Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta AIM-120 AMRAAM. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta AIM-120 AMRAAM. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2024

Argentina: Firmado el acuerdo por armas para los F-16

EEUU autorizó la venta de misiles, bombas y equipamiento de apoyo a los F-16 argentinos

El paquete de U$S 941 millones incluye 36 AIM-120 C-8, 102 bombas MK-82, kits de guiado de bombas Paveway II, sistemas de comunicaciones varios, de apoyo a misión, entre otros.

Argentina – Equipo y apoyo para aeronaves F-16

Contacto con los medios/el público
Transmisión n.º

WASHINGTON, 30 de octubre de 2024 - El Departamento de Estado ha decidido aprobar una posible venta militar extranjera al Gobierno de Argentina de equipo y apoyo para aeronaves F-16 y elementos relacionados de logística y apoyo al programa por un costo estimado de $941 millones. La Agencia de Cooperación de Seguridad de Defensa entregó hoy la certificación requerida notificando al Congreso sobre esta posible venta.

El Gobierno de Argentina ha solicitado comprar equipo y servicios para apoyar a veinticuatro (24) aeronaves F-16 Bloque 10/15 adquiridas a través de transferencia de terceros. Estos artículos incluyen treinta y seis (36) misiles aire-aire de alcance medio avanzados (AMRAAM) AIM-120 C-8; dos (2) secciones de guía AMRAAM AIM-120 C-8; ciento dos (102) bombas de propósito general MK-82 de 500 libras; cincuenta (50) grupos de perfil aerodinámico MXU-650 para bombas guiadas por láser GBU-12 Paveway II de 500 libras; ciento dos (102) espoletas programables conjuntas FMU-152A/B con sistemas de espoletas FZU-63A/B; y cincuenta (50) grupos de control por computadora MAU-169L/B. También se incluirán los siguientes artículos no MDE: armas y equipo de soporte de armas; cargas explosivas, dispositivos, propulsores y componentes; radios AN/ARC-238; sistemas de planificación de misiones conjuntas (JMPS); espoletas inertes FMU-169D/B; sistema de soporte terrestre (GSS) para Link-16; dispositivos criptográficos KY-58M y KIV-78, cargadores de claves simples AN/PYQ-10 (SKL), cables de seguridad de comunicaciones (COMSEC) y otros dispositivos y equipos COMSEC; cartuchos, chaffs y bengalas; sistema de entrenamiento práctico para la desactivación de artefactos explosivos; apoyo aviónico; equipo de comunicaciones; navegación de precisión; números de identificación de programas informáticos (CPINS); apoyo a bases de datos de guerra electrónica; modificaciones mayores y menores y apoyo de mantenimiento; componentes, piezas y accesorios de aeronaves; instrumentos y equipo de laboratorio; repuestos, consumibles y accesorios, y apoyo de reparación y devolución; entrega y apoyo de software clasificado y no clasificado; publicaciones y documentación técnica clasificadas y no clasificadas; entrenamiento de personal y equipo de entrenamiento; ropa, textiles y equipo individual; combustible para aviones; transbordadores de aeronaves, reabastecimiento de combustible en vuelo y apoyo de transporte; estudios y encuestas; servicios de apoyo técnico, logístico y de ingeniería del gobierno de los Estados Unidos y de contratistas; y otros elementos relacionados de logística y apoyo de programas. El costo total estimado es de $941 millones.

Esta venta propuesta respaldará los objetivos de política exterior y de seguridad nacional de los Estados Unidos al mejorar la seguridad de un importante aliado no perteneciente a la OTAN que es una fuerza para la estabilidad política y el progreso económico en América del Sur.

La venta propuesta mejorará la capacidad de Argentina para enfrentar amenazas actuales y futuras al brindar la capacidad adicional para llevar a cabo operaciones de defensa aérea, contraataque aéreo ofensivo y apoyo aéreo cercano. Argentina no tendrá dificultades para absorber este equipo en sus fuerzas armadas.

La venta propuesta de este equipo y apoyo no alterará el equilibrio militar básico en la región.

