Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Camboya. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Camboya. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 3 de septiembre de 2024

Camboya quiere armas y helicópteros indonesios

Camboya interesada en comprar helicópteros y armas ligeras a Indonesia

Helicóptero ligero Fennec montado por PT DI (foto: Penerbad)

TEMPO.CO, Yakarta - Camboya está interesada en comprar varios equipos militares producidos por Indonesia, dijo el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Retno Marsudi, el miércoles 21 de agosto de 2024, durante una reunión bilateral con el país para conmemorar los 65 años de relaciones diplomáticas.

Retno encabezó la reunión bilateral junto con el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores y Viceprimer Ministro de Camboya, Sok Chenda Sophea, en la Comisión Conjunta para la Cooperación Bilateral (JCBC) en la ciudad capital de Phnom Penh. Esta JCBC es la quinta reunión después de haberse celebrado anteriormente en 2018.

Indonesia y Camboya discutieron cinco temas principales, a saber, cooperación política, cooperación en defensa y seguridad, cooperación económica, cooperación sociocultural y turística, y cuestiones regionales y globales.

En cuanto a la cooperación en materia de defensa y seguridad, Retno alentó a fortalecer la asociación de larga data, a través del diálogo, ejercicios conjuntos y el desarrollo de capacidades.

"En este caso, Camboya expresó interés en comprar varios equipos militares producidos por Indonesia, como helicópteros y armas ligeras", dijo en un comunicado de prensa.

Pindad varios rifles pequeños (foto: Pindad)

Luego invitó a la parte camboyana a visitar la industria de defensa de Indonesia, como PT PINDAD y PT Dirgantara Indonesia, y también a participar en la Indo Defense Expo & Forum que se llevará a cabo del 6 al 9 de noviembre de 2024.

Además de la defensa y la seguridad, los dos países también discutieron el tema de la trata de personas, especialmente en lo que respecta al fraude o estafas en línea que van en aumento. Según registros gubernamentales, la Embajada de Indonesia (KBRI) en Phnom Penh ha manejado 842 casos de estafas en línea que involucran a ciudadanos indonesios.

"Para fortalecer los esfuerzos para combatir las TPPO, en la reunión también alenté el establecimiento de un mecanismo bilateral especial para una prevención más efectiva de las TPPO", dijo Retno.

También expresó el interés y la disposición de varias empresas indonesias a invertir en las industrias alimentaria y de infraestructura en Camboya, alentó la finalización de un memorando de entendimiento en el campo de la cooperación cultural y alentó a realizar estudios conjuntos para el transporte marítimo directo y la apertura de vuelos directos. rutas entre Indonesia y Camboya.

El valor del comercio entre Indonesia y Camboya alcanzó casi mil millones de dólares el año pasado. Retno dijo que ella y su colega ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Sok Chenda Sophea, coincidieron en que el valor aún podría mejorarse.

Al discutir cuestiones regionales y globales, ambos presionaron por la implementación del Consenso de Cinco Puntos para abordar la situación en Myanmar y expresaron preocupación por los ataques de Israel a la Franja de Gaza.

( tempo )

miércoles, 31 de julio de 2024

Rusia-Camboya: Primer acuerdo militar firmado

Rusia y Camboya firmaron el primer acuerdo militar

El Ejército Real de Camboya opera BMP-1 y T-55 MBT desde la Rusia soviética (foto: Khmer Times)

TSAMTO -- El Ejército Real de Camboya y las Fuerzas Terrestres Rusas firmaron un memorando de entendimiento destinado a fortalecer la cooperación entre los ejércitos de los dos países sobre la base del respeto y la asistencia mutuos.

Así lo informó el portal camboyano Khmer Times, informa RIA Novosti.

Según la publicación, este se convirtió en “el primer acuerdo militar entre Camboya y Rusia”. Del lado camboyano, el memorando fue firmado por Mao Sophan, subcomandante en jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas Reales de Camboya y comandante del Ejército Real del país. M. Sofan realizó una visita oficial de tres días a Rusia, durante la cual fue recibido por el Comandante en Jefe de las Fuerzas Terrestres de las Fuerzas Armadas de Rusia, general Oleg Salyukov.

