lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2024
Navantia modernizará LPD tailandés
lunes, 29 de julio de 2024
Indonesia planifica más LPD y LST
KSAL revela planes para agregar LPD y LST en el Plan Estratégico 2025-2029
jueves, 28 de marzo de 2024
jueves, 19 de enero de 2023
La Real Armada Tailandesa botó en China su futuro LPD
La Marina Real de Tailandia botó oficialmente un buque de desembarco Tipo 071E LPD HTMS Chang en China

Sus principales características del HTMS Chang LPD 792 son 213 metros de largo, 28 metros de ancho, 17,4 metros de calado, un desplazamiento máximo de 20.003 toneladas, una velocidad máxima de 25 nudos, rango de operación de no menos de 10.000 millas náuticas. El casco es duradero hasta el nivel del mar 9 (Sea State 9) y puede transportar 600 tropas de combate de desembarco. (foto: AAG)
jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2022
Modernización de 9 buques en Indonesia
9 viejos buques de guerra TNI AL serán rejuvenecidos

KRI Teluk Amboina 503, gran LST (foto: CNBC)
YAKARTA, - Hasta nueve antiguos buques de guerra de la República de Indonesia (KRI) propiedad de la Armada de Indonesia se someterán a remodelación o rejuvenecimiento.
El Jefe del Estado Mayor Naval (KSAL), el almirante Yudo Margono, dijo que el Ministerio de Defensa (Kemenhan) llevaría a cabo el rejuvenecimiento de los nueve KRI.
"Las embarcaciones que son viejas se reacondicionan, lo que significa repotenciar, reemplazar el motor, reemplazar el casco, reemplazar el leaseco", dijo Yudo en el Cuartel General del Comando de la Flota de la República de Indonesia (Koarmada RI), Yakarta, el lunes (5/12/2022) .
“Más adelante será como un proyecto de modernización de la mediana edad, por lo que volverán a sus funciones básicas, esto por supuesto es para fortalecerlo”, dijo.
Yudo reveló que los KRI que se someterán a rejuvenecimiento incluyen los KRI de clase Parchim, Frosch y Fast Patrol Boat (FPB), que en promedio tienen más de 30 años.
Medio LST clase Frosch (foto: Vladimir Knyaz)Además, KRI Teluk Amboina-503, que tiene 40 años.
Yudo admitió que había abordado el barco fabricado en Estados Unidos en su último año en la Academia Naval (AAL).
"Hay un KRI de fabricación estadounidense, el LST de Amboina Bay. Solía subir al nivel IV. Tal vez 88 graduados subieron allí", dijo.
Yudo dijo que este rejuvenecimiento básicamente apuntaba al viejo KRI y que la condición técnica de la nave ya estaba en un umbral bajo.
“Después no todos, por supuesto que no nos podemos quedar vacíos para operaciones. Después vamos a priorizar los que están viejos y también las condiciones técnicas. Sí, elegimos primero los más bajos, las condiciones técnicas bajas”, dijo.
domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2022
Pruebas de mar para el LPD Type 071E tailandés
LPD Type 071E Tailandia se somete a prueba de mar

HTMS Chang LPD-792 (foto: Tiburón rojo)
viernes, 22 de enero de 2021
Pruebas de desembarco con el HMNZS Canterbury
HMNZS Canterbury Trains with Its Landing Craft

HMNZS Canterbury with its two landing craft "Tahi" and "Rua" (photo : RNZN)
A key capability of multi-role vessel HMNZS Canterbury is its two landing craft, "Tahi" and "Rua". They weigh around 60 tonnes each, and are launched from the ship using two cranes.
The landing craft can take troops and cargo ashore, particularly on aid missions to Pacific islands, where there are no suitable port facilities. Cargo would be unloaded on to a beach through their bow door ramps.
HMNZS Canterbury is a multi-role vessel (MRV) of the Royal New Zealand Navy. She was commissioned in June 2007, has 131 m in length and displacement of 9,000 tonnes (full load). She is also New Zealand's first purpose-built strategic sealift ship.
jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2019
HMAS Adelaide y HMAS Canberra alcanzan capacidad operativa final
HMAS Adelaide and HMAS Canberra Achieve Final Operational Capability

