sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2024
Maniobras navales entre Indonesia y Brunei
domingo, 10 de marzo de 2024
Record de gasto en defensa en Brunei
El gasto en defensa de Brunei alcanzará un récord de 796,3 millones de dólares
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN – El Ministerio de Defensa recibirá su mayor presupuesto de 796,3 millones de dólares en el próximo año fiscal 2024/25, mientras busca mejorar la inteligencia y la vigilancia militares en medio de la incertidumbre geoestratégica.
A pesar de los menores ingresos del gobierno, el presupuesto de defensa propuesto representó un aumento del 28,5% con respecto al actual año fiscal 2023/24, que finalizó el 31 de marzo. La cifra también representó un aumento del 10,7% con respecto al máximo anterior de 719,15 millones de dólares hace una década.
En su discurso sobre el presupuesto ante el Consejo Legislativo el sábado, el segundo ministro de Defensa, Pehin Dato Hj Halbi Hj Mohd Yussof, dijo que se necesita una estrategia de defensa sólida para proteger los intereses nacionales en un panorama de seguridad cada vez más complejo e impredecible.
De manera similar a las prioridades del presupuesto del año anterior, el ministerio continuará fortaleciendo las capacidades mediante la adquisición, el mantenimiento y la mejora de activos para defenderse de las amenazas a la seguridad.
"El Ministerio de Defensa y las Fuerzas Armadas Reales de Brunei están trabajando activamente para mejorar la inteligencia, la vigilancia, la adquisición de objetivos y el reconocimiento, donde se utilizará un nuevo sistema en un futuro próximo", dijo el ministro.
"La atención también se centra en la capacidad de monitorear y detectar amenazas submarinas para garantizar una respuesta eficaz en el mantenimiento de la integridad territorial de Brunei", añadió.
Ver artículo completo La primicia
viernes, 23 de febrero de 2024
Brunei: Entran en servicios sus dos primeros C295
Los dos primeros C295 de Brunei entran en servicio
Entran en servicio los dos primeros aviones de transporte táctico medio C295 de Brunei Darussalam.
domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2023
Ejercicio Pelican: Maniobras navales de Singapur y Brunei
Armadas de Singapur y Brunei concluyen ejercicio bilateral Pelican

lunes, 27 de marzo de 2023
Singapur: Ceremonia de entrega de patrullera a Brunei
Ceremonia de Entrega y Toma de Relevo de Patrullero entre RSN y RBN
Entrega de patrulleras de la clase Fearless (PV) a la Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) (fotos: RSN)
viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2022
Maniobras entre Singapur y Brunei
Singapur y Brunei concluyen con éxito la 25.ª edición del ejercicio Forward Together

