Vehículos blindados Pansarbandvagn 302 (PBV 302) donados por Suecia🇸🇪 en camino hacia Ucrania🇺🇦, avistados en Dresde. ¡Juntos por la LIBERTAD contra la TIRANÍA!
#ApoyamosAUcrania #UcraniaGanará
viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2024
Vehículos blindados Pansarbandvagn 302 (PBV 302) suecos donados a Ucrania
domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2024
Australia dona 14 barcos de casco rígido a Ucrania
Australia regalará 14 barcos de casco rígido a Ucrania valorados en 14 millones de dólares

Australia reforzará las defensas marítimas de Ucrania
Australia regalará 14 barcos de casco rígido a Ucrania, lo que subraya el compromiso continuo del Gobierno de Albanese de apoyar a Ucrania en su defensa contra la invasión ilegal de Rusia.
La última ronda de apoyo militar, valorada en 14 millones de dólares, reforzará la defensa marítima y costera de Ucrania, que ha sido un dominio operativo importante para las Fuerzas Armadas de Ucrania.
Estos barcos marítimos de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Australia proporcionarán una capacidad marítima rápida y altamente maniobrable para Ucrania.
Este anuncio se basa en contribuciones anteriores a la capacidad marítima de Ucrania, incluidos los botes inflables de casco rígido, como anunció el Viceprimer Ministro durante una visita a Ucrania a principios de este año.
Desde el inicio de la invasión a gran escala de Rusia, Australia ha proporcionado más de 1.300 millones de dólares en apoyo militar y más de 1.500 millones de dólares en apoyo general al gobierno de Ucrania.
Citas atribuibles al Viceprimer Ministro, el Honorable diputado Richard Marles:
“Australia sigue firmemente comprometida a apoyar a Ucrania en su lucha contra la agresión rusa. Esto redunda en interés de Australia y es lo correcto.
“Ucrania ha demostrado su capacidad para frustrar los continuos ataques de Rusia desde el Mar Negro.
"Estamos orgullosos de contribuir a estas defensas marítimas vitales con este nuevo paquete".
domingo, 30 de junio de 2024
Australia donó lanchas de desembarco a Vanuatu
Australia donó lanchas de desembarco a Vanuatu
El barco apoyado por Australia es ideal para apoyar cualquier esfuerzo humanitario y de socorro en casos de desastre que pueda afectar a Vanuatu. Es capaz de alcanzar costas poco profundas y viajar en océanos abiertos.
RVS Sokomanu ha sido recién pintado y renovado en Singapur y tendrá su base en Vanuatu para brindar apoyo al Ala Marítima de la Policía de Vanuatu (PMW).
Cuatro de los 22 miembros de la tripulación se han unido al RVS Sokomanu en Singapur y están realizando un entrenamiento de familiarización durante el viaje a Vanuatu.
( AusHCV )
sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2023
Argentina: Donación de Mi-171E como pago futuro de F-16
Dos Mi-171E donados a Ucrania como pago de los F-16 futuros
La Fuerza Aérea Argentina tiene previsto donar a Ucrania dos helicópteros Mi-171E de Russian
Helicopters. Esta acción se llevará a cabo durante la visita del presidente ucraniano, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, con motivo de la asunción presidencial de Javier Milei en Argentina.
Estos dos helicópteros, inicialmente incorporados en 2011 al Escuadrón III del Grupo 7 de Helicópteros de la VII Brigada Aérea en Moreno, Buenos Aires, fueron destinados a misiones de transporte, búsqueda y rescate (SAR) y operaciones antárticas. La compra incluía una opción por otros tres helicópteros, que no fue ejercida. Sin embargo, en 2021, la inspección mayor de uno de los aparatos se vio obstaculizada, primero por problemas de soporte desde Rusia y luego, a partir de febrero de 2022, debido a la invasión rusa a Ucrania, que resultó en sanciones impuestas a Rusia.
Desde entonces, Estados Unidos propuso a Argentina la donación de estos helicópteros para respaldar los esfuerzos de guerra ucranianos, aunque el gobierno saliente argentino inicialmente se opuso. Actualmente, se están llevando a cabo negociaciones para concretar la donación en los próximos días. Según la propuesta de Estados Unidos, el valor de los helicópteros podría ser considerado como parte de los primeros pagos por la compra de los aviones F-16 Fighting Falcon.
Esta donación se percibiría como un pequeño pero significativo gesto de apoyo a Ucrania en el contexto de la invasión rusa. Cabe destacar que estos helicópteros están equipados con tanques suplementarios de combustible, grúa de carga, radar meteorológico y flotadores de emergencia, lo que los hace aptos para operaciones de muy largo alcance, especialmente en la Antártida.
viernes, 4 de agosto de 2023
India dona corbeta a Vietnam
India entrega corbeta de misiles a Vietnam en el puerto de Cam Ranh
viernes, 14 de julio de 2023
Australia dona 30 Bushmasters a Ucrania
Australia regala 30 Bushmasters adicionales a Ucrania
miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2022
Huey japoneses para Filipinas
El ejército filipino recibirá varias unidades de helicópteros utilitarios de combate UH-1J Huey de Japón
martes, 20 de septiembre de 2022
Vietnam solicita un nuevo buque de guerra usado a Corea del Sur
Vietnam pidió a Corea del Sur otro buque usado
viernes, 14 de mayo de 2021
USA dona 4 RHIB a las FFEE de Tailandia
U.S. Donates 4 RHIB to the Naval Special Warfare Command

