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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta vehículo blindado de desembarco. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 1 de agosto de 2022

Indonesia: Maniobras de la IM

Soldados del 2º batallón de obuses marinos realizan ejercicio PMDB KAPA

Servicio de batería Ejercicio de servicio de cañón) Portador de vehículos anfibios Batallón de obuses de artillería 2 Marines (todas las fotos: Infantería de Marina)

Con el fin de perfeccionar y agudizar las habilidades en la profesión militar, todos los soldados del 2º Batallón de Obús de la Infantería de Marina llevaron a cabo el ejercicio Kapa PMDB (Servicio de Cañón de Servicio de Batería) que se llevó a cabo en la Unidad de Buques Anfibios (Satfib) Koarmada II, Pier Ujung Surabaya, Java Oriental. jueves (21/7/2022).

De acuerdo con las órdenes diarias del Jefe del Estado Mayor Naval (Kasal), almirante Yudo Margono, a saber, "Construir recursos humanos superiores y profesionales, y ser fuertes para enfrentar todas las amenazas".

Como fuerza de desembarco anfibio del Cuerpo de Marines, los elementos del 2º Batallón de Obús de la Infantería de Marina que consta de un sistema de armas de Artillería de Campaña con un Cañón Obús LG I MK II de 105 mm cuando realizan un desembarco en la playa de desembarco siempre usan un Vehículo Anfibio Anfibio de Artillería (KAPA ).

Las funciones y usos de los vehículos anfibios de Yonkapa ayudan en gran medida a los soldados del Batallón de Obús a proporcionar apoyo de fuego a las unidades de maniobra y a destruir objetivos en operaciones de combate, incluidas operaciones anfibias, operaciones de combate terrestre y operaciones avanzadas de combate terrestre. ., así como operaciones de defensa costera.

El propósito y el objetivo de realizar este ejercicio PMDB (Servicio de Cañón de Servicio de Batería) es refrescar el conocimiento y la comprensión de los procedimientos y el trabajo del PMDB (Servicio de Cañón de Servicio de Batería) para que pueda ser utilizado como una guía para cada soldado en el desempeño de sus funciones. funciones, tanto en tierra como en tierra, para que se pueda lograr profesionalismo y buena cooperación entre la tripulación del Ranpur Kapa K-61 Yonkapa 2 Mar y el personal de la tripulación del LG I MK II 105 mm Howitzer Cannon Yonhow 2 Mar.

 Cuerpo de Marines 

miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2021

Tailandia recibe demostración de los VN16 anfibios chinos

Los marines tailandeses demuestran el funcionamiento del tanque anfibio ligero VN16

Royal Thai Marine Corps (RTMC), Royal Thai Navy (RTN) demuestran la capacidad de operación de mar a costa de sus vehículos de asalto anfibio de orugas VN16 y actualización de vehículos de asalto anfibio AAV7A1 por parte de la empresa tailandesa Chaiseri del Batallón Anfibio de Asalto Marítimo, División de Infantería de Marina durante una visita a la sede de RTMC . por estudiantes pre-cadetes de la clase 64 de la Escuela Preparatoria de las Academias de las Fuerzas Armadas Reales de Tailandia (AFAPS) el 16 de diciembre de 2021 (todas las fotos: RTMC)

Royal Thai Marine Corps (RTMC: Royal Thai Marine Corps) ha demostrado las capacidades de los tanques anfibios ligeros. o el vehículo de asalto anfibio Norinco VN16 (AAV: Amphibious Assault Vessel)

Durante una visita a la unidad de estudiantes de preparación militar de 1er año, clase 64, AFAPS: Escuela Preparatoria de Academias de las Fuerzas Armadas, en el campamento Krom Luang Chumphon, distrito de Sattahip, provincia de Chonburi, el 16 de diciembre de 2021.

El vehículo de asalto anfibio VN16 estacionado en el batallón de vehículos anfibios. Coronel de la Brigada del Cuerpo de Marines de la Real Fuerza Aérea Tailandesa (Batallón Anfibio de Asalto Marítimo, División de Infantería de Marina) 3 vehículos que se entregaron a finales de mayo de 2021.

Fue lanzado por primera vez durante la ceremonia del desfile automotriz con motivo de la despedida del personal del servicio militar en septiembre de 2021.

El vehículo de asalto anfibio VN16 también se trajo para demostrar operaciones anfibias de mar a costa junto con los 12 vehículos anfibios AAV7A1 del Batallón de Vehículos Anfibios del Ejército Real de Tailandia que ha sido modernizado por Chaiseri Metal & Rubber Co. Ltd.

