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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta 6x6. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2025

Malasia prueba el FNSS Pars IV 6x6 turco


Malasia prueba el vehículo de operaciones especiales turco FNSS Pars IV 6x6

El ejército de Malasia prueba el FNSS Pars 6×6 turco en un lugar desconocido (fotos: Malaysia Military Review)

Malasia ha realizado pruebas de potencia de fuego en el vehículo de operaciones especiales (S-Ops) FNSS Pars IV 6×6 , evaluando el rendimiento del vehículo y sus sistemas de armas avanzados.

El equipo de Malasia expresó su satisfacción con los sistemas de armas de control remoto estabilizados producidos por Aselsan, según una publicación en las redes sociales de Malaysia Military Review el 2 de marzo de 2025 .

Según se informa, las pruebas tenían como objetivo evaluar la eficacia en combate y la maniobrabilidad del SOV Pars IV, diseñado para fuerzas de operaciones especiales. A diferencia de las evaluaciones anteriores en Malasia, esta prueba se centró en la última plataforma 6x6, basándose en pruebas anteriores de los Pars 4x4 y Pars 6x6 realizadas por el Ejército de Malasia en 2022.

Vehículo de fuerza especial FNSS Pars 6x6 (fotos: FNSS)

El SOV FNSS Pars IV 6×6 cuenta con estaciones de armas estabilizadas controladas a distancia capaces de atacar objetivos elevados en edificios o terrenos altos.

Diseñado tanto para fuerzas militares como de seguridad interna, integra capacidades de protección contra emboscadas y resistencia a minas (MRAP) con movilidad mejorada, lo que permite operaciones en diversos entornos.

La continua colaboración de Malasia con el FNSS en materia de defensa
Malasia mantiene una colaboración de larga data con FNSS, en particular a través del programa AV8 Gempita.

El DefTech AV8 Gempita, un vehículo blindado 8×8 basado en la tecnología FNSS Pars 8×8 diseñada por FNSS y desarrollada con tecnología FNSS, ha estado en servicio en el Ejército de Malasia desde 2014.

DefTech produjo en Malasia un total de 257 unidades, con múltiples configuraciones, como vehículos de combate de infantería, variantes antitanque y unidades de recuperación en el campo de batalla.

El programa AV8 comenzó en 2011 a través de una asociación entre FNSS y DefTech, y las entregas comenzaron en 2014. El vehículo proporciona protección contra proyectiles perforantes de 14,5 mm e incluye capacidades anfibias.

Ver artículo completo Turkiye Today

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2023

Indonesia: Presenta su ANOA 3 6x6

PT Pindad realiza la última demostración de vehículos de combate de ANOA 3

ANOA 3 utiliza la plataforma de Ranpur Arquus VAB Mk 3 (todas las fotos: Pindad)

PT Pindad llevó a cabo una demostración de su nuevo vehículo de combate Anoa 3 (Ranpur) que fue presenciada directamente por el escalón I de PT Pindad, compuesto por el VP Yayat Ruyat Business Development, el VP Windu Paramartha Innovation, el VP PM & K3LH Prima Kharisma y representantes de Unidades de TNI que consisten en el Centro de Armamento de Infantería (Pussenif), el Centro de Armamento de Caballería (Pussenkav), el Centro de Equipo del Ejército (Puspalad), el Estado Mayor de Planificación y Presupuesto del Ejército (Srenad), el Estado Mayor de Logística del Ejército (Slogad), el Estado Mayor de Operaciones del Ejército (Sopsad) que se llevó a cabo el viernes 27 de enero de 2023 en las instalaciones de prueba de vehículos PT Pindad, Bandung. Anteriormente, Anoa 3 se presentó en la Indo Defense 2023 Expo & Forum que tuvo lugar en JIExpo Kemayoran, Yakarta, del 2 al 5 de noviembre de 2022.

Ranpur Anoa 3 6x6 es una colaboración estratégica con Arquus , la industria de defensa francesa. Este Ranpur también es un vehículo blindado de transporte de personal (APC) que está perfeccionado para satisfacer las necesidades de defensa y seguridad en Indonesia. Esta colaboración entre Pindad y Arquus también es un vehículo de combate moderno que está en línea con la OTAN y que continúa mejorando para responder mejor a las necesidades operativas de los operadores en el campo de batalla.