US made RHIB hard-bottomed rubber boats (photo : US Embassy)
On April 28, US Embassy Bangkok's Joint US Military Advisory Group (JUSMAG) donated four US-made Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) to the Royal Thai Navy's Special Warfare Command.
These high-speed boats, just over 7 meters long and worth 23.4 million baht (~ $ 750,000), will bolster Thailand's ability to counter transnational crime - making Thailand a safer place.
Embajada norteamericana
jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020
Gobierno criminal argentino: Sabina se queda con vehículos donados por USA para la lucha contra sus aliados narcos
EEUU donó autos para lucha contra el narco… pero esa subsecretaría fue disuelta por Frederic
Por Christian Sanz
Documento revelador
El documento está fechado el 30 de enero de 2019 y refiere a la donación al Estado argentino de 10 vehículos por parte de la Embajada de Estados Unidos a efectos de trabajar en la lucha contra el narcotráfico en conjunto con el Ministerio de Seguridad de la Nación (ver documento al pie).
Finalmente, la adquisición nunca se llegó a llevar a cabo y, con el paso del tiempo, quedó “extemporánea”. Básicamente, porque el 27 de diciembre de 2019, a poco de haber sido nombrada al frente de esa cartera, Sabina Frederic resolvió disolver la Subsecretaría de Lucha contra el Narcotráfico. Ergo, el combate contra el tráfico de drogas perdió todo sentido.
Sin embargo, una reciente resolución interna del Ministerio de Seguridad, fechada el 6 de febrero de 2020, a la que tuvo acceso Tribuna de Periodistas, volvió a darle operatividad a la medida. Como si algún avivado hubiera dicho: “¡Ya que estamos aprovechemos los autos que son gratis!”. El suspicaz documento aparece firmado por Nicolás Juan José Abraham, asesor de Gabinete de Frederic y director de Internacionales de Seguridad (ver al pie también).
En un principio, la donación había sido pensada en el marco del acuerdo de cooperación bilateral firmado entre EEUU y Argentina el 17 de septiembre de 2004; el cual fue refrendado posteriormente, el 27 de septiembre de 2017.
Se trata de 10 vehículos destinados a los Grupos Operativos Conjuntos (GOC) localizados en las provincias de Salta y Misiones, donde el comercio de estupefacientes hace estragos.
Según el mismo documento, los autos“serían adquiridos en la República Argentina y deberían poder gozar de toda exención impositiva”.
Se trata de 8 Ford Ranger 3.2L CD XLS 4x4 pick up (o equivalente) y dos Ford Focus 1.6L S (o equivalente).
El interrogante obvio que surge ante lo aquí mencionado es: si no se utilizarán para luchar contra el narcotráfico —ya que no existe más la subsecretaría ad hoc—, ¿para qué se usarán esos vehículos?
En otro orden de cosas, quedó oficializado lo que este portal anticipó el pasado 14 de febrero: quedó virtualmente —y formalmente— disuelta la Unidad de Auditoria Interna del Ministerio de Seguridad. Así lo revela la Decisión Administrativa 335/2020 que fue publicada hace unos días en el Boletín Oficial.
Ello permite dar paso al escándalo que está por explotar en la cartera a cargo de Frederic: se empieza a impulsar la desaparición de sumarios que complican a funcionarios de Seguridad y que fueron expuestos por TDP en el marco de puntuales desaguisados. Entre otros, se trata de los casos de Esteban Rosa Alves, Eduardo Villalba y hasta la mismísima Nilda Garré.
Al mismo tiempo, la subsecretaria de Gestión Administrativa del mismo ministerio, la fantasmal Ana Flamarique, ha dado comienzo a una suerte de caza de brujas, pidiendo renuncia a los trabajadores que no se muestran identificados con la gestión de Alberto y Cristina.
Es parte de otra trama espesa, que avanza lenta pero de manera incesante, y que se contará en una próxima entrega en este mismo espacio.