RAN Landing Helicopter Docks (all photos : RAN)
Navy's largest warships achieve new milestone
The Royal Australian Navy now has one of the most capable and sophisticated amphibious deployment systems in the world, with the Fleet’s Landing Helicopter Docks achieving final operational capability.
At 230-metres long and with a speed of more than 20 knots, the 27,500 tonne ships are home-ported at Garden Island, Sydney.
Each ship has the ability to support six helicopters, and four small landing craft which areable to carry Army’s M1A1 main battle tank.
Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC said HMA Ships Adelaide and Canberra are ready to be deployed on amphibious operations such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, and amphibious warfare.

“The Australian Defence Force’s amphibious capability is an integral part of Australia’s strategic posture and this milestone is another step in Navy’s roadmap to delivering amphibious excellence,” Minister Reynolds said.
Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Michael Noonan AO, RAN, said Navy is closer to achieving a resilient, sustained and integrated Navy supported by our workforce, as outlined in the Plan Pelorus strategy for 2022.
“As we transition to a more technologically advanced Navy, our goal is to be capable of conducting sustained combat operations as part of a Joint Force,” Vice Admiral Noonan said.
Ministerio de defensa de Australia
miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2019
Tailandia primer cliente de exportación del LPD Tipo 071E
Thailand Become First Export Country for Type 071E LPD

Signing ceremony for the construction agreement of the Type 071E Landing Platform Dock ship for Thailand (photo : Sohu)
According to reports, on September 9, the signing ceremony for the construction of the China Navy Shipyard landing ship for the construction of the China Navy Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd. was held in Beijing.
The report said that this is China's first export of 20,000-ton shipyard landing ship, and it is another major achievement of comprehensive strategic cooperation between China and Thailand. It is of great significance for further deepening China-Thailand military-to-military, trade cooperation and promoting regional peace and stability.

Type 071E LPD is export version of Type 071 Yuzhao (photo : NavalNews)
With the construction and service of the 071E Landing Platform Dock, the ship will become the largest combat ship of the Royal Thai Navy. Even the carrier HTMS Chakri Naruebet CVH-911 of the 11,000-ton displacement of the Thai Navy can only be on the side of the carrier. Called the younger brother!
When Thailand purchased the S-26T conventional diesel-powered submarine from China, it had decided to purchase another dock landing ship from China. At that time, it planned to spend 4 billion baht (about 130 million US dollars). It seems that the news has finally been realized now.
martes, 14 de mayo de 2019
USA envía LPD y Patriots a Oriente Medio para contrarrestar a Irán
El Pentágono enviará a Oriente Medio un buque de asalto anfibio y misiles Patriot ante la creciente tensión con Irán
El Departamento de Defensa de los EE.UU. acelera el despliegue del buque ante los “indicios” de “operaciones ofensivas” de IránLa Vanguardia

