miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2024
MBDA y Rheinmetall se asocian en láser antidrones marítimos
miércoles, 31 de enero de 2024
Australia: Actualización al cañón Mk 45
BAE Systems proporcionará una actualización crítica Mk 45 a las fragatas de la Armada australiana clase Anzac
Sistema de cañón naval Mk 45 (foto: BAE Systems)
La Commonwealth de Australia adjudicó a BAE Systems un contrato para actualizar los sistemas de cañones navales Mk 45 Mod 2 existentes en fragatas clase Anzac con un Sistema de Control Común (CCS).
La actualización modifica los sistemas Mk 45 existentes para eliminar problemas de obsolescencia y extender la vida útil del sistema de armas.
La actualización CCS reemplaza la electrónica de los sistemas de armas Mk 45 Mod 1 y Mod 2 anteriores para que sean compatibles con el Mk 45 Mod 4, la última configuración utilizada por la Marina de los EE. UU. Además de ofrecer elementos comunes e interoperabilidad con los sistemas de armas de la Marina de los EE. UU., la actualización equipará a los Mk 45 con la capacidad de integrar futuras municiones guiadas de precisión de alcance extendido, como el proyectil de hipervelocidad.
"La actualización del Sistema de Control Común es la forma más rentable de extender la vida útil de los sistemas de armas Mk 45, permitiéndoles realizar disparos navales críticos y crear una configuración que permita la integración de futuras municiones guiadas de precisión", dijo Brent Butcher. vicepresidente de sistemas de armas de BAE Systems. "Estamos comprometidos a modernizar y equipar a las naciones aliadas con sistemas de armas Mk 45 mejorados para hacer frente a las amenazas actuales y futuras".
La rentable actualización CCS garantiza que los sistemas de armas Mk 45 sigan siendo compatibles durante las próximas décadas y estén listos para integrar las características tecnológicas más recientes e innovadoras para respaldar municiones avanzadas y capacidades de misiones futuras por un costo significativamente menor que el de una nueva arma.
El trabajo del contrato se llevará a cabo en las instalaciones de producción de BAE Systems en Louisville, Kentucky, y la primera entrega está prevista para principios de 2026.
viernes, 27 de mayo de 2022
Filipinas: Entrenamiento del BRP Antonio Luna FF151 con su cañón naval
Entrenamiento de tripulación del BRP Antonio Luna FF151 con su cañón naval

Cañón súper rápido Oto Melara de 76 mm (foto: FF-151)
Los Luna Sharpshooters, también conocidos como los "tiradores de la muerte", eran una unidad de élite formada por el general Antonio Luna para servir bajo el Ejército Revolucionario de Filipinas.

Cañón Aselsan SMASH de 30 mm (fotos: FF151)
El 9 de abril de 2022, los tiradores Luna Sharpshooters de hoy en día probaron uno de los sistemas de armas más nuevos en el inventario de la Armada de Filipinas: el arma Aselsan SMASH 30MM. Dicho sistema de armas es el arma secundaria de la unidad fabricada por Aselsan, que está destinada a enfrentamientos antisuperficie y antiaéreos. Jibed en la actividad es el disparo de prueba anual y trimestral del cañón SRMF de 76 mm y el HMG calibre K6 50, respectivamente.

Ametralladoras pesadas K6 de 12,7 mm (cal. 50) (foto: FF-151)
Los oficiales y hombres del BRP ANTONIO LUNA (FF151) volvieron a exhibir su excelencia durante los disparos evidenciados en el hundimiento y destrucción de todos los blancos previstos. El notable éxito del disparo justificó su seudónimo - "Tiradores de la Muerte" - o comúnmente conocidos como los "Tiradores de la Muerte".
jueves, 17 de junio de 2021
Indonesia adquiere cañón naval A-220M de 57 mm
Indonesia Acquires A-220M Naval Guns for KCR-60M Attack Craft