La Real Fuerza Aérea de Camboya era propietaria del helicóptero gigante Mi-26T de la era soviética (foto: Nathalie)

"Ambas partes expresaron orgullo por las relaciones amistosas, la confianza y el respeto mutuo heredados de la generación anterior de líderes", dijo el ejército camboyano en un comunicado.

Está claro que ambas partes apreciaron mucho la cooperación militar entre Camboya y Rusia y se comprometieron a fortalecer la interacción entre los ejércitos de los dos países.

"Los comandantes de las Fuerzas Armadas de Camboya y Rusia firmaron un memorando de entendimiento para fortalecer y ampliar los vínculos para hacerlos más estrechos, más duraderos y más confiables, basados ​​en la igualdad y el beneficio mutuo", dice el comunicado. El secretario general de la Real Academia de Camboya, Jan Peu, afirmó que las relaciones militares entre Camboya y Rusia "seguirán siendo fuertes" a pesar de la situación en Ucrania.


sábado, 1 de junio de 2024

Maniobras navales sino-camboyanas


China y Camboya inician ejercicios militares de 15 días

El buque de desembarco anfibio de la Armada china Qilianshan llega al puerto autónomo de Sihanoukville el 13 de mayo de 2024 (foto: Base Naval de Ream)

El sexto ejercicio militar del Dragón Dorado comienza el jueves

El Ejercicio Dragón Dorado 2024 arrancará en las provincias de Kampong Chhnang y Preah Sihanouk durante 15 días, con la participación de más de 2.000 efectivos de las fuerzas armadas de Camboya y China, con el objetivo de contribuir a apoyar la asociación estratégica integral y construir un destino compartido entre ambas países.

El ejercicio militar conjunto se llevará a cabo del jueves al 30 de mayo en el Centro de Entrenamiento de la Policía Militar (Phnom Chum Rik Reay) en la comuna de Peam, distrito de Samakki Meanchey en Kampong Chhnang y en la Base Naval de Ream en Preah Sihanouk.

Las tropas chinas que participan en el ejercicio conjunto "Golden Dragon 2024" descargan armas y equipos después de llegar a Sihanoukville (foto: Ministerio de Defensa de China)

El general de división Thong Solimo, subdirector de Información y Comunicación del Comando General y portavoz de las Fuerzas Armadas Reales de Camboya (RCAF), dijo que "es el sexto ejercicio militar camboyano-chino y será incluso más grande que antes, con más de 1.300 tropas camboyanas, más de 700 tropas chinas, tres grandes buques de guerra chinos y 11 buques de guerra camboyanos”.

"El ejercicio contará con disparos de munición real, una cooperación bilateral anual entre Camboya y China destinada a intercambiar experiencias", dijo.

Un vehículo blindado siendo cargado en el barco de desembarco Qilianshan antes de partir hacia Camboya (foto: CCTV)

Dijo que durante el ejercicio se desplegarán vehículos de combate, armas y armas de fuego, equipos de desminado, equipos de protección contra enfermedades transmisibles, equipos de defensa contra armas químicas, equipos de comunicaciones y un caza naval multifuncional Tipo-071 para transporte.

"También participarán helicópteros durante el ejercicio de cierre y tres buques de guerra chinos actualmente atracados en la provincia de Preah Sihanouk", dijo.

Ver artículo completo Khmer Times

sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2023

Camboya: Sistema de defensa aérea KS-1C entra en servicio

El ejército camboyano recibió el sistema de defensa aérea KS-1C

Sistema de defensa aérea de medio y largo alcance KS-1C (todas las fotos: CKHQ)

El 15 de septiembre, el ejército camboyano fue equipado con el sistema de defensa aérea de medio y largo alcance "Kaishan-1C" (KS-1C) de fabricación china. 

Parece que fue entregado no hace mucho. 

La serie de sistemas de misiles de defensa aérea "Kaishan" de China es la versión mejorada para el comercio exterior del misil de defensa aérea Hongqi-12 (HQ-12). 

