sábado, 12 de octubre de 2024
Tailandia: Nuevo gobierno decide si reemplaza los F-16A/B con Gripen E/F
domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2024
Tailandia y China en maniobras aéreas: J-10 vs Gripen
RTAF y PLAAF completan el ejercicio conjunto Falcon Strike 2024
jueves, 8 de febrero de 2024
Tailandia decide si compra 12 Gripen o Fighting Falcon
Libro blanco de la RTAF para defender la necesidad de comprar nuevos aviones de combate
12 nuevos aviones de combate de Lockheed Martin F16 o Saab JAS-39 Gripen comenzarán en el año fiscal 2025 (imagen: Defense Learning)
viernes, 29 de diciembre de 2023
Grandes posibilidades para el SAAB Gripen en Filipinas
Muy buenas posibilidades para Jas Gripen en Filipinas, afirmó el Ministro de Defensa filipino
jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2023
SAAB ofrece Gripen E a Tailandia
Saab confirma la oferta del Gripen E a la Real Fuerza Aérea Tailandesa
Saab cree que el Gripen E es la mejor opción para la Real Fuerza Aérea Tailandesa, ya que es muy eficaz, puede utilizar infraestructura local y la empresa está preparada para proporcionar beneficios económicos a Tailandia con la adquisición del Gripen E, ya sea que eso signifique invertir en Tailandia o empleando empresas tailandesas para producir repuestos.
dijo Robert Björklund de Saab Tailandia en la exposición Defence and Security 2023.
"Las capacidades operativas centradas en redes que la Real Fuerza Aérea Tailandesa ha desarrollado utilizando el Gripen son la envidia de otros países. Están tratando de emular y aprovechar las capacidades que la Real Fuerza Aérea Tailandesa tiene actualmente, como Filipinas. Estamos muy interesados en cómo la Real Fuerza Aérea Tailandesa está desarrollando esta capacidad”.
Cabina del avión de combate Gripen E (foto: Saab)“El motor Gripen E proporciona más potencia. Hay más espacio para almacenar combustible. El mejor sistema de guerra electrónica del mundo. Sistema de aviónica único que ninguna otra parte tiene. Separamos el software crítico para las operaciones de vuelo del software táctico. Así que podemos actualizar el Gripen E rápidamente porque no tenemos que preocuparnos por el software de aviónica. Todo esto es sólo una parte”.
Saab también tiene una ventaja al ofrecer compensaciones u otros beneficios económicos sobre competidores como Lockheed Martin, que pueden estar limitados por los requisitos del gobierno estadounidense.
“Saab tiene una larga trayectoria permitiendo la colaboración industrial. Esta cooperación puede ser directa o indirecta; por ejemplo, hemos logrado cooperar en Hungría. "La República Checa, Sudáfrica y Brasil nos dan mucha experiencia a la hora de responder a las necesidades de compensación que pueda solicitar Tailandia", concluyó el Sr. Robert.
miércoles, 28 de junio de 2023
Tailandia busca más Gripen dado que no le venden F-35A
RTAF observa el avión Gripen sueco en medio del rechazo del F-35A
RTAF ahora opera 11 aviones JAS-35 Gripen, luego de que 1 de estos aviones se estrellara en un accidente en 2017 (foto: Saab)
jueves, 12 de enero de 2023
SAAB promociona el Gripen para Filipinas
Saab ofreció una opción de arrendamiento para su JAS-39 C/D Gripen a la Fuerza Aérea de Filipinas
jueves, 18 de agosto de 2022
Maniobras Falcon Strike 2022 entre China y Tailandia
Tailandia realiza práctica Falcon Strike 2022
La PLAAF incluye cazas J-10C/S y cazabombarderos JH-7AI y aviones de alerta temprana KJ-500 (fotos: Chanwut Limpichai)
La Real Fuerza Aérea de Tailandia (RTAF) lanzó ayer un ejercicio aéreo conjunto de 12 días, cuyo nombre en código es Falcon Strike 2