sábado, 5 de febrero de 2022
Pumas de la RAF reemplazarán a los Bell de Brunei
Pumas de la RAF reemplazará a los helicópteros Bell en Brunei
Helicóptero Puma HC Mk2 de la RAF (foto: RAF)
El Ministerio de Defensa (MoD) del Reino Unido ha confirmado los planes para reemplazar temporalmente dos tipos de helicópteros Bell operados en Brunei y Chipre con parte de la flota Puma actualmente volada por la Royal Air Force (RAF).
En Brunei, el Cuerpo Aéreo del Ejército opera cinco Bell 212 en apoyo del entrenamiento de guerra en la jungla, mientras que en Chipre, la RAF utiliza un trío de Bell 412 con funciones de búsqueda y rescate, según los datos de las flotas de Cirium. En ambos casos, los helicópteros son propiedad de Draken Europe.
La sugerencia de un nuevo rol para Puma surgió por primera vez a fines de 2021, pero el Ministerio de Defensa no la verificó, y dijo en ese momento que no se había tomado ninguna decisión.
Sin embargo, el ministerio ahora confirma la iniciativa. “Según los planes actuales, estamos considerando el helicóptero Puma para reemplazar temporalmente el helicóptero Bell 212 en Brunei a partir del otoño de 2022 y el helicóptero Bell 412 en Chipre a partir de la primavera de 2023”.
British Forces Brunei (BFB) es la única base militar británica que queda en el Lejano Oriente, BFB está ubicada en Seria y se centra en un batallón de infantería ligera, que será uno de los dos batallones de Royal Gurkha Rifles (imagen: GoogleMaps)
Pero es probable que la medida tenga implicaciones para el propio retiro de Puma. En la revisión de defensa de Command Paper del año pasado, el Ministerio de Defensa dijo que el helicóptero veterano se retiraría gradualmente durante el período 2023-2025, con sugerencias de que el hito podría ocurrir más temprano que tarde.
Suponiendo un reemplazo similar de los helicópteros Bell, más varios retenidos como cobertura, entonces se requerirán hasta una docena de Pumas, más de la mitad de la flota actual de 23 efectivos. Estos también pueden ser necesarios más allá de la fecha actual fuera de servicio de 2025 del tipo.
Pero el Ministerio de Defensa dice que es demasiado pronto para proporcionar un cronograma preciso para el retiro de Puma. “Estamos trabajando con todas las partes interesadas clave en esta decisión y no podemos hacer más comentarios en este momento”.
El Ministerio de Defensa tiene la intención de reemplazar los Pumas, más los dos modelos Bell y los Airbus Helicopters Dapuhins operados por el ejército, con un solo tipo que se adquirirá en el marco de su programa New Medium Helicopter.
Es probable que esa competencia comience el próximo mes, dijo recientemente Ben Wallace, el Secretario de Estado de Defensa, a la Cámara de los Comunes.
Flight Global
domingo, 30 de enero de 2022
Maniobras de la US Navy con la Armada Real de Brunei
USS Jackson realiza ejercicio bilateral con Royal Brunei Navy
USS Jackson LCS 6 (fotos: Brunei Mindef, USN)
MUARA, Brunei -- El buque de combate litoral USS Jackson (LCS 6), variante de la independencia, llegó a Brunei el 14 de enero después de un ejercicio de un día en el mar con la Marina Real de Brunei (RBN).
La visita destacó la fuerte asociación y la relación militar entre Brunei y los Estados Unidos. En consideración a las mitigaciones de seguridad de COVID-19, la visita fue sin contacto, lo que significa que la tripulación del barco permaneció a bordo del barco, donde se les permitió descansar y reabastecerse de suministros.
“Estados Unidos y Brunei tienen una larga relación que incluye una visita notable del USS Constitution a Brunei Bay el 6 de abril de 1845”, dijo el capitán Tom Ogden, comodoro, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 7. “La visita y el entrenamiento de Jackson con el RBN es una continuación de los 177 años de fuerte amistad y profundos lazos históricos entre Brunei y los EE. UU.”
Jackson y RBN Darussalam-clase patrullera costa afuera KDB Daruttaqwa (DTQ 09) realizaron ejercicios bilaterales mientras navegaban juntos en el Mar de China Meridional el 13 de enero. Jackson y Daruttaqwa se reunieron en el mar para practicar y mejorar la interoperabilidad bilateral entre las dos armadas y enfatizar la importancia de trabajar juntos.
"La oportunidad de navegar junto a KDB Daruttaqwa demuestra nuestro compromiso y objetivos compartidos con la Royal Brunei Navy para mejorar nuestra interoperabilidad y mantener una región del Indo-Pacífico libre y abierta", dijo Cmdr. Michael Root, oficial al mando del USS Jackson.
Los eventos incluyeron ejercicios de comunicaciones bilaterales y tácticas de división para practicar maniobras de precisión. Todos los eventos fueron diseñados para mejorar la cooperación entre las dos armadas y permitir que los barcos practiquen las comunicaciones y la coordinación mientras operan muy cerca uno del otro.
El ejercicio y la visita al puerto fomentan la amistad entre Brunei y los EE. UU. Los EE. UU. participan habitualmente en 300 compromisos bilaterales al año, desde intercambios de expertos hasta visitas a barcos, ejercicios de componentes y ejercicios de entrenamiento importantes como Cooperación y Entrenamiento del Sudeste Asiático (SEACAT) y Cooperación Preparación y entrenamiento a flote (CARAT) Brunei. Estos ejercicios significan un compromiso conjunto con la paz y la seguridad en la región del Indo-Pacífico.
La RBN declaró que sigue comprometida con el fortalecimiento de las relaciones bilaterales con la Marina de los EE. UU., mejorando la interoperabilidad y las oportunidades de desarrollo de capacidades hacia el objetivo de la cooperación en el mar. La RBN le deseó a Jackson vientos favorables y mar de seguimiento hasta su próximo puerto de escala.
Como el escuadrón de destructores desplegados hacia adelante de la Marina de los EE. UU. en el sudeste asiático, DESRON 7 sirve como el principal comandante táctico y operativo de los barcos de combate litorales desplegados rotativamente en Singapur, funciona como Comandante de Combate Marítimo del Grupo de Ataque Expedicionario 7 y crea asociaciones a través de ejercicios de entrenamiento y militares. -a-compromisos militares.
Bajo el Comandante de la Flota del Pacífico de los EE. UU., la 7.ª Flota es la flota numerada desplegada hacia adelante más grande de la Marina de los EE. UU., e interactúa y opera de manera rutinaria con 35 naciones marítimas para preservar una región del Indo-Pacífico libre y abierta.
sábado, 31 de julio de 2021
Maniobras navales entre Brunei y Singapur
RSN Passage Exercise with the Royal Brunei Navy

