Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta República Checa. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta República Checa. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 24 de mayo de 2022

Indonesia: Los infantes de marina disfrutan ya de sus MRLS RM-70 de origen checo

MLRS RM-70 Vampire del cuerpo de infantería de marina indonesia


RM-70 MLRS Vampire fabricado por Excalibur Army, República Checa (foto: Marines) - El Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina de la Armada de Indonesia tiene el sistema de armas principal (equipo de defensa) para el lanzacohetes Vampire RM-70 Multi Launch Rocket System (MLRS).

En un informe de, el 5 de agosto de 2021, los soldados del 1er Batallón de Cohetes Marinos realizaron un simulacro para disparar al Vampiro RM-70 en el Campo Hartono Marino Trisula Kesatrian, Cilandak, Yakarta del Sur.

En esa ocasión, soldados del 1er Batallón de Cohetes de Infantería de Marina realizaron un simulacro de tiro con el objetivo de volver a verificar la disponibilidad de armas, materiales y personal.

Esta actividad se llevó a cabo al mismo tiempo para perfeccionar y mejorar el profesionalismo, los instintos de combate y la capacidad de la dotación de armas para operar el RM-70 Vampire que se había convertido en su deber y responsabilidad.

Especificaciones del lanzacohetes RM-70 Vampire

El RM-70 Vampire es producido por la compañía de armas checa Ecxalibur Army Ltd., una nueva variante del RM-70 Grad MLRS.

En un informe de Army Technology, el lanzacohetes RM-70 Vampire tiene un peso total de 25.890 kilogramos con un campo de tiro de 20,3 kilómetros.

El sistema de lanzamiento de cohetes se usa para atacar una variedad de objetivos enemigos, incluyendo infantería, unidades de artillería, infantería motorizada, tanques y otros vehículos de combate.

El primer prototipo RM-70 Vampire se desarrolló en la primera mitad de 2015 y se llevó a cabo una prueba exitosa del arma en octubre de 2015.

El RM-70 Vampire está construido sobre el chasis del camión táctico militar Tatra T-815-7 8×8.

La configuración básica del lanzacohetes conserva el mismo diseño del RM-70 original, pero tiene un cableado rediseñado.

Sistema avanzado de control de tiro

La parte trasera del chasis del camión está montada con un lanzador de 40 disparos. El lanzacohetes mide 9,97 metros de largo y se eleva mediante cámaras de aire.

El M-70 Vampire se opera mediante control electrónico en modo semiautomático o manual.

El lanzamiento del cohete lo lleva a cabo el operador, ya sea desde dentro de la cabina de la tripulación o desde un refugio cercano mediante un dispositivo de control remoto.

El MLRS tiene un sistema de control de fuego avanzado equipado con una computadora balística.

Además, también incluye un sistema de navegación inercial y un sistema de posicionamiento global (GPS), así como un sistema de mando y control. El periscopio panorámico PG-1M permite al operador apuntar al objetivo.


martes, 7 de abril de 2020

Chequia vende 23 Pandur II a Indonesia

Czech defense industry will deliver 23 Pandur II armored vehicles to Indonesia 

According to news published on March 25, 2020, to the czdefence website, the Czech defense industry in collaboration with local companies will deliver 23 Pandur II 8x8 armored vehicles to Indonesia following a contract signed in 2019.

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2019

Filipinas busca armas checas

Philippines Looking to Acquire Arms from Czech: Duterte

Czech's firearm (photo : gunsamerica)

President Rodrigo Duterte told the new Ambassador of Czech Republic that the Philippines is looking into acquiring small-arms from Czech.

“We are looking into the acquisition of small-arms,” President Rodrigo Duterte said as he welcomed Jana Sediva of the Czech Republic during the presentation of letter of credentials in Malacañang.

Sediva said that she is looking forward to further strengthen bilateral ties based on shared interests and mutual respect.


lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2018

Vuela el L-39NG por primera vez

L-39NG Jet Trainer Made Maiden Flight

The first pre-serial L-39NG trainer and light attack aircraft with serial number 7001 made its first flight on 22ndDecember, at Aero Vodochody Airport. The new generation of the Czech jet trainer was piloted by Aero’s test pilots David Jahoda and Vladimír Továrek. At 10:38am, the aircraft took off from the runway, climbed up to 5,000ft. and after 26minutes successfully landed at Aero Vodochody. The maturity of the platform allowed the execution of some development tests during the flight.