KRI Tombak 629 equipped with A-220M 57 mm naval gun (photo : Putut Reza)
The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) has acquired two A-220M 57 mm naval guns from Russia, and is now installing the first unit on a KCR-60M fast-attack craft.
Images provided to Janes from two separate industry sources confirm that one of the naval gun units is being incorporated as the primary weapon for the second-of-class, KRI Tombak (629).
Janes first reported in February 2018 that the TNI-AL was considering the A-220M for two vessels in the KCR-60M class.
These new weapons are replacing the vessels' older Bofors 40 mm cannons that were salvaged from the decommissioned landing ship tank (LST) vessel, KRI Teluk Semangka (512), as an interim measure to provide the KCR-60M with naval gunfire support capabilities.
According to product literature published by JSC Central Research Institute Burevestnik, the А-220М is designed to engage air, surface, and coastal targets. It has a maximum range of up to 12 km when engaging surface targets, and 8 km when engaging aerial targets.
Janes understands that the A-220M that was supplied to Indonesia features a deck mounting and a barrel-cooling system that has been customised specifically for the KCR-60M class, given space constraints beneath the vessel's deck.
The weapon is also equipped with its own electro-optical and radar-guided weapon control system and can accommodate up to 400 on-mount ammunition rounds.
miércoles, 14 de abril de 2021
martes, 13 de abril de 2021
jueves, 9 de julio de 2020
Cañones navales de 76mm para Filipinas
PHL Navy to Possibly Receive 76mm Oto Melara Compact Naval Gun via US EDA

Oto Melara 76mm Compact Naval Gun (photo : Naval Technology)
The Philippine Navy may receive a 76mm Oto Melara compact naval gun from United States through Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Program.
“It appears that the Philippine Navy is in line to receive a 76mm Oto Melara Compact naval gun from US EDA,” MaxDefense Philippines said June 24 adding that the said naval gun “might be bound for one of the Tarlac-class landing platform dock.”
“The request appears to have been already made and is being processed by the US government for approval. Its highly possible that the gun might have been previously installed on an Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate, many of which were already retired and scrapped / disposed off by the US Navy,” MaxDefense said.
According to US government, excess defense articles are US Department of Defense and US Coast Guard-owned articles no longer needed and declared excess by the US Armed Forces.
“This excess equipment may be offered at reduced or no cost to eligible foreign recipients on an “as is, where is” basis in support of U.S. national security and foreign policy objectives,” the US government says.
sábado, 20 de julio de 2019
Indonesia rescata cañón de 57mm para entrenamiento
Indonesia to Salvage 57 mm Gun from Training Ship for Firing Range

The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) has submitted plans to retire a Yugoslavian-built training ship, and salvage its 57 mm Bofors naval gun, to the country's defence ministry for approval.
The service intends to install the naval gun at a land-based naval gunfire range that will be built in Paiton, East Java, two separate sources close to the matter have confirmed with Jane's .
The ship in question is KRI Ki Hajar Dewantara (364), which was commissioned by the service in October 1981. The vessel has been non-operational since 2017. Given that it will be decommissioned without residual value, a formal approval from the defence ministry is required before the retirement processes can commence. This is in line with Indonesian government regulations, a TNI-AL source told Jane's.

A computer-generated visualisation of one of the facilities that will be built within the naval gunfire range and simulator complex at Paiton, East Java (image : Jane's)
Ki Hajar Dewantara has an overall length of 96.7 m, an overall beam of 11.2 m, a hull draught of 4.8 m, and displaces 2,000 tonnes at full load. While in training service, the ship had a crew complement of 190, including 11 officers and 14 instructors, and could accommodate up to 100 cadets for training missions.
Besides a 57 mm naval gun in the primary position, the vessel is also two Rheinmetall 20 mm cannons, two 533 mm torpedo tubes, and two launchers amidships that can deploy the Aerospatiale Exocet MM38 anti-ship missile.
Once decommissioned, Ki Hajar Dewantara will be donated to the City of Surabaya. Jane's has not received confirmation of what the local government intends to do with the vessel, but local media reports suggest that it will be converted into a floating tourist attraction, incorporating a maritime museum and a restaurant.
martes, 30 de octubre de 2018
Cañón de 40mm italiano para OPVs australianas
Leonardo’s Oto Marlin 40 Selected for Australian Project SEA 1180 Phase 1 OPVs

First public appearance of Leonardo's Marlin 40 turret at Dimdex 2018 in Qatar. (photo : Navy Recognition)
The Australian arm of German shipbuilder Lürssen has selected Leonardo’s Oto Marlin 40 mm gun mount to equip the offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) being built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) under the Project SEA 1180 Phase 1.
“Leonardo has been selected as preferred bidder for arming the new OPVs with our Oto Marlin 40 mm gun system. We are currently engaged in negotiations, being confident to sign a contract by year end,” Marco Buratti, Leonardo’s international marketing and strategic campaigns director, told Jane's during the Euronaval 2018 exhibition in Paris.
A model of Lürssen Australia’s OPV was exhibited at Lürssen’s stand during the show featuring the new gun mount from Leonardo’s defence system division.
jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018
Guardacostas de Malasia compran cañones navales turcos
Malaysia Signed for Three More SMASH 30mm RWS