El contratista principal será Lockheed Martin, ubicado en Fort Worth, Texas. No se conocen compensaciones propuestas en relación con esta posible venta. La implementación de esta venta propuesta no requerirá la asignación de ningún representante adicional del Gobierno de los EE. UU. ni de contratistas a Argentina.

No habrá ningún impacto adverso en la preparación de defensa de los EE. UU. como resultado de esta venta propuesta.

La descripción y el valor en dólares corresponden a la cantidad estimada más alta y al valor en dólares basado en los requisitos iniciales. El valor real en dólares será menor dependiendo de los requisitos finales, la autoridad presupuestaria y el acuerdo de venta firmado, si se concluye.

Todas las preguntas relacionadas con esta propuesta de Venta Militar al Extranjero deben dirigirse a la Oficina de Asuntos Políticos Militares del Departamento de Estado, Oficina de Asuntos Públicos y del Congreso,

Fuente: DSCA

jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2021

Tailandia: F-16AM/BM modernizados con AMRAAM, Iris-T y LGB

RTAF presenta el F-16AM / BM con bombas guiadas LIZARD 3 y AMRAAM

Los F-16AM y F-16BM del 403 ° Escuadrón, Wing 4 Takhli están equipados con misiles aire-aire Raytheon AIM-120C AMRAAM y Diehl IRIS-T, bombas guiadas por láser Elbit LIZARD 3, cápsula de orientación Sniper ATP y casco JHMCS (fotos: RTAF )

Ceremonia de apertura de la competencia anual de operaciones aéreas tácticas para el año 2021, la Royal Thai Air Force en el campo de entrenamiento de armas aéreas de Chai Badan. La provincia de Lopburi, el 2 de diciembre de 2021 abrió la oportunidad para el público en general que esté interesado en ver la demostración del espectáculo de la fuerza aérea.

Aunque el clima durante la ceremonia de apertura y la demostración no fue muy bueno, incluso después de las 10:00 en punto, todavía había niebla y nubes que reducían la visibilidad, incluida la transmisión de video en vivo desde el campo de entrenamiento de Chai Badan, todavía hay interrupciones ocasionales .

La característica más destacada en la ceremonia de apertura de este año es el avión de combate Lockheed Martin F-16AM / BM EMLU, Escuadrón 403, Ala 4 Takhli, que muestra la instalación del misil aire-aire de alcance medio Raytheon AIM-120C AMRAAM (Advanced Misil aire-aire de alcance medio) por primera vez. Imágenes publicadas anteriormente del misil aire-aire de corto alcance Diehl IRIS-T con la cápsula Lockheed Martin Sniper ATP (Advanced Targeting Pod).

La demostración de arma clave fue un ataque con bomba guiado por láser Elbit Lizard 3 de un caza F-16AM / BM equipado con una cápsula de objetivo ATP Sniper, un misil aire-aire AIM-120C y un IRIS-T marca la primera vez que la Real Fuerza Aérea de Tailandia ha revelado esta capacidad.

La bomba guiada por láser Lizard 3 es parte de la actualización del avión de combate F-5TH Super Tigris que cumple con la Flota Común para reducir la política de armas y equipos, también se pueden usar juntos.


lunes, 13 de enero de 2020

AMRAAM para todos

Raytheon has Contracted AIM-120 AMRAAM Delivery to the US and 22 Countries, Including Indonesia

AIM-120C7 AMRAAM (photo : almrsal)

Raytheon Missile Systems Co., Tucson, Arizona, has been awarded a $768,283,907 non-competitive fixed-price incentive (firm) contract for Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) Production Lot 33. This contract provides for the production of the AMRAAM missiles, captive air training missiles, guidance sections, AMRAAM telemetry system, spares and other production engineering support hardware.

Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona, with an expected completion date of Feb. 28, 2023. This contract involves unclassified foreign military sales to Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Indonesia, Japan, Kuwait, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Turkey and United Kingdom, which accounts for 47% of the contract value.