AERO L-39NG Jet Trainer taking off
(Credit: AERO Vodochody)

Two months after the introduction of the latest jet trainer at the rollout ceremony on October 12, the first L-39NG proved its readiness to flight and to start certification tests.The aircraft has flown in a configuration that is representative of serial aircraft including final upgraded wet wing and air inlets. This step forward consolidate even much further Aero goal to achieve type certification by the end of 2019. “This pre-series first flight represents a significant milestone sending an important message to our customers: We can fully fulfil our commitments and we will be ready to deliver the first aircraft in the first quarter of 2020,” said Giuseppe Giordo, President & CEO of AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE.

The program is running according to the plan showing its full maturity thanks to a great commitment of Aero, Czech institutions and partners of the project. “As the strategic partner of the project we are very confident, that this important step will further strengthen trust of the whole aerospace community in the new aircraft and will help to make this great project very successful,” added Jiří Podpěra, President of OMNIPOL.

The L-39NG is a single-engine two-seater with staggered seating and an advanced cockpit design that includes full glass cockpit, a sophisticated on board virtual training system and a Helmet Mounted Display. The L-39NG is a key component of an innovative training concept developed by Aero that includes state-of-the-art ground-based training facilities, new learning methods and environment and extensive use of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence technologies. The L-39NG has been designed as a maintenance-friendly aircraft for many decades of reliable service.

Those capabilities enable the L-39NG to be the only available platform on the market capable of performing basic, advanced and LIFT/OCU training at the cost of a turboprop. "The L-39NG performed extremely well and fully met our expectations in terms of stability and controllability. We could even perform some tests like configuration changes, acceleration up to 200 knots, turns to 30, 45, and 60 degrees and slow down to approach speed. All installed systems worked perfectly and outlook outside the cockpit was excellent. The L-39NG is a completely new aircraft and I believe, it has great potential to become a perfect trainer for the 4th and 5th generation fighters as well as a light attack platform,” said David Jahoda, Aero Test Pilot.

During the 2018, Aero announced agreements with thefirst customers. The first customer the Republic of Senegalwas announced in Apriland was followed by Portuguese private company SkyTech and American private company RSW announced at Farnborough Air Show in July. Orders from those customers will secure the production of 38 aircraft. Currently, Aero is also finalizing agreement also with domestic customer LOM Praha, the Czech state military company and pilot training provider, and carrying out promising negotiations with other potential customers. The L-39NG project is also supported by Czech state financial institutions Czech Export Bank and export insurance company EGAP.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Chequia ofrece Pandur II para Filipinas

Czech Offers Pandur II 8x8 for Horizon 2 Phase

Pandur II 8x8

Czech Republic's Excalibur Army (EA)was among the exhibitors in the recently concluded ADAS 2018.

MaxDefense was able to exclusive information from the their representative during ADAS 2018 regarding projects they are pursuing with the AFP Modernization.

First, Excalibur Army has offered their Pandur 8x8 wheeled armored vehicle for the Philippine Army's Wheeled APC acquisition project under the Horizon 2 phase. EA mentioned that the PA has requested for options of either a manned or unmanned 25mm or 30mm turret, or an RCWS with 50cal. heavy machine gun.

EA is also participating in the Philippine Army's M113 Firepower Upgrade project, offering either 25mm or 30mm manned turret with co-axial 7.62mm machine gun, or RCWS system depending on PA requirements. Apparently for this project the PA prefer a manned turret solution.

They also made a pitch for the M113 Mortar Carrier Upgrade project, offering a 120mm mortar system.

Another interesting product in their line-up is the ReTWis5, which allows soldiers to detect people behind a barrier or wall. This is very useful in counterterrorist or urban warfare operations, considering that it is also portable.


martes, 3 de julio de 2018

Checos proveen componentes al IFV sueco

Strojirny Sobislav to Provide Mechanical Components for Swedish Army CV90 IFV Mortar Upgrade Program


BAE Systems has reached an agreement with the Czech firm AM-CME, an international supplier of high-quality steel parts, to provide mechanical components through its subsidiary Strojirny Sobislav s.r.o. to the CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) mortar upgrade program for the Swedish Army.

