lunes, 12 de agosto de 2024
Malasia recibe un guardacostas de la USCG
miércoles, 26 de abril de 2023
Nuevo guardacostas americano para Vietnam
Estados Unidos proporcionará un barco guardacostas más a Vietnam
lunes, 30 de agosto de 2021
Tercer guardacostas clase Hamilton para Vietnam
Vietnam's Request for Third ex-USCG Cutter Receives Support of Biden Administration

Third ex-Hamilton class was needed by Vietnam Coast Guard (photo : mtpat10)
The Vietnam Coast Guard's (Canh Sát Bien Viet Nam: CSBV's) request for a third ex-Hamilton-class, high-endurance cutter has received the endorsement of the Biden administration.
The news was disclosed by US Vice-President Kamala Harris during her visit to Hanoi, Vietnam, on 25 August.
The CSBV operates a fleet of two ex-Hamilton-class cutters that were previously in service with the US Coast Guard. The first vessel, which has been renamed CSB-8020, was handed over to Vietnam in May 2017 while the second ship, CSB-8021, arrived in the country in July 2021.
sábado, 3 de octubre de 2020
Nuevos guardacostas vietnamitas ex USCG
Modern Ships of Vietnam Coast Guard
CSB 8003 ship is installed and equipped with modern technology, suitable for the functions and tasks of the current Coast Guard (photo : Soha)
Currently, the Vietnam Coast Guard is equipped with modern ships by the Party and State, the Army to protect sovereignty, sovereignty rights, national jurisdiction, security, national interests, nation; protection of marine resources and environment; protection of property, legitimate rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals at sea.
Inside of CSB 8004 (photo : Soha)
To perform the task of protecting the sovereignty of sea and islands, protecting marine economic activities, Vietnam Coast Guard is equipped with many modern patrol boats such as: CSB 8020 with a tonnage of 3,250 tons, Hamilton class and is a warship awarded by the US to Vietnam in the EDA program in 2017. Large patrol boat 1,500 tons CSB 8003 that had been donated by South Korea in 2013.
The most modern ship in the Vietnam Coast Guard is the 2,500-ton DN-2000 patrol ships with numbers 8001, 8002, 8004, and 8005. The ship is built by Song Thu factory (Z189), designed by Damen Group (Netherlands).
As one of the most modern ships in the fleet of Vietnam Coast Guard today, the CSB 8004 under the Command of Marine Police Zone 1 is responsible for checking, controlling, protecting sovereignty, acts in violation of Vietnamese law (photo : Soha)
Currently, the Vietnam Coast Guard owns 4 units and the fishing force owns 2. As of 2019, Vietnam Coast Guard equipped with about 70 patrol boats of all kinds from small sizes of 100-400 tons to 3,000-4,000 tons, most of which are produced by domestic and foreign designs. , partly to be funded or purchased.
Inside of CSB 8004 (photo : Soha)
In particular, the Vietnam Coast Guard is also equipped with surveillance aircraft with many modern technical equipment according to European standards.
The equipping of modern Coast Guard ships marks the development of the Vietnam Coast Guard, meeting the requirements of performing the function of State management on security, order and safety at sea as well as related international events to which Vietnam is a member on the sea areas and continental shelf.
lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2020
Un tercer guardacostas americano para Vietnam
Vietnam Could be Received Third Hamilton class Cutter

