Repudios a la decisión de la legislatura salteña acerca de la demolición del monumento al Combate de Manchalá
El coronel retirado Ernesto Day recomendó al concejal Martín Avila, autor de la iniciativa para destruir el monumento al Combate de Manchalá, que se preocupe en hacer gestiones para lograr el bienestar de quienes lo votaron “y no buscando qué cosas poder destruir”.
La carta del coronel Day, expresa: Concejal Avila: He leído su proyectopara demoler el monumento al Combate de Manchalá y lo primero que me surge es felicitarlo por la facilidad que tuvo para convencer a sus pares para que lo apoyen. Pero le digo con total franqueza que, le guste o no, la historia fue así.
El 29 de mayo de 1974, dos suboficiales y doce soldados de la Compañía de Ingenieros 5, que pintaban una escuela en la localidad tucumana de Manchalá, fueron rodeados por más de cien irregulares del Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo, y tras resistir el asedio, lograron su desbande y huída.
El monumento que le molesta es un homenaje al valor de ese puñado de militares, cumpliendo ordenes emanadas de un gobierno democrático. ¿Cree usted, acaso, que demoliendo la obra consigue la inexistencia del hecho de combate? Tal vez no haya leído usted el clásico cervantino, “Don Quijote de la Mancha”.
Respetuosamente le digo que los fundamentos de su iniciativa me transportaron a un capítulo de ese libro, en donde el protagonista, en los desvaríos de una mente perturbada vé, en unos simples molinos de viento, a unos gigantes malignos, contra quienes arremete, con las consecuencias imaginables.
El monumento es un reconocimiento al valor en combate que, como verá, está totalmente alejado de una “resignificación del terrorismo de estado”, que usted elucubró. Y aunque a la larga logre su cometido, me permito sugerirle que piense en los ciudadanos de la ciudad de Salta que lo votaron, que seguramente verán con mayor agrado que usted se preocupe por hacer gestiones para ellos, y no buscando qué cosas puede romper.
Ernesto Day Coronel (R) La Merced Chica.
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La decisión del Concejo Deliberante de la ciudad de Salta de aprobar la demolición del monumento al Combate de Manchalá, librado en 1975 en Tucumán por fuerzas del Ejército contra unidades del ERP, generó la enérgica reacción del coronel retirado Belisario Saravia, que la hizo pública en una nota dirigida al diario El Tribuno de esa capital provincial. En la misiva, el oficial, tras calificar de “aberrante y disparatada” la medida, puso énfasis en que ésta fue aprobada incluso por concejales que ni siquiera de que se trataba el tema por desconocerlo, toda vez que ocurrió hace cerca de 40 años.
La carta del coronel Saravia, dirigida al director del diario El Tribuno, de la ciudad de Salta, expresó:
De más esta decir que esta aberrante y disparatada propuesta fue aprobada por nuestros concejales que realmente dan vergüenza.
Algunos de ellos no tenían ni idea de lo que votaban, lo digo con conocimiento de causa pues un concejal fue increpado por un periodista y le contesto muy suelto de cuerpo "la verdad que no sabía, no tenía ni idea de los antecedentes" entonces surge la pregunta lógica ¿ASI VOTAN TODAS LAS PROPUESTAS NUESTROS CONCEJALES?
¿Que les pasa a nuestros representantes?, ¿Tanto es el miedo que tienen a oponerse a los personeros de la venganza?, ¿O es que piensan con sus bolsillos y dejaron de lado el honor, el decoro y expresar lo que sienten?
¿No tuvieron en cuenta que la acción de combate de que se trata, fue durante un gobierno democrático y en respuesta al ataque que sufrían las Instituciones de la Nación a manos de la guerrilla erpiana y montonera de ideología foránea e instruidos en Cuba, Nicaragua y otros países de la órbita soviética?.
¿No se les hizo saber a los concejales, que entre los integrantes de la columna guerrillera, estaban los que habían participado en el asesinato del Capitán Viola y su hijita en San Miguel de Tucumán?