AM-CME becomes the latest Czech company to team up on the CV90 program as BAE Systems continues to expand its relationship with Czech industry to build industrial cooperation, and to support the company’s offer of CV90s to the Czech government. BAE Systems has a long established history of working indigenously within countries to promote growth, technical knowhow, and job creation in local economies.

“We are happy to welcome AM-CME to the team and look forward a long, fruitful, and mutually beneficial relationship,” said Peter Nygren, vice president of business development at BAE Systems’ Hägglunds business. “The agreement marks only the beginning of what can become many potential opportunities in the future, especially if the Czech government selects the CV90.”

BAE Systems has already established relationships with several Czech companies, including VOP CZ., an integrator and supplier of advanced defense equipment. With this new arrangement, AM-CME, based in Plzen, will become a supplier for the Swedish government’s program to install mortar systems, known as Mjölner on CV90s.

The CV90 is a modern, adaptable, proven combat vehicle in service with seven nations, including four NATO members.

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2018

Fuerza Aérea Indonesia adquiere radar antifurtividad checo Vera NG

Indonesia Selects VERA-NG Passive Surveillance System for Natuna Airbase

The Indonesian Armed Forces has selected a passive ESM tracker from the Czech Republic. System will improve early warning and defence capabilities of an airbase in the South China Sea (photo : valka)

The Indonesian Armed Forces has selected the VERA-NG passive electronic support measure tracker from Czech Republic equipment manufacturer ERA Corporation to strengthen defences around its Ranai airbase.

The system was selected after a selection process that was completed in 2017, while delivery, setup, and verifications are expected to complete in 2018, according to the Ministry of Defence’s procurement office.

Jane’s first reported in 2016 that the service was evaluating five different proposals from China, Czech Republic, Iran, Italy, and Ukraine respectively for a passive surveillance system that can improve early warning capabilities of the Ranai airbase, which is located on the biggest island in the Natuna Islands cluster in the South China Sea.


domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016

Chequia busca radares

El Ejército checo comprará ocho radares por 150 millones de dólares 

© REUTERS/ Patrick T. Fallonto
Sputnik News

El Gobierno de la República Checa aprobó este lunes el inicio de las conversaciones del Ministerio de Defensa con socios gubernamentales extranjeros y firmas productoras para la adquisición de sistemas de radares cuyo precio ascendería a 3.600 millones de coronas checas ($150 millones), según reportó el sitio web Novinky.

PRAGA (Sputnik) — "La propuesta realizada por nosotros de compra en el régimen 'gobierno-gobierno' es una variante transparente para reemplazar los radares soviéticos obsoletos con equipamiento moderno", declaró el ministro de Defensa, Martin Stropnický.

Actualmente el Ejército checo utiliza como medio de monitoreo de su espacio aéreo radares soviéticos viejos, que han cumplido tres veces su tiempo de vida útil.

Según el ministro, no se trata solo de la compra de los radares, sino de un contrato de servicio a largo plazo, así como de maniobras conjuntas de las unidades militares que utilizan este tipo de equipos.
Está previsto que cinco de los ocho radares comprados sean utilizados por el Ejército checo, y los tres restantes, para la defensa de objetivos estratégicos, en particular centrales atómicas, plantas químicas, importantes centros urbanos y políticos.

Las condiciones de la licitación estipulan que la compañía productora deberá suministrar los 8 radares y garantizar el servicio durante los próximos 20 años, lo cual costaría a la República Checa alrededor de 200 millones de coronas (unos 8,3 millones de dólares) adicionales al año.

Las conversaciones sobre la compra se llevarán a cabo con los Gobiernos de Francia, Gran Bretaña, Israel y Suecia, ya que las investigaciones de mercado previas realizadas por la entidad militar checa establecieron que solo cuatro compañías disponían de la posibilidad de cumplimiento de todas las condiciones previstas, la británica BAE Systems, la israelí ELTA, la sueca SAAB y la franconorteamericana Thales Raytheon Systems.

