Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta movilización. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta movilización. Mostrar todas las entradas
domingo, 15 de octubre de 2023
lunes, 18 de febrero de 2019
Maduro moviliza a sus carnavalescas fuerzas para defenderse del Imperio
Maduro ordena despliegue de las FF.AA. ante "la provocación" en la frontera con Colombia

- Llamó a defender los mares, costas y ciudades, y apuntó a los "sectores traidores apátridas" que "han llamado a una invasión, ocupación y guerra de EE.UU."
El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, pidió a las Fuerzas Armadas un plan de despliegue permanente para cuidar la frontera de su país ante las amenazas de Colombia.
"Hay que estar bien desplegados para defender nuestra tierra, para desmontar cualquier provocación, cualquiera, las que conocemos y las que aún no conocemos", pidió desde la sede del Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Defensa.
Durante una reunión con los miembros de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (FANB) para revisar la Operación de Defensa Integral por el Bicentenario de Angostura 2019, el mandatario pidió resguardar la frontera "de las provocaciones de Colombia".
Los "necesitamos para defender esa frontera, para que sea inviolable (…) nuestra frontera con Colombia", expresó el mandatario en cadena nacional.
Maduro llamó a defender los mares, costas y ciudades, mientras señaló a los "sectores traidores apátridas" que desde Venezuela "han llamado a una invasión, ocupación y guerra de EE.UU. contra la nación".
La presión desde EE.UU.
El pasado viernes se hizo público que el Gobierno de EE.UU. enviará a Colombia un nuevo cargamento de "ayuda humanitaria" para Venezuela, como parte de las acciones que ha emprendido la Casa Blanca para aumentar la presión internacional contra Maduro.De acuerdo con el correo electrónico filtrado del Departamento de Estado, para el envío de la ayuda humanitaria se utilizarían aviones militares.
Caracas ha denunciado que la "ayuda humanitaria" que impulsa EE.UU. es un "show" para justificar una "intervención militar" y deponer al Gobierno electo de Maduro, y así apoyar al jefe del Parlamento, Juan Guaidó.
viernes, 15 de junio de 2018
Noruega refuerza su frontera con Rusia
NATO-member Norway wants to double US troops near Russia
Norway will ask the US to double the number of troops stationed in its north and send them closer to its border with Russia. The move could raise tensions with Moscow, though Oslo had said it was not targeted at Russia.

NATO member Norway has said it will ask Washington to send 700 US Marines to its northern region, compared to 330 on "rotation" since early last year.
Oslo's announcement followed a call on Friday by nine nations along NATO's eastern flank, including Estonia, Poland and Romania, for a stronger alliance presence.
NATO has bolstered its defenses in Central and Eastern Europe in response to growing fears, following Moscow's annexation of Crimea in 2014.
Oslo's request coincided Tuesday with its filing of a legal challenge to the US tariffs on steel and aluminum at the Geneva-based World Trade Organization (WTO).
Future deployments
If finalized, future US deployments would be stationed in Setermoen, 420 kilometers (260 miles) from Russia.
Currently, US troops are stationed in Vaernes in central Norway, despite loud protest from Moscow.
Norway said the invitation was about NATO training and improving winter fighting capability.
"Allies get better at training together," Defense Minister Frank Bakke-Jensen told reporters.
Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Soreide said Oslo's request had broad Norwegian parliamentary support, and insisted there would be "no American bases on Norwegian soil."
She said Oslo couldn't see "any serious reason why Russia should react, even if we expect it will again this time since it always does about the allied exercises and training."
In October, some 35,000 troops from 30 NATO members and partners, along with 70 ships and about 130 aircraft, are to be deployed for an exercise code-named Trident Juncture 18, focused on central and northern Norway, and a command post exercise conducted mostly in Naples, Italy.
'More assertive Russia'
Before becoming a founding member of NATO in 1949, Norway sought to ease Russian concerns by saying it would not station foreign troops on its soil unless it was under threat of attack.
Last February while visiting Oslo, NATO chief and former Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg spoke of a "more assertive Russia."
Russia and Norway share about 200 kilometers (120 miles) of land border as well as a maritime delimitation line extending across the Barents Sea and Arctic Ocean under a treaty reached in Murmansk in 2010.
ipj/cmk (AFP, Reuters, dpa)
miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017
China moviliza 150 mil tropas a la frontera norcoreana
China reportedly sent 150,000 troops to North Korea's border — here's how they could stop North Korea
Alex Lockie | Business Insider