¿No ilustraron a los concejales cual era la intención de estas fuerzas irregulares en el monte tucumano?. Era atacar Famaillá, donde funcionaba el Puesto Comando de la Brigada V del Ejército Argentino ,y matar la mayor cantidad de Oficiales y Suboficiales provocando un golpe de efecto. ¿Esto no lo sabían?
¿Como evalúan y estudian los concejales las propuestas que se presentan al Concejo para su tratamiento y posterior votación?
Como ciudadano de Salta tengo que inferir que nuestros concejales están de acuerdo en atentar contra el orden democrático, avalan el asesinato del Capitán Viola y su hija y todo el accionar de la guerrilla en nuestro sufriente país.
Yo me pregunto dónde está la seriedad y responsabilidad de nuestros representantes en el tratamiento de los temas de la Ciudad de Salta y en particular temas que hieren la sensibilidad de mucha gente y sobre los cuales no tienen la información fidedigna y ni siquiera se han preocupado en ilustrarse.
Firmado : Belisario Saravia Teniente Coronel ® Ejército Argentino
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miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012
domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010
Sangre en el Monte: A book on Argentine war against terrorism
When the ERP and the Army were face to face
Sangre en el Monte (Blood on the Mount) tells the time in which the guerrillas went to the jungle of Tucumán to make revolution. Why were destined to fail.
By Ramon Indart (*) | 14/08/2010 | 10:04
April 1975. Isabel Peron reviews the troops participating in Operation Independence. At his side, General Vilas. | Photo: La Gaceta de Tucumán.
"In March 1974 between forty and fifty men of the ERP climbed the mountain to start formal training in rural guerrillas. The area chosen was the same as had been explored since the late sixties: the southwest of the province of Tucumán. " Daniel Gutman journalist reconstructs the adventure of the revolutionaries in the hills and fighting tucumanos that existed between them and the Argentine Army.
The story, told in Blood on the Mount and edited by Sudamericana, precisely on account of the guerrillas went on Mount Tucuman, how to act, the military strategy of "covered under the government of Isabel Peron, and the inevitable victory of "Operation Independence" forces of difference.
"Within what happened in the 70 Mount Tucuman has its particularity. The guerrillas in Argentina was general urban, but in very different Tucumán. That's the only place where there was real fighting between two factions in uniform, "says Gutman in dialogue with
-But with different firepower.
Well, there's a myth that people in the ERP was trained in Cuba or other communist country for guerrilla war and when a little research you realize that they were a minority who were actually trained. In general, were with more enthusiasm than anything else.
-When we see the working conditions in the mills Tucumán, more unemployment in the province (14.2% in 1972, the highest in the country) can find there the reason for the development of a guerrilla like the ERP?
Tucumán was a province where the sugar industry prospered and the only place with jobs industrialized mass of northern Argentina. It brought immigrants from all over the north and the 60s suffered a total collapse. We must also take account of the fighting tradition of the sugar mills. Roberto Santucho (ERP leader) said there was no such trade union bureaucracy and that was good for the guerrillas.
- What do you think went wrong in Tucuman with ERP?
Make a reading that is wrong, the commitment that they would have there. At that time the U.S. went to Vietnam. They wanted to emulate that feat. But Vietnam was a foreign invader. The PRS said that the armed forces of Argentina were foreign. They dreamed that the loons leave the army and the guerrillas were to move to something wrong.
-The book is told in the chat in Cuba with Fidel Luis Mattini (sent ERP), Castro said that guerrilla is not the time, why think Santucho decide to go ahead?
Santucho had a mystical thought and a belief so strong that the revolution would triumph cost him listen to reason. I think from today and a group of 150 guerrillas in the bush against the Argentine Army and is a big difference in strength that sounds impossible. They saw popular support at first existed. He had a rapport with the guerrillas of the people Tucuman. But from that commitment, benches on the mountain life is different. He only offered a combat outpost.
- What particularly noticeable in the confrontation between the army and the guerrillas in Tucumán?