El documento que la embajada de EEUU envió al Ministerio de Seguridad en 2019

La respuesta de Abraham, omitiendo mencionar que ya no existe la Subsecretaría de Lucha contra el Narcotráfico
lunes, 17 de junio de 2019
Los 4 Tupis no operacionales que serían transferidos a la ARA
Four non-operational Tupi-class subs to be transfered from Brazil to Argentina
Navy RecognitionBrazil recently agreed to transfer four of its German-made Tupi-class submarines to Argentina, as the Brazilian Navy is modernising its fleet of submarines.

One Tupi-class submarine of the Brazilian Navy (Picture Source: Baird Maritime)
Brazil is modernising its fleet of submarines, by acquiring Scorpene-class submarines from Naval Group (four are scheduled to be delivered every 12 to 18 months, with the first one to be delivered in 2020), and by building its first nuclear-powered submarine in the mid-2020s.
The transfer of Brazilian submarines to the Argentine Navy is a positive development for this one, as it suffered from a deadly accident in 2017, in which the Navy lost 44 submariners.
Yet, safety concerns are likely to resurface as the four Brazilian submarines are not currently operational and will, therefore, need to be repaired and refurbished before entering service in Argentina.
viernes, 1 de febrero de 2019
miércoles, 16 de enero de 2019
USA dona M109A5 a Brasil
US donates M109A5 self-propelled howitzers to Brazilian Army
Thanks to a 2012 contract between the U.S. government and the Brazilian Army, Brazil’s ground force concluded 2018 with 60 M109A5 self-propelled howitzers and 40 new M992A2 field artillery ammunition support vehicles in its fleet, Diálogo reports.