Fiscal 2018 Air Force and Navy procurement funds in the amount of $21,606,031; fiscal 2019 Air Force and Navy procurement funds in the amount of $356,753,259; fiscal 2020 Navy procurement funds in the amount of $4,212,839; fiscal 2019 Air Force research and development funds in the amount of $7,343,150; fiscal 2020 Air Force and Navy research and development funds in the amount of $10,295,601; fiscal 2020 Air Force operation and maintenance funds in the amount of $1,404,956; and foreign military sales funds in the amount of $366,668,071 are being obligated at the time of award. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Air Dominance Division Contracting Office, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, is the contracting activity (FA8675-20-C-0033).

Departamento de defensa de USA

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

Hungría compra AIM-120C-7

Hungary to purchase American AIM-120C-7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles

Air Recognition

The U.S. State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Hungary of one hundred and eighty (180) AIM-120C-7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM ) with support for an estimated cost of $500 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on August 27, 2019.

U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Joey Lavalley, 477th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron weapons load crew chief, guides the Air Intercept Missile-120 Advanced Medium Air-to-Air Missile to the munitions lift truck following an F-22 Raptor weapons load training at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, July 15, 2018. (Picture source U.S. DoD)

The Government of Hungary has requested to buy one hundred and eighty (180) AIM-120C-7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM), and four (4) spare AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM guidance sections. Also included are four (4) spare AIM-120C-7 control sections, six (6) AMRAAM training missiles (CATM-120C), missile containers, classified software (for the AN/MPQ-64F1 Sentinel Radar requested by Hungary through Direct Commercial Sale), spare and repair parts, cryptographic and communication security devices, precision navigation equipment, other software, site surveys, weapons system equipment and computer software support, publications and technical documentation, common munitions and test equipment, repair and return services and equipment, personnel training and training equipment, integration support and test equipment, and U.S. Government and contractor, engineering, technical and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistical and program support. The total estimated cost is $500 million.

This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by improving the security of a NATO ally, which is an important force for political stability and economic progress in Europe. This sale is consistent with U.S. initiatives to provide key allies in the region with modern systems that will enhance interoperability with U.S forces and increase security.

Hungary intends to use these defense articles and services to modernize its armed forces and expand its capability to deter regional threats and strengthen its homeland defense. This sale will contribute to Hungary's interoperability with the United States and other allies. Hungary should not have any difficulties absorbing this equipment into its armed forces.

The AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile, or AMRAAM (pronounced AM-ram), is an American beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) capable of all-weather day-and-night operations.

The AIM-120C deliveries began in 1996. The C-variant has been steadily upgraded since it was introduced. The AIM-120C-6 contained an improved fuse (Target Detection Device) compared to its predecessor. The AIM-120C-7 development began in 1998 and included improvements in homing and greater range (actual amount of improvement unspecified). It was successfully tested in 2003 and is currently being produced for both domestic and foreign customers.

viernes, 5 de abril de 2019

Australia operará dos versiones del NASAMS

Australia will Operate Two Type of NASAMS Air Defence

Australia is buying two versions of NASAMS, jointly developed by Norway’s Kongsberg and Raytheon, one with a trailer-mounted six-cell launcher and one with four missiles fitted to a Hawkei armored 4x4 vehicle (image : AUS DoD)

New air defence capability

The Morrison Government today announced it will improve the protection of Australian troops through the purchase of a new short range air defence capability using Australian designed and built radars and vehicles.

Minister for Defence, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, and Minister for Defence Industry, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, said the Government is committed to providing the Australian Defence Force with the best capability to protect Australia’s national interests.

“This new air defence capability combines world leading Australian radar technology with a highly effective air defence system that will contribute to the protection of our service men and women from modern airborne threats,” Minister Pyne said.

“The capability will be based on the Raytheon/Kongsberg National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System (NASAMS) which is used by several countries including the United States.

“Australia’s version of NASAMS will use advanced radars designed and manufactured by Canberra-based company, CEA Technologies.