Sitio web: El Centro Central de Información sobre Adquisiciones y Precios de la Marina Real de Tailandia anunció un proyecto para comprar 3 vehículos de asalto anfibio Fase 1 por 398,143,400 baht ($ 12,579,570.05) de NORINCO, la República Popular de China. el pasado mes de septiembre del año 2020.

Norinco, China entregó 3 vehículos de asalto anfibio VN16 a los marines tailandeses en solo 8 meses desde que el anuncio de la selección de adquisiciones se considera muy rápido.

Comprenda que los Marines tailandeses Royal Thai Navy quieren adquirir VN16 Fase 2, agregando 3 autos más para completar 6 autos en el año fiscal 2022, que pueden expandirse a 9 autos en total 12 autos si no se recorta primero del presupuesto de defensa Incluyendo el suministro de 2 vehículos blindados de ruedas Panus R600 8x8 y un proyecto de vehículo de combate anfibio prototipo (AAV: Vehículo de asalto anfibio) por parte del Instituto de Tecnología de Defensa Nacional DTI (Instituto de Tecnología de Defensa).

Se espera que en un futuro próximo Se desplegarán tres vehículos de asalto anfibios chinos VN16 en la compañía de tanques, Batallón Blindado Anfibio Cuerpo de Marines (Compañía de Tanques Marinos, Batallón de Vehículos Anfibios Blindados Marinos, MarDiv) que se restablecerá mediante la consolidación del Batallón de Vehículos Anfibios Coronel del Royal Thai Navy con el vehículo anfibio AAV7A1 estacionado con el Marine Tank Battalion, Colonel Rd. Gen., según el plan para reestructurar las fuerzas de la nueva Infantería de Marina.


viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2021

Pindad y FNSS colaboran en un vehículo de asalto anfibio

Plan de colaboración entre Pindad y FNSS en vehículos anfibios

Presentación del vehículo de asalto marino ZAHA (foto: Pindad)

El vicepresidente de desarrollo comercial de PT Pindad (Persero) Bandung, Yayat Ruyat acompañado por el vicepresidente de marketing y ventas, Edy Purwanto y su personal, dieron la bienvenida a la visita de Baris Aslan, Project Manager Medium y el equipo de FNSS y el coronel Aji Nurmanihadi, Paban 1 Ren Slogal y las filas del Cuartel General de la Armada de Indonesia el viernes 10 de diciembre de 2021 ubicado en la Sala Auditorio de la Oficina de Bandung Pindad.

El propósito de esta visita fue discutir la cooperación con la FNSS. FNSS también entregó su presentación sobre vehículos anfibios para la continuación de la colaboración con PT Pindad (Persero). En el futuro, ambas partes continuarán colaborando en la producción de variantes de vehículos anfibios .

A través de sus palabras, PT Pindad (Persero) Vicepresidente de Desarrollo de Negocios, Yayat Ruyat acogió calurosamente la llegada de las diversas partes que habían asistido a esta reunión.

"Agradecemos la presencia del equipo de FNSS que ha estado presente en Bandung de Turquía para discutir la continuación de la cooperación con PT Pindad (Persero). Esperamos que la colaboración que se ha establecido pueda apoyar el desarrollo de los productos de PT Pindad (Persero) , especialmente la variante de vehículo anfibio ", explicó Yayat Ruyat.

En esta actividad, Baris Aslan como Project Manager de Medium FNSS explicó la futura colaboración proyectada con PT Pindad (Persero). Uno de los enfoques de los productos de colaboración son los productos para vehículos anfibios con la esperanza de responder a las necesidades de la Armada de Indonesia.

Luego de discutir la continuidad de la cooperación realizada por las dos partes, la actividad terminó con términos amistosos.


viernes, 18 de junio de 2021

Navantia Australia y Rheinmetall Defence Australia se asocian para un futuro vehículo de desembarco anfibio

Navantia Australia and Rheinmetall Defence Australia Team for Future Army Amphibious Vehicle

Navantia Australia proposed Platypus to replace vintage LARC (Lighter, Amphibious, Resupply Cargo) (image : Navantia Australia)

Navantia Australia and Rheinmetall Defence Australia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on the Australian Army’s next generation amphibious vehicle.

Navantia Australia and Rheinmetall Defence Australia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on the Australian Army’s next generation amphibious vehicle. The MoU was signed during the Land Forces 2021 exposition in Brisbane, QLD on Tuesday, 1 June 2021.

The partnership between Navantia Australia, Design Authority for over 110,000 tonnes of the Royal Australian Navy’s major surface fleet, and Rheinmetall, manufacturer of the Australian Army’s fleet of high mobility logistics vehicles and the BOXER 8×8 CRV fleet, will provide the Australian Army with the world’s toughest and most capable amphibious vehicle – designed, built and sustained in Australia by Australians.