Anoa 3 es un vehículo que tiene una maniobrabilidad ágil y se puede utilizar para recorrer todos los terrenos. Con un sistema de protección de calidad superior, Anoa 3 es la elección correcta como vehículo de combate con función APC o IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle). El diseño del vehículo Anoa 3 tiene una forma concisa y puede adaptarse a varios campos de batalla y tiene capacidades de reconocimiento.

( Pindad )

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023

Listos los VBTP Guarani 6x6 para Filipinas


Últimas actualizaciones sobre la Entrega de VBTP Guarani 6x6 APC del Ejército de Filipinas

APC de ruedas anfibio Iveco Guaraní (foto: DefesaAereaNaval)

Un miembro de la comunidad recibió informes no confirmados de que VBTP Guarani 6x6 está retenido en el astillero de Iveco, pendiente de autorización para enviar a Filipinas.

El retraso supuestamente se debió a una acción de Alemania, que tiene algunos componentes en guaraní y no quiere liberar la exportación.

Se espera que el Ejército de Filipinas entregue 28 de estos vehículos, adquiridos en el marco del Proyecto de adquisición de personal blindado con ruedas otorgado a Elbit Systems Land y C4I, que integrará Elbit Systems en el vehículo Guaraní.


sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2021

Corea del Sur quiere ubicar sus K806 a Malasia

Korea Aiming to Export K806 Wheeled Armored Vehicle to Malaysia

Hyundai Rotem K-806 6x6 (photo : ROKArmed Forces)

Recently, the Malaysian Army is conducting the next-generation wheeled armored vehicle project to replace the Sibmas and Condor wheeled armored vehicles. The number of units required is about 400, and it is a project to introduce 6X6 wheeled armored vehicles.

Currently, the main types of wheeled armored vehicles in operation by the Malaysian Army are 186 Belgian 6x6 wheeled armored vehicles Sibmas introduced in the late 1970s and 316 German 4x4 wheeled armored vehicle Condors.

The Belgian Sibmas has a combat weight of 14.5 tons, carries 14 troops including a crew member, and is also equipped with a 90mm low-pressure gun.

The German Condor is a wheeled armored vehicle with 12 tons of combat weight, 12 armed forces on board, and protection against 7.62mm armor-piercing rounds. About 600 units were exported to 6 countries.

Condor wheeled armored vehicles are well known for being used by Malaysian peacekeepers during the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu, also known as the movie Black Hawk Down.

Hyundai Rotem K-806 6x6 (photo : Hyundai Rotem)

The Malaysian Army has 267 Turkish-made ACV-300 units and 111 Korean-made K-200 units as tracked armored vehicles, and separately has 257 Turkish-made 8x8 wheeled vehicle AV8 units. In terms of quantity, the 6X6 type and 4X4 type wheeled armored vehicles are the main ones.

As of August 2021, Hyundai Rotem is entering the export business with the K-806 wheeled armored vehicle, and despite the Corona crisis, the test and evaluation team visited Korea at the end of 2020 and received favorable reviews.

The contenders

Test and evaluation were conducted in Gwangju and Changwon, and proposals were submitted in November of this year, and evaluation results are expected in February 2022. Along with the 6X6 wheeled armored vehicle business, a project to introduce 36 4X4 type light armored vehicles as a leading vehicle concept is in parallel, and a Korean company is challenging Kovico.

One of the characteristics of the Malaysian Army's wheeled armored vehicle business is that it will be a sub-contractor if an overseas company is selected on the condition of local production.

Hyundai Rotem's strongest competitor is Turkey's FNSS, and Canadian and Indonesian armored vehicle makers are also entering.

Hyundai Rotem's K806 armored car is for the regional defense division under the 2nd Operation Command, and has been delivered to the 37th Division, which was first deployed, as well as the 31st, 32nd, and 39th divisions.

The power pack of the K806 armored vehicle is a combination of a 420 horsepower Hyundai H420 engine tuned for military use and an automatic transmission made by ZF (7 forward speed/1 reverse speed) for the front division, install the same power pack.

The K806 can travel at a maximum speed of 100 km/h and is known for its excellent driving performance on rough terrain by using an automatic tire pressure control device.