“The CEA radar that has been so successful on our ships will now be integrated into an Australian designed and built vehicle, the Thales Hawkei.

“I’m delighted to announce that one of Australia’s most innovative technologies will be used to further enhance the effectiveness of NASAMS and contribute to one of the world’s best short-range ground based air defence systems.”

Minister Reynolds said Australian industry will play a vital role in the $2.5 billion project to buy and sustain the short-range air defence capability, which will replace the Army’s current ageing RBS-70 man-portable air defence system.

“Australian industry will secure more than $1 billion of the total investment in acquiring and maintaining the short range air defence capability,” Minister Reynolds said.

“Today’s announcement will create opportunities for defence exports generating employment for at least 100 Australian workers over the projected life of the capability.

“This project is further proof of the Government’s determination to build a sovereign and sustainable defence industrial base as a national strategic asset, and is another example of Australian industry playing an integral part in developing world-class capability for the Australian Defence Force.”

Much of this work will be done at the new Raytheon Australia Centre for Joint Integration, which will be built in the defence industry precinct at Mawson Lakes with a $50 million investment from Raytheon.

Premier of South Australia, the Hon Steven Marshall MP, said the South Australian Government is proud that Raytheon Australia has decided to call Mawson Lakes home for their new Centre for Joint Integration.

“This project will create new high-tech jobs and supply chain and export opportunities for our defence industry, with work to be undertaken at Raytheon Australia’s Centre for Joint Integration in South Australia,” he said.

“This significant facility strengthens South Australia’s position as a key strategic hub for Raytheon Australia, one of the largest defence companies in the Australian market. It will accelerate growth in the defence sector and supports future Raytheon programs across maritime, aerospace, cyber and systems integration.” said Premier Marshall.

Ministerio de defensa de Australia

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2019

Australia quiere NASAMS

Australia shows interest to purchase NASAMS air defense missile systems from US

On March 13, 2019, the U.S. State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Australia of AIM-120C-7 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) and related equipment for an estimated cost of $240.5 million. These items are in support of Australia’s purchase of the National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System (NASAMS).

NASAMS launcher unit of Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile System at MSPO 2016, defense exhibition in Poland. (Picture source Army Recognition)

The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on March 12, 2019.

The Government of Australia has requested to buy up to 108 AIM-120C-7 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM); six (6) AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM Air Vehicles Instrumented; and six (6) spare AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM guidance sections. Also included are containers, weapon system support equipment, support and test equipment, site survey, transportation, repair and return warranties, spare and repair parts, publications and technical data, maintenance, personnel training, and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor representative engineering, logistics, and technical support services, and other related elements of logistics support.

This proposed sale is in support of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Project LAND 19 Phase 7B for the acquisition of a ground-based air and missile defense capability. Australia will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment into its armed forces.

The prime contractor will be Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson, Arizona. There are no known offset arrangements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

The NASAMS (Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile System) is a distributed and networked medium to a long-range air-defense system. NASAMS was the first surface-based application for the AIM-120 AMRAAM (Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile). The missile itself is named SLAMRAAM (Surface Launched AMRAAM). The multi-missile launchers can also fire the missile AIM-9-X Sidewinder and the RIM-162 – ESSM. The missile is able to hit targets at the range of up to 40 km and at the height of up to 14 km.

The NASAMS can be deployed to identify, engage and destroy aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and for protecting high-value assets and mass population centers against air-to-surface threats. The system integrates US-built MPQ-64 Sentinel air defense radar and AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles with an indigenously developed Battle management C4I system called FDC, short for Fire Distribution Center. The FDC connected to an MPQ-64 radar forms an "Acquisition Radar and Control System" (ARCS).

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2019

Australia solicita venta de 108 AMRAAMs

Australia Requests Sale of 108 AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM

F/A-18E/F with AMRAAM 

WASHINGTON - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Australia of AIM-120C-7 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) and related equipment for an estimated cost of $240.5 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on March 12, 2019.

