determinar las dimensiones generales de la aeronave, así como algunas de sus características clave de diseño y posibles roles.
sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2020
Indonesia negocia seguir en el programa KFX/IFX
Indonesia negoció la continuación del proyecto de aeronaves KFX / IFX
El gobierno indonesio admite que está renegociando con Corea del Sur la sostenibilidad del proyecto de fabricación de aviones a reacción KFX / IFX.
Además, el gobierno también está negociando más sobre los fondos que se pagarán a Corea del Sur en esta cooperación.
"Nuestra solicitud está relacionada con la reducción de la participación en los costos de Indonesia del 20 por ciento al 15 por ciento, pero solo se reduce al 18,8 por ciento", dijo Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, portavoz del Ministro de Defensa, a través de un mensaje de texto, el lunes.
Hasta ahora, el gobierno de Corea del Sur no ha aceptado la solicitud de Indonesia desde 2017, dijo Dahnil.
Anteriormente, se informó que Indonesia estaba en mora en el pago del proyecto de cooperación para la fabricación de aviones de combate KFX / IFX con el gobierno de Corea del Sur por un monto de USD420 millones o alrededor de IDR 6 billones.
Según lo citado por la Agencia de Noticias Yonhap el 6 de septiembre de 2020, en este proyecto de cooperación, Indonesia asumirá el 20 por ciento del costo de desarrollar un caza de 4.5 generaciones por valor de 1.7 billones de wones o IDR 21 billones.
El proyecto total de desarrollo de aviones en sí está valorado en 8,8 billones de wones o 7.300 millones de dólares, lo que equivale a 109 billones de rupias.
Se dice que Indonesia no pagó 500 mil millones de won o el equivalente a 6 billones de rupias que debería haberse pagado a fines del pasado agosto.
Hasta ahora, Indonesia solo ha pagado 227,2 mil millones de wones o alrededor de 2,8 billones de rupias.Anadolu
miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020
¡Impresionante Corea del Sur! Montarán el KF-X en el segundo semestre de 2020
KAI to Finalize Assembly of KF-X Fighter Jet in Second Half 2020

KF-X fighter jet (image : KAI)
Korea Aerospace Industries said Wednesday it will finalize the assembly of its next-generation KF-X fighter jet in the second half of this year.
South Korea’s sole aircraft manufacturer is currently assembling each of the top, middle and bottom parts of the fuselage of its fifth-generation fighter and the final assembly is scheduled for the second half of the year.
"To introduce a prototype next year, KAI is looking forward to a final assembly of the jet in the period,” a company official said.
“Also, we have received 15 engines from General Electric to power six prototypes, with each requiring two engines. The remaining three are spares.”
KAI selected GE Aviation in May 2016 to supply the F414-GE-400K engines for the KF-X fighter. The multirole KF-X jet, a $7.4 billion project, is being designed and built by KAI.
The KF-X aircraft will replace Korea’s F-4D/E Phantom II and F-5E/F Tiger II fleet. The development program is scheduled to be completed in 2026, while flight testing will occur in 2023. A total of 120 KF-X aircrafts are scheduled for production for the Air Force. GE Aviation will provide 240 F414 engines plus spares.
GE has partnered with Korea many times to power aircrafts in their inventory. GE’s F404 engines currently power the country’s T-50 Golden Eagle, a high-performance supersonic trainer developed with KAI for the Korean Air Force. GE’s T700 turboshaft engines power the Korean utility helicopter Surion. Additionally, GE’s F110 engines power the Air Force’s F-15K aircraft.
Korea Herald
sábado, 13 de junio de 2020
Empresa norteamericana provee al KF-X de sistema de adquisición de datos
Curtiss-Wright Selected by KAI to Provide Complete Data Acquisition System Solution for KF-X