Debido a la producción en masa, se puede decir que es de alta calidad y bajo precio, y el negocio de los misiles de defensa aérea de China sigue siendo muy popular.

Además del ejército camboyano, la 4ª Ala de la Fuerza Aérea Tailandesa también exhibió equipos equipados con el sistema de defensa aérea de medio y largo alcance Kaisan-1CM exportado por China.

La serie de sistemas de misiles de defensa aérea "Kaishan" de China se exporta a Myanmar, Turkmenistán, Tailandia y Camboya. 

( CKHQ )

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2022

Camboya recibe 100 vehiculos ligeros chinos

Ejército camboyano recibe 100 vehículos militares fabricados en China

Dongfeng EQ205s 4x4, camiones Dongfeng EQ2102N 4x4 y Norinco Syp SH4500AR Lynx 8x8 para el ejército de Camboya (todas las fotos: 163)

Recientemente, el ejército de Camboya recibió más de 100 vehículos militares y otros equipos de China. Esta entrega sigue a varias del año pasado y muestra la creciente cooperación militar entre los dos países.

Las imágenes muestran filas de vehículos con ruedas fabricados en China que se transportan a un campamento militar en la provincia de Kampong Cham. Dongfeng vehículo blindado camión vehículo médico Lynx vehículo todo terreno.

El diseño del Northern Lynx Lynx parece ser muy similar al ATV canadiense. La tripulación de 6 personas. El Lynx está propulsado por un pequeño motor turbo diesel de 30 hp. El coche puede alcanzar una velocidad punta de 45 km/hy un kilometraje máximo de 250 km, estructura 8x8. El cabrestante de recuperación automática está instalado en la parte delantera del vehículo. El Lynx es totalmente anfibio, con una carga útil de hasta 300 kg, propulsado por ruedas en el agua. Este vehículo es perfecto para algunos de los terrenos pantanosos y selváticos de Camboya.

( 163 )

viernes, 17 de junio de 2022

Camboya inicia la modernización de la base naval Ream

Camboya inicia la actualización de la base naval de Ream

Base naval actual de Ream (foto: Khmer Times)

Bajo la ayuda de subvención de China, el proyecto de construcción para la rehabilitación del dique seco, el muelle y la grada en el centro de modernización de la Base Naval de Ream en la provincia de Preah Sihanouk comenzó esta mañana.

La ceremonia inaugural estuvo presidida por Tea Banh, Viceprimer Ministro y Ministro de Defensa Nacional y Embajador de China en Camboya, Wang Wentian.

Hablando en la ocasión, Tea Banh rechazó totalmente el informe del Washington Post y dijo que la modernización de la Base Naval de Ream no será para China, sino para la Defensa Nacional de Camboya.

“La base naval de Ream es pequeña, por lo tanto, necesitamos mejorar nuestra base para proteger nuestra nación, territorio y soberanía. El proyecto de modernización de la Base Naval de Ream es una estrategia importante para el desarrollo de las Fuerzas Armadas Reales de Camboya de acuerdo con el Libro Blanco del Ministerio de Defensa Nacional”, subrayó.

“Queremos la rehabilitación del dique seco, el muelle y la grada, ya que ahora los barcos medianos no pueden anclar en Ream, tenemos que flotar en el mar y no tenemos ningún medio para reparar los barcos”, continuó.

El proyecto, una vez completado, impulsará significativamente la modernización de la Marina RCAF, mejorando efectivamente la capacidad de la RCAF para salvaguardar la soberanía nacional y la integridad territorial de Camboya, enfatizó.

Khmer Times

sábado, 30 de enero de 2021

Camboya recibirá su primer FTC-2000G este año

Cambodia will Receive the First FTC-2000G from China in 2021

FTC-2000G Light Combat Aircraft (photo : AVIC)

This year, an ASEAN nation will receive the first FTC-2000G supplied from China. According to the news report, the deliveries will be completed within two years, or 2021-2023, no specific number of aircrafts. But there is a current news that it is likely to supply 6 aircrafts.

It is highly likely that it means Cambodia. It was previously revealed that the pilot was sent to train in China. Starting to study as a student of aviation and lately, China has been a big arms supporter of Cambodia.