The Government of Australia has requested to buy up to 108 AIM-120C-7 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM); six (6) AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM Air Vehicles Instrumented; and six (6) spare AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM guidance sections. Also included are containers, weapon system support equipment, support and test equipment, site survey, transportation, repair and return warranties, spare and repair parts, publications and technical data, maintenance, personnel training, and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor representative engineering, logistics, and technical support services, and other related elements of logistics support. These items are in support of Australia’s purchase of the National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System (NASAMS). The estimated total program cost is $240.5 million.

This sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a major ally that is an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Western Pacific. It is vital to the U.S. national interest to assist our ally in developing and maintaining a strong and ready self-defense capability.

This proposed sale is in support of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Project LAND 19 Phase 7B for acquisition of a ground based air and missile defense capability. Australia will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of this equipment will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The prime contractor will be Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson, Arizona. There are no known offset arrangements proposed in connection with this potential sale


jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018

Qatar comprará NASAMS

U.S. to deliver Raytheon NASAMS air defense systems to Qatar

Army Recognition

The U.S. State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Qatar of defense articles and services in support of a Direct Commercial Sale of the National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System (NASAMS) for an estimated cost of $215 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale.

NASAMS air defense missile system mounted on Humvee at DIMDEX defense exhibition in Qatar (Picture source: Army Recognition)

The Government of Qatar has requested to buy defense articles and services from the U.S. Government in support of a Direct Commercial Sale of the National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System (NASAMS). The items Qatar requests include the following: 40 AIM 120C-7 AMRAAM missiles, 1 spare AIM 120C-7 AMRAAM guidance section, 1 spare AIM-120C-7 control section, 8 AMRAAM Captive Air Training Missile (CATM-120C), missile containers, classified software for the AN/MPQ-64F1 Sentinel Radar, spare and repair parts, cryptographic and communication security devices, precision navigation equipment, other software, site surveys, weapons system equipment and computer software support, publications and technical documentation, common munitions and test equipment, repair and return services and equipment, personnel training and training equipment, integration support and test equipment, and U.S. Government and contractor, engineering, technical and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistical and program support. The estimated cost is $215 million.

The surface-launched Raytheon AIM-120 AMRAAM (SL-AMRAAM) air defence system uses the AMRAAM fire-and-forget missile, a surveillance radar, a fire distribution centre and AMRAAM launchers. The six-missile launcher turret, originally land based, is mounted on a Humvee. Raytheon is leading the team developing SL-AMRAAM. The Boeing Company is developing the SL-AMRAAM integrated fire control station at its Huntsville, Alabama, facility. The team also includes Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace of Norway.

sábado, 31 de marzo de 2018

AMRAAM producidos para clientes asiáticos

AMRAAM for Indonesia and Other Countries Start to Produce by Raytheon

NASAMS air defense missile used AMRAAM missile 

Raytheon Missile Co., Tucson, Arizona, has been awarded a $523,148,647 fixed-price incentive modification (P00001) to previously awarded contract FA8675-18-C-0003 for Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM) Production Lot 31.

This modification provides for AMRAAM Production Lot 32 for the production of the AMRAAM missile and other AMRAAM system items.

Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona, and is expected to be complete by Jan. 31, 2021. This contract involves foreign military sales to Japan, Kuwait, Poland, Indonesia, Qatar, Germany, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

Fiscal 2018 production funds in the amount of $308,016,581; fiscal 2018 research and development funds in the amount of $3,569,227; and foreign military sales funds in the amount $211,562,839 are being obligated at the time of award.

Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Air Dominance Contracting Office, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, is the contracting activity.

Departamento de Defensa de USA

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

450 AMRAAM D para Australia

US Approved Sale of 450 AIM-120D AMRAAM to Australia

The AIM-120D, formerly known as AIM-120C-8 is the latest model of the AMRAAM 

WASHINGTON - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Australia for AIM-120D Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles and associated equipment, training, and support. The estimated cost is $1.22 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on April 21, 2016.