Axon miniature data acquisition system (photo : Curtiss Weight)
ASHBURN, Va. – Curtiss-Wright’s Defense Solutions division, a trusted leading supplier of flight test instrumentation (FTI) system solutions, today announced that it was awarded a contract by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) to provide a complete data acquisition system (DAS) for use in flight-test campaigns for the new 5th generation Korean Fighter eXperimental (KF-X) multirole fighter aircraft. Under the contract, Curtiss-Wright will provide KAI with a complete FTI system that gathers and processes data from the aircraft during test flights.
The fully integrated DAS solution will feature Curtiss-Wright’s next-generation Axon™ miniature data acquisition unit (DAU), the FTI industry’s most compact and high speed DAU. In addition, the DAS will include Curtiss-Wright’s KAM-500™ DAUs, NSW-12GT-1 12-Port Gigabit airborne network switches, TTS-9800-2 tri-band transmitter, nEUP-2000-1 engineering unit processor, ANT-00800T-1 L/S-band antenna, LDP-050-AB-1 airborne-rugged 5-inch diagonal display and GPS-FLR-100-1 active GPS splitter. Shipments, which are expected to begin in August 2020, are scheduled to run through the end of the year.
"We are very proud that our industry-leading integrated data acquisition technology has been selected by Korea Aerospace Industries to support the important 5th generation K-FX fighter jet program, further strengthening our long and successful relationship,” said Lynn Bamford, President, Defense and Power Segments. “Curtiss-Wright uniquely offers the components and expertise needed to provide FTI customers with complete fully integrated FTI system solutions. We are especially pleased, as this contract represents the largest win to date for our industry-leading Axon data acquisition system technology, as well as the first 5th generation fighter jet deployment for Axon.”
Flight-test campaigns are critical to determine that a new aircraft meets design specifications, is functional and safe, and can be certified for use. Such campaigns require significant resources and any delays are very costly, making it critically important that all FTI equipment work reliably to ensure that no unplanned extra flights are needed.
About the Axon Product Family
The Axon product family is the most advanced airborne data acquisition system available today, offering low size, weight and power (SWaP) with the best feature set, data acquisition and thermal performance on the market. The Axon product family builds on Curtiss-Wright’s heritage as the leading supplier of rugged reliable data acquisition for aerospace applications.Axon’s future proof design, using a high-speed serial backplane (1 Gbps dedicated link per module), ensures future high data rates are supported. Its low SWaP design means it can be located in tight spaces and operate reliably without requiring bulky heatsinks. This design also allows any of the Axon family user modules to be placed in ultra-miniature "Axonite" housings and located remotely, separated from the chassis by up to 10 meters. Locating data acquisition closer to the sensors can significantly decrease the installation time and cost of the instrumentation while simultaneously reducing wiring weight. Axonites can also offer significant system cost saving in larger installations by reducing the number of DAUs required in remote locations and thus cutting down on extra chassis, controller and power supply costs.
Curtiss-Wright designed the products covered by this agreement at its Aerospace Instrumentation facilities in Newtown, Pennsylvania and Dublin, Ireland. The products are being shipped to KAI in Sacheon-City, Gyeongnam, Korea.
Curtiss Wright
domingo, 16 de febrero de 2020
Elbit proveerá de HUD al KF-X
Elbit Systems Awarded $43 Million Contract to Equip KF-X in Development with TF/TA Systems

The Head-Up Display view of the TF/TA system (photo: Elbit Systems)
Elbit Systems Awarded $43 Million Contract to Equip Next-Gen Korean Fighter Jets in Development with TF/TA Systems
Haifa, Israel – Elbit Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ: ESLT, TASE: ESLT) (“Elbit Systems”) announced today that it was awarded a $43 million contract from Hanwha Systems Co. Ltd. (272210:Korea SE) to equip the Next Generation Korean fighter jets in development, with embedded Terrain Following-Terrain Avoidance (TF/TA) systems. The contract will be performed over a six-year period.
Embedding Elbit Systems’ TF/TA solution enables fighter jets to fly and maneuver safely at low-altitudes, in zero visibility and harsh weather conditions (Instrument Meteorological Conditions), thereby enhancing their capability to operate undetected in hostile territory. Interfacing with the autopilot system, the TF/TA system to be supplied fuses data from a range of onboard sensors and a digital terrain elevation data base, together with flight performance characteristics, enabling the aircraft to maintain optimal altitude throughout the mission.
Yoram Shmuely, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Elbit Systems Aerospace Division, said: “We are proud to be in a position to increase the capabilities of Air Forces through joint development with Hanwha Systems Co. Ltd.“.
Elbit Systems
miércoles, 8 de enero de 2020
UK quiere acelerar el desarrollo de su caza furtivo Tempest
United Kingdom would like to accelerate development plan of Tempest stealth fighter
Air RecognitionFor the next 12 months, the United Kingdom would like to accelerate its plan to develop the next-generation stealth fighter under the Tempest program. This program covers existing platforms such as Typhoon and F-35, as well as Tempest, the program initiated by the UK to develop a next-generation combat air system.

