lunes, 10 de febrero de 2025
Australia recibe los primeros SPH AS9 surcoreanos
domingo, 6 de octubre de 2024
EA: Entrenamiento con VCA y obuses en Sarmiento
Adiestramiento de operaciones en Sarmiento
Fuente: EA
El Grupo de Artillería Blindado 9 realizó un ejercicio enfocado en procedimientos de combate a nivel subunidad.
Las actividades incluyeron el alistamiento de personal y equipos, así como la impartición de órdenes y ejercicios de tiro diurno y nocturno con VCA Palmaria y cañones de campaña 155 mm.
Además, la Batería Comando y Servicios se centró en el despliegue y operación del puesto comando, para asegurar la autosuficiencia táctica y logística de sus fracciones dependientes.
martes, 14 de mayo de 2024
lunes, 13 de mayo de 2024
Brasil elige el SPH ATMOS 2000 de Elbit
Brazil selects Israeli company Elbit Systems' ATMOS 155mm self-propelled howitzer.
Defense News Army 2024
The Brazilian Army has officially chosen the ATMOS self-propelled howitzer system, developed by the Israeli company Elbit Systems, as the winner of its VBCOAP 155 SR competition, aimed at modernizing its artillery fleet with high-tech equipment. This announcement was first revealed by SA Defensa on their X account on April 29, 2024, highlighting the importance of this strategic decision for Brazil.
Follow Army Recognition on Google News at this link
Israeli company Elbit Systems' ATMOS 155mm self-propelled howitzer delivered to Brazil (Picture source: Elbit Systems)
As highlighted in an article by Army Recognition, on August 17, 2023, the Brazilian Ministry of Defense unveiled its plans to acquire and develop 36 Viatura Blindada de Combate Obuseiro Autopropulsado 155 mm Sobre Rodas (VBC OAP 155 mm SR), which translates to 36 armored self-propelled howitzers. On March 17, 2024, the Brazilian Army, through its Logistics Command (COLOG), revealed the contenders for its Wheeled Self-Propelled Artillery Vehicle (WSPA) project. This announcement showcased the models that met the detailed criteria specified in the project's tender. The models in contention included China's SH15, Israel's ATMOS, France's CAESAR, and the Czech Zuzana 2. Today, the Brazilian Army has officially chosen Elbit Systems' ATMOS, a self-propelled howitzer system developed by the Israeli company, for its project.
The ATMOS system, which stands for Autonomous Truck Mounted Howitzer System, stands out for its increased mobility, mounted on a 6x6 or 8x8 truck chassis, and its compatibility with NATO standard 155 mm ammunition. It was therefore preferred over other international competitors, including the French CAESAR, the Slovakian Zuzana 2, and the Chinese SH-15.
Equipped with a fully automated loading and laying system, the ATMOS can fire three rounds in 15 seconds in burst mode and sustain a firing rate of two rounds per minute for an hour. With extended-range ammunition, it can reach targets up to 41 kilometers away.
In addition to its firepower, the ATMOS incorporates advanced fire control, navigation, and aiming systems, which enhance its precision and operational efficiency. The vehicle also offers enhanced crew protection, with a fully armored cabin and gun, and a system for protection against nuclear, biological, and chemical threats.
The ATMOS 2000, a truck-mounted, wheel-based self-propelled howitzer system, has been designed and manufactured by the Israeli company Elbit Systems since 2001. Capable of being manned by a crew ranging from 2 to 6 members, the ATMOS 2000 highlights its adaptability and ability to address a variety of operational scenarios. It features weapon traverse capabilities of 25 degrees left and right, and an elevation up to +70 degrees, allowing for exceptional maneuverability and targeting precision.