The Brazilian Army is in the process of replacing its M109A3 armored fleet with M109A5 and M109A5+ (Photo: Brazilian army)
About 20 years ago, the Brazilian Army (EB, Exército Brasileiro in Portuguese) began operations with its first M109A3 howitzer. In 2018, the EB began replacing its M109A3 fleet, dated from the early 2000s, with the M109A5 manufactured by BAE Systems. In March 2018, they received the first four units of the 60 scheduled. In October, a U.S. ship arrived to Paranaguá Port with 56 more units. “We are still waiting for 32 upgraded vehicles, the M109A5+, which should arrive in the first half of 2019,” said Colonel Rubens Ribeiro Guimarães Junior, doctrine and international affairs section assistant of EB’s 4th Subdivision of the General Staff. The vehicles are at the Maintenance Park of EB’s 5th Military Region, in Curitiba, Paraná. There, technicians service parts such as engines and the electrical systems, while paying special attention to the weapons system, the howitzer’s main component.
As reported by Diálogo, when maintenance work comes to an end in early 2019, the M109A5 vehicles will go to the 15th, 27th, and 29th Self-Propelled Artillery groups (GAC AP, in Portuguese). The other 32 howitzers M109A5+, scheduled for a 2019 delivery, will go to the Southern Military Command’s 3rd and 5th GAC AP.
The main differences between the A5 and the A5+ models lie in their technological features. “This includes the projectile launching speed gauge, which increases shooting accuracy,” said EB Colonel Sanzio Ricardo Rocha Gusmão, head of the General Staff’s Artillery Division of EB’s 5th Division. This instrument, which only exists in the A5+ version, is a sensor that can determine the speed at which a projectile is launched. The information is crucial for calculations to adjust the aim.
Another feature that contributes to the A5+’s aim is the fire control and direction system. The automated system calculates the different variables to determine which elevation and angle to use. These calculations are done manually on the A5 version.
The A5+ vehicles will also have a positioning and navigation system equipped with GPS and other navigation features independent of satellites. “However, the A5 does not have these tools. Should the logistics crew require geo-located navigation, they must carry additional equipment in the vehicle,” Col. Guimarães Jr. said.
BAE Systems, the original howitzer manufacturer, is upgrading the A5 to the A5+ in the United States. The upgrades are being made at EB’s request. “The acquisition of the A5+ model is a first step toward acquiring new technology in the future,” said Col. Sanzio.
The U.S. cargo ship also carried 40 M992A2 Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicles. The armored vehicles serve to resupply the M109 during an operation and are used jointly.
The 40 Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicles will also be serviced for maintenance. “These vehicles are in good working condition, but they will have their systems checked (loading, cooling, engine, transmission, bearings, etc.), the oil changed, and damaged components replaced,” said Col. Guimarães Jr. Both vehicle models are part of the military equipment the U.S. military donated through the Foreign Military Sales program.
martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018
India regala 6 entrenadores HJT-16 Kiran II a Myanmar
India Offers 6 Jet Trainers as Gift to Myanmar: Govt Sources

Hindustan HJT-16 Kiran II jet trainer (photo : Andreas Zeitler)
To counter China's growing influence in Myanmar, India has decided to ship 6 Kiran Jet trainers to Myanmar.
Top government sources confirm the decision has already been taken.
India and Myanmar have close military ties and there have been times when the Myanmar Army has helped India with insurgents deep inside their territory.
Times of India
sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2018
Brasil dona M41 a Uruguay
Brasil donará 25 tanques ligeros M-41C a Uruguay

Senadores de la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores (CRE) aprobaron este martes (4) la donación de 25 Autos de Combate M-41C al Ejército de Uruguay. La iniciativa es fruto de un acuerdo firmado en 2013 entre los gobiernos de Brasil y del país vecino y ahora sigue para votación en el plenario.
En el caso de los vehículos de combate, los vehículos de combate (VBCCC) M41 para la República Oriental del Uruguay "Los coches de combate" se conocen como M41-C Caxias.
El presidente de la República, José Luis Rodríguez, afirmó que la donación hará aún más fuerte las relaciones bilaterales entre Brasil y Uruguay. El senador recuerda que el Ejército brasileño ya inició el proceso de sustitución de los M41-C Caxias por los blindados Leopard, adquiridos junto al Ejército de Alemania.
Seguranca e Defesa
miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2018
Filipinas: USA dona módulo SABIR para convertir a los C-130 en MPA
US Donated SABIR for Maritime Patrol