It is interesting to show that when the Army arrived in 1975 to the province does not go up the mountain, but concentrates on the people who sympathized with the ERP and these farmers are the first to suffer the repression of the Army. Hence the error of the guerrillas. They saw that the Americans walked into a Vietnamese village, killing indiscriminately and that generated hatred against the invader. They thought the same thing would happen but the army installed a thing of terror so hard that no one faces.
-This shows that the dirty war had already begun before '76.
What happens in Argentina after the March coup happened in Tucuman sooner. You can see why the first black sites, about 10 in 1975. It was a rehearsal for what was going to launch. Army officers were already on their way to Tucuman to see how the Army had acted against the guerrillas.
(*) From the staff writers of
When the ERP and the Army were face to face
Sangre en el Monte (Blood on the Mount) tells the time in which the guerrillas went to the jungle of Tucumán to make revolution. Why were destined to fail.
By Ramon Indart (*) | 14/08/2010 | 10:04
April 1975. Isabel Peron reviews the troops participating in Operation Independence. At his side, General Vilas. | Photo: La Gaceta de Tucumán.
"In March 1974 between forty and fifty men of the ERP climbed the mountain to start formal training in rural guerrillas. The area chosen was the same as had been explored since the late sixties: the southwest of the province of Tucumán. " Daniel Gutman journalist reconstructs the adventure of the revolutionaries in the hills and fighting tucumanos that existed between them and the Argentine Army.
The story, told in Blood on the Mount and edited by Sudamericana, precisely on account of the guerrillas went on Mount Tucuman, how to act, the military strategy of "covered under the government of Isabel Peron, and the inevitable victory of "Operation Independence" forces of difference.
"Within what happened in the 70 Mount Tucuman has its particularity. The guerrillas in Argentina was general urban, but in very different Tucumán. That's the only place where there was real fighting between two factions in uniform, "says Gutman in dialogue with
-But with different firepower.
Well, there's a myth that people in the ERP was trained in Cuba or other communist country for guerrilla war and when a little research you realize that they were a minority who were actually trained. In general, were with more enthusiasm than anything else.
-When we see the working conditions in the mills Tucumán, more unemployment in the province (14.2% in 1972, the highest in the country) can find there the reason for the development of a guerrilla like the ERP?
Tucumán was a province where the sugar industry prospered and the only place with jobs industrialized mass of northern Argentina. It brought immigrants from all over the north and the 60s suffered a total collapse. We must also take account of the fighting tradition of the sugar mills. Roberto Santucho (ERP leader) said there was no such trade union bureaucracy and that was good for the guerrillas.
- What do you think went wrong in Tucuman with ERP?
Make a reading that is wrong, the commitment that they would have there. At that time the U.S. went to Vietnam. They wanted to emulate that feat. But Vietnam was a foreign invader. The PRS said that the armed forces of Argentina were foreign. They dreamed that the loons leave the army and the guerrillas were to move to something wrong.
-The book is told in the chat in Cuba with Fidel Luis Mattini (sent ERP), Castro said that guerrilla is not the time, why think Santucho decide to go ahead?
Santucho had a mystical thought and a belief so strong that the revolution would triumph cost him listen to reason. I think from today and a group of 150 guerrillas in the bush against the Argentine Army and is a big difference in strength that sounds impossible. They saw popular support at first existed. He had a rapport with the guerrillas of the people Tucuman. But from that commitment, benches on the mountain life is different. He only offered a combat outpost.
- What particularly noticeable in the confrontation between the army and the guerrillas in Tucumán?
It is interesting to show that when the Army arrived in 1975 to the province does not go up the mountain, but concentrates on the people who sympathized with the ERP and these farmers are the first to suffer the repression of the Army. Hence the error of the guerrillas. They saw that the Americans walked into a Vietnamese village, killing indiscriminately and that generated hatred against the invader. They thought the same thing would happen but the army installed a thing of terror so hard that no one faces.
-This shows that the dirty war had already begun before '76.
What happens in Argentina after the March coup happened in Tucuman sooner. You can see why the first black sites, about 10 in 1975. It was a rehearsal for what was going to launch. Army officers were already on their way to Tucuman to see how the Army had acted against the guerrillas.
(*) From the staff writers of
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