Mockup of Tempest stealth fighter unveiled in September 2019 at DSEi defense exhibition in London, United Kingdom. (Picture source Air Recognition )
The Tempest is an Under Development fighter aircraft concept to be designed and manufactured in the United Kingdom for the British Royal Air Force and the Italian Aeronautica Militare. It is being developed by a consortium known as "Team Tempest", consisting of the UK Ministry of Defence, BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, Leonardo S.p.A. and MBDA, and is intended to enter service from 2035 replacing the Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft in service with the RAF and AMI. Two billion pounds will be spent by the British government on the project by 2025.
Team Tempest brings together the UK’s world-leading industry and sovereign capabilities across future combat air’s four key technology areas: advanced combat air systems and integration (BAE Systems); advanced power and propulsion systems (Rolls-Royce); advanced sensors, electronics and avionics (Leonardo) and advanced weapon systems (MBDA).
The companies will have until December 2020 to complete their analysis of a program critical to the future of Britain’s combat air capabilities.
The new Tempest fighter is meant to take flight sometime around 2040, replacing the Eurofighter Typhoon for the British Royal Air Force. The promise of a sixth-generation capability lies in the integration of manned and unmanned planes carrying weapons and sensors, tied together by a complex data network and cloud-like information infrastructure.
A real size mockup of the Tempest was unveiled in September 2019 at the DSEI defense exhibition in London, UK. Tempest will be able to fly unmanned and use swarming technology to control drones. It will incorporate artificial intelligence deep learning and possess directed-energy weapons. Another piece of technology is designed into Tempest is so-called Cooperative Engagement Capability, the ability to cooperate on the battlefield, sharing sensor data and messages to coordinate attack or defense. Tempest will feature an adaptive cycle engine and a virtual cockpit shown on a pilot's helmet-mounted display.
jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019
Indonesia se atrasa en el pago del proyecto KFX
Indonesia Delays Payment for S. Korea's Fighter Development Project

KFX fighter (photo : joins)
SEOUL (Yonhap) -- Indonesia is in arrears on its payment obligations for a joint project with South Korea to develop a next-generation fighter jet, citing financial problems, data by the arms procurement agency showed Monday.
Indonesia is a partner for South Korea's so-called KF-X project to develop a homegrown fighter aircraft in an effort to procure combat aircraft for its own air force and boost its aerospace industry. The country agreed to shoulder 20 percent of the development cost of the 8.8 trillion-won (US$7.36 billion) project.
But the Southeast Asian country failed to pay 301 billion won it was supposed to pay as of end-September, according to the data by the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA). So far, it has paid 272.2 billion won.
"Following the Indonesian president's request in 2018 for talks on the payment, South Korea set up a pan-government consultative body and has been holding working-level discussions with Jakarta," DAPA said, noting that the two sides have met four times so far this year.
"Despite such a delay in payment, the Indonesian side has continued to send its researchers to South Korea to take part in the development process," Rep. Kim Joong-ro of the minor opposition Bareunmirae Party said during a parliamentary audit into the administration, voicing concern about technology leaks.
As of July, 114 Indonesian engineers were sent to South Korea to work with Korea Aerospace Industries Co. (KAI), the country's sole aircraft manufacturer, to design and make a prototype of the fighter, according to a DAPA official.
Last month, DAPA confirmed that the design for the combat jet met all military requirements, allowing the project to go on to the next phase of constructing a prototype.
The prototype will be ready in the first half of 2021, and the agency is eyeing 2026 for the completion of development, which began in 2016, according to DAPA.
viernes, 15 de febrero de 2019
Corea del Sur aprieta las clavijas indonesias para el proyecto KFX/IFX
Republic of Korea and Indonesia are Negotiating Changes to the KFX/IFX Fighter Program