With a length of 9.5 meters and weighing 23,000 kg in its 52-caliber version, the ATMOS 2000 combines firepower and mobility, making it a preferred choice for armed forces globally. Israel, the producing country, has seen its artillery system adopted by several nations including Azerbaijan, Botswana, Denmark, Cameroon, Colombia, the Philippines, Thailand, Uganda, and Zambia.
martes, 7 de mayo de 2024
Vietnam quiere SPH K9 surcoreanos
Vietnam tiene la intención de comprar obuses coreanos K9
domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2023
Australia prueba su nuevo juguete: AS9 Huntsman
El ejército australiano prueba el fuego del nuevo AS9 Huntsman
sábado, 18 de noviembre de 2023
Tailandia produce más SPH M758 (ATMOS)
Tailandia amplía la producción del SPH M758 (nombre local ATMOS) de calibre 155 mm
viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2022
Llegan los primeros K-9 surcoreanos a Polonia
Polonia recibe el primer envío de armas de Corea del Sur

Polonia recibió el martes el primer envío de tanques y obuses que compró a Corea del Sur como parte de una campaña para reforzar sus defensas tras la invasión rusa de Ucrania .
Polonia, miembro de la UE y de la OTAN, limita con Rusia y Ucrania y ha aumentado su compra de armamento después de que el Kremlin comenzara la guerra.
En julio, firmó contratos para comprar armas surcoreanas, incluidos tanques, artillería y aviones de combate.
Las armas “son necesarias para prevenir una agresión”, dijo el martes el presidente polaco, Andrzej Duda , durante una ceremonia en el puerto de Gdynia, donde se entregaron los primeros tanques y obuses comprados.
Como parte del acuerdo, Polonia comprará inicialmente 180 tanques K2 "Black Panther" construidos por Hyundai Rotem antes de adquirir más de 800 de una variante especial que se llamará K2PL, cuya producción comenzó en Polonia en 2026.
También compró 48 obuses K9 que se entregarán este año, con una compra planificada de otros aproximadamente 600 para comenzar en 2024, y la producción nacional está programada para comenzar en 2026.
Como parte de sus compras de armas, Polonia dijo en julio que compraría 32 helicópteros militares polivalentes AW149 por un valor de 1.750 millones de euros (1.770 millones de dólares) a la compañía de armas italiana Leonardo.
Y también ha encargado 366 tanques estadounidenses Abrams y sistemas europeos de misiles tierra-aire.
miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2022
Malasia muestra sus Denel G5 Mk III
Remolque de obús Denel G5 MK III de 155 mm, pilar del ejército de Malasia

Cañón remolcado Denel G5 MK III de 155 mm con un campo de tiro de 30 a 50 km (foto: Call of the Motherland)
miércoles, 15 de junio de 2022
lunes, 11 de abril de 2022
Nexter y Malasia firman memorando de entendimiento por los SPH Caesar
Nexter firma un memorando de entendimiento de Caesar para Malasia

MoU entre Advanced Defense Systems y Nexter firmado durante DSA 2022 (foto: Shephard)
La empresa malaya Advanced Defense Systems (ADS) firmó un memorando de entendimiento con Nexter Systems el 29 de marzo, centrándose en un cañón ligero autopropulsado (SPG) sobre ruedas Caesar de 155 mm/52 en un chasis 6x6.
Las dos compañías acordaron una 'colaboración para ampliar el alcance' para el desarrollo adicional del Caesar y promoverlo como una solución para la licitación de las Fuerzas Armadas de Malasia para la adquisición de sistemas de artillería autopropulsada.
La ceremonia de firma tuvo lugar durante la exposición 2022 Defense Services Asia (DSA) en Kuala Lumpur.
"Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo mejorar la innovación del sistema de artillería para las Fuerzas Armadas de Malasia al proporcionar los servicios y la tecnología avanzados de Nexter", señala ADS, con planes para el ensamblaje local del SPG 6x6 en una fábrica en Johor si Caesar es seleccionado como el futuro sistema de artillería de Malasia. .
ADS declaró que había "vislumbrado un desarrollo económico intensivo" para la industria de la artillería de Malasia, con una sólida cadena de suministro local para el Caesar 155 mm SPG.
Nexter ha estado buscando una forma de penetrar el mercado de Malasia con Caesar durante algún tiempo, especialmente porque los vecinos Indonesia y Tailandia operan el mismo sistema.