The Government of Australia requested a possible sale of:

Major Defense Equipment (MDE):
Up to 450 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AIM-120D)
Up to 34 AIM-120D Air Vehicles Instrumented (AAVI)
Up to 6 Instrumented Test Vehicles (ITVs)
Up to 10 spare AIM-120 Guidance Sections (GSs)

This request also includes the following Non-MDE: containers, weapon system support equipment, support and test equipment, site survey, transportation, repair and return warranties, spare and repair parts, publications and technical data, maintenance, personnel training, and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor representative engineering, logistics, and technical support services, and other related elements of logistics support.

The total estimated value of MDE is $1.08 billion. The total overall estimated value is $1.22 billion.

This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a strategic partner and major contributor to political stability, security, and economic development in the Pacific region and globally.

This proposed sale is in support of the Royal Australian Air Force’s (RAAF) F/A-18, E/A-18G, and F-35 aircraft. This proposed sale will provide the RAAF additional air-to-air intercept capability and increase interoperability with the U.S. Air Force. Australia will have no difficulty absorbing these missiles into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of this equipment will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractor for production is Raytheon in Tucson, Arizona. The principal contractor for integration is unknown and will be determined during contract negotiations. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. or contractor representatives to Australia.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.


lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

Los más modernos AMRAAM para Indonesia

AIM-120C7 AMRAAM completará el armamento de los F-16 de la Fuerza Aérea de Indonesia

AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM a los  F-16C / D de la TNI AU

Indonesia podría comprar 36 unidades de misiles AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM

Yakarta (ANTARA News) - Departamento de Estado de los Estados ha decidido a favor de la posibilidad de canalizar un esquema de venta de objetos militares extranjeras (FMS / Ventas Militares al Extranjero) a Indonesia sobre misiles AIM-120C-7 Advanced Medium Air-to-Air Missiles  (AMRAAM), que también incluye el entrenamiento, equipo y apoyo logístico.
El valor del contrato se llama el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de los Estados Unidos, fue citado el viernes, desde Washington, es de 95 millones de dólares estadounidenses.
Al hacerlo, el precio unitario de los misiles AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM fue añadido varias cosas seguimiento a 2,38 millones de dólares por unidad. Mientras que algunas fuentes afirman, el precio original de cualquier unidad en el rango de US $ 400,000.
misiles misiles AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM pertenecientes sofisticada que pueda combatir un piloto de combate en el aire está más allá del alcance de la vista.
Clasificados como misiles allá del alcance visual misil aire-aire (BVRAAM), peludu este control en un avión de combate armamento aéreo "estándar", que se inclina en la dirección del radar de transmisión-recepción en lugar del tipo de semi activo de transmisión-recepción.
A partir de la tercera edad, el gorrión AIM-7 ordenó a la Marina de Estados Unidos en la década de los años 50, el concepto de la guerra aérea más allá del alcance del ojo introducido. A partir de ahora que la doctrina de una nueva batalla en el aire se introdujeron, véase el primer primer asesinato, con el apoyo de sistemas de aviónica más sofisticados lo que los pilotos pueden realizar fuego táctico y olvidar.
En ese momento, el caza que el sistema era compatible con F-3H Demon y Cutlass F-7, y se perfeccionó en el F-4 Phantom II.