We do not yet know the details of the equipment to be installed on this Cambodian aircraft. But overall, the FTC-2000G can be equipped with an AESA radar like the LKF-601E and can be used in conjunction with the PL-12 medium-range air-to-air (SD-10) rocket carrying 2-4 rounds or, however, if not be necessary cheaper version radar can be chosen, either the MSA or PESA, which is the same model installed in the L-15B trainer.

Specification of the radar LKF-601E (photo : QQ)

The fear of the FTC-2000G lies in a wide variety of air-to-ground weapons, such as the CM-102 anti-radar rocket for use in destroying ground-to-air missile bases, as well as the US AGM-88 HARM. The C-704KD, an infrared-guided missile with a range of about 30 km, is capable of destroying armored vehicles or structures. This includes the C-705KD surface anti-ship missile with a range of more than 100 km and several FT family of missile/glide bombs.

The FTC-2000G is a light fighter (LCA) comparable to FA-50PH (Philippines), T-50TH (Thailand), F-5TH (Thailand), T-50i (Indonesia), Yak-130 (Myanmar and Laos), or the Hawk 200 (Malaysia and Indonesia). In ASEAN countries together, the FTC-2000G is one of the top performers in ASEAN when considering the radar system with the highest performance radar option of all light fighter jets if selected LKF-601E radar set, offers a wide variety of weapons and inexpensive but has a weakness in electronic warfare.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

Camboya sería el primer cliente del FTC-2000G

Speculations Centre on Cambodia as First Customer of Chinese Jet

Twin-seat FTC-2000G light attack aircraft (photo : FlightGlobal)

Speculation is swirling around the global aviation industry that points to Cambodia as the first buyer of the Chinese-made FTC-2000G multi-role aircraft.

This week, Global Times, an English language daily newspaper in China, reported that the aircraft, which is manufactured by the Guizhou Aircraft Industry Corp (GAIC), is selling the aircraft to a yet unnamed Southeast Asian country.

The report did not divulge the cost or the number of units sold. It only mentioned that the deal was signed in January of this year and that deliveries will start in early 2021 and completed after two years.

Recent Myanmar Air Force (MAF) acquisitions and orders discount the possibility that Myanmar is the buyer. Other countries in the region including the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Singapore are engaged in territorial disputes or have frayed relations with the Asian giant, thus making them unlikely buyers of Chinese hardware at this time.

This leaves Cambodia as the “most likely” buyer of the Chinese aircraft.

In October last year, the Prime Minister said that Cambodia will purchase four more L-39s from the Czech Republic.

Defence experts said it would be logical for Cambodia to choose China as an aircraft supplier.

Chinese military hardware, it was noted, is far cheaper than comparable Western-made equipment. The possibility that they can be obtained at a bargain price or with Chinese loans make them all the more attractive to emerging economy buyers, including Cambodia. Unlike the United States or other Western countries, China also sells weapons abroad with little to no strings attached.

An upgraded version of the Guizhou JL-9 advanced jet trainer, the twin-seat FTC-2000G flew for the first time in September 2018. The aircraft can be used for light attack duties or for training pilots. With seven external hardpoints, the aircraft can carry bombs, gun pods, rockets and short- to medium-range air-to-air missiles such as the SD-10.

It has a maximum speed of 1.2 Mach and comes equipped with a modern radar, fire control systems and navigational equipment. The Chinese have trumpeted it as “one of the cheapest” on the market.

See full article Khmer Times

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Ejercicio militar conjunto entre Camboya y China

Cambodia, China Kick Off Golden Dragon Exercise

Key activities this year involve mine clearance, deactivation of unexploded ordnance or chemical weapons, fighting with tanks, rescuing hostages, and humanitarian aid activities (photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) and the China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) kicked off the annual joint military exercise dubbed Golden Dragon in Cambodia’s Kampot province despite the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak.

The opening ceremony was chaired by RCAF commander-in-chief Vong Pisen and Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Wang Wentian.