Shephard informó en DSA 2018 que la compañía francesa cree que su SPG complementará el M109A5 actualizado que Malasia está esperando de los EE. UU. En ese caso, la compra del M109A5 se canceló posteriormente.
lunes, 31 de enero de 2022
Disparo récord desde un CAESAR de un proyectil Excalibur
Nuevo alcance récord de CAESAR con proyectiles de artillería Excalibur
Caesar dispara proyectiles de artillería Excalibur (foto: Raytheon)
El proyectil de artillería Excalibur de Raytheon Missiles & Defense disparado a un rango récord desde el obús CAESAR
PISTA DE PRUEBAS DE YUMA, Ariz. — Raytheon Missiles & Defense, una empresa de Raytheon Technologies, en asociación con el Ejército de EE. UU. y la compañía francesa Nexter, dispararon con éxito proyectiles de artillería Excalibur desde un obús autopropulsado CAESAR. La prueba demostró la compatibilidad entre Excalibur, el Sistema Modular de Carga de Artillería (MACS) del Ejército de EE. UU. y CAESAR.
Durante la demostración, el Excalibur disparado por CAESAR golpeó directamente a dos objetivos a una distancia de más de 46 kilómetros, un rango récord del sistema de armas.
Proyectiles de artillería Raytheon Excalibur de 155 mm (foto: Dimdex)
“La integración con CAESAR ahora agrega un nivel de movilidad a la precisión comprobada y de largo alcance de Excalibur, brindando al Ejército de los EE. para guerra terrestre y defensa aérea en Raytheon Missiles & Defense. “Este éxito destaca la interoperabilidad de un obús francés con una munición estadounidense y ofrece a nuestros clientes más opciones para desplegar artillería Excalibur desde una variedad de plataformas”.
Sobre la base de pruebas de compatibilidad anteriores, esta demostración marcó un hito importante hacia la capacidad operativa para la integración de Excalibur con CAESAR.
Caesar con proyectiles de artillería Excalibur podría alcanzar 46 km de alcance (foto: Raytheon)
“Elegido por ocho países socios, CAESAR es posiblemente el sistema de artillería montado en camión más exitoso disponible en la actualidad”, dijo Thierry Soulat, gerente de programa de Nexter. “Esta demostración con Excalibur subraya la compatibilidad de CAESAR con los estándares de la OTAN para municiones tanto convencionales como inteligentes”.
El proyectil Excalibur es un arma de verdadera precisión, que impacta a una distancia de falla radial de menos de dos metros del objetivo, proporcionando efectos precisos de primera ronda en todos los rangos en todas las condiciones climáticas. Con sus capacidades guiadas por GPS y múltiples modos de espoleta, ya es una opción de artillería de primer nivel para varios países que utilizan los sistemas M777, M109 series, M198, Archer, PzH2000 y SIAC. Las evaluaciones iniciales indican una probable compatibilidad con los obuses AS90, K9 y G6.
jueves, 6 de enero de 2022
Myanmar entrena con nuevo SPH de 155mm
El ejército de Myanmar realiza el entrenamiento del SPH SH-1 155 mm
SH-1 155 mm SPH de la Armada de Myanmar (foto: Myanmar Defense Review)
Equipo de cañones del obús de 155 mm del Ejército de Myanmar SH-1 que ingresa los datos del azimut del objetivo en la computadora del sistema de control de fuego automático que puede calcular la trayectoria de la artillería y colocar automáticamente el arma.
El SH 1 es un sistema de artillería autopropulsada con ruedas de calibre 155 mm / 52 desarrollado por China North Industries Group Corporation (NORINCO). También se considera uno de los mejores entre los sistemas de artillería autopropulsada con ruedas.
Al ser un obús autopropulsado con ruedas, el SH 1 es fácil de producir y mantener, pero tan capaz como el sistema de artillería de seguimiento. Sin embargo, es mucho más móvil que los obuses remolcados y, por lo tanto, es muy adecuado para las regiones montañosas de Myanmar.
Esa es la razón principal por la que Myanmar compró una gran cantidad de obuses SH 1 a principios de la década de 2010. Actualmente hay hasta 72 obuses SH 1 en el inventario de Myanmar y se utilizan ampliamente en muchas operaciones de contrainsurgencia.
Desde 2015, los SH 1 fueron vistos en muchas ocasiones, incluida la patade del Día de las Fuerzas Armadas.
El SH 1 puede disparar una variedad de municiones, que incluyen: alcance extendido, paso total, asistido por cohete, alto explosivo (ERFB-RA / HE) y alcance extendido, paso total, sangrado base, alto explosivo (ERFB ) -BB / HE).