The Republic of Singapore's (RSN) Independence-class Littoral Mission Vessel RSS Fearless conducted a passage exercise (PASSEX) with Darussalam-class Offshore Patrol Vessel KDB Darulehsan from the Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) on 17 Jul 21.
Conducted in waters off Brunei, the PASSEX was planned virtually and comprised communication serials, as well as a search and rescue exercise (SAREX) that saw both of our navies working together in a simulated man overboard rescue situation.
Tying down the details and method of execution for the PASSEX serials with their counterparts from KDB Darulehsan via virtual means.
Prior to the exercise, RSS Fearless also called into Muara, Brunei on 15 Jul to commemorate the 75th birthday celebrations of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah of Brunei Darussalam.
Bearing 075! Keeping a close watch at his ship's disposition from KDB Darulehsan during the manoeuvring exercise (MANEX) serial.

RSS Fearless' Communication System Operators hard at work during the publication exercise (PUBEX) serial. This serial requires both ships' operators to refer to common communication publications and tests their ability to respond efficiently and accurately.
Communication serials such as MANEX and PUBEX allow both ships' crew to enhance mutual understanding and prepare for more complex serials out at sea.
Progressing to the Search & Rescue Exercise (SAREX) serial where both ships launched their respective rigid-hull boats (RHBs) to rescue simulated casualties.
Keeping a close eye on the simulated man overboard! Fear not – help is on the way!
During a "crisis" out at sea, communication is key. Building from the experience gained from the communication serials, we were able to coordinate and execute the search and rescue effectively!

A beautiful day to exercise with our RBN friends - concluding the PASSEX with a sailpast!
Commanding Officer (CO) RSS Fearless MAJ Chew Chun Cheong exchanging pleasantries with his counterpart CO on board KDB Darulehsan – wishing them Fair Winds & Following Seas, till we meet again!
The RSN enjoys excellent relations with the RBN and conducts regular exercises and PASSEXes together. Despite not being able to interact face-to-face due to COVID-19, we are glad that we can continue strengthening our close friendship and mutual understanding out at sea together.
Ministerio de defensa de Singapur
domingo, 17 de enero de 2021
Drones para Brunei
Drone and Drone Jammer Handover Ceremony to No. 2 Wing, Operation Group RBAF
09 Januari 2021

Handover of drone and drone jammer of the RBAF (all photos : Bru Mindef)
Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ) has officially handed over its Drone and Drone Jammer assets to Squadron 233 (Air Defence), No. 2 Wing, Operation Group, Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF). This will add value in terms of knowledge and skillset specifically to Air Defence personnel as well as expanding the scope of roles of the Air Defence unit.
Present as Guest of Honour is 556 Lt Col (U) Awg Suhaimi bin Awg Jamali, Commanding Officer of No. 2 Wing. A total of 30 personnel were present to witness the ceremony which consisted of officers and other ranks from both No. 2 Wing and JFHQ.