It has protection against 12.7mm machine guns and the lower body has anti-personnel mines and small improvised explosives. In particular, an integrated positive pressure system for heating and cooling was installed in preparation for chemical discharge, and a peer identification system was also introduced. The K806 is armed with a 7.62mm machine gun and a smoke grenade launcher.

Although the K806 basic model has performance and price competitiveness, the Malaysian Army is demanding various types of vehicles, so it is similar to the situation in which Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) proposed the FA-50 for export to the Malaysian Air Force and was asked to add operational armament.

It is expected that Korean defense products will be selected for the Malaysian Air Force's light fighter and the Army's wheeled armored vehicle in 2022.


miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2021

Australia: Empresa gana contrato para UGV 6x6

Downer Awarded Defence Innovation Hub contract for Muskito

Muskito 6x6 unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) (photo : Downer)

Downer’s defence business – Downer Defence Systems (DDS) – has been awarded a $3 million contract through the Defence Innovation Hub to partner with several Australian companies to deliver the Muskito capability as the Prime Systems Integrator for the project.

“Muskito is an integrated Counter Improvised Explosive Device (CIED) concept that will use autonomous systems and machine learning to detect threats above the ground and below the surface, and then flag them to an operator via a visual interface,” said Downer Defence Systems’ Executive General Manager, Andrew Foster.

“It is part of the capability requirements for Army’s LAND 154 Phase 4 – the Joint Counter Improvised Explosive Device Capability Project,” he said.

The Defence Innovation Hub contract will see DDS working as the Prime Systems Integrator with Australian industry partners Urban Circus, EPE, and Insitu Pacific to develop a Muskito prototype and then deliver a technology demonstration for Defence.

“We are excited to work with the Commonwealth and our industry partners to develop the Muskito system. IEDs and other related threats have been the scourge of Australian and allied service personnel in their operations overseas in recent decades, and we are grateful to be given an opportunity to play a role in helping to mitigate that threat,” Foster said.

“This contract underscores the Government’s commitment to working with industry to create genuine and sustainable sovereign industrial capability. The future of the defence industry is about being self-reliant and creating enduring employment opportunities for Australians,” he said.

Downer’s local partners are excited to work on the project.

Dr Ben Guy, Chief Executive Officer of Urban Circus, said: “The future of work is to work visually. As an Australian owned and operated global leader in 3D visual systems, we are delighted to be working with Downer and Defence with this important work.”

EPE’s Managing Director, Warwick Penrose, is looking forward to working with industry partners. “EPE is very pleased to partner with Downer and the Defence Innovation Hub on the Muskito program, which aligns perfectly with our focus on the delivery of Force Protection solutions,” said Penrose. “The Muskito Program will harness EPE’s CIED domain expertise, technology partners and innovative engineering to deliver a sovereign Australian capability that will protect ADF personnel deployed in non-permissive operational environments.”

Insitu Pacific’s Managing Director, Andrew Duggan, is determined to reduce casualties from IEDs. “During the time we supported the ADF with unmanned aerial ISR services in Iraq and Afghanistan, our team witnessed the destructive and devastating effects of IEDs,” said Duggan. “As a company focussed on driving innovation to solve complex problems, we welcome the opportunity to be part of this Australian team to develop a world-class counter improvised threat solution.”

Downer Defence Systems’ Andrew Foster adds, “We’ve got a strong line-up of industry partners who are all champing at the bit to do our part to protect Australian personnel, create jobs for Australians and to generate growth in the economy.”

The roles of each company are:

  • Downer Defence Systems will act as Prime Systems Integrator and implement its Machine Learning capabilities in the detection of surface and subsurface threats, and provide overall project management to integrate the technology into the Muskito Mission System
  • Urban Circus will develop the system that converts the sensor data into a visual reference for the operator
  • Insitu Pacific will deliver the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that will integrate with the unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) to provide tactical data
  • EPE will draw upon its Force Protection, CIED and Route Clearance domain expertise to support the initial conduct of a concept of operations workshop. EPE will supply innovation and integration support aligned to the provision of the HDT Hunter Wolf UGV, the Cobham Ground Penetrating Radar and a number of other technical systems. EPE is committed to providing agile, timely and innovative solutions to improve Australian Industry Capability.


sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

Estonia se une a Finlandia y Letonia en el desarrollo del Patria 6x6

Estonia to join Finland and Latvia for development program of Patria 6x6 armored vehicle

Army Recognition

Estonia has decided to join the Finnish and Latvian vehicle development program for sustained mobility enhancement to which Patria is delivering the 6x6 vehicle platform. The countries have now signed a joint technical arrangement agreement. The joint development program aims at common armored wheeled vehicle system.