Imagen de misiles Patriot (Atef Safadi / EFE)
El Departamento de Defensa de los Estados Unidos anunció este viernes que reforzará sus tropas desplegadas en Oriente Medio con un buque de asalto anfibio y misiles Patriot, como parte de su estrategia para hacer frente a la creciente tensión con Irán. La maniobra contempla el envío del buque de asalto anfibio USS Arlington, que se incorporará al contingente del Mando Central de las Fuerzas Armadas de EE.UU. (CentCom), que son las que operan en esta región, y el envío de baterías de misiles interceptores Patriot. “EE.UU. no busca un conflicto con Irán, pero estamos preparados y listos para defender a las fuerzas e intereses estadounidenses en la región”, señaló el Pentágono en un comunicado.
Según han explicado fuentes castrenses, el despliegue del USS Arlington, que actualmente se encuentra navegando las aguas del Mediterráneo, ya estaba previsto desde hace tiempo, pero el alto mando ha decidido adelantar su incorporación al CentCom ante la creciente tensión con Irán.
El pasado lunes, la cartera de Defensa estadounidense dijo que existían indicios de que Irán se prepara para “llevar a cabo operaciones ofensivas contra fuerzas e intereses estadounidenses en la región”. Tanto el USS Arlington como los misiles fueron solicitados por las tropas desplegadas en Oriente Medio a principios de semana, como parte de la misma operación que ha llevado a Washington a mandar al golfo Pérsico al portaaviones USS Abraham Lincoln, que junto a su flota de combate, atravesó el canal de Suez este jueves.
El Consejo Supremo de Seguridad Nacional de Irán ha restado importancia al reciente despliegue militar estadounidense y lo ha calificado de “fanfarronada” dentro de la “guerra psicológica” de Washington contra Teherán. La tensión ha aumentado en el golfo Pérsico desde que Estados Unidos anunciara en abril el fin de las exenciones que había concedido a ocho naciones o territorios (China, India, Italia, Grecia, Japón, Corea del Sur, Taiwán y Turquía) para que siguieran comprando petróleo iraní.
Trump dio el miércoles un paso más en la presión sobre Irán con la imposición de nuevas sanciones, en este caso a las exportaciones de hierro, acero, aluminio y cobre, a la vez que exigió a Teherán que “altere fundamentalmente su conducta”.
martes, 17 de abril de 2018
Ensayos de CH-47 en LPD australiano
CH-47F Chinook Conducts Flight Trials from HMAS Choules

Choules supports First of Class flight trials
Landing Ship Dock HMAS Choules has conducted First of Class Flight Trials for the CH-47F Chinook helicopter marking a significant increase to amphibious capability.
Elements from the Australian Army’s 5th Aviation Regiment and the Aircraft Maintenance and Flight Trials Unit embarked Choules for the duration of the flight trials.
The CH-47F conducted 206 launches and flew for a total of 66 hours. Observations and measurements of the flights formed the basis for the development of Ship Helicopter Operating Limits, which define the conditions for the safe conduct of CH-47F flying operations in Choules. Many of the flights took place off the coast of Queensland in all types of conditions influenced by wind, sea and swell.
Commanding Officer HMAS Choules, Commander David Graham was pleased with the aircraft.
“The CH-47F is a reliable workhorse with a great reputation for delivering cargo on time and on target.
“I am looking forward to seeing them in Choules on future operations,” Commander Graham said.
The CH-47F Chinook is capable of carrying a large number of passengers and cargo, and the operation will bring about the expansion of operational flexibility within the ADF.
Choules frequently operates with a variety of different helicopters from both Army and Navy, however each type of aircraft is different. Successfully integrating the CH-47F into Choules’ operations required the development of an understanding between embarked aviation elements and ship’s company.

Aircrewman Corporal Alex McLean enjoyed the process of embarking a new class of aircraft.
“It was great to showcase the CH-47F capability at sea and find out how the aircraft would integrate with Choules,” he said.
“It was also a good opportunity to meet new people across the ADF services and develop working relationships that may come in handy during future combined operational tasking.
“The biggest challenge we faced was conducting a Vertical Replenishment at night. Hovering six feet above a pitching deck using Night Vision Goggles was a difficult and new experience for both the aircrew and Choules’ flight deck team.”
The Aircraft Maintenance and Flight Trials Unit (AMAFTU) also made a series of observations to provide feedback to Navy on how to make CH-47F operations work safely and effectively.
Lieutenant Commander Angus Hamilton of AMAFTU said conducting First of Class Flight Trials involving the integration of an Army aircraft into the maritime environment was a very complex process with a number of interesting challenges.
“The combined Navy and Army flight test team has brought together the expertise of both the aircraft and maritime aviation operations.
“Additionally, the extensive ship-specific knowledge provided by Choules’ ship’s company, has allowed us to develop an enduring capability for both Choules and the CH-47F,” Lieutenant Commander Hamilton said.
domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017
Aumenta la enorme colaboración en defensa entre Indonesia y Corea del Sur
Indonesia - South Korea to Continue Enhancing Defence Industry Cooperation

Moon, Jokowi go ‘blusukan’
South Korean President Moon Jae-in and his host President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo spent some time at a shopping center in Bogor, West Java, after their inaugural bilateral meeting.
Jokowi and Moon bought batik shirts before sipping hot jasmine tea from a small beverage stall at Bogor Trade Mall.
The blusukan (impromptu) visit on Thursday reflected the closeness of the two countries, which have agreed to enhance their ties.
The two countries signed a strategic partnership agreement in December 2006.