The ceremony began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah by 18834 Cpl (U) Muhd Amirul Aizat bin Abd Latif and followed by a short video showing the exercises and joint operations between JFHQ with 233 Squadron. 233 Squadron has assisted JFHQ in conducting operational tasking since 9th July 2020 during the Eid Aidiladha celebration at the Jame' Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque.
The ceremony continued with a short static display session as well as the signing of handover parchment by 998 Major (U) Muhammad Adib bin Muhammad Abidin, Staff Officer Grade 2 J3 Air as representative from JFHQ and 879 Major (U) Pg Mohd Ajijol Nijam bin Pg Omar, Officer Commanding 233 Squadron as representative from RBAirF and ended with an aerial photo session using Drone.
Ministerio de defensa de Brunei
viernes, 7 de agosto de 2020
Singapur y Brunei concluyen ejercicio naval Pelican 2020
Singapore and Brunei Navies Conclude Bilateral Exercise Pelican Conducted at Sea

RSS Supreme (right) and KDB Darulehsan (left) during Exercise Pelican 2020 (photos : Sing Mindef)
The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) and Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) have concluded the bilateral Exercise Pelican. Held from 27 to 29 July 2020 in the Philippines Sea, the exercise saw the participation of RSN's Formidable-class frigate RSS Supreme and RBN's Darussalam-class patrol vessel KDB Darulehsan.
This year's exercise, the 39th in the series, was conducted at sea with no physical interaction between personnel from both navies due to the current COVID-19 situation. The two navies focused on building interoperability through the conduct of various exercise serials, including coordinated gunnery firing, manoeuvring and communication exchanges.
Highlighting the importance of the exercise in reinforcing the strong ties between the RSN and RBN, Commanding Officer of RSS Supreme, Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Chua Eileen said, "Exercise Pelican has once again allowed us to interact with close friends whom we have developed relationships with over the years. Out at sea, it is these time-tested partnerships that allow us to operate well together, and support each other should the need arise. The good understanding that we established between our navies enabled us to plan and conduct an exercise at sea without any physical meet-ups."

Commanding Officer of KDB Darulehsan, Commander (CDR) Haji Edy Jofren bin PDP DP Haji Abd Jalil added, "The RBN and RSN have a special relationship that has developed from our commitment and participation in Exercise Pelican since its establishment in 1979. It is indeed an important avenue for enhancing interoperability, capacity building and most importantly forging ties and friendships amongst RSN and RSN personnel at all levels."
Established in 1979, Exercise Pelican underscores the close and long-standing defence ties between Singapore and Brunei. The exercise enhances mutual cooperation, understanding, and interoperability between the RSN and RBN. Besides Exercise Pelican, the RSN and RBN also interact regularly through a range of activities, including visits and professional exchange programmes. These interactions have reinforced the strong bonds between the personnel from both navies.
Ministerio de defensa de Singapur
jueves, 17 de mayo de 2018
Botes patrulleros para Brunei
KH-27 Patrol Boats Joins the RBLF
MUARA – A handover ceremony of five KH-27 patrol boats was held this afternoon at the Royal Brunei Navy Base, in which the Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces, Major General Pengiran Dato Seri Pahlawan Aminan bin Pengiran Haji Mahmud, was in attendance as the Guest of Honour.
The event witnessed the handing over of the five patrol boats to the Commander of the Royal Brunei Land Force (RBLF), Brigadier General Awang Khairul Hamed bin Awang Haji Lampoh. The KH-27 boats are fully operational to safeguard the country’s territorial integrity, and to strengthen the RBAF’s approaches to maritime security.
Also present at the ceremony were Commander of the Royal Brunei Navy, Joint Force Commander, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Technology and Development), Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Brunei Technical Services (RBTS), as well as senior officers from both the Ministry of Defence and Royal Brunei Armed Forces.
Following the handing-over ceremony, the Commander of the RBAF and senior officers of the RBAF had the opportunity to visit the patrol boats, to which they sailed from the Jetty Alpha of the RBN Base to the RBAF Watermanship Training Centre, Serasa.
Ministerio de defensa de Brunei
viernes, 28 de abril de 2017
Brunei ofrece soporte para Blackhawks