Soldiers of the People's Liberation Army of China at Tiananmen Square during a military parade in 2015 marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. Reuters
Amid a productive phone call between President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Chinese state-run media reported that 150,000 Chinese troops went to North Korea's border.
Both China and the US have pushed back on the claims of troops massing, however.
International observers fear that North Korea may conduct another nuclear test this weekend on the anniversary of the founding of Kim Jong Un's regime, but the US has broadcast loud and clear that nuclear posturing in the Korean peninsula will no longer be tolerated.
In March, Business Insider talked to Sim Tack, a North Korea expert at Stratfor, a geopolitical-analysis firm, who speculated how Chinese forces could stop North Korea's nuclear program without firing a shot.
Tack predicted China would "definitely react to and try to prevent" a US strike on North Korea. The US increasingly has touted military strikes as an option against the Kim regime, even going as far as positioning an aircraft carrier off Korea's coast.
"The overt presence of Chinese forces would dissuade the US from going into that territory because they would run the risk of inviting that larger conflict themselves," Tack said.
Chinese forces in North Korea would "be in a position to force a coup or force Kim's hand" to disarm, Tack said.
Ultimately, China, North Korea's biggest backer, would attempt "to make sure North Korea still exists and serves Chinese interests while it stops acting as a massive bullseye to the US," he added.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the Korean People's Army Tank Crews' Competition 2017. Reuters/KCNA KCNA
In this way, China could preserve its buffer state from falling to Western influence, prevent a US military strike on its borders, and even prevent a nuclear war.
Besides its possible troop buildup, China also seems willing to apply pressure to the Kim regime in other ways. Last week, Beijing ordered its customs authorities to reject coal imports from North Korea — a big hit to the regime's wallet, since coal makes up about 40% of its total exports.
Alex Lockie | Business Insider

Soldiers of the People's Liberation Army of China at Tiananmen Square during a military parade in 2015 marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. Reuters
Amid a productive phone call between President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Chinese state-run media reported that 150,000 Chinese troops went to North Korea's border.
Both China and the US have pushed back on the claims of troops massing, however.
International observers fear that North Korea may conduct another nuclear test this weekend on the anniversary of the founding of Kim Jong Un's regime, but the US has broadcast loud and clear that nuclear posturing in the Korean peninsula will no longer be tolerated.
In March, Business Insider talked to Sim Tack, a North Korea expert at Stratfor, a geopolitical-analysis firm, who speculated how Chinese forces could stop North Korea's nuclear program without firing a shot.
Tack predicted China would "definitely react to and try to prevent" a US strike on North Korea. The US increasingly has touted military strikes as an option against the Kim regime, even going as far as positioning an aircraft carrier off Korea's coast.
"The overt presence of Chinese forces would dissuade the US from going into that territory because they would run the risk of inviting that larger conflict themselves," Tack said.
Chinese forces in North Korea would "be in a position to force a coup or force Kim's hand" to disarm, Tack said.
Ultimately, China, North Korea's biggest backer, would attempt "to make sure North Korea still exists and serves Chinese interests while it stops acting as a massive bullseye to the US," he added.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the Korean People's Army Tank Crews' Competition 2017. Reuters/KCNA KCNA
In this way, China could preserve its buffer state from falling to Western influence, prevent a US military strike on its borders, and even prevent a nuclear war.
Besides its possible troop buildup, China also seems willing to apply pressure to the Kim regime in other ways. Last week, Beijing ordered its customs authorities to reject coal imports from North Korea — a big hit to the regime's wallet, since coal makes up about 40% of its total exports.
miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015
Arabia Saudita manda refuerzos a Yemen
Saudi Arabia sends reinforcements, dozens more tanks to Yemen
RT News
© Faisal Al Nasser
© Faisal Al Nasser / Reuters