El Ministerio de Defensa de la República Checa prefiere los sistemas que hayan sido probados en condiciones de combate, entre los cuales figuran los radares franceses Thales GM 200 y Thales GM 400, usados en Afganistán y algunos países de África, así como los radares israelíes incluidos en el sistema Iron Dome, que protegen a Israel de los ataques de misiles procedentes de la Franja de Gaza, informó Novinky.

El Parlamento checo cierra el polígono destinado a acoger un radar estadounidense
Una de las condiciones importantes de la licitación venidera es la necesidad de producir una parte significativa de los componentes de los sistemas de radares en empresas checas, así como la posibilidad de garantizar el posterior servicio por parte de una o varias empresas locales.
En relación con ello ya se han iniciado conversaciones entre las compañías extranjeras y las empresas electrotécnicas checas.

El Ministerio de Defensa de la República Checa aspira firmar el acuerdo de suministro de radares antes de fines de 2016.

martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

Chequia provee de armas a Vietnam

Czech Provide Many Weapons to Vietnam

Let L-410 aircraft

Radar captured stealth aircraft VERA-E delivered to Vietnam

In 2014, according to SIPRI, Vietnam has received radar detection advanced stealth aircraft by the Czech VERA-E production.

Report of the Research Institute of the Stockholm International Peace (SIPRI) on weapons contracts in the period 2013 to 2014, said in 2014, Vietnam has received a radar stealth aircraft began VERA-E from the Czech Republic. This is the last radar system that Vietnam received a total of 4 systems from 2011 to subscribe.

VERA-E is a sophisticated radar system by the Czech Republic in research and development, exports are only a few countries in the world. China wanted to have on hand this type of radar but was prevented drastic America.

Although the contract was signed in 2011 (according to SIPRI), but it was not until 2013, the new government of the Czech Republic this news. According to the website of the Department of National Trade Promotion, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, in 2013, the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic was referring to Vietnam to provide the high-tech weapons including radar VERA .

VERA-E is the export variant of passive radar system VERA developed by the Czech Republic to detect airborne targets, especially stealth aircraft. Vera-E's ability to sophisticated levels can detect stealth bomber B-2 of the US from 250 km distance.

Short-range transport aircraft Let L-410

Also arrested radar stealth machine VERA-E, Czech provided many high-tech weapons to Vietnam. According to the website of the Trade Promotion Agency of the Czech nation, the country has helped Vietnam upgrade radar series P-18 planes from the Soviet Union (former manufacturing). One of the advanced features disclosed is rather common signaling pathway on the use of digital transmission.

Before that, according to many experts and foreign military magazines, Vietnam is in talks to buy 12 short-range transport aircraft Let L-410 of the Czech Republic.

L-410 Turbolet 14,42m long, 5,83m tall, 19,48m wingspan, maximum takeoff weight of 6.4 tons, aircraft load carrying 1.6 tons of cargo or 19 people. The aircraft is equipped with 2 Turboprop Walter M601E allowed to reach a maximum speed of 380km / h in 4.2 km or ceiling bay cruise speed of 365km, nearly 1.400km range.

Kien Thuc

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015

Intringulis triangulis de BMP-1

Extraña triangulación

Esto es un embarque de BMP-1 checos con destino a Irak. Hay un gran escándalo por esto. Primero la historia: son BMP-1 soviéticos provistos a Alemania Oriental originalmente. Luego de la caída del Muro de Berlín, la Alemania unificada los vendió al mejor postor. Unos 350 de ellos los compró Suecia (!¡). Grecia compró 500 del inventario alemán.

Los ejemplares griegos fueron provistos con cañones dobles Zu-23 de 23mm, como se ven debajo.

De manera increíble, Suecia no podía vender los BMP-1 a Irak, dado que Suecia como política exterior no vende armas a países que ya se encuentran en conflicto. Entonces "vendieron" los ejemplares a República Checa y desde allí salió el embarque a Irak. Luego de enterados de está triangulación, los opositores al gobierno sueco piden la cabeza del ministro de defensa.