PH Air Force turns one of its C-130 cargo planes into a proper maritime patrol aircraft with the acquisition of Special Airborne Mission Installation and Response (Sabir) system from the US. (photo : Inquirer)
'SABIR' to help in PH patrol of vast maritime territories
MANILA -- The US-donated "Special Airborne Mission Installation and Response System" (SABIR) will be used by the country in patrolling its vast maritime territories.
This was bared by Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Delfin Lorenzana during the ceremonial acceptance, blessing and turned over of the above-mentioned equipment at the 250th Presidential Airlift Wing Fixed Hangar, Villamor Air Base, Pasay City Tuesday.
"(SABIR will be used) for patrolling the West Philippine Sea, Philippine Rise and the Sulu Sea," he added.
The DND chief said that this equipment will help address the country's surveillance gap and aid in the surveying of areas devastated by weather disturbances.
"Also, we can use this for surveying devastated areas by typhoons, before and after, so that we can assess the damages," he added.
Lorenzana, however, clarified that the equipment will not be used everyday as other assets with ISR (intelligence, surveillance and recon) capabilities like the ScanEagles, Cessna 208Bs and TC-90s are also available.
"I don't know if we will get some more but I think we only use this once in a while, maybe it's not everyday we'll use this because we have other assets like the (ScanEagle) drone, we have the (Cessna 208B) Caravan also and then we have the TC-90s of the Navy," he added.
SABIR is a "bolt-on, bolt-off" avionics module for the Lockheed C-130 "Hercules" cargo plane which served as the Philippine Air Force's main intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance system.
Installation of the above-mentioned equipment will upgrade the aircraft with advanced command-and-control, communications, computer, and surveillance capabilities without sacrificing the C-130's primary function as a cargo plane.
Its equipment, training and transfer cost is worth PHP807 million.
The SABIR donation is part of the US Southeast Asia Maritime Security initiatives and granted to the PAF to beef up its maritime domain awareness, airborne command-and-control, counter-terrorism, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief capabilities.
SABIR will be operated by the PAF's 300th Air Intelligence and Security Wing.
lunes, 16 de abril de 2018
Japón también dona repuestos para los aviones donados a Filipinas
Japan to Provide Spares for Donated TC-90 Patrol Planes

Japan to provide spares for donated patrol planes
MANILA -- The Japanese government has committed to provide spare parts and capacity fielding in maintaining the five Beechcraft King Air TC-90 patrol airplanes that it has donated to ensure that these are always operational, the Philippine Navy (PN) has said.
"Having assured of their unwavering support, I am confident that we will be able to operate, maintain and sustain the five TC-90s that will become relevant in achieving our goals of our Active Archipelagic Defense Strategy (AADS); pursuit of our vision that, by 2020, we shall be strong and credible that our maritime nation will be proud of," Navy flag-officer-in-command, Rear Adm. Robert Empedrad, said during the handover ceremony for three TC-90s in Sangley Point, Cavite City Monday.
Under the AADS, the Navy is planning to boost its maritime surveillance capability to fully secure the country’s territorial waters, which is among the largest in the world, and the TC-90s can help achieve this goal, Empedrad said.
The TC-90, which is part of the Beechcraft King Air aircraft family, was offered by Japan shortly after the Agreement Concerning the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology was finalized on Feb. 29, 2016.
The first two TC-90s were delivered to the Philippines on March 27, 2017 while the last three were handed over to the Navy on Monday.
The TC-90 has a range of more than 1,000 nautical miles, and a cruising speed of 226 knots and is capable of carrying eight passengers along with the pilot.
To date, the Navy is operating six Norman Britten "Islander" patrol aircraft, five AgustaWestland combat utility helicopters, and one Robinson R-22 training helicopter.
jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018
Nueva Zelanda estudia proveer una BAM a los F-15SG singapureses
New Zealand to Continue Evaluating Singapore's Proposal on Long-Term F-15 jet Training

New Zealand will continue to evaluate the proposal for Singapore's F-15 jets to train at Ohakea Air Force Base in New Zealand in the long-term, the defence ministers of both countries said in a joint statement yesterday.
This was among the developments at the second annual Singapore-New Zealand Defence Ministers' Meeting in Auckland.
At the one-day meeting, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen and his New Zealand counterpart Ron Mark reaffirmed the deep defence ties between the two countries, Mindef said in a statement.
In August last year, The Straits Times reported that Singapore had asked the New Zealand government about accommodating F-15SG fighter jet training in Ohakea in the long-term.
According to earlier New Zealand media reports, a move was mooted to deploy a squadron of F-15 fighters at the airbase.
The New Zealand Herald reported that up to 500 people could be stationed at the base in Manawatu on the North Island.
New Zealand hosted Singapore for flying training from August to September last year. The Singapore air force sent six F-16D+ fighter jets, as well as support equipment and personnel to Ohakea for an exercise. In the statement yesterday, Mindef said the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and the New Zealand Defence Force agreed on further cooperation at the meeting.
This would take place through air force staff talks, an education and training working group, and an operational working group.
Mr Mark, who as Defence Minister was meeting a South-east Asian counterpart for the first time, in the joint statement said Singapore is New Zealand's closest defence partner in South-east Asia.
Dr Ng expressed gratitude for SAF training opportunities in New Zealand. Both ministers recognised the longstanding collaboration between the two countries on overseas peace-support missions.
The most recent one was in Iraq as part of the coalition against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
Dr Ng and Mr Mark also affirmed their commitment to the Asean Defence Ministers' Meeting-Plus framework, and Five Power Defence Arrangements.
Straits Times
viernes, 23 de febrero de 2018
Filipinas implementa MPA donados por Japón
Japan-Donated Plane Conducts First Maritime Patrol