Earlier during their meeting at Bogor Palace, both leaders pledged to work for closer ties, targeting US$30 billion in two-way trade by 2022, and they urged North Korea to stop its nuclear program.
The presidents agreed that trade and investment are important vehicles for development in South Korea and Indonesia.
After the meeting, the presidents witnessed the signing of three memoranda of understanding (MoU) in transportation, industrial and medical sectors. The MoU were signed by the relevant ministers from both countries.
Jokowi and Moon also agreed that the special strategic partnership would involve the political and security sectors.

Moon and Jokowi reaffirmed that cooperation in the defense industry was a symbol of mutual trust. They said they were determined to continue enhancing defense industry cooperation, with stronger emphasis on capacity building, research and development and joint production.
Moon also said South Korea would “continue to support” development of the KFX/IFX jet fighter that is under development by the two countries.
The KFX/IFX is a twin-engined 4.5 generation fighter jet, described as having capabilities above the venerable F-16 Fighting Falcon, but below the stealthy F-35 Lightning II, both of which are made by US defense company Lockheed Martin.
Indonesia bears 20 percent of the development cost and the remainder is covered by South Korea.

Indonesia is also the first foreign user of South Korean-made single-engined KT-1B Woong Bee turboprop trainers and singleengined T/A-50 Golden Eagle advanced jet trainers.
For its part, Indonesia has sold CN-235 medium transport aircraft to both South Korea’s air force and coast guard.
Other defense industry cooperation includes the acquisition of three submarines made by Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, the third of which is to be assembled at the state-owned PT PAL shipyard in Surabaya.

Previously, South Korea provided transfer-of-technology in the construction of four landing platform docks (LPD). Two LPDs were made in South Korea and the other two in Surabaya.
South Korea, Indonesia agree to elevate ties to special strategic partnership Two-way trade projected to reach $30b by 2020.
South Korea is seeking to enhance its economic relations with Indonesia, particularly in trade and investment, as it tries to exert greater influence in Southeast Asia.
The Jakarta Post
domingo, 30 de abril de 2017
Armada filipina lista para recibir LPD indonesio

More assets in the pipeline for PHL Navy: AFP chief
MANILA, April 15 (PNA) -- The Philippine Navy (PN) will have more naval assets to patrol the country's vast maritime domains with the arrival of the BRP Davao Del Sur (LD-602), its second strategic sealift vessel (SSV), by May, and two missile-armed MPACs by November.
Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief-of-staff, Gen. Eduardo Año, made the statement when asked what efforts are being undertaken to further secure the country's seas.
This is in the wake of the failed Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) infiltration in Inabanga, Bohol, which resulted in the death of six bandits, including sub-leader Muamar Askali alias "Abu Rami", and three soldiers and a police officer last April 11.
He added that the second SSV, along with the two MPACs, will provide the Navy more assets to patrol the country's waters, especially those in Basilan and Sulu, deterring ASG bandits against making similar attacks in the future.
Aside from these ships, additional fast craft and other assets are being earmarked for the Navy, which Año said is the primary beneficiary of the ongoing AFP Modernization Program.
The BRP Davao Del Sur is expected to be delivered by May 17.
As of this posting, the vessel is 98 percent complete.
The BRP Davao Del Sur, launched on Sept. 29 last year, is the sister ship of the BRP Tarlac (LD-601), currently the largest Filipino warship in commission.
The BRP Tarlac, commissioned on June 1 last year, arrived in the Philippines on May 14, 2016 after a five-day journey from PT PAL's shipyard in Surabaya, Indonesia.
The BRP Davao Del Sur is also a Makassar-class landing platform dock, like her sister ship, the BRP Tarlac.
Its delivery to the Philippines, tentatively scheduled this May, will complete the two-unit SSV procurement project with an approved budget contract of PHP4 billion sourced from the AFP Modernization Act Trust Fund.
Just like the BRP Tarlac, the Navy's latest SSV will serve as a floating command-and-control ship, especially in the conduct of humanitarian assistance and disaster response, and will also serve as a military sealift and transport vessel.
The ship, which has an overall length of 120 meters, breadth of 21 meters, and draft of 5 meters, can carry a payload of 2,800 tons.
She has a cruising speed of 13 knots and maximum speed of 16 knots and a minimum operating range of 7,500 nautical miles.
The BRP Davao Del Sur can carry 500 troops, two rigid-hull inflatable boats, two landing craft units and three helicopters.
jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017
Australia prueba sus vehículos ligeros LAND 400 en sus LPD