CSB 8020 ex USCGC Morgenthau (WHEC 722) (photo : Vladimir Knyaz)
Recently, the Command of Vietnam Coast Guard sent a delegation to the US to receive the Hamilton ship by the US Coast Guard's border type and transfer. According to new information, in the near future, Vietnam will receive another Hamilton.
The CSB 8020 patrol vessel, formerly known as the USCGC Morgenthau (WHEC 722) of the US Coast Guard, is the largest stretch of the Vietnam Coast Guard today and is also the patrol ship of law enforcement. largest in Southeast Asia. This was originally part of the American Hamilton class, after the border type was transferred to partners and allies for further use by the Navy and Coast Guard. The ship officially joined the payroll of the Vietnam Coast Guard early in 2018.
Previously, in mid-August, the 1st Marine Police Zone Command set up a delegation to prepare to go to the US to receive the former USCGC John Middget (WHEC 726), also belonging to Hamilton class. This vessel has been officially eliminated from the beginning of 2020, according to the plan, it will be handed over to the Vietnam Coast Guard on March 26 this year. But due to the complexity of the COVID-19 pandemic, the reception was delayed. This is the second Hamilton of Vietnam Coast Guard.
The little known thing is that the Vietnam Coast Guard has asked the US partner to transfer us up to three Hamilton patrol boats. Also in August, the US Coast Guard continued to demarcate another Hamilton ship, the USCGC Mellon (WHEC 717) and is currently anchored next to the USCGC John Middget which is about to be handed over to Vietnam. Her role has been decided and the Mellon will be transferred to the Bahraini Navy.
Thus, 11 out of 12 Hamilton built for the US Coast Guard were delivered to partners and allies, of which 2 were delivered to the Vietnam Coast Guard, the rest are transferred to the navies of the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nigeria and Bahrain. The last one, USCGC Douglas Munro (WHEC 724), has not yet removed the boundary, and its future is unknown where it will go.

USGCGC Douglas Munro (EHEC 724) (photo : Douglas Munro)
It is extremely good news, according to a source from the Philippine Department of Defense, the last Hamilton, USCGC Munro, will be delivered to the Vietnam Coast Guard in the near future. It was also very reasonable for our side to have requested three and Munro was also the last one in the class.
Thus, with the coming time, we will have three large Hamilton class patrol boats, the strength of the Vietnam Coast Guard will definitely increase significantly, at the same time coordinate with multi-purpose patrol boats DN 2000 and other ship TT 120/200/400 covers a large territorial sea of our country on the sea, creating conditions to more firmly protect national sovereignty.
It can be seen that the continuous delivery of used Hamilton ships by the US to partners and allies is a very smart and smart thing, they do not need to spend the expense of handling the ships. But at the same time, it is possible to improve their diplomatic spirit with countries, especially Southeast Asian countries, which are in desperate need of ships with large amounts of water stretching for long-distance sea missions.
The Hamiltons have been around for about 40 years, but the hulls of these ships are quite good, ensuring that they can continue to be used for about 15 to 20 years. Although the United States Coast Guard is gradually switching to newer patrol boats, Hamilton's operational capabilities are undeniable, especially the ability to sea in the conditions. complicated weather, long sea-clinging time and great range.
In terms of weapon configuration, the basic US Coast Guard Hamilton used an Otto Melara gunboat, a phalanx close-range defense system and some .50cal Browning heavy machine guns. However, when transferred, the US partner will remove all weapons and leave only one main gun Otto Melara in front of the bow.
The specifications of the Hamilton ship include: The ship has a full load displacement of 3,250 tons, 115m long, 13m wide, equipped with an electric diesel engine that allows the ship to have a maximum speed of 29 knots, range 14,000 nautical miles, continuous operating time at sea is 45 days with a crew of 167 people. The ship has a flight deck and a hangar that can receive helicopters to coordinate tasks such as reconnaissance, rescue and rescue, etc.
Thus, after fully receiving three Hamilton ships, the number of ships of this class of the Vietnam Coast Guard has been equal to that of the Philippine Navy, even with the combat capability and maritime coverage of our law enforcement forces, slightly better than your country's navy. This can be said to be a great concern of superiors, creating conditions for our forces to have the best and most secure equipment to contribute to more firmly defending the sovereignty of the above sea state.
domingo, 7 de junio de 2020
Otro guardacostas americano transferido a Vietnam
USCGS John Midgett (WHEC-726) is being Prepared for Transfer to the Vietnam

WHEC-726 John Midgett being prepared for fransfer to Vietnam (photos : VietDefense)
The United States continues to prepare USCGC John Midgett (WHEC-726) for transfer to the Vietnam Coast Guard. American insignias have been painted over with white while components such as the radar & Phalanx CIWS were spotted being removed. The vessel is expected to be painted with the insignia of the VCG before it leaves Seattle for a trip back home to Vietnam.