Cuando se usa la ronda ERFB-BB / HE, el obús puede alcanzar un alcance máximo de 53 km.
SH 1 solo está en servicio en Myanmar, China y Pakistán.
Revista de defensa de Myanmar
martes, 26 de octubre de 2021
K9 Thunder surcoreanos para Finlandia
Finlandia ordenó un lote adicional de SPH K9 Thunder para reemplazar los "Claveles" soviéticos
Revista Militar
Finlandia ha decidido comprar un lote adicional de obuses autopropulsados K9 Thunder de Corea del Sur. Como se indica en el mensaje del Ministerio de Defensa del país, Finlandia aprovechó la opción de compra de obuses.
El gobierno finlandés ha aprobado la compra de un lote adicional de 10 obuses autopropulsados K9 Thunder además de los ya adquiridos. Según la información disponible, se prevé la entrega de obuses de la presencia del ejército de Corea del Sur, como en el contrato anterior. Los tiempos de entrega no fueron revelados, pero lo más probable es que el nuevo lote se entregue junto con las máquinas del primer contrato.
El primer contrato para la compra de 48 unidades de obuses autopropulsados K9 Thunder de 155 mm / 52 de la presencia del ejército de Corea del Sur fue firmado por el Ministerio de Defensa de Finlandia en febrero de 2017. Además de los propios obuses, incluyó capacitación, suministro de repuestos y soporte de servicio. El contrato incluía una opción para comprar un lote adicional de obuses K9.
El primer lote de armas autopropulsadas de Corea del Sur llegó a Finlandia en febrero de 2018, el final de las entregas estaba previsto para 2024, pero ahora es muy probable que se posponga debido al suministro de vehículos adicionales.
Todos los obuses surcoreanos que llegan a Finlandia son entregados a Millog Oy, que les instala equipos finlandeses, que no se especifican, y los vuelve a pintar antes de entregarlos al ejército.
Los obuses K9 Thunder Moukari (nombre finlandés) están reemplazando gradualmente a los obsoletos obuses autopropulsados soviéticos 122 PSH 74 (Gvozdika soviético) en las Fuerzas de Defensa de Finlandia, comprados en 1992 al ejército de la antigua RDA por la cantidad de 72 unidades.
sábado, 17 de octubre de 2020
Concepto del nuevo SPH AS9 para Australia
HDA Shows Concept Images of AS9 SPH and AS10 AARV for Australian Army

A concept image of the AS9 SPH HDA plans to supply to the Australian Army (images : Hanwha Defense Australia)
After being selected as the preferred supplier to the Australian Army (AA) of 30 155 mm self-propelled howitzers (SPHs) and 15 armoured ammunition resupply vehicles (AARVs), Hanwha Defense Australia (HDA) has shown concept images of the Huntsman AS9 and AS10 systems it plans to supply to the service.
The images show the vehicles, which appear to be almost identical to the K9 Thunder SPH and K10 AARV they are based on, in Australian Defence Force (ADF) camouflage, although no details were provided by the company about the Australia-specific modifications.
That said, the AS9 SPH was shown fitted with a remote weapon station (RWS) mounting what appears to be a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun (HMG). The K9 Thunder is normally fitted with a manually operated 12.7 HMG. Moreover, it seems the AS9 features additional armour.

Janes obtained the images on 8 October, the same day Canberra issued a request for tender to HDA – a wholly owned subsidiary of South Korea’s Hanwha Group – to build and maintain the vehicles and their supporting systems and progress the AA’s Protected Mobile Fires programme under Project Land 8116 Phase 1.
More than a month earlier, on 3 September, Australian Minister of Defence Linda Reynolds had announced that the future SPHs and AARVs are expected to be produced and maintained at Geelong near Melbourne, creating up to 350 jobs to deliver “this critical capability” to the ADF.
According to Australia’s 2020 Force Structure Plan, which was released in July, the cost of the initial phase of the project is estimated at between AUD900–1.3 billion (USD658–950 million).
viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020
Filipinas comprar SPH ATMOS israelíes para defensa costera
Philippines Bought SPH for Sea Defense

ATMOS can blow solid targets or sink large warships up to 30-40km from coast (photo : Elbit)
The Philippine Ministry of Defense (DND) is about to conclude the negotiation period and enter into an official signing with Israel of the ATMOS self-propelled artillery.
