Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta clase Meko. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta clase Meko. Mostrar todas las entradas
sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2024
martes, 21 de noviembre de 2023
TKMS ofrece MEKO A210 a la Armada australiana
TKMS ofrece MEKO A210 a la Armada australiana
Fragata ligera MEKO A210 en la Exposición de Defensa del Indo Pacífico de 2023 (fotos: Tim Fish)
constructor naval alemán ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) ha revelado
su candidato para los requisitos de buque de guerra de nivel 2 de la
Armada australiana con el diseño de buque de guerra ligero MEKO A210 con
un diseño de proa invertida.
en un modelo a escala presentado en la Exposición de Defensa del Indo
Pacífico de 2023 en Sydney, el barco tiene un cañón nval de 127 mm, 4
VLS de 8 celdas, 4 lanzadores cuádruples de misiles antibuque, dos RCWS
con cañones de calibre medio y un CIWS. . Dos lanzadores de torpedos triples parecen estar ocultos dentro de los paneles retráctiles de la superestructura.
barco también utiliza un radar de fase CEAFAR de CEA Technologies,
también está equipado con espacio para módulos de misión y un conjunto
completo de equipos de guerra electrónica.
dimensiones y el desplazamiento de este barco no se indicaron, pero
parece que este barco puede estar cerca del tamaño de la fragata FDI del
Grupo Naval, que también tiene un diseño de proa invertida como la MEKO
A210, que mide alrededor de 120 metros de largo y tiene un
desplazamiento de al menos 3.800 toneladas.
( MaxDefensa )
viernes, 7 de febrero de 2020
ARA Granville proporcionará ayuda a la regata BA-RJ
La Corbeta Misilística (P-33) ARA Granville prestará apoyo a la Regata Buenos Aires - Río de Janeiro
Poder Naval Argentino
La Corbeta Misilística Clase A-69 (P-33) ARA Granville de la División de Patrullado Marítimo, con apostadero en la Base Naval de Mar del Plata, dependiente del Área Naval Atlántica, se encuentra en el Apostadero Naval de Buenos Aires, de dónde zarpará el próximo sábado 08 de febrero para prestar apoyo a la Regata Buenos Aires - Río de Janeiro, organizada por el Yatch Club Argentino y el Iate Clube Do Río de Janeiro.
La unidad de la Armada Argentina, tiene previsto zarpar el próximo sábado por la mañana.
viernes, 17 de enero de 2020
Se inició el MLU de las Meko 200 turcas
Mid-Life modernization for Turkish Navy's MEKO 200 frigate
Navy RecognitionOn January 10th, 2020, the Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı (SSB) (Presidency of Defence Industries) released an official image of how the Barbaros class frigates would look like after the planned upgrade. More specifically, this is a concept of how the ship could look like if the Turkish Navy will order a heavy modernization of the ships.

Turkish Navy upgraded Barbaros-class frigate (Picture source: Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı)
The image features the modernized ship, including 16 anti-ship missiles, a Korkut-D (naval version Gökdeniz) twin 35mm CIWS installed on B-position replacing a Sea Zenith system and a Phalanx Block1B Baseline 2 atop the hangar.
According to Naval Analyses, the main mast has been reconstructed and includes a MAR-D AESA radar while behind the Phalanx there is possibly a dual-band FCS AKR-D Block-B2 for the ESSM if the STIR radar behind the main mast has been removed. The forward mast has been replaced by a new integrated mast that includes the SMART-S Mk 2 radar, new ARES-2NC ESM and AREAS-2NC Naval Electronic Attack (EA) Systems, new navigation/LPI radars, PIRI-IRST suite, and others.
The Barbaros-class frigates are among the most modern frigates in the Turkish Navy. They were designed in Germany and are part of the MEKO group of modular warships, in this case, the MEKO 200 design. Two ships were built in Germany and two in Turkey with German assistance. They are larger than the previous Yavuz-class frigates and are also faster due to using CODOG machinery rather than pure diesels.
If this massive and ambitious plan takes place, then the Turkish variant will be the heaviest armed MEKO 200 variant in the whole world. The modernization of the first ship is planned to be completed on February 2022.
lunes, 14 de enero de 2019
Meko 200 para Egipto
Germany approves Meko 200 frigate export to Egypt
Navy RecognitionSpiegel Online, citing official documents, reported on January 2, 2019, that the German Federal Security Council has approved the export of a Meko 200 frigate to the Egyptian Navy. The frigate, produced by ThyssenKrupp, likely costs around 500 million euros, sources told the publication. Spiegel noted that Egypt may buy another frigate from the manufacturer in addition to the one it is approved for.

MEKO 200 frigate (Valour class MEKO A-200SAN of the South African Navy) (Picture source: ThyssenKrupp Marine)
Over the last few years, Egypt has considered a new surface vessel buy, looking primarily at French and German products. The Egyptian Navy operates Gowind 2500 corvettes and a FREMM frigate purchased recently from France, but has evidently favored the German Meko 200 for its new purchase.
In November 2018, La Tribune reported that a deal between Egypt and Germany for four Meko 200s -- worth up to 2 billion euros -- had been inked two months prior. The publication noted that the Egyptian government was initially looking to purchase two Meko 200s, both to be built in Germany, but later adjusted its requirement to four vessels, one to be built in Egypt.
However, the deal was frozen soon after signing, according to La Tribune, stemming from Saudi pressure. The deterioration of Saudi-German relations, particularly after Saudi Arabia's killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, reportedly led to Riyadh putting a hold on providing funding for Egypt's purchase. Even so, Handelsblatt reported later in the month in November that a deal for two frigates at one billion euros had been finalized and a contract awarded for ThyssenKrupp.
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