Remember that Vietnam requested three Hamilton class cutters from the United States thus making the Midgett the second vessel acquired by the Vietnam Coast Guard after the former USCGC Morgenthau (WHEC-722), itself currently serving as the patrol ship CSB-8020. This leaves the USCGC Douglas Munro (WHEC-724) & USCGC Mellon (WHEC-717) as the remaining Hamilton-class cutters in American service. If Vietnam is able to obtain either of those vessels from the United States upon retirement, the original request for 3 ships will be complete.
sábado, 23 de febrero de 2019
Loco drogón de la USCG pensaba atentar a lo grande
Arrestaron a un teniente de la Guardia Costera de EEUU que planeaba un gran ataque terrorista contra políticos y civiles
Las autoridades indicaron que Christopher Paul Hasson "pretendía asesinar a civiles a una escala raramente vista en este país"Infobae

Christopher Paul Hasson (ABC News)
Autoridades estadounidenses arrestaron a un teniente de la Guardia Costera que tenía un arsenal y planeaba un ataque generalizado contra políticos y civiles.
El teniente, identificado como Christopher Paul Hasson, de 49 años, se definía como "nacionalista blanco" y, según las autoridades, "pretendía asesinar a civiles a una escala raramente vista en este país".
Es por ello que los fiscales definen a Hasson en su escrito de acusación como un "terrorista doméstico", de acuerdo al Washington Post, que tuvo acceso a los documentos judiciales del Gobierno.

El arsenal incautado en Silver Spring, Maryland (Reuters)
Entre sus presuntos objetivos, cuyos nombres fueron escritos en una plantilla de Excel, estaban la presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, la demócrata Nancy Pelosi, así como la popular congresista izquierdista Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez y varios contendientes demócratas a las elecciones del 2020, además de civiles y periodistas.
De acuerdo a documentos judiciales presentados ante un tribunal federal del estado de Maryland, Hasson abogaba por el uso de "violencia focalizada" para establecer la "patria blanca" y soñaba con "matar casi hasta la última persona sobre la faz de la Tierra".

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, una de las congresistas más populares de la izquierda, figuraba entre la lista de posibles objetivos del ataque (Reuters)
También fantaseaba con un ataque biológico contra alimentos y en una "campaña de bombas/francotirador".
Hasson, detenido el pasado viernes, había realizado recientemente búsquedas alarmantes en Internet, teniendo en cuenta sus intenciones:
-8.54: "¿Qué pasa si Trump es destituido ilegalmente?"
-8.57: "Mejor lugar en Washington DC para ver a congresistas"
-8.58: "Dónde en DC para ver Congreso"
-10.39: "Guerra civil si Trump es destituido"
-11.26: "Socialdemócratas EEUU"
Aunque Hasson estaba acumulando armas desde 2017, no queda claro cuando tenía previsto entrar en acción.
En su vivienda de Silver Spring (suburbio de Washington ubicado en Maryland), las autoridades hallaron un gran número de armas y también de estupefacientes.

La policía también encontró numerosos opioides
Según los investigadores, Hasson estaba estudiando el manifesto del ultraderechista noruego Anders Behring Breivik, que en 2011 asesinó a 77 personas. También indican que estaba obsesionado con la ideología neofascista y neonazi.

Anders Behring Breivik fue inspiración para Hasson (AFP)
Hasson sirvió en el Cuerpo de Marines entre 1988 y 1993 y después en la Guardia Nacional por otros dos años. Desde 2016 trabajaba como teniente de la Guardia Costera de EEUU en sus oficinas centrales de Washington.
Está previsto que Hasson comparezca ante un juez este jueves para determinar su situación a la espera de un juicio. Los fiscales defienden que debería permanecer en prisión.