F-16C / D TNI AU 

Ahora, el AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM tiene un alcance efectivo de hasta 57 millas náuticas (105 km) con una velocidad máxima de Mach 4 (cuatro veces la velocidad del alias de sonido 4900 kmh, mientras que los aviones de combate más rápido todavía está en el intervalo de 2,5 la velocidad del sonido ). Cuando se libera la clase de misiles guiados AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM, los pilotos de combate de la OTAN utilizan para llamar estado o simulada batalla de combate como Fox Tres.
El gobierno de Indonesia, según el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, se ha solicitado a la venta de 36 unidades de AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM y la Sección de misiles gratuito.
Se incluyen en el acuerdo es el equipo de apoyo, piezas de repuesto, mantenimiento, reparación, logística, ingenieros, adaptadores, publicaciones técnicas, capacitación, dispositivos de prueba, y otros elementos relacionados.
Las ventas de material de guerra, de conformidad con la política exterior y de seguridad dentro de los Estados Unidos, ayudando a mejorar la seguridad de Estados Unidos y los principales asociados con el fin de dar estabilidad de la región de Asia y el Pacífico.
Las ventas de 36 unidades de AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM siendo seguido reemplazo discurso de la F-5E / F Tiger II de la Fuerza Aérea de la escuadrilla de aire 14, discute algunos de los "concursantes", es decir, JAS-39 Gripen C / D de la sueca Saab, el Bloque F-16 60 Viper, y el Sukhoi Su-35 de Rusia.
A pesar de que la oferta no fue abierta al público, pero por lo demás el Ministerio de Defensa de Indonesia, que han obtenido el nombre de los "ganadores" potenciales.
AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM es altamente compatible con todas las filas de los aviones de la OTAN y Occidente, incluyendo la serie Falcon JAS-39 Gripen, lucha F-16, F-18 Hornet / Super Hornet, la serie F-15 Eagle, hasta que el Panavia Tornado ADV.
AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM está todavía por debajo de AIM-120D grado es capaz de llegar a una distancia de 97 millas náuticas (160 kilómetros), mientras que el AIM-120D es todavía inferior en velocidad en lugar de consorcio Meteor artificial de Europa Occidental, MBDA.
MBDA Meteor se convirtió en un arma JAS-39 Gripen en su puesta en funcionamiento en el aire.

domingo, 10 de enero de 2016

Indonesia compra misiles rusos y americanos

Indonesia Approves Purchase of KH-31, AIM-120 Missiles

Indonesia has approved USD38 million in funds to acquire air-launched missiles. Approval includes a possible inaugural purchase of AIM-120 missiles from the United States

An Indonesian parliamentary committee that oversees the country's defence procurement budget has approved a request by the Indonesian Air Force (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Udara, or TNI-AU) to acquire air-launched missiles worth USD38 million.

A TNI-AU source told IHS Jane's on 30 December that the systems approved for acquisition are namely the Kh-31A and Kh-31P short-range air-to-surface missiles (USD24 million), the Kh-59ME powered stand-off weapon (USD18 million), and the AIM-120 advanced medium range air-to-air missile (AMRAAM) (USD6 million).


martes, 6 de enero de 2015

AMRAAM para Singapur y Tailandia

Raytheon Awarded Contract to Produce AMRAAM for Singapore and Thailand


Raytheon Co., Tucson, Arizona, has been awarded a $491,478,068 fixed-price incentive firm type contract for Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM) production Lot 28. Contractor will provide AMRAAM missiles and other AMRAAM system items.

The AMRAAM system includes the missile, captive air training missile, common munitions bit/reprogramming equipment, and non-developmental item airborne instrumentation unit. Work will be performed at Tucson, Arizona, and is expected to be completed by Feb. 28, 2017.

This contract involves foreign military sales to Korea, Oman, Singapore, and Thailand.

This award is the result of a sole-source acquisition. Fiscal 2014 Air Force and Navy production funds in the amount of $278,874,197 are being obligated at the time of award. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, is the contracting activity (FA8675-15-C-0022).

Departamento de Defensa USA

jueves, 21 de agosto de 2014

Turquía va por más AMRAAM

Turquia quiere misiles AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM

( Las autoridades turcas pretenden adquirir misiles de combate aire-aire de medio alcance Raytheon Missile Systems AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM (Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile) a través del procedimento de ventas militares al exterior de Estados Unidos. El suministro ha sido sometido a la autorización de la DSCA (Defense Security Cooperation Agency) en el Congreso de EEUU, donde espera tener luz verde para poder concretarse.

El pedido turco comprende 145 misiles AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM, 40 lanzadores LAU-129 y 10 sistemas de guía, así como equipamiento y servicios asociados, por un valor estimado de 320 millones de dólares. Los misiles se destinarán a armar los cazas Lockheed Martin F-16C/D Block 30/40/52 Fighting Falcon de la Fuerza Aérea Turca (Turk Hava Kuvvetleri) y eventualmente a los futuros cazas Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II.