Saudi Arabia has sent dozens more armored vehicles and trained troops to help the supporters of Yemen’s President Hadi fight Houthi rebels in the country following months of air bombardments, which have so far failed to break the deadlock between rival camps on the ground.
According to reports from the ground dozens of Riyadh tanks and other armored vehicles entered Yemen in the past 48 hours via Wadia, a border post in northern Yemen.
“Dozens of tanks, armored vehicles and personnel carriers, as well as hundreds of Yemeni soldiers trained in Saudi Arabia, arrived in Yemen overnight,” a Yemeni military source told AFP.
Another military source added that the new supplies were intended for the “popular resistance and the national army,” loyal to the exiled Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, who fled to neighboring Saudi Arabia earlier this year.
The military hardware is reportedly moving toward Marib and Shabwa provinces, where the resistance continues the battle “to expel the Houthis and their allies.”
Earlier this week some 2,800 Arab coalition troops landed in Yemen. The deployment, according to reports, included Saudi special-operations forces, intelligence and logistics personnel in addition to the units from the United Arab Emirates.
It is the biggest military contingent of Gulf States sent to Yemen as the coalition has so far preferred to carry out airstrikes against the Houthis. A Saudi-led coalition has been carrying out strikes since late March, but thus far the forces have been locked in stalemate.
Amid the ongoing war, Yemen is facing a serious humanitarian crisis. According to the UN, more than 1,600 civilians have been killed, over 3,800 injured and more than a million have been displaced.
RT News
© Faisal Al Nasser
© Faisal Al Nasser / Reuters

Saudi Arabia has sent dozens more armored vehicles and trained troops to help the supporters of Yemen’s President Hadi fight Houthi rebels in the country following months of air bombardments, which have so far failed to break the deadlock between rival camps on the ground.
According to reports from the ground dozens of Riyadh tanks and other armored vehicles entered Yemen in the past 48 hours via Wadia, a border post in northern Yemen.
“Dozens of tanks, armored vehicles and personnel carriers, as well as hundreds of Yemeni soldiers trained in Saudi Arabia, arrived in Yemen overnight,” a Yemeni military source told AFP.
Another military source added that the new supplies were intended for the “popular resistance and the national army,” loyal to the exiled Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, who fled to neighboring Saudi Arabia earlier this year.
The military hardware is reportedly moving toward Marib and Shabwa provinces, where the resistance continues the battle “to expel the Houthis and their allies.”
Earlier this week some 2,800 Arab coalition troops landed in Yemen. The deployment, according to reports, included Saudi special-operations forces, intelligence and logistics personnel in addition to the units from the United Arab Emirates.
It is the biggest military contingent of Gulf States sent to Yemen as the coalition has so far preferred to carry out airstrikes against the Houthis. A Saudi-led coalition has been carrying out strikes since late March, but thus far the forces have been locked in stalemate.
Amid the ongoing war, Yemen is facing a serious humanitarian crisis. According to the UN, more than 1,600 civilians have been killed, over 3,800 injured and more than a million have been displaced.
viernes, 11 de julio de 2014
Israel tiene todo listo para el avance terrestre
Israel tiene todo listo para una incursión terrestre en Gaza
Sólo depende de una decisión del gobierno israelí, informó el general Beny Gantz, jefe del Ejército israelí. En total, 33.000 reservistas fueron movilizados.
Una línea de tanques, cerca de la Franja de Gaza.
El jefe del Ejército israelí, general Beny Gantz, aseguró que la incursión terrestre en la Franja de Gaza está ya preparada y pendiente únicamente de una decisión política del gobierno de Benjamin Netanyahu.
"Debemos mirar esta campaña de forma sensata y no histérica. Nada impedirá que sigamos adelante. El Ejército israelí no necesita una gota que colme el vaso para lanzar una operación terrestre, sólo una directriz política", manifestó Gantz durante una visita a una base de la Brigada de Paracaidistas.
El Ejército israelí desplazó tres brigadas de infantería a la frontera con la Franja de Gaza esta mañana, a las que se unirán otras dos en los próximos días, informó el vocero militar israelí Peter Lerner. En total, 33.000 reservistas ya fueron movilizados sobre los 40.000 que autorizó el gobierno israelí.
que decidiera lanzar esa ofensiva. "Nadie desea una ofensiva terrestre y nosotros deseamos que Hamas frene el lanzamiento de cohetes", dijo Shapiro. "Sin embargo, en cualquier caso Israel contará con el apoyo total estadounidense".
Israel efectuó una incursión por tierra en Gaza a principios de 2009 que le causó bajas, si bien en la última ofensiva de 2012 sus tropas no cruzaron al territorio palestino, considerado una de la zonas más pobladas del planeta con 1,8 millones de habitantes viviendo en un territorio de 360 km2.

