Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta patrulla marítima. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta patrulla marítima. Mostrar todas las entradas
lunes, 1 de julio de 2024
lunes, 5 de febrero de 2024
Filipinas aumenta patrullaje sobre el Bajo de Masinloc
La AFP prevé más patrullas navales en el Bajo de Masinloc
– Las Fuerzas Armadas de Filipinas (AFP) planean realizar más patrullas
navales en el Bajo de Masinloc (también conocido como Scarborough
Shoal), tras el último acoso de China a los pescadores filipinos en
estas aguas.
la Armada de Filipinas (PN), desde nagdidwindle na ho yun operaciones
de seguridad interna natin (dado que nuestras operaciones de seguridad
interna están disminuyendo), entonces podemos asignar más recursos para
nuestra defensa externa. Así tendremos más activos de nuestra Armada
circulando por el zona", explicó el portavoz de la AFP, coronel. dijo Francel Margareth Padilla en una entrevista con "The Source" de CNN Filipinas el martes.
Padilla respondió a preguntas sobre qué apoyo puede brindar la AFP a la Guardia Costera de Filipinas tras el incidente.
En enero El
12 de diciembre, cinco miembros de la Guardia Costera China (CCG) a
bordo de un bote de goma acomodaron a un grupo de pescadores filipinos
del barco pesquero F/B "Legendary Jo" recogiendo conchas marinas en la
entrada sur de Bajo de Masinloc.
los informes, el personal del CCG obligó a estos pescadores a tirar las
conchas que habían recogido antes de permitirles partir.
Dijo que este apoyo se basará en los lineamientos del Grupo de Trabajo Nacional para el Mar de Filipinas Occidental.
estamos dispuestos a hacer todo lo posible para evitar que este
incidente vuelva a ocurrir en el futuro. Nos aseguraremos de que los
filipinos puedan disfrutar libremente de nuestros recursos acuáticos,
especialmente en este caladero tradicional. Esperamos que CCG respete
esto". añadió Padilla.
Padilla, por su parte, dijo que los pescadores filipinos pueden seguir pescando en el Bajo de Masinloc.
son aguas territoriales, tenemos todo el derecho a pescar en estas
aguas. Así que les diremos a todos los pescadores que pueden continuar
pescando en estas aguas territoriales y maipapangako po ng AFP na nadyan
po ang supporta namin para sa kanila (y (la AFP se compromete a
apoyarlos)", subrayó Padilla.
( ANP )
miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2021
Australia recibe 9no barco de patrulla clase Guardian
Austal Australia Delivers 9th Guardian class Patrol Boat

HMPNGS Rochus Lokinap for Papua New Guinea Defence Force (photos : Austal)
Austal Limited (Austal) (ASX: ASB) is pleased to announce Austal Australia has delivered the ninth Guardian-class Patrol Boat (GCPB) to the Australian Department of Defence.
The vessel, the future HMPNGS Rochus Lokinap, was then gifted by the Australian Government to the Papua New Guinea Defence Force at a certificate signing ceremony held at Austal Australia’s Henderson shipyard, attended by the Senior Military Officer in Western Australia, Air Commodore Fiona Dowse AM CSC and Sub Lieutenant Terrence Mugugia, Commanding Officer of the future HMPNGS Rochus Lokinap.
The vessel is the second of four Guardian-class Patrol Boats to be delivered to Papua New Guinea under the Pacific Patrol Boat Replacement Project, part of the Australian Government’s Pacific Maritime Security Program, and follows the delivery of the HMPNGS Ted Diro in December 2018.
Austal Chief Executive Officer Paddy Gregg said the delivery of the latest Guardian-class Patrol Boat to Papua New Guinea had further enhanced the company’s relationship with both the Australian Department of Defence and the Papua New Guinea Defence Force.
“Austal not only design and construct the Guardian-class, but also deliver a comprehensive training program to each crew accepting the vessels. Through this successful handover process, we are continuing to develop a very strong, productive relationship with the Papua New Guinea Defence Force and their crews.” Mr Gregg said.
“Our warmest congratulations go to the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, James Marape; Commander of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force, Major General Gilbert Toropo CBE, and the people of Papua New Guinea on the handover of this latest addition to their naval fleet.