Themed “Together against terrorism and for humanitarian operations”, the drill drew the participation of about 2,200 soldiers. It will run until March 30.

The Golden Dragon exercise was first held in 2016.
Key activities this year involve mine clearance, deactivation of unexploded ordnance or chemical weapons, fighting with tanks, rescuing hostages, and humanitarian aid activities.

The exercise aims to strengthen the alliance between the two militaries to counter terrorism, support disaster relief activities, and ensure peace and security in the respective countries and the globle as a whole.


martes, 19 de noviembre de 2019

Camboya aumenta en 604 millones de USD en su presupuesto

$604 million USD Approved for Cambodia's 2019 Defence Budget

Cambodia army with RM-70 Czech-made 122 MLRS (photo : Army Recognition)

PM approves 2019 budget

Prime Minister Hun Sen and the Council of Ministers on Friday approved the $6,791,249,000 budget for 2019 as laid out by the Ministry of Finance – an 11.4 per cent increase in public spending of on the $6,018,543,704 allocated for this year, a ministry report said.

The draft budget will be sent to the National Assembly this week for final approval.

Defence and education are to receive an 11 per cent and eight per cent respectively in spending increase if the budget is signed off by the National Assembly this week, while healthcare is set for a six per cent decrease.

The Ministry of National Defence was allotted $542 million for 2018 in last year’s budget, while this year $604 million has been pencilled in for 2019. The draft budget sees $915 million set aside for education – an increase on last year’s $848 million if approved by parliament.

The health sector is set to receive a proposed $455.231 million – down from last year’s $485 million.

“The budget aims to continue strengthening peace, political stability, public order and commune village safety for the greater wellbeing of the people, and to protect [the Kingdom’s] independence, integrity and sovereignty, and not to let any forces crack down and destroy it."

“It also ensures the reaching of targets towards poverty reduction by 2050,” the ministry report said.

Last year’s budget saw increases in spending on education, health and the arts.

However for 2019, the ministries of Public Works and Transport, Labour and Vocational Training, and Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction are to receive significant rises compared to 2018.

Government spokesman Phay Siphan said no changes were made to the proposed budget from the Ministry of Finance that was put forward for approval by the Council of Ministers on Friday.

“There were no changes made to the draft budget proposed by the Ministry of Finance. It will be sent to the national assembly [for signing],” he said.

Affiliated Network for Social Accountability executive director San Chey said the lack of transparency and openness in consultation when drafting the budget remained a challenge for civil society.

“We still see there is limited openness in consultation when drafting budgets. I am, therefore, concerned that the spending is not going on actually address the problems [facing Cambodia]."

“The four main sectors that really need serious [spending] reforms are agriculture, health, education and transport. The farmers need support from the government to adapt to the changing climate, for example,” he said.


domingo, 14 de abril de 2019

Camboya interesada en el T-80U ruso

Cambodia Interested in Russian T-80U Main Battle Tank

T-80U of the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division (photo : Redditt)

Cambodia wants to buy Russian T-80U main battle tank? This is a question published by the Russian press after the visit of the Cambodian high-level military delegation to the Kantemirovskaya tank guard division.

Russian media reported that on April 1, a high-level military mission of the Royal Cambodian Army led by Lieutenant General Hunmanet visited the 4th Kantemirovskaya tank division.

Here, Cambodian military officials were introduced by Russia to the tactical features of the T-80U main battle tank as well as the division's training of motorized infantry soldiers with combat vehicles BMP-2 infantry and armored vehicles carrying BTR-82A troops.

General Hun Manetan appreciated the professionalism of the training of Russian Army units and thanked the warm reception of tank soldiers of the unit.

According to the Russian press, this is a clear sign that this Southeast Asian nation is showing a particular interest in Russia's T-80U tank and may advance to sign a similar procurement contract, not far away.

High-level Cambodian military delegation to visit the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya, tank division of Russia (photo : BaoCatViet)

The fact that the Royal Cambodian Army desires to own a new generation main battle tank has been mentioned many times in the past, the main reason is that Phnom Penh currently only has MBT in the service, while other countries neighboring families are undertaking rapid modernization.