Hasta el momento, Israel centró su actual operación en bombardeos aéreos y de la marina, además de artillería de tanques estacionados fuera del perímetro de Gaza, que causaron la muerte de unos cien palestinos, entre ellos varios nenes, y casi 700 heridos en los últimos cuatro días.
Sólo depende de una decisión del gobierno israelí, informó el general Beny Gantz, jefe del Ejército israelí. En total, 33.000 reservistas fueron movilizados.

Una línea de tanques, cerca de la Franja de Gaza.
El jefe del Ejército israelí, general Beny Gantz, aseguró que la incursión terrestre en la Franja de Gaza está ya preparada y pendiente únicamente de una decisión política del gobierno de Benjamin Netanyahu.
"Debemos mirar esta campaña de forma sensata y no histérica. Nada impedirá que sigamos adelante. El Ejército israelí no necesita una gota que colme el vaso para lanzar una operación terrestre, sólo una directriz política", manifestó Gantz durante una visita a una base de la Brigada de Paracaidistas.
El responsable del Estado Mayor señaló que "Gaza se está sumiendo en el desastre. La ofensiva por aire es excelente y los (esfuerzos) en inteligencia están funcionando".El Ejército israelí desplazó tres brigadas de infantería a la frontera con la Franja de Gaza esta mañana, a las que se unirán otras dos en los próximos días, informó el vocero militar israelí Peter Lerner. En total, 33.000 reservistas ya fueron movilizados sobre los 40.000 que autorizó el gobierno israelí.
El embajador estadounidense en Israel, Dan Shapiro, aseguró que Israel tendría todo el apoyo de Washington incluso en el caso deque decidiera lanzar esa ofensiva. "Nadie desea una ofensiva terrestre y nosotros deseamos que Hamas frene el lanzamiento de cohetes", dijo Shapiro. "Sin embargo, en cualquier caso Israel contará con el apoyo total estadounidense".
Israel efectuó una incursión por tierra en Gaza a principios de 2009 que le causó bajas, si bien en la última ofensiva de 2012 sus tropas no cruzaron al territorio palestino, considerado una de la zonas más pobladas del planeta con 1,8 millones de habitantes viviendo en un territorio de 360 km2.