“Our sincere thanks to Australia’s Defence Minister, Senator Linda Reynolds and Defence Industry Minister Melissa Price, and the Department of Defence for their continued support of this sovereign shipbuilding program,” Mr Gregg added.
Faster, with improved seakeeping, better amenities and an enhanced mission capability – including an integrated RHIB stern launch and recovery system – the Guardian-class Patrol Boats provide the Papua New Guinea Defence Force with a much improved naval asset to carry out border patrols, regional policing, search and rescue, and many other operations domestically and internationally.
The Pacific Patrol Boat Replacement (PPB-R) Project was awarded to Austal in May 2016, with an additional contract option awarded in April 2018, taking the program to 21 vessels, valued at more than A$335 million. Twelve Pacific Island nations including Papua New Guinea, Fiji, the Federated States of Micronesia, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Cook Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Palau, Samoa, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Timor Leste will receive the vessels through to 2023.
The Pacific Patrol Boat Replacement Project supports more than 200 direct jobs at Austal Australia and more than 200 indirect jobs nationally through Australian businesses contracted by Austal.
Austal Australia’s expanded service centre in Cairns, now incorporating an 1,200 tonne (80 metre LOA) slipway and an 1,120 tonne mobile boat hoist, continues to provide in-service support to the growing Guardian-class Patrol Boat fleet; with more than 100 people now employed in a variety of engineering and sustainment roles in the Far North Queensland city.
The 39.5 metre steel monohull patrol boat – designed, constructed and sustained by Austal Australia – is based on a proven design platform that has included the 38 metre Bay-class, 56 metre Armidale-class and 58 metre Cape-class patrol boats that are in service with the Australian Border Force and Royal Australian Navy.
The vessel is named after Brigadier General Rochus Lokinap, a former Commander of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force from 1987 to 1992.
viernes, 23 de febrero de 2018
Filipinas implementa MPA donados por Japón
Japan-Donated Plane Conducts First Maritime Patrol

Beechcraft TC-90 of the PAF
MANILA -- A Japanese-donated Beechcraft King Air TC-90, under the operational control of the Northern Luzon Command, conducted its first maritime patrol air patrol mission over the Bajo De Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal), Zambales and other areas under NOLCOM supervision Wednesday.
"Given the task, the (T)C-90 plane, with a tail number of 390, made its maiden flight at 9:45 a.m. of January 31, 2018, in the area of Bajo De Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal), Masinloc, Zambales. It has flown around the shoal for about 800 feet above sea level sighting four Filipino fishing boats, together with nine Chinese vessels comprising of four Chinese Coast Guard vessels, four unknown Chinese vessels and a Chinese fishing vessel. Moreover, the Filipino pilots heard no challenge from the Chinese Cost Guard," NOLCOM spokesperson Lt. Col. Isagani Nato said.
Wednesday's air patrol was the first ever for TC-90 in Philippine service. Its employment boosted the capability of the Navy to conduct limited airlift, reconnaissance and surveillance within NOLCOM's area-of-jurisdiction.

It will also complement the efforts of the Philippine Air Force to monitor and watch over the three maritime areas in Northern and Central Luzon.
Nato said NOLCOM would utilize all available assets and resources to protect our national territory, including its northern maritime areas, and assert our sovereign rights over the country's maritime domain.
"NOLCOM will continue to do its mandate that will be non-provocative strictly adhering to the International Law and in line with the directives and policies of the national government," he added.

The said plane, one of the two Japanese aircraft donated to the Philippines last March last year, was activated during short ceremonies at Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite City last November 21.
Its activation boosted the operations and maritime air surveillance capabilities of the Naval Air Group.
The TC-90s have a range of over 1,000 nautical miles, and a cruising speed of 260 knots and capable of carrying eight passengers along with the pilots.