Patria 6x6 vehicle combines all the best features of Patria's XA and AMV vehicles. (Picture source Patria)

"Estonia joining the development program is great news and naturally we hope to see Patria 6x6 in serial production. This means that the participating countries are to have very cost-effective solution, which surely is of interest alto to other countries keen on enhancing their army mobility. Though the current situation due to the corona epidemic is very exceptional, it is important that this program will proceed as planned. We will build security of supply and set up a co-operation model to be prepared for crisis situations together with the local industry", says Jussi Järvinen, President of Patria's Land business unit.

The program is also open for other countries by the mutual consent of Finland and Latvia. In case the development will lead to actual vehicle system procurements in the future, the common system will enhance mobility, cost-efficiency, interoperability and security of supply of the armies in both countries

Patria launched its 6x6 vehicle in Eurosatory event in 2018. Patria 6x6 vehicle combines all the best features of Patria's XA and AMV vehicles. It is simplified, reliable and designed to fill the highest requirements of customers. Its state-of-the-art terrain mobility is guaranteed by an efficient power unit and the independent suspension familiar from the Patria AMV vehicle. Due to the spacious cabin and well-defined functions, it is easy to drive and user training simple. Reliability is underlined by the multitude of commercial components used in the vehicle. Commercial components, long life-span, and easy maintenance make the vehicle extremely cost-efficient. The vehicle platform will be developed in this development program according to the requirements of the countries.

The key areas in Patria's Land business unit include armored wheeled vehicles, mortar systems, and related life cycle support services. The business unit employs 230 people in Hämeenlinna and Tampere.

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2019

Ucrania completa el ensayo de nueva variante del BTR-4

Ukraine Completes Factory Testing of New BTR-4 Variant

UkrOboronProm announced on 25 February that testing of the new BTR-4 armoured personnel carrier had been completed.

UkrOboronProm (UOP) announced at the end of February that its Malyshev Plant and Morozov Design Bureau had completed testing of the new BTR-4 armoured personnel carrier (APC), with serial production set to begin this year

Morozov Design Bureau's activities are concentrated on designing and planning production, while Malyshev operates manufacturing facilities. The two companies will manufacture the BTR-4 using their own production sources. This serial production approach will accelerate deliveries of the APCs to the Ukrainian army, according to UOP.

During factory testing, the vehicles drove hundreds of kilometres in difficult terrain, firing their weapons. Since the beginning of fighting in Donbas, BTR-4s have been successfully deployed by the Ukrainian army and repeatedly proven to be highly effective on the battlefield.

Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko confirmed the launch of serial production during a meeting of the National Security and Defence Council (RNBOU). "We are kicking off serial production of new types of arms, including armoured vehicles," he said. The president informed members of the RNBOU about ongoing reforms at UOP, including its transparency.

The new APC has a BM-7 Parus combat module with a 30 mm automatic cannon, Baryer anti-tank guided missile system, 30 mm automatic grenade launcher, and 7.62 mm co-axial machine gun. Fire control is digitised and the APC is capable of destroying enemy armoured vehicles at a range of 5 km. The new BTR-4 has a Deutz engine coupled with an Allison automatic transmission system.


viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Brasil: Regimiento de Caballería Mecanizada recibe APC Guarani

Brazilian 2nd Mechanized Cavalry Rgt receives new Guarani APCs

Army Recognition

On 19 November, the 2nd Mechanized Cavalry Regiment, an organic military organization of the 1st Mechanized Cavalry Brigade, received its first three "Guarani" wheeled APCs (Viaturas de Transporte de Pessoal, Média de Rodas, VBTP-MR), equipped with the new system of REMAX turret, which is stabilized and thermal cameras.