The Brunei Multi-Purpose Training Centre (MPTC) now incorporates its S-70i Black Hawk ground school and simulator training, according to Canadian simulation and training company CAE, the company tasked with training services at the centre.
CAE has been awarded a long-term training services contract that will allow Brunei to train pilots to fly its 12 strong fleet of S-70i Black Hawk helicopters. OEM of the Black Hawk, Sikorsky, signed a contract with the Brunei MoD for the aircraft in 2011.
CAE will provide its 3000 Series S-70i simulator, which provides an immersive training experience for the full range of pilot training requirements on the aircraft.
'The CAE Brunei MPTC is excited to launch our comprehensive S-70i Black Hawk training programme and is pleased to now operate the region's only S-70i Black Hawk full-mission simulator,' said Kevin Speed, general manager at CAE Brunei MPTC, in a company release.
'We have established a world-class training programme that includes academic and simulator training that will help prepare the Royal Brunei Air Force and other operators of the S-70i to operate this advanced helicopter for a range of missions.'
The simulator includes a 12ft dome display and high-fidelity CAE Medallion-6000 image generator.

'Simulation-based training helps reduce training costs and increase safety and efficiency by enabling aircrews to perform manoeuvres or emergencies not suitable or possible in an actual aircraft,' said Speed. 'Training at the CAE Brunei MPTC provides maximum training value and enhances crew mission readiness.'
The MPTC has been used by other offshore operators in the region including Australia, Canada, New Zealand and China.
The CAE Brunei MPTC also provides EASA-approved training, including instructor-led 'wet' initial and recurrent training, for the Sikorsky S-92 helicopter.
The S-92 wet training solution includes academic classroom training and S-92 simulator training on a CAE 3000 Series S-92 full-flight simulator (FFS). Operator-led 'dry' training on the S-92 FFS is also offered.
The S-70i simulator will be used for range of mission training and rehearsal, including SAR, firefighting, night vision goggle flying, formation flight, winching and stretcher lift, mountain flying, shipboard landings, oil rig platform landing, over water flight, and special missions.
The CAE 3000 Series S-70i simulator also features chin window coverage, high resolution projectors, full six degree-of-freedom (DOF) electric motion system and a three-DOF vibration system to provide realistic cues to the pilots. The CAE 3000 Series S-70i simulator is equivalent to a US Federal Aviation Administration Level D standard, the highest qualification for flight simulators.
sábado, 7 de febrero de 2015
Brunei cede Blackhawks a Malasia

The RBAF has four S-70As in service
BRUNEI’S Ministry of Defence yesterday said it will transfer S-70A Blackhawk helicopters belonging to the Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF) to the Malaysian Armed Forces.
News of four S-70A Blackhawk helicopters from the RBAirF to be transferred to the Malaysian Armed Forces have been widely reported in prominent Malaysian websites since early this week and was confirmed by a statement from Brunei’s Ministry of Defence on its website yesterday.
“The Ministry of Defence is pleased to inform that the defence relations between Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia continue to be strengthened especially with the close consultation between the two countries; exchanges in trainings and joint military exercises; exchange of information; participation of both countries in international operations, such as the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) and the International Monitoring Team (IMT); and many others.
“This cooperation will be further enhanced with the transfer of the S-70A Blackhawk helicopters belonging to the Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF) to the Malaysian Armed Forces.

“The helicopters are still operational in the Royal Brunei Air Force and are expected to be ready for the handover as early as September when the new RBAirF S-70i Blackhawk helicopters are fully operational.
“Details of the transfer will be further discussed by both sides.
“The Ministry of Defence hopes that the transfer of these helicopters will contribute towards enhancing the Malaysian Armed Forces capability and to the efforts of both countries in preserving regional peace and security,” read the statement.
Brunei’s Ministry of Defence had ordered 12 S-70i Blackhawk helicopters that were contracted to Sikorsky as part of Royal Brunei Air Force’s helicopter fleet modernisation.
The new fleet will enhance the Royal Brunei Air Force’s rotary wing capabilities in air mobility, Search and Rescue (SAR) and enhance surveillance of Brunei’s waters and borders. The first batch of the uniquely configured aircraft was delivered in early 2014.