As of this time, the Navy is operating around six Norman Britten "Islander" patrol aircraft, four GAF "Nomad" planes, five AgustaWestland combat utility helicopters and one Robinson R-22 training helicopter.
The TC-90, which was part of the Beechcraft King Air aircraft family, was offered by Japan shortly after the Agreement Concerning the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology was finalized last Feb. 29, 2016.
Two of the TC-90s were delivered to Sangley Point, Cavite last March 27 with the remaining three to be delivered in the first quarter of 2018.
Japan-donated plane conducts maritime patrol over Bajo De Masinloc
MANILA -- A Japanese-donated Beechcraft King Air TC-90, under the operational control of the Northern Luzon Command, conducted its first maritime patrol air patrol mission over the Bajo De Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal), Zambales and other areas under NOLCOM supervision Wednesday.
"Given the task, the (T)C-90 plane, with a tail number of 390, made its maiden flight at 9:45 a.m. of January 31, 2018, in the area of Bajo De Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal), Masinloc, Zambales. It has flown around the shoal for about 800 feet above sea level sighting four Filipino fishing boats, together with nine Chinese vessels comprising of four Chinese Coast Guard vessels, four unknown Chinese vessels and a Chinese fishing vessel. Moreover, the Filipino pilots heard no challenge from the Chinese Cost Guard," NOLCOM spokesperson Lt. Col. Isagani Nato said.
Wednesday's air patrol was the first ever for TC-90 in Philippine service. Its employment boosted the capability of the Navy to conduct limited airlift, reconnaissance and surveillance within NOLCOM's area-of-jurisdiction.

It will also complement the efforts of the Philippine Air Force to monitor and watch over the three maritime areas in Northern and Central Luzon.
Nato said NOLCOM would utilize all available assets and resources to protect our national territory, including its northern maritime areas, and assert our sovereign rights over the country's maritime domain.
"NOLCOM will continue to do its mandate that will be non-provocative strictly adhering to the International Law and in line with the directives and policies of the national government," he added.

The said plane, one of the two Japanese aircraft donated to the Philippines last March last year, was activated during short ceremonies at Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite City last November 21.
Its activation boosted the operations and maritime air surveillance capabilities of the Naval Air Group.
The TC-90s have a range of over 1,000 nautical miles, and a cruising speed of 260 knots and capable of carrying eight passengers along with the pilots.

As of this time, the Navy is operating around six Norman Britten "Islander" patrol aircraft, four GAF "Nomad" planes, five AgustaWestland combat utility helicopters and one Robinson R-22 training helicopter.
The TC-90, which was part of the Beechcraft King Air aircraft family, was offered by Japan shortly after the Agreement Concerning the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology was finalized last Feb. 29, 2016.
Two of the TC-90s were delivered to Sangley Point, Cavite last March 27 with the remaining three to be delivered in the first quarter of 2018.
viernes, 9 de enero de 2015
Japón ofrece aviones antisubmarinos a Gran Bretaña
Tokio sale a vender sus armas al mundo
En el marco de una política exportadora de armas más agresiva, las autoridades japonesas están intentando vender el avión de patrulla marítima (MPA) Kawasaki P-1 a los militares británicos, que han perdido esa vital capacidad desde la baja de los Nimrod.El P-8 Poseidon y el Kawasaki P-1 podrían competir duramente por obtener un contrato británico (Foto: Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Douglass G. Wojciechowski/ US Navy) |
De acuerdo con lo informado por la agencia Reuters, los representantes de Tokio hicieron el ofrecimiento durante el Salón Aeronáutico de Fanborough, en julio de 2014, en un acuerdo que podría superar el billón de dólares.
El camino del P-1 para incorporarse a las filas de la RAF no está libre de obstáculos, dado que para concretar ese objetivo tendría que enfrentarse a la competencia del Boeing P-8 Poseidon.
Este desafío atrae a los nipones, debido a que el sólo hecho de que los británicos estudien y sometan a pruebas a su aeronave para compararla con la estadounidense significaría atraer la atención mundial sobre este producto de Kawasaki Heavy Industries.
Si la venta del Kawasaki P-1 llegara a concretarse, sería el primer contrato militar importante de Japón fuera de la región Asia-Pacífico y le daría un gran impulso a los planes de su industria militar de convertirse en uno de los grandes actores en el mercado mundial de armas.
Cabe recordar que en abril del año pasado, el gobierno japonés dispuso aliviar las restricciones que pesaban sobre las exportaciones militares de ese país. A partir de entonces, el Ministerio de Defensa ha estado abocado a buscar oportunidades de negocios en distintos mercados, incluidos posibles acuerdos de venta de submarinos a Australia e hidroaviones a la India.
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