Armoured vehicles put to the test on Canberra
HMAS Canberra was introduced to the next generation of armoured fighting vehicles late last year, as part of Project Land 400 phase two trials.
The project will acquire and support the next generation of armoured fighting vehicles with the firepower, protection and mobility to defeat increasingly lethal and adaptive adversaries well into the future.
Phase two of the project seeks to identify a vehicle to provide a mounted combat reconnaissance capability, a replacement for the Australian light armoured vehicle.
The combat reconnaissance vehicle will be required to perform up to seven different combat roles, comprising reconnaissance, command and control, joint fires, surveillance, ambulance, battlefield repair and recovery.
Rheinmetall Defence has offered the Boxer multi-role armoured vehicle for test and evaluation. This vehicle is currently in production, with 300 already delivered to other customers in six variants.
BAE Systems Australia has teamed with Patria of Finland to offer the Patria armoured modular vehicle as a contender. This vehicle is in service with eight nations with more than 1500 vehicles delivered.
These two vehicles were loaded over Canberra’s side ramps into the heavy vehicle deck during the trial, where they were positioned to drive on board the ship’s landing craft.
The Project Manager Test and Evaluation of Land 400, Lieutenant Colonel Chris McKendry, said the trial was a success.

“The trial was conducted in order to meet some of the objectives of the phase two user evaluation,” he said.
“Specifically, this was to determine if the tendered vehicles can be deployed to all designated theatres.
“There is now the potential for some follow-on work with the amphibious assault ships in 2017 to confirm loads on the landing craft.”
Lieutenant Colonel McKendry said working with the crew of Canberra was very enjoyable.
“Maintaining regular communications with the ship’s amphibious department meant it all slipped into place on the day,” he said.
“These ships will provide the new combat vehicles with the ability to deploy into any theatre of operations the Australian Defence Force enters, providing a significant capability for deployed forces.”
The project will now continue the vehicle performance assessment at Monegeetta in Victoria before heading to Puckapunyal.
Royal Australian Armoured Corps soldiers will be trained on the operation of each vehicle in order to commence a four-month user evaluation.
Transportability testing for other strategic lift assets such as the Royal Australian Air Force’s C-17 is due to commence in mid-2017.
After all testing and evaluation, Defence will undertake a final evaluation of the tenderers’ proposals to develop the business cases for consideration by the government.
Royal Australian Navy
viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2016
Invitan a gral indonesio a visitar al HMAS Adelaide

Asintel TNI chief Gen. Become A First for Visiting Warship HMAS Adelaide

martes, 11 de agosto de 2015
LPD Mistral reembolsados a Rusia y listos para ser vendidos
El presidente francés François Hollande y su homólogo ruso Vladimir Putin alcanzaron un acuerdo sobre la 'no entrega' a Moscú de dos buques de tipo Mistral, de los cuales Francia tendrá "la propiedad total y su libre disposición", anunció este miércoles la presidencia francesa.