The ATMOS L / 52 155mm self-propelled gun is manufactured by Israel's Elbit Systems. On May 6, Philippine Defense Minister Delfin Lorenzana announced that the country would spend US $ 47 million to buy ATMOS self-propelled artillery systems.
The deal was also confirmed by the Israeli manufacturer and said Elbit Systems would be responsible for delivering 12 complete ATMOS systems with ammunition and spare parts included. According to the plan, the contract will start in April 2022.
Currently, the Philippine Army is currently armed with 14 Soltam M-71 155mm towed guns; 12 M114A1 155mm towed guns and hundreds of 105mm towed guns, including 12 new guns sponsored by the Italian government.
With the presence of ATMOS, Filipino artillery improved its offensive capability far more than before when this weapon had just performed a ground attack mission and did a very good job of sea defense.
To accomplish its dual mission, the ATMOS self-propelled gun is designed to be able to fire all 155mm NATO standard artillery shells, the range of the L15 HE shell is 30km and up to 41km if used. Use bullets to increase range.
The entire artillery system has a mass of 22 tons and thanks to that, it can be easily transported by C-130 transport aircraft, 6-man fighter crew, firing rate of 4 - 9 rounds/minute, speed. Maximum fire of 3 shots/20 seconds.
What makes ATMOS special is its ability to fire multiple bullets at the same time. The principle of this feature is that the cannon automatically adjusts the angle of firing from high to low so that the bullets hit the target almost at the same time, thereby creating tremendous damage.
Thanks to these superior features, Army Technology has ranked ATMOS in one of the 10 most effective self-propelled howitzers in the world today. Thanks to this feature, ATMOS can blow solid targets or sink large warships.
In Southeast Asia, ATMOS cannon is being fitted to Thai artillery.
viernes, 21 de febrero de 2020
ATMOS israelíes para Filipinas
Philippine Army Finally Orders ATMOS 155mm SPH

ATMOS 155mm Self Propelled Howitzer (photo : Elbit Systems)
Self-propelled artillery from Israel for Philippine Army ordered
An order has been placed for 155mm Howitzer, Self-Propelled System Acquisition Project for the Philippine Army under Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Horizon 2. This was revealed by MaxDefense Philippines.
MaxDefense said it “got confirmation that the Philippine Army has finally ordered the ATMOS 155mm/52cal. wheeled self-propelled howitzer from Elbit Systems Land and C4I, as part of the Philippine Army’s 155mm Howitzer, Self-Propelled System Acquisition Project under the Horizon 2 phase of the RAFPMP.”
“Deliveries are expected to be completed in 2 years time, or less,” it noted.
Philippine Army Assistant Chief-of-Staff for Plans Colonel Romulo Manuel earlier mentioned about the acquisition of self-propelled artillery.
“Actually, the Revised Armed Forces Modernization is for all, not only for the Air Force and Navy, including the Army. We have different Horizons so right now we are in the Second Horizon to procure equipment so it’s ready, the President has allotted funds for the procurement of like modern equipment, like self-propelled artillery, this will be used in the territorial defense, right now the Army is contemplating to buy one land-based system, we have already upgraded our air aviation, from [Army] Aviation Battalion, it will be upgraded to Aviation Regiment wherein our Army will have its own helicopters to support its ground forces,” Colonel Manuel said as quoted by PNA in August 2019.
sábado, 25 de enero de 2020
India produce su primer SPH K9 de origen surcoreano
India has manufactured first local-made K9 Vajra 155 mm tracked self-propelled howitzer
Army RecognitionAccording to a tweet published by the Indian defense minister Rajnath Singh on January 16, 2020, the Indian Defense Company, L&T’s Armored Systems Complex (ACS) has finalized the manufacturing of the first locally-made K9 Vajra-T 155mm tracked self-propelled howitzer.

Indian defense minister Rajnath Singh on board the first local-made K9 Vajra-T 155mm tracked self-propelled howitzer. (Picture source Twitter account Indian defense minister Rajnath Singh)
In May 2017, the South Korean defense company Samsung-Techwin, along with its local Indian private-sector partner Larsen & Toubro (L&T), signed a contract for the sale of 100 modified K-9 Vajra 155mm self-propelled howitzers.