KF-X/IF-X fighter
TSAMTO - A delegation from Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) visited Jakarta to negotiate a renegotiation of the conditions for Indonesia’s participation in the KFX / IFX Korean Fighter Xperiment / Indonesia Fighter Xperiment joint development and construction program.
According to information and documents obtained by the Jane's Defense Weekly from a source on the Defense, Intelligence and Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives of the Indonesian Parliament, the negotiations were held for two days (January 24 and 25).
Indonesia was represented at the meeting by the leaders of the state-owned company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), the Ministry of Defense of Indonesia, and the Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Coordination (POLHUKAM).
The document that Jane's received indicates that Indonesia intends to propose to roll over its payment obligations under the program until 2031.
It is also expected that to further reduce the burden on the national defense budget, Indonesia will offer to make payments under the program through countertrade transactions instead of cash, by analogy with the strategy it implements when it purchases Su-35 fighters in Russia.
In addition, Jakarta insists on the expansion of intellectual property rights to technologies developed under the program, with a view to their commercialization in the future.
In accordance with the initial agreement signed between the two countries in 2015, Indonesia is obliged to pay 20% of the total development costs, which is estimated to be about $ 8 billion. The South Korean government will pay 60% of the costs, and KAI will cover the remaining 20 %
In exchange for investments, Indonesia will gain access to the technologies and know-how developed under the program, as well as the right to acquire fighters.

KF-X/IF-X fighter
According to current plans, the first prototype of the KFX / IFX is scheduled to roll out by 2021, flight tests begin in 2022, and production - in 2026.
The document states that after the start of serial production, Indonesia intends to acquire an initial batch of 16 aircraft. Jakarta also insists PTDI grants sales of KFX / IFX aircraft to potential buyers outside Indonesia.
KAI announced the launch of the KFX program in 2001, the aircraft was originally conceived as a subtle twin-engined multi-role fighter. In 2011, the Republic of Korea concluded an agreement with Indonesia on cost-sharing for the development of KFX / IFX, and its combat use was supposed to begin in 2023.
However, in 2012, the program faced financial difficulties and then President of the Republic of Korea Pak Geun-hye in early 2013 suspended its implementation. The program resumed in 2014, when the Republic of Korea and Indonesia signed a joint design and development agreement that governs the participation of countries in the program.
In 2018, Indonesian officials confirmed to national media that Jakarta did not fully pay for participation in the KFX / IFX program and the deficit was due to a reduction in the defense budget. In 2018, defense spending in Indonesia decreased by 12% compared with 2017 and amounted to $ 7.2 billion. At the same time, less than $ 1 billion was allocated for purchases, research and development.
In the future, Indonesia intends to replenish the fleet of Russian-made aircraft with the KFX / IFX platform, and Seoul plans to replace the outdated F-4E “Phantom” and F-5E “Tiger-2” aircraft and, eventually, the F-16. As expected, the Air Force of the Republic of Korea will acquire up to 250 aircraft. About 350 KFX / IFX are expected to be exported.
domingo, 20 de enero de 2019
Indonesia paga y sigue en el proyecto KF/X
Indonesia Resumes Payment for Fighter Development Project

KF-X fighter (photo : ARC Inc)
SEOUL (Yonhap) -- Indonesia resumed its payment for South Korea's fighter development project last month after a yearlong delay, Korea Aerospace Industries Co. (KAI), the country's sole aircraft manufacturer, said Wednesday.
Late last month, Indonesia's defense ministry paid 132 billion won under a 2016 contract to shoulder 20 percent of the development cost for the KF-X project worth 7.9 trillion won (US$7.05 billion) as part of the country's efforts to procure combat aircraft for its own Air Force.
The Southeast Asian country had not made any payments since early 2017, triggering concerns that it could withdraw from the project.
"Through the latest payment, we can dispel worries about Indonesia's potential exit from the project, and we expect the country to actively participate," KAI said in a press release.
South Korea seeks to locally build the new fighter jet to replace its aging fleet of F-4 and F-5 fighters.