Este contrato no se cumplió como consecuencia de las sanciones internacionales impuestas por los occidentales a Moscú a causa de la participación que se le imputa en el conflicto en el este de Ucrania.
Ambos mandatarios "se entrevistaron esta tarde para confirmar que Francia y Rusia alcanzaron un acuerdo para rescindir el contrato firmado en 2011 que preveía la entrega de dos barcos de proyección y comando (BPC) de tipo Mistral", según el comunicado del Elíseo.
Este acuerdo cierra ocho meses de intensas negociaciones entre París y Moscú.
Éstas comenzaron con la decisión de París a fines de noviembre de postergar "hasta nueva orden" la entrega del "Vladivostok", en momentos en que los occidentales multiplicaban sus sanciones contra Rusia, a la que acusan de apoyar a los separatistas prorrusos en el este de Ucrania, lo que Moscú niega.
De acuerdo con los términos del arreglo, Rusia será "exclusivamente e integralmente reembolsada de las sumas adelantadas por este contrato", precisa el comunicado, lo que según Moscú ya se habría concretado. Además, "los equipamientos rusos que fueron instalados en las naves serán devueltos". Por lo tanto, París está en condiciones de encontrarles un nuevo comprador.
Ambos jefes de Estado "se congratularon por el clima de asociación amistosa y abierta que caracterizaron a las negociaciones", y "acordaron que este asunto quedó cerrado" definitivamente, concluye el comunicado de la presidencia francesa.
Por su parte, el Kremlin confirmó en términos similares el acuerdo: "Moscú considera el asunto de los Mistral completamente arreglado", tras la decisión de "anular el contrato".
El contencioso entre Francia y Rusia había puesto a la presidencia francesa en una situación incómoda, en la que se debatía entre sus intereses económicos en juego y su voluntad de presionar a Rusia para cambiar su posición en la crisis ucraniana.
Este asunto envenenó las relaciones en el Elíseo y el Kremlin, dando lugar a una verdadera guerra de nervios.
El primero de los dos Mistral, el "Vladivostok", en principio debería haber sido entregado a Moscú a mediados de noviembre de 2014, en tanto que el segundo, el "Sebastopol", teóricamente tendría que botarse durante el otoño (boreal) de 2015.
El contrato de esta venta había sido concluido en junio de 2011, bajo la presidencia de Nicolas Sarkozy, por un monto evaluado en 1.200 millones de euros. Rusia había avanzado unos 785 millones de la moneda única europea, pero reclamaba 1.163 millones sobre todo por la formación especial de 400 marinos y los equipamientos específicos provistos por el cliente para las naves.
Construidos en los astilleros de Saint-Nazaire, al oeste de Francia, estos barcos de guerra polivalentes pueden transportar helicópteros, tanques y barcazas de desembarco, e incluso un hospital. (La Información)
Nuestro Mar
jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014
Los Mistral para Rusia quedan en espera....
The French government has announced that planned deliveries of two Mistral warships to Russia have been placed on hold. The first delivery was scheduled for October.