Equipped with a suite of advanced avionics and sensors, the multirole aircraft can perform a variety of missions over land and water, including search and rescue, humanitarian relief, anti-piracy, troop transport and medical evacuation.
The contract includes ground support equipment, spares and technical training.
The Ministry of Defence has an option to order an additional 10 aircraft as part of the same contract.
Meanwhile, Malaysia will almost certainly operate the second-hand tactical / transport helicopters out of Labuan RMAF Base on an island just eight kilometres off the coast of Borneo, the land that holds Brunei, the Malaysian provinces of Sarawak and Sabah and Indonesian Kalimantan. From Labuan the choppers will likely be deployed to maintain peace in the Eastern Sabah Safety Zone (Esszone), airheadfly.com reported.
By helping neighbouring Malaysia with additional rotary wing, Brunei more or less provides an extra forward line of defence for its own security, the website added. The Blackhawk is not new to Malaysia, as the Royal Malaysian Air Force flies a pair for VIP duties.
Borneo Bulletin
sábado, 7 de junio de 2014
Lanchas tácticas para Brunei

The C-950 has been designed to fit into a 40ft container for easy deployment
Finland’s Boomeranger Boats has received a significant order from the Royal Brunei Technical Services consisting of a comprehensive package of special operations boats and equipment with a contract value over €2m (USD2.73 million).
The boats delivered to the Royal Brunei Technical Service’s customer are the Boomeranger’s latest C-950 Special Operation model – a market leader in the 9 to 10m RIB sector. Deliveries will commence later in 2014.
Ilkka Pentikainen, Boomeranger Boats, told Maritime Journal: "In the construction of the boat we have used similar methods as previously used in our C-1200 Special Operation Boat, which we dare to say is the most advanced Special Operation Boat in the world."
He added: "The reason why the C-950 is the game changer is the superiority of the hull design which makes the boat extremely reliable and sea worthy in all conditions and the advanced solutions in the construction of the boat. All this gives you the features of a large Special Operation Boat in a compact package."
The C-950 Special Operation boat measures 9.5m in length, 3.0m beam and with tubes deflated 2.3m. Draft of the hull is 0.7m.
It's kitted out with two Mercury Verado 300hp engines as standard, which gives it a draft of 1.0m. The company points out the C-950 is at its very best with twin installation 300hp outboard engines. It makes the hull of the boat is extremely stable and is steady in high speeds as well as in sharp corners and rough water conditions, for example in the wake of other vessel in a boarding situation.
But as an alternative, all Boomeranger models can also be equipped with inboard engines and either stern drives or water jets, based on customer requirements.
The C-950 can be supplied with a 40ft container transportation system for easy troop deployment. This model can be transported on a road trailer which makes it easy to deploy for example on a police special units operations.
Its compact size allows for easy air transportation and this model is also available by air drop delivery.
Previous contracts for the C-950 Special Operation model include the Dusseldorf Fire Department in March 2014.
Maritime Journal
lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014
OPV para Brunei

KDB Daruttaqwa - 09 is a 80 meter Offshore patrol vessel ordered from Lurssen Werft
LEMWERDER, GERMAN - The Acceptance Ceremony of the fourth Darussalam Class Patrol Vessel, DARUTTAQWA was held today at Luerssen Wharf in Lemwerder, Federal Republic of Germany. DARUTTAQWA’s construction began in 12 July 2012 and the vessel had successfully carried out harbor trial and sea trial and test earlier this year.
Present at the Acceptance Ceremony were the Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces, Yang Dimuliakan Pehin Datu Pekerma Jaya Major General Dato Seri Pahlawan Mohd Tawih bin Abdullah and Datin Paduka Hajah Suriyah binti Haji Umar, Permanent Secretary (Administration & Finance). Also in attendance during the ceremony was Brunei Darussalam Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Federal Republic of Germany, His Excellency Pehin Datu Penglima Colonel (R) Dato Paduka Haji Abdul Jalil bin Haji Ahmad.