Australian Army LARC-V (photo : Wiki)

“We are excited to collaborate with Rheinmetall on the LAND 8710 Phase 1 CE2 program,” said Alfonso García-Valdés, Acting Director of Navantia Australia.

Rheinmetall’s successful track record in manufacturing specialist military vehicles for the Australian Defence Force and globally made the partnership a natural one for Navantia Australia.

“When we were considering partners for the LAND 8710 program, Rheinmetall was the obvious choice,” said Mr García-Valdés.

“Their land based expertise married with our in-depth maritime experience, will bring the best of Australia’s engineers together to develop this new capability for Australia.”

Platypus FAAV concept (image : Navantia Australia)

The MoU, signed at Land Forces Conference 2021, will see Navantia Australia and Rheinmetall collaborate on developing a fast, formidable and future-proof amphibious vehicle design.

“We look forward to working alongside Navantia Australia to develop an amphibious logistics capability that will meet the requirements of the Australian Defence Force and has export potential,” said Gary Stewart, Managing Director of Rheinmetall Defence Australia.

“Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles Australia has delivered more than 2,500 high mobility logistics vehicles to the ADF through LAND 1213B/5B and this ensures we have a world-leading vehicle to meet and exceed the requirements of LAND 8710 Phase 1 CE2.”

Navantia Australia

lunes, 7 de junio de 2021

Real Infantería de Marina tailandesa recibe los blindados de desembarco chinos VN16

Three Chinese VN16 Amphibious Light Tanks for the Royal Thai Marines have Arrived in Thailand

Delivery of three VN16 for Royal Thai Marines Corps (all photos : AAG)

An image published in Thai online social media on May 28, 2021 shows an amphibious light tank or Amphibious Assault Vessel (AAV) model Norinco VN16, total 3 vehicles were shipped by cargo ship from China to Thailand.

The vehicle has a camouflage pattern of the Royal Thai Marine Corps. of the Royal Thai Navy which is probably the port of Sattahip Naval Base. That is often a point for sending military vehicles coming by boat from abroad to Thailand

The current series of images contains two images, most likely taken with a mobile phone at dusk and cloudy. One photo shows three VN16 amphibious light tanks being lifted from a cargo ship which contains pictures of port workers and Thai Marines officers in Thai Navy camouflage field uniforms.

Another picture will see the car#1 vehicle labeled with English text stating that the product is Amphibious Armored Assault Vehicle VN16 dimensions, weight and the destination of delivery is Thai Marines, Sattahip District, Chon Buri Province, Thailand, with a short video showing the VN16 moving from the pier to the road.

Last September 2020 on website, the information center for procurement and mid-price, the Royal Thai Navy has announced a project to purchase 3 phase 1 amphibious assault vehicles for 398,143,400 baht ($ 12,579,570.05) from NORINCO, People's Republic of China.

Norinco China delivered three VN16 amphibious assault vehicles to the Royal Thai Marine Corps within just 8 months since the announcement of selecting a supply model, this is very fast.

It is understood that three additional second phase amphibious assault vehicles will be purchased in the fiscal year 2022. From the total demand for 6 vehicles, if the project is not cut from the defense budget of 2022 due to the Covid-19 epidemic, Thailand has been facing for many years.

Which the Marine Corps Royal Thai Navy there has been a need for a new tank to replace five Type 69-II main tanks long after it was unable to supply 15 LT-105 ASCOD light tanks from Spain in the 1990s due to defense budget cuts due to the economic crisis in 1997.

The amphibious assault vehicle VN16 will be the new main force of Marine Tank Company, Marine Armored Amphibian Vehicle Battalion, Marine Division, RTMC. By the dissolution of the Marine Assault Amphibian Battalion and Marine Tank Battalion (You can see that the VN16 has the same camouflage paint as the AAV7A1 amphibious vehicle), according to the plan to restructure the force of the new Marine Corps Command.

The VN16 is an export version of an amphibious light tank ZTD-05 stationed in the People's Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps (PLAMC) designed and manufactured by NORINCO, a Chinese defence industry enterprise.