Phnom Penh seems to have been more interested in the T-90 tank similar to Vietnam, but after balancing the financial resources, it seems they are inclined to buy old tanks to reduce the burden on the budget.

It is likely that the Royal Cambodian Army will choose T-80UE1 tanks, a Russian-made version intended to utilize the excess T-80U turret, when mounted on the T-80BV chassis.

The tactical features of the main battle tank T-80UE1 are difficult to compare with the T-90S/SK or VT4 or T-84 Oplot, but are not inferior to the T-72B1MS White Eagle.

The presence of these T-80UE1 armored vehicles in the near future (if the purchase contract is signed) will have the effect of increasing the strength of the Royal Cambodian Army many times over the present.


domingo, 8 de julio de 2018

China ofrece crédito para modernización de milicia camboyana

China Offers Military Credit to Cambodia for Military Modernization

Cambodian tanks and armoured personnel carriers stand in readiness for the military exercise in Kampong Speu.

China has agreed to provide Cambodia with more than USD100 million in aid to support the modernisation of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF), the government in Phnom Penh has announced.

The funding will be provided through a defence co-operation agreement (DCA) signed by the two countries during Chinese defence minister Wei Fenghe’s two-day visit to Cambodia, which ended on 18 June.

Also under the DCA, China will donate additional military equipment to the RCAF to support the service’s counter-terrorism efforts and the two militaries will look to expand military training and education programmes.

The Cambodian government did not elaborate on how the military aid will be spent by the RCAF, although other lines of credit provided by China have usually been spent on procuring Chinese military platforms.


viernes, 23 de marzo de 2018

Camboya y China realizan ejercicio antiterrorista

Cambodia, China Launch Joint Drill on Anti-Terrorism, Humanitarian Rescue

Dragon Gold 2018 exercise 

KAMPONG SPEU, Cambodia (Xinhua) -- Cambodia and China launched the second joint drill on counter-terrorism and humanitarian rescue at a training field in the Maras Prov Mountains here on Saturday.

Some 280 soldiers of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) and 216 soldiers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) are involved in the drill dubbed "Dragon Gold 2018," which will last till March 31.

RCAF commander-in-chief Gen. Pol Saroeun said the exercise is part of the activities the two countries have organized to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

"The exercise is vital to exchange experience and further strengthen bilateral cooperation on anti-terrorism and humanitarian work," he said in a speech during the opening ceremony.

Dragon Gold 2018 exercise 

He said Cambodia highly values the drill with China which will importantly contribute to increasing capacity for the RCAF.

It will increase China-Cambodia readiness and responsiveness to challenges in the fight against terrorism and in the humanitarian tasks, he said.

Zhang Jian, army commander of the Southern Theater Command of the Chinese PLA, said the exercise is designed to bolster cooperation and friendship between the two armies.

The drill plays a very important role in further developing the relations between the two armies, he said in his opening speech.

Dragon Gold 2018 exercise 

It will further enhance cooperation between the two countries on terrorism fighting and humanitarian rescue, and contribute to maintaining peace, stability and development in the two countries, the region, and the world, he added.

The participating troops will carry on training of professional subjects such as anti-terror equipment operating, live-fire practice, unarmed wrestle, simulated airborne landing, man hunting, searching and rescuing.

Cambodia and China conducted the first joint drill in December 2016, focusing on humanitarian rescue and disaster relief at the Army Institute in southwestern Kampong Speu province.


sábado, 17 de febrero de 2018

China dona tanques y APCs a Camboya

China to Donate Tanks, APCs to Cambodia

The tanks and APCs would arrive in Cambodia in March

China donates army vehicles

Defence Minister General Tea Banh yesterday confirmed that China is to provide the army with tanks and armoured personnel carriers to strengthen relations between the two militaries.

He said the tanks and APCs would arrive in Cambodia in March, when the two countries will hold their second joint “Golden Dragon” military exercise.

According to a report on BTV television yesterday, China will provide about 100 tanks and APCs to the Defence Ministry’s Brigade 70.

Gen Banh declined to confirm the number of vehicles being given, but said the tanks and APCs would arrive in the country soon.