Welcoming the delegation at Luerssen Wharf was the Managing Director of Fr Luerssen Werft (FLW), Mr Peter Luerssen. The Acceptance Ceremony began with a welcoming remark by the Managing Director of FLW and followed by a reciprocal remark by the Permanent Secretary (Administration & Finance).

The ceremony also saw the signing of Ship’s Delivery & Acceptance Certificate between the Managing Director of FLW and Datin Paduka Hajah Suriyah bte Haji Umar, Permanent Secretary (Administration & Finance). This was later followed by the handing over of Brunei National flag and RBN ensign by the Permanent Secretary (Administration and Finance) to the Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces, who then handed over to the Commanding Officer of DARUTTAQWA. The delegation then witnessed the flag hoisting ceremony onboard DARUTTAQWA, led by Captain (L) Haji Mohd Arnold bin Haji Osman, Assistant Warfare Officer of DARUTTAQWA.
Concluding the Acceptance Ceremony, recitation of Doa was read by Captain (L) Haji Abd Hafiz Mubarak bin Haji Rusli, Navigating Officer of DARUTTAQWA before embarking onboard DARUTTAQWA for ship’s tour and group photo.

DARUTTAQWA is a Patrol Vessel 80 Variant 2 (PV80-V2) with a length of 80 metres, width of 13 metres and armed with Marine Light Gun 27mm. The ship is equipped with Scanter Surface & Air Search Radar for surveillance. As with her sisters, DARUTTAQWA is featured with helicopter landing pad that is operational both by day and night. Stern launch Rigid Inflatable Craft (RIC) is another feature of this vessel, that functions for interception of fast target and to carry boarding team for investigation. The ship is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel (L) Khairil bin Haji Abdul Rahman.

The ship will begin its maiden voyage in mid-July from Lemwerder, Bremen, Federal Republic of Germany to Muara, Negara Brunei Darussalam. DARUTTAQWA will sail across the North Sea, English Channel, Atlantic Ocean, Straits of Gibraltar, Mediterranean Sea, through Suez Canal, Gulf of Aden, the Indian Ocean and South China Sea over 46 days.
Ministerio de Defensa de Brunei
lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013
Miniblindados para Brunei

Rheinmetall Wiesel light tracked vehicle (photo : xerq)
German firm inks deal with RBTS for Land Forces modernisation
RHEINMETALL Defence, a German manufacturer of military land systems, yesterday signed a memorandum of understanding with the Royal Brunei Technical Services for cooperation in the modernisation of the Royal Brunei Land Forces.
“Rheinmetall recognises that Brunei plays an important role in security and defence activities in the area,” said Managing Director Harald Westermann.
He added that it was important for the company to establish long term relationships with the sultanate and RBTS.
This is the first MoU signed by Rheinmetall with RBTS, the company said in a statement.
“We feel that Rheinmetall has a full spectrum of land systems that can provide for all the needs for the Brunei Land Forces,” said Westermann, noting that they range from four- to five-tonne track vehicles to main battle tanks.
The company also offers the WIESEL, a family of light tracked vehicles said to be capable of operating in all types of terrain, including swamps and jungles as well as small villages.
Westermann said that the company believes in a long-term commitment, which also covers technical services, spare parts and possible technology transfer.
The signing took place yesterday at the BRIDEX Exhibition Hall Two, and was witnessed by the German Ambassador to Brunei Roland Grafe.
It was signed by Westermann for Rheinmetall and by the RBTS Managing Director Hjh Rosmawati Hj Manaf.
“Rheinmetall is an important stakeholder for our clients, the Ministry of Defence. They are leading producers of land systems that have a lot of potential, such as the WIESEL,” hjh Rosmawati said.
She said that the MoU means that if the Ministry of Defence procures land systems from Rheinmetall, RBTS will be able to provide support, such as maintenance and spare parts provisioning.
“In the meantime, if there is any training or capacity development needs, we can seek them for assistance,” she said.
In addition to providing medium and large-caliber guns and electronics, Rheinmetall offers a wide spectrum of light to heavy tracked combat and support vehicles.
It has produced and delivered 978 Leopard II main battle tanks for German and Dutch armies, together with armoured recovery and armoured engineering vehicles.
The Brunei Times