"Guarani" wheeled APC (Viaturas de Transporte de Pessoal, Média de Rodas, VBTP-MR), equipped with the new system of REMAX turret (Picture source: Plano Brazil)

The Guarani is an amphibious 6x6 armored personnel carrier manufactured by IVECO of Brazil. It can carry up to 11 military personnel). It can reach 100 km/h. The incorporation of this new military employment material will increase the operational capacity of the 1st Bda C Mec, in addition to modernizing the vehicle fleet of the 2nd RC Mec, replacing VBTP Urutu, manufactured by ENGESA, and in use for more than 40 years in the " Regiment João Manoel ".

sábado, 22 de octubre de 2016

Empresa brasileña mejora Urutus colombianos

ST Kinetics Brazilian Subsidiary to Upgrade Colombian AFVs

EE-11 Urutu 6x6 of the Colombian Army 

Brazil's privately-run Technicae Projetos e Serviços Automotivos, which is owned by Singapore Technologies Kinetics (ST Kinetics), is to modernise and refurbish a total of 180 wheeled and tracked armoured fighting vehicles of the Colombian Army, the company told IHS Jane's .

The work is to be done jointly with the Colombian Army to modernise EE-11 Urutu 6x6 armoured personnel carriers (APCs) and M113 tracked armoured carriers, and to refurbish EE-9 Cascavel 6x6 light armoured reconnaissance vehicles. The programme was established via a government-to-government deal with administrative assistance from Brazil's state-owned IMBEL (Indústria de Material Bélico do Brasil).

The Urutus are to receive a new 200-hp Mercedes-Benz OM366A engine and Allison Transmission SP3000 automatic transmission, transfer case, and braking system; the M113s will get a new 250-hp engine, automatic transmission, and transfer case; and Cascavels will only be refurbished.


domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

Real Ejército Tailandés busca nuevo 6x6 APC

RTA Seeking Approval for the Draft Requirement on its New 6x6 APC

RTA seeks new 6x6 vehicle 

RTA military equipment standard committee draft up the requirement for the new APC prior to the start of competition.

The requirement is at least diesel-engine 6x6 APC with all terrain capability. Capable of carrying 11 equipped troops with the minimum protection for the 7.62 mm bullet. It must have an automatic turret with remote control from inside the APC.

Radio must be a frequency-hopping FM radio compatible with the system RTA currently operated. The APC must be commissioned in the manufacturer's nation with the 15 years spare part guarantee.

It is unclear whether the DTI 8x8 BWS currently developing by DTI will be eligible to participate in the competition consider there is no exception for the APC developed in Thailand.


lunes, 11 de abril de 2016

Papua Nueva Guinea compra blindado indonesio

PNG Consider Buy APC PT Pindad Anoa 

APC Anoa 6x6 PT Pindad 

Luhut: PNG Consider Buy Panzer Anoa PT Pindad

Papua New Guinea expressed interest in products made in Indonesia and expensive defense equipment Anoa armored vehicles made by PT. Pindad in a bilateral meeting delegations of the two countries in Port Moresby on Friday (04/01/2016), said Coordinating Minister for Politics Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

However, in a press conference on the results of the visit the mission of the delegations to the Republic of Fiji and Papua New Guinea which took place aboard Air Force Boeing 737-400 on a flight back to Jakarta from Port Moresby, Luhut claimed not to know the number of armored vehicles to be purchased Anoa neighbor countries that.

"The issue of how that would be purchased, it is a technical problem," he said.

In a bilateral meeting between Indonesia and PNG delegation which took place in one of the rooms in the country's parliament building, Luhut said he expressed willingness Indonesia buy Papua New Guinea liquefied natural gas and doing the same work related downstream palm oil, he said.

According Luhut, Indonesia also willing to help Papua New Guinea, who will host the summit of the Forum Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in 2018, particularly related to the field of intelligence and security assistance.

In addition, Indonesia also supports the strengthening connectivity through open direct flights from Port Moresby to Jayapura and a number of other airports in the territory of Papua and West Papua, as Biak, Sorong and Merauke, he said.

"Please anytime Papua New Guinea is ready," said Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

Touching on the results of the Indonesian delegation's visit to Suva, Republic of Fiji, he said Fiji stressed the importance of cooperation in the fields of education, agriculture and water treatment. Even Fiji offers to Indonesian investors to develop the water treatment industry there, he said.