“China always helps in promoting the national defence sector,” he said.

General Ith Sarath, deputy commander of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, last week said the Golden Dragon military exercise would be held in March in Kampong Speu province’s Phnom Sruoch district.

It will commemorate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the countries, he added.

“The topic of the joint exercise is missions against terrorism and humanitarian affairs concerning both Cambodia and China,” Gen Sarath said.

The exercise will include 280 Cambodian troops and 190 Chinese troops.

sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Corea del Sur dona 222 vehículos a Camboya

South Korea Donates 222 Military Vehicles to Cambodia

South Korea on 23 March handed over 208 military trucks and 14 engineering vehicles to Cambodia as part of a military aid package. 

Korea donates military vehicles

South Korea has given more than 200 military vehicles to Cambodia and nearly 200 more will arrive in July.

The first batch were handed over yesterday at a ceremony at the Techo Hun Sen Military Technical Institute in Kampong Speu province.

The trucks, light utility vehicles, excavators, bulldozers, buses, ambulances and cars were deployed in rows in the area where the ceremony took place.

General Chao Phirun, the director-general of the Defense Ministry’s materiel and technical services department, said it was the third time Cambodia had received military aid from South Korea.

He said the 222 vehicles included 208 vehicles of all kinds and 14 pieces of engineering machinery, along with spare parts.

Gen. Phirun said military aid amounting to 145 vehicles, including two patrol boats and eight pieces of engineering machinery, would arrive from South Korea in July.

“The South Korean government could give 30 to 50 more military trucks as well as some spare parts,” he said.

In 2010, Cambodia received 188 vehicles including military trucks, 66 pieces of engineering machinery and utility boats for the navy.

In 2012, a further 212 vehicles and 29 pieces of machinery were granted to Cambodia.

Last August, South Korean military attache to Cambodia Colonel Yung Yeong Chang and incoming attache Colonel Yoo Beom Gi promised to strengthen cooperation with the kingdom.

They met Neang Phat, a secretary of state at the Defense Ministry, and agreed to provide military equipment.

Speaking in the ceremony yesterday, South Korean Vice-Minister of National Defense Kang Byung Joo said 22 types of military vehicles and military engineering machinery had been granted to Cambodia since 2010.

“Following this handover, I believe that it will contribute to promoting the relationship of both countries, enhancing the security capacity of Cambodian military officers and improve military facilities,” he said.

Mr. Kang said Cambodia supports peace and security in his country and had joined the international community to speak out against North Korea’s nuclear test.

Last year, the Cambodian government called for North Korea to fully respect UN resolutions and urged North Korea to comply with all concerned parties to resolve tensions through peaceful negotiations.

Defense Minister Tea Banh said the military aid from South Korea helped the kingdom’s military bring more types of transport into its training.

He said the vehicles would be distributed to various ministry units to maintain social order and peace in Cambodia.

China is also a big donor of military aid to Cambodia. After the ceremony, Gen. Banh said there would be more military aid from other countries in response to Cambodia’s needs, but he did not name the countries.

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

Camboya aumenta su presupuesto de defensa para 2017

Cambodia Boosts 2017 Defence Budget

MiG-21 of the Cambodian Air Force 

Cambodia has allocated USD455 million for the country's 2017 defence budget, the government in Phnom Penh has announced.

The expenditure represents a 19% increase over the 2016 defence budget of USD383 million.

According to government statements covered by national media, the 2017 defence budget accounts for around 9% of the total government expenditure in the year.

Hun Manet, the eldest son of prime minister Hun Sen, who is also a lieutenant general in the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF), told the Phnom Penh Post that a large part of the 2017 defence budget will go towards a pay rise for military personnel.


miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015

Octavo año consecutivo de aumento en el gasto de defensa camboyano

Military Budget up 8 Years in Row

The 2016 defence budget about 2% of GDP and 9% of total government expenditure.

For the eighth consecutive year, Cambodia’s defence spending is set to grow in 2016 after ruling party lawmakers yesterday approved the year’s budget.

The Ministry of National Defence will get some $382 million, a 17.3 per cent rise on this year’s defense expenditure.