Se estima que Turquía ya había adquirido misiles semejantes en versiones anteriores.  El objetivo de esta compra sería reforzar y completar las reservas de municiones para que la Fuerza Aérea turca pueda, en el contexto de inestabilidad de la región, responder con eficacia ante cualquier amenaza. (Victor M.S. Barreira).

Fotografías: F-16 Fighting Falcon de la Fuerza Aérea turca. (Victor M.S. Barreira).

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

Singapur adquiere AMRAAM y Sidewinder

F-15SG equipped with AIM-120 and AIM-9 Air to Air Missiles (photo : pichanad)

Singapore Requests Sale of  100 AIM-120C7 AMRAAM Air-to-Air Missiles

WASHINGTON – The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress April 3 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of the Republic of Singapore for 100 AIM-120C7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $210 million.

The Government of Singapore has requested a possible sale of 100 AIM-120C7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM), AMRAAM Programmable Advanced System Interface Simulator (PASIS), 10 AMRAAM Spare Guidance Sections, 18 AN/AVS-9(V) Night Vision Goggles, H-764G with GEM V Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM), Common Munitions Built-in -Test Reprogramming Equipment (CMBRE-Plus) in support of a Direct Commercial Sale of new F -15SG aircraft. Also included: containers, spare and repair parts, support equipment, tools and test equipment, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, logistics, and technical support services, and other related elements of logistics and program support. The estimated cost is $210 million.

This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by increasing the ability of the Republic of Singapore to contribute to regional security. Its contributions to counter-piracy and counterterrorism efforts continue to stabilize a critical chokepoint where much of the world’s goods and services transit en route to and from the Asia Pacific region. The proposed sale will improve the security of a strategic partner which has been, and continues to be, an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Asia Pacific region. Specifically, this proposed sale will improve the Republic of Singapore Air Force’s (RSAF) air to air capability and ability to defend its nation and cooperate with allied air forces

The Republic of Singapore requires these missiles to meet current and future threats of enemy aircraft. Singapore is procuring, via Direct Commercial Sale, new F-15SG aircraft. The proposed sale will enhance RSAF’s ability to operate with coalition forces in bilateral and multilateral exercises and potential air defense operations. Singapore will use these capabilities as a deterrent to regional threats and to strengthen its homeland defense. Singapore will have no difficulty absorbing the AIM-120C7s into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The prime contractors will be Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, Arizona; Honeywell Aerospace in Phoenix, Arizona; ITT Night Vision in Roanoke, Virginia; and ATK Defense Electronic Systems in Clearwater, Florida.

There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives to Singapore.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.


viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

El frío hiela al AMRAAM

El misterio del motor cohete sigue deteniendo las entregas de AMRAAM 
Por Robert Hewson 

Raytheon Missile Systems no ha provisto un AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) en casi dos años debido a una falla inexplicable de motor de combustible sólido del misil. 

Los motores, suministrados por ATK, han sufrido fracasos masivos cuando se someten a pruebas rutinarias de bajas temperaturas. El tema ha sorprendido y desconcertado ATK y Raytheon porque la formulación y materiales utilizados para producir el relleno cohete propulsor no han cambiado - y han estado en producción, sin incidentes, durante más de 30 años. Sin embargo, a finales de 2009 habían surgido problemas de fiabilidad con los motores de ATK y ahora Raytheon dice que tiene una población de alrededor de 800 misiles que no pueden ser entregados. El Departmento de Defensa (DoD) de EE.UU. ha suspendido los pagos a Raytheon hasta que los problemas se resuelven con cohetes y Raytheon admite que una solución definitiva, fiable aún no se ha encontrado. 

Los motores de ATK están fallando a una prueba de «maceración en frío" que los cohetes se congelan a -65 grados F (-54 grados C) y luego se dispararon parar demostrar que siguen siendo funcionales después de su transporte a gran altura. ATK suministra motores en lotes de 48 y la práctica de EE.UU. es probar nueve ejemplares al azar de cada lote. 