The Royal Thai Marine Corps is the second export customer for the VN16, following the Venezuelan Bolivarian Marine Corps, supplied with the VN18 belt amphibious infantry combat vehicle, the export version of the ZBD-05 amphibious infantry combat vehicle that the Chinese Marines have.


domingo, 5 de mayo de 2019

4 AAV-7 para la IM filipina

Four Korean-Type AAV-7 Delivered to Philippines

KAAV-7A1 of the Philippines Marines Corps (all photos : Defense Times)

[Biz Korea] Hanhwa Defense delivered a Korean-type landing armored car for the Philippine Marines, which contracted for 60 billion won, to the Philippines. According to military and defense officials, four of the eight Korean-type landing armored vehicles ordered by the Philippine Army were delivered in April.

The amphibious armored car is an amphibious armored vehicle that has landed on the coast where the enemy occupies the marines in the sea and has been in use since 1951. In 1998, the AAV7-A1, which is used by the US Marine Corps, was manufactured in Korea under the technology introduction scheme and is being operated under the name of Korean-type landing armored vehicle (KAAV-7A1). In addition to the KAAV-7A1 for troop transport, command vehicles and support vehicles were also produced.

Korean marine amphibious assault armored vehicles are used not only for landing operations but also for Doha operations with the army. In November 2009, ten Korean LVT-7A1s were delivered to the Indonesian marines for free, as Korean-type landing armored vehicles were produced. Korean Marines are currently operating more than 160 AAV7-A1, the world's largest, after the US Marines.

Currently, Hanwha Defense is the only company in Korea that has production lines for AAV7-A1, except the United States, which is the original developing country. In April 2016, Korea's Korean landing armored vehicle was awarded BAE Systems' AAV7A1 in the landing assault armored car project which was promoted as a part of Philippine's plan to strengthen the book defense capacity.

At the time, the Philippine Department of Defense handed selects Hanwha Defense, which offered better conditions in terms of performance and price, in the project of introducing eight landing assault armored vehicles of 2,423 million pesos (about 60.1 billion won). In October last year, the Marines of the Philippines dispatched 20 Marines such as Bacolcol (Jean) to our marine training training team to acquire various know-how in order to operate Korean-type landing assault vehicles. In addition, various technical manuals of the Korean-type landing armored vehicles were also translated into English.

Four Korean-type landing armored vehicles delivered to the Philippine Army are likely to be released locally on the Philippine Navy Day on Thursday, defense officials said. Our army is carrying out Korean-type landing car-II project which is superior to Korean-type landing armored car currently in operation.

The Marines' next landing assault vehicle is expected to have a battle weight of 35 tons, 7.4 tons heavier than the Korean-type landing armored vehicle, and an engine output of 1500 horsepower, higher than the existing 400 horsepower. The main weapon is equipped with a 40mm cannon, which boasts a powerful firepower and will be more than doubled in protection. The maximum speed of the water is known as 20 km/h. The appearance of the next amphibious assault vehicle is known to be similar to that of an Expeditionary Combat Vehicle (EFV) that the US Marines are relinquishing at too high a price.


viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

Vehículo de asalto anfibio turco estará listo en 2019

FNSS to Show Marine Assault Vehicle in 2019

The MAV is fitted with a stabilised RCT armed with a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher and a 12.7 mm machine gun. Source: FNSS

The first examples of the Turkish Marine Assault Vehicle (MAV) - called the Zaha project - are to be unveiled at the IDEF Defence Exhibition to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, in May 2019, Jane's has learnt.

FNSS Savunma Sistemleri and the Undersecretariat of Defence Industries (SSM) signed a contract in March 2017, to design, develop, and manufacture 27 MAVs for the Turkish Naval Forces Command's new landing helicopter dock (LHD). Four vehicles will be command post (CP) and armoured recovery vehicle (ARV) configurations - two of each - and the remainder will be configured as armoured personnel carriers.

The MAV hull is a sealed, hydrodynamic design made of all-welded aluminium armour that can be bolstered with appliqué armour kits and boasts a self-righting capability. It has a combat weight of 30 tonnes and a maximum road speed of 70 km/h and 7 kt in water.

MAV at Indodefence 2018 (photo : bmpd)

The diesel powerpack is mounted at the front right of the vehicle, driving the tracks and a pair of rear-mounted waterjets through an automatic gearbox. Each side has six dual rubber-tyred road wheels, with the drive sprocket at the front and the idler at the rear. The upper part of the torsion bar suspension is covered with a skirt to reduce water resistance while afloat.

The driver is seated front left with the commander to the immediate rear, each position having a rearward-opening hatch and day periscopes.

An FNSS-developed remote-controlled turret (RCT) - armed with a stabilised .50-calibre M2 HB machine gun and a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher - is mounted on the right-hand side of the hull behind the powerpack.

The rear compartment has seating for 21 dismounts and can be accessed by roof hatches - which open towards the nearest flank, offering a modicum of protection - a powered ramp, or an emergency door.