According to the Australian Defence Force’s Defence Economic Trends 2015 report, the Kingdom’s military budget increased yearly from just $100 million in 2008 to about $277 million in 2014.

Jon Grevatt, Asia-Pacific industry reporter for defence analyst IHS Jane’s, said much of the allocated budget would go to personnel costs for the armed forces, often criticised for a lack of transparency in how it spends its cash.

“This would include pensions, if indeed pensions are included in the defence budget, military salaries and operations,” Grevatt said. “I can’t see how in a $382 million budget there could be any money for anything other than the most basic procurement requirements i.e. ammunition and perhaps some firearms.”

“But that doesn’t matter, and the reason why is the Cambodian military is able to secure loans from China to be able to support military procurement.”

Grevatt also noted RCAF’s increased focus on maintaining old equipment, which he said was part of efforts to ensure military capability at its borders.

Phnom Penh Post

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Camboya no puede pagar armas indonesias

Cambodia ‘Can’t Afford’ to Buy Indo Weapons

Anoa in desert camo 

A government spokesman yesterday poured cold water on an offer by Indonesia to sell Cambodia weapons, citing budget constraints and the Kingdom’s preference for peace.

The proposal by Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo was discussed with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Tuesday at the World Economic Forum in Jakarta.

Widodo suggested that Cambodia could buy weaponry and uniforms as a follow-up to previous training programs run by Indonesia for Cambodian soldiers, the Indonesian Embassy confirmed.

Acknowledging the friendly ties between the countries, government spokesman Phay Siphan said Cambodia wouldn’t buy weapons because “we don’t have any money” to do so.

“The money in the national budget is to develop the military’s integration and soldiers’ well-being,” he said, adding that Cambodia didn’t need “weapons of mass destruction”.

“We use diplomatic channels and peaceful means to solve traditional conflict.”

According to statistics from Australia’s Department of Defence, Cambodia’s defence spending increased from about $100 million in 2008 to $277 million last year.

The report noted Cambodia relied heavily on China for military aid to buy weapons, citing the 2013 purchase of 12 Z-9 helicopters, financed by a large Chinese loan.

Jon Grevatt, Asia-Pacific industry reporter for defence analyst IHS Jane’s, said Cambodia would struggle to afford anything other than small arms and ammunition unless Indonesia provided it as military aid, which was “unlikely”.

Phnom Penh Post

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

12 Z-9 a Camboya

12 China-Made Helicopters Delivered to Cambodia

The Zhi-9 is a licensed-built version of Eurocopter's Dauphin AS365 N2, which has been built by Harbin Aircraft Industry Co since the early 1980s. (photo : Cambodia Herald)

Twelve Chinese-built Zhi-9 (Z-9) utility helicopters, which Cambodia had purchased from China, were delivered to the Royal Cambodian Air Force on Monday.

The handover ceremony was held at the capital's Military Airbase between Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Tea Banh and Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Bu Jianguo.

Tea Banh said the helicopter delivery was a new historic achievement in addition to numerous supports the Chinese government has given to Cambodia.

"The helicopters will be used to serve training in order to strengthen capacity for the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces in defending territorial integrity and in cracking down on offenses in remote areas," he said. "They will also be used for humanitarian activities such as disasters."

Tea Banh also highly spoke of excellent relations and cooperation between Cambodia and China under the leadership of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and Chinese leadership.

"The friendship relations between Cambodia and China have moved closer, reaching the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Cooperation in 2010," he said. "The bilateral excellent ties will bring mutual benefits to the two countries and peoples."

Bu Jianguo said that the Z-9 choppers are capable of carrying people and materials in case of any emergency rescues.

"China believes that the helicopters will enhance capacity for the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces in emergency operations in case of any disasters," she said.

Soeung Samnang, commander of the Royal Cambodian Air Force, said the Z-9 helicopters were purchased from the China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC).

"They are medium-sized carriers," he said. "They will help increase efficiency and capacity for the air forces in their national defense duties," he added.

China lent Cambodia $195 million in August, 2011 to buy those choppers.

Global Times