Japan-donated plane conducts maritime patrol over Bajo De Masinloc
MANILA -- A Japanese-donated Beechcraft King Air TC-90, under the operational control of the Northern Luzon Command, conducted its first maritime patrol air patrol mission over the Bajo De Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal), Zambales and other areas under NOLCOM supervision Wednesday.
"Given the task, the (T)C-90 plane, with a tail number of 390, made its maiden flight at 9:45 a.m. of January 31, 2018, in the area of Bajo De Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal), Masinloc, Zambales. It has flown around the shoal for about 800 feet above sea level sighting four Filipino fishing boats, together with nine Chinese vessels comprising of four Chinese Coast Guard vessels, four unknown Chinese vessels and a Chinese fishing vessel. Moreover, the Filipino pilots heard no challenge from the Chinese Cost Guard," NOLCOM spokesperson Lt. Col. Isagani Nato said.
Wednesday's air patrol was the first ever for TC-90 in Philippine service. Its employment boosted the capability of the Navy to conduct limited airlift, reconnaissance and surveillance within NOLCOM's area-of-jurisdiction.

It will also complement the efforts of the Philippine Air Force to monitor and watch over the three maritime areas in Northern and Central Luzon.
Nato said NOLCOM would utilize all available assets and resources to protect our national territory, including its northern maritime areas, and assert our sovereign rights over the country's maritime domain.
"NOLCOM will continue to do its mandate that will be non-provocative strictly adhering to the International Law and in line with the directives and policies of the national government," he added.

The said plane, one of the two Japanese aircraft donated to the Philippines last March last year, was activated during short ceremonies at Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite City last November 21.
Its activation boosted the operations and maritime air surveillance capabilities of the Naval Air Group.
The TC-90s have a range of over 1,000 nautical miles, and a cruising speed of 260 knots and capable of carrying eight passengers along with the pilots.

As of this time, the Navy is operating around six Norman Britten "Islander" patrol aircraft, four GAF "Nomad" planes, five AgustaWestland combat utility helicopters and one Robinson R-22 training helicopter.
The TC-90, which was part of the Beechcraft King Air aircraft family, was offered by Japan shortly after the Agreement Concerning the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology was finalized last Feb. 29, 2016.
Two of the TC-90s were delivered to Sangley Point, Cavite last March 27 with the remaining three to be delivered in the first quarter of 2018.
sábado, 17 de febrero de 2018
China dona tanques y APCs a Camboya
China to Donate Tanks, APCs to Cambodia

China donates army vehicles
Defence Minister General Tea Banh yesterday confirmed that China is to provide the army with tanks and armoured personnel carriers to strengthen relations between the two militaries.
He said the tanks and APCs would arrive in Cambodia in March, when the two countries will hold their second joint “Golden Dragon” military exercise.
According to a report on BTV television yesterday, China will provide about 100 tanks and APCs to the Defence Ministry’s Brigade 70.
Gen Banh declined to confirm the number of vehicles being given, but said the tanks and APCs would arrive in the country soon.
“China always helps in promoting the national defence sector,” he said.
General Ith Sarath, deputy commander of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, last week said the Golden Dragon military exercise would be held in March in Kampong Speu province’s Phnom Sruoch district.
It will commemorate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the countries, he added.
“The topic of the joint exercise is missions against terrorism and humanitarian affairs concerning both Cambodia and China,” Gen Sarath said.
The exercise will include 280 Cambodian troops and 190 Chinese troops.