The K-9 Vajra 155 mm 52 caliber is a modified version of the South Korean-made K9 Thunder tracked self-propelled tracked howitzer designed and manufactured by the South Korean Company Samsung-Techwin. The development of the K9 began in 1989. The first prototype was rolled out and tested in 1996. The design phase was completed in 1998 and serial production began in 1999. The first batch of K9 was delivered to the Republic of Korea Army in 1999.
The K9 155mm tracked self-propelled in now in service with South Korea, India, Poland, Finland, Estonia, Norway, and Egypt has performed an evaluation test of the K9.
The main armament of the K9 Thunder consists of a 155 mm/52 caliber ordnance with a maximum firing range of 40 km. A total of 48 projectiles and their associated charges are carried for ready use. Internally an automatic loading system takes projectiles from the storage position and places them onto the ammunition tray ready for ramming.
The K9 Thunder has a maximum rate of fire of 6 rounds per minute and is capable of multiple-round simultaneous-impact firing. It is able to fire three rounds in 15 seconds, each in a different trajectory so that all of the shells arrive on target at the same time.
The K9 can fire all standard NATO 155 mm caliber ammunition. It can fire standard HE projectile at a maximum range of 30 km and rocket-assisted projectile at 40 km.
sábado, 5 de octubre de 2019
Estonia compra más SPH K9 surcoreanos
Estonia to buy more K9 Thunder self-propelled howitzers
October 2019 Global Defense Security army news industryThe Estonian Ministry of Defense will buy six more South-Koran-made Hanwha Techwin K9 Thunder self-propelled howitzers, after purchasing an initial 12 last year.

Hanwha K9 Thunder (Picture source: Army Recognition)
The initial purchase of 12 K9 Thunder self-propelled howitzers cost €46 million which included training, maintenance and spare parts and the six additional units will cost another €20 million. "The additional artillery we receive is due, among other things, to lower-than-planned procurement of machine guns and the ability to conduct some planned ammunition and communications procurements with US assistance," Defense minister Jüri Luik told the newspaper.
The U.S. has recently helped Estonia acquire large-caliber ammunition, marine surveillance equipment, intelligence equipment, and communications equipment which the Estonian government has planned to buy by its own resources.
domingo, 14 de julio de 2019
SPH M777 para Tailandia
New 155mm Towed Howitzer for Royal Thai Army

The Royal Thai Army has a new 155mm towing field artillery project. The standard/general features are as follows.
1. A field cannon with a width of 155mm, with a weight of not more than 8,000kg, with high mobility can shoot in all terrain and climates in Thailand.
2. Strong and durable for military operations can be moved by car, military, train, aircraft or by boat That is stationed in the army without having to disassemble.
3. Has the longest firing range for at least 25km of explosive shells, and can fire explosive shells at a distance of not less than 30km.
4. Able to fire with ammunition, slates and ground to deliver ammunition used in the army or NATO standard eye by shooting, testing and certification from the country/factory.
5. Can be used in conjunction with other devices of the fire support weapon system that is stationed in the army.
6. Can be used in conjunction with military radio sets that are stationed in the army.
6. Can lift the barrel to shoot a large angle (from 801mil or 45 degree up) and have a lower angle of the barrel less than 0 degree.
6. The highest rate of fire since 3 appointments per minute or more.
7. Can shoot both automatic and manual shooting systems, with an electric generator which is the main power source and an inverter for the backup power supply.
10. Can install the coordinates and automatic direction and able to install the Panoramic aiming camera.
11. There is a production line and is stationed in the army of producing countries. and is stationed in other countries as well as being able to support repair parts of various systems for at least 20 years.
Towing cannons M777, size 155mm/39 caliber produced by BAE Systems United Kingdom, with a weight of 4,200kg, was stationed in the US Army and the US Marines to replace the heavier cannon towing M198 which is also stationed in the Thai Army.
In addition to the US Army, the M777 has also been procured in many countries such as Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia. And India, which has obtained domestic production patents is a type of towing cannon that meets the characteristics that have been brought to the Cobra Gold training in Thailand.