After a meeting of the French defense committee on Wednesday, Paris announced that the deliveries would not yet take place given the current unrest in eastern Ukraine.
"The President of the Republic declared that - despite the prospect of a ceasefire which still remains to be confirmed and implemented - to date, the conditions for France to deliver the first warship are not in place," a statement from the office of French President Francois Hollande read.
The deal, originally struck in 2011, is worth some 1.2 billion euros ($1.6 billion).
Given France's slow economic growth and growing unemployment, putting such a large chunk of change at risk by suspending delivery was likely not a decision taken lightly in Paris. It also comes following a recent reshuffle of Hollande's cabinet.
The first of two Mistral advanced helicopter assault ships was scheduled for delivery next month, and some Russian troops have already been training on the ship – called the Vladivostok – in western France. The second ship was to be delivered next year.
"Although of course it is unpleasant and adds to certain tensions in relations with our French partners, the canceling of the contracts will not be a tragedy for our modernization [of the army]," Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov was quoted as saying by the Itar-Tass news agency on Wednesday.
France had drawn international criticism for the deal with Moscow given Russia's stance on the crisis in eastern Ukraine. The suspension was announced on the eve of NATO's annual summit in Wales.
At the beginning of August, Germany withdrew government approval for completing the export of a military exercise field simulator to Russia. Berlin had already put the deal on hold after Russia annexed Ukraine's Crimea earlier in the year. That deal, which was almost completed when suspended, was worth around 100 million euros.
mz/dr (AP, AFP, Reuters)
sábado, 20 de abril de 2013
Los Mistral rusos al Lejano Oriente
16/04/2013 Ria Novosti
Rusia basará sus buques de asalto anfibio Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk y Kamchatsky de fabricación francesa de la clase Mistral en los puertos de Extremo Oriente -cuando entren en servicio, dijo un alto funcionario del Ministerio de Defensa en una entrevista.
Rusia firmó un contrato de 1,2 millones de euros, con un astillero francés en 2011 por dos buques de la clase Mistral-, el primero de los cuales está previsto para su entrega en 2014 y la segunda en 2015.
"Hay varias opciones [para su ubicación], pero la elección recayó en Vladivostok debido a su infraestructura de transporte existente", dijo Romano Filimonov, jefe del departamento de construcción del Ministerio de Defensa, el RIA Novosti.
"En el futuro, debemos crear las condiciones para una base a corto plazo equipada para la reposición de almacenamiento, carga y descarga de las tropas y el resto de la tripulación en Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky", dijo Filimonov. Otras bases posibles para los barcos están siendo considerados, agregó. Un portavoz de la Marina dijo a RIA Novosti en 2011 uno de los barcos podría basarse en la Flota del Norte de Rusia.
Filimonov dijo que la infraestructura necesaria para que las dos naves se debe a que se construirá en el Krai de Primorie 2015.
También señaló que es más conveniente para atracar los barcos cerca de las principales ciudades para ofrecer vivienda para la tripulación y sus familias. La clase Mistral es capaz de transportar 16 helicópteros, cuatro embarcaciones de desembarco, 70 vehículos blindados, y 450 de personal.
La adquisición de los buques de la clase Mistral ha sido objeto de considerable controversia dentro de la comunidad de defensa de Rusia. En enero de este año, el viceprimer ministro Dmitry Rogozin criticó la decisión de compra de los barcos después de que se reveló que necesitaban alto grado combustibles y lubricantes que no se producían en Rusia con el fin de operar en temperaturas frías.
Russia and India Report
sábado, 19 de enero de 2013
Navantia ofrece soluciones navales

Avante 1800 combat ship, length 89,8m and displacement 1.900 ton (image : Navantia)
Navantia Cantabria offers a low cost to Norway
Navantia needs to increase its business, currently based in the maintenance of Navy ships and the construction of two amphibious ships similar to Juan Carlos I to Australia, the first of which was delivered in October 2012. A low workload for its three shipyards that is taking to strengthen its commercial activities, supported by the Ministry of Defence.
While waiting for Turkey to make known, expected in January, which company will participate in the construction of their new amphibious ship, for which Navantia is one of the favorites, the shipping company has sent its proposal to the Norwegian Navy for construction of a logistical support vessel, low budget, similar in concept to Spanish Cantabria.
Elaborate a proposal to win this contest has remained unsuccessful in the first round, since none of the 13 yards that presented their projects met the ceiling Norwegian government budget, set at 150 million euros. The reason is that technical requirements are such that their manufacturing cost that was unfeasible.

Athlas 8000, a 8000 tonnes LPD (image : Navantia)
In the new Specification, Norway has slashed the baseline characteristics of the vessel which has allowed to submit a proposal Navantia very tailored to the needs of their navy, according to Athena explained company sources.
However, competition with shipyards in Germany, France and Italy suggests that it will be difficult to win a contract. Yes, to be with him, is expected to be awarded this year, would be a heavy workload for Ferrol shipyard, as published by La Voz de Galicia.
In addition, the shipping company has also stepped up its marketing efforts in countries like Qatar, where it already has a sales office and having submitted a firm proposal to the Ministry of Defence of the country for the construction of four patrol type and six type Avante Avante 1800 300.
Sources Navantia Athena also explained that the company could also sell their ships in the Philippines, as the country has been interested in the patrol and amphibious Avante 1800 Athlas 8000.
Atenea Digital