Hasta el momento, Israel centró su actual operación en bombardeos aéreos y de la marina, además de artillería de tanques estacionados fuera del perímetro de Gaza, que causaron la muerte de unos cien palestinos, entre ellos varios nenes, y casi 700 heridos en los últimos cuatro días.
miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013
China moviliza tropas y aviones hacia la frontera coreana
China mobilizing troops, jets near Korea
Reports from the region reveal the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) recently increased its military posture in response to the heightened tensions, specifically North Koreas declaration of a state of war and threats to conduct missile attacks against the United States and South Korea.
According to the officials, the PLA has stepped up military mobilization in the border region with North Korea since mid-March, including troop movements and warplane activity.
Chinas navy also conducted live-firing naval drills by warships in the Yellow Sea that were set to end Monday near the Korean peninsula, in apparent support of North Korea, which was angered by ongoing U.S.-South Korean military drills that are set to continue throughout April.
North Korea, meanwhile, is mobilizing missile forces, including road-mobile short- and medium-range missiles, according to officials familiar with satellite imagery of missile bases.
The missile activity is believed to be North Koreas response to the ongoing U.S.-South Korean military exercises that last week included highly publicized flights by two B-2 strategic nuclear bombers near North Korean territory as part of annual military exercises.
North Koreas government announced last week that since March 26 its missile and artillery forces have been placed on the highest alert status.
Specifically, Nodong medium-range missiles and their mobile launchers were spotted in satellite imagery, the officials said.
There are also indications North Korea will soon conduct a flight test of its new KN-08 road-mobile ICBM or its intermediate-range Musudan mobile missile. Test preparations had been detected in the past, the officials said.
A military provocation by North Korean forces against the South is not expected while the current war games are underway in South Korea, officials said.
However, the situation remains dangerous as hostilities could break out as a result of a miscalculation. South Koreas government has said it would respond to any North Korean military provocation with force.
The Chinese military activities near North Korea were detected in Jilin Province, and intelligence reports from the area on March 19 indicated that PLA forces were ordered to go to Level One alert status, the highest level of readiness.
Large groups of soldiers were seen on the streets in Jian, a city in Jilin, amid reports that the PLA had been ordered to combat readiness status.
PLA heavy armored vehicles, including tanks and armored personnel carriers, were reported moving near the Yalu River that separates China from North Korea.
The troops were part of the 190th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, stationed in Benxi, in Liaoning Province. The movements are believed to be related to increased tensions in Korea.
Additionally, PLA troops and military vehicles were seen near Baishan, in Jilin province, around March 21.
Low-flying PLA air force jets, believed to be fighters, also were heard and seen at several border locations in China, including Yanji and Yanbian in Jilin, Kuancheng, in Hebei province, and Dandong, in Liaoning province.
Chinese forces along the border responded to some unknown event in North Korea near Siniju on March 21 that involved Chinese fighter jets flying over the area.
The officials said the Chinese military activities appear to be based on concerns about a new outbreak of conflict between North Korea and South Korea and the United States.
Chinas military maintains a long-standing defense treaty with the North that obligates China to defend North Korea in the event it is attacked. The last time Chinese forces backed Pyongyang was during the Korean War when tens of thousands of Chinese volunteers drove south into the peninsula.
Chinese military spokesmen frequently refer to their relations with the Korean Peoples Army, as the North Korean military is called, as ties as close as lips and teeth.
Other reports from China indicate that the heightened tensions have led to a disruption of trade between China and North Korea along the border between the two countries.
One sign of slowed commerce between China and North Korea was a Chinese Internet report from a restaurant owner in Dandong, China, a border city, who said commerce between the two countries was disrupted following North Koreas Feb. 12 underground nuclear test.
Since that time, it has been more difficult for the goods from North Korea to reach China because the North Korean Customs Office closed frequently as a result of increased Chinese inspections of North Korean goods.
U.S. officials and private analysts said the slowdown may be a sign of Beijings displeasure at the North Korean nuclear test.
China also held up exports of crude oil to North Korea in February, according to customs data reviewed by Reuters news agency. The agency said in a report that it was the first time deliveries of oil were cut since early 2007.
However, in a sign of continuing close relations, the government of Jilin province announced March 27 that it plans to modernize railway links to North Korea to bolster cross-border economic and trade ties.
The China Tumen-North Korea Rajin Railway and China Tumen-North Korea Chongjin Railway will be upgraded under the Jilin government plan, Chinas official Global Times reported.
Additionally, the Chinese plan to set up a special highway passenger line to connect Tumen to North Korea over the next several years.
Other reports from the region stated that North Korean cities in the northern part of the country were placed on combat alert and have conducted evacuation drills, officials said.
The drills have been carried out in three-day to five-day intervals when power and water supplies were suspended as part of the exercises.
Chinese citizens living in border cities in China also reported hearing air-raid sirens as part of the exercises, officials said.
U.S. officials say Chinas main fear for its fraternal communist client regime in North Korea is a collapse of order that leads to large-scale refugee flows into China.
Reports from inside North Korea also revealed that North Korean soldiers have been issued bread, instant noodles, sausages, milk, and dried fish that appeared to be supplied by the United Nations as aid meant for the civilian population.
The Feb. 12 underground blast, North Koreas third, is credited by analysts with setting off the latest round of belligerence by the Pyongyang regime.
After the test, the U.S. government continued to refuse to acknowledge North Korea as a nuclear-armed state.
That prompted the regime of North Koreas Kim Jong Un to issue unprecedented threats to fire nuclear missiles at the United States.
The Pentagon responded by using annual military exercises with South Korea to fly B-52 strategic bombers and later B-2s near North Korea.
Frontline F-22 fighter-bombers, the Air Forces most advanced jets, were sent on Sunday to take part in the military drills.
North Koreas latest threats included announcing a state of war and cutting off military and other communications.
North Koreas ruling communist Korean Workers Party announced on Sunday that the nuclear arsenal is the nations life and would not be given up even if offered billions of dollars, the Associated Press reports.
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