Aselsan deepens engagement with Malaysia
Turkish company Aselsan is expanding collaboration with Malaysia in support of several contracts to supply its SMASH 30 mm remote-controlled stabilised naval gun system to the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA).
An official from Aselsan told Jane’s on 28 February that the company has recently signed an additional contract to supply the MMEA with three more SMASH systems that will be integrated onto three offshore patrol vessels the agency will acquire from local shipyard, Destini Shipbuilding & Engineering (DSE), from 2021. Aselsan is contracted to supply the SMASH systems in 2019–20.
Across other contracts, the MMEA has already ordered six SMASH gun systems – with three already delivered – which are being installed on six new-generation patrol craft (NGPC) also being constructed by DSE.
jueves, 24 de agosto de 2017
Cañones de 35mm para FFG indonesias
35mm CIWS Ordered for Indonesian Frigates

Rheinmetall has received an order for its Millenium Gun 35mm naval weapon system to outfit Indonesia's two new Sigma 10514 Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR) light frigates.
Damen handed over the first frigate in February this year, with the second undergoing contractor sea trials at press time (late May). Delivery of this ship is planned for October 2017. The primary mission of the 105m, 2,365 tonne ships is anti-air, anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare. Secondary roles include maritime security, search and rescue and humanitarian support.
DTR believes four Millenium Gun systems are part of the Indonesian order. Each Sigma 10514 PKR frigate is allocated one Millenium Gun system installed forward of the bridge. The first Sigma 10514 PKR frigate was delivered without its Millenium Gun system, although the plinth mount is visible in photographs.
Able to fire Rheinmetall's Advanced Hit Efficiency And Destruction (AHEAD) programmable 35mm ammunition, a single Millenium Gun mount can operate as both CIWS and secondary armament on surface combatants of various sizes. Millenium Gun's Oerlikon revolver cannon fires at up to 1,000 rounds per minute. Using AHEAD ammunition natures, figures from Rheinmetall cite that a 25-round burst can achieve a kill a manned aircraft at 3,500m against guided missiles/cruise missiles at 2,000m and against a sea-skimming anti-ship missile at 1,500m. Keep out range against surface targets is approximately 4,000m.
The Indonesian Air Force already operates the Oerlikon 35mm revolver cannon as the effector elements of its land-based Skyshield very short-range air defence system. These system can be ground or truck-mounted.
Defence Technology Review
jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017
Pruebas de tiro en guardacostas malayo
The Malaysian Coast Guard has conducted the first test firings of a newly installed SMASH 30 mm remote controlled stabilised naval gun system from its first-of-class New Generation Patrol Craft (NGPC), KM Bagan Datuk (4541).
The tests, which were conducted about 15 n miles west of Pulau Mentagor, off the coast of Perak, were conducted to validate the weapon's successful integration with systems on board the vessel.
These involved a single seaborne target that was set adrift from and subsequently fired upon by Bagan Datuk in single and burst modes of three rounds each. Present during the tests were engineers from Turkish defence company Aselsan, which is supplying the naval gun system to the coastguard. According to specifications provided by the company, the SMASH system is fitted with a 30 mm Mk 44 Bushmaster-II cannon that fires 200 rds/min.
Bagan Datuk is the first of six 44 m coastal patrol vessels ordered from Malaysian shipbuilder Destini Shipbuilding & Engineering under a MYR380 million (USD87 million) signed in 2015. The platform is derived from a design by Germany-based Fassmer Shipbuilding Company and will be the first vessels operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard to feature an organic unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) capability.
The 297-tonne platform features an overall length of 44.25 m, an overall beam of 7.7 m, and a design draught of 1.95 m. The vessel is powered by two 1,920 kW MTU engines, and has a top speed of 24 kt, and a standard range of 2,000 n miles at 12 kt.
Each NGPC can deploy the Thales Fulmar unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) from a catapult-based launcher situated just behind the position of its primary weapon.