Seeing the government's response to the two countries, Luhut assess the positive results achieved in bilateral visits of the Indonesian delegation mission to Fiji and Papua New Guinea it.

Even participation kapolda Papuan native of Papua, as well as the governor, deputy governor and officials representing the government of this province of descent Melanesian such as Papua, West Papua, Maluku, North Maluku and East Nusa Tenggara has given a positive outlook from Fiji and Papua New Guinea, he said ,

"They also 'respect' (respect) the Papua Police Chief Brigadier General (Pol) Paul Waterpauw. So, our policy towards the South Pacific to be aggressive and holistic," said Luhut.

Indonesia in strengthening relations with countries in the South Pacific region, Luhut said the presence of a special envoy ably very important to support the government's holistic approach in solving various problems in the country, including in Papua.

In addition, to support the strengthening of relations with countries in the South Pacific, Fiji could be the basis (hub) Indonesia so that the presence of the Embassy of Indonesia in Suva, Fiji, and Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, need attention.


sábado, 10 de octubre de 2015

EA: Arriban un puñado de camiones 6x6

Llegaron camiones 6x6

Estos camiones recién desembarcados en el Puerto de Zárate el 6 de Octubre a la tarde. Son Freightliner M916A1 6x6 Tractor Truck. El M916 es similar al camión tractor M915, pero tiene una configuración 6x6 en lugar de 6x4. Cuenta con una mejor movilidad fuera de la carretera que el M915. son fabricados por la Freightliner a diferencia de los 915 que son de la AM General.
Fotos: Jorge Baez

jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014

Tailandia compra el nuevo ATMOS israelí

Elbit Systems Debut with a New Variant of ATMOS for the Royal Thai Army

The new 6×6 configuration of the ATMOS was designed to address the Thai Army requirements. (photo: Elbit Systems)

Elbit Systems Debut with a New Variant of ATMOS

A new version of Elbit Systems’ Autonomous Truck Mounted howitzer System (ATMOS) 155 mm/39-calibre SP artillery system was developed for the Royal Thai Army (RTA), in cooperation with Thailand’s military industrial complex. A first unit comprising six CAESAR 155mm/52 caliber guns is currently in service. The ATMOS platform is designed to operate the 155mm/52 caliber tube, but in Thailand the Army opted for the 155mm/39 caliber howitzer using a 6×6 truck. The ATMOS has already been demonstrated implemented on 8×8 trucks, carrying 54 caliber guns.

The RTA is expected to field a second battery of truck-mounted howitzers. It is designed with a low silhouette making the camouflaged vehicle indistinctive on road travel. Many of the gun’s systems are automated, enabling operation by a crew of three personnel. The ATMOS system is fully integrated with Elbit Systems’ command and control and various systems enabling to reduce the workload the crew is faced with.

The prototype development has recently been completed in Israel and was demonstrated in firing series prior to delivery to the customer. Follow-on production systems will be built in Thailand. The current requirement is for six systems. The development has been underway since 2012.

The RTA currently operates a battery of six Nexter Systems CAESAR 155 mm/52-calibre (6×6) SP artillery systems and it had been expected that additional systems would be ordered to form a complete regiment of 18 weapons.

According to Jane’s Defense Weekly, the SPGs will be produced at the Thai Army Artillery and Mortar Production Division of the Royal Thai Army’s (RTA’s) Weapon Production Centre (WPC). The locally produced guns are expected to be delivered by the military factory in 2015.

In India, Elbit Systems and Bharat Forge are promoting the ATMOS to meet the Indian Army MGS requirement. The two companies are also collaborating in other artillery modernization programs in India, including the up-gunning of 130mm M46 to 155mm/45 Caliber. The program offers the Army operators improved logistics through the lifespan of the gun.The two partners are also pursuing the Indian 155mm/52 Autonomous Towed howitzer requirement offering the ATHOS towed gun system. As an autonomous weapon platform ATHOS integrates a highly sophisticated and accurate navigation and positioning system, comprising an inertial navigation system, global positioning and on-board firing computer offering maximum flexibility and efficiency. Automated ammunition loading system to accelerate firing series and minimize the exposure of the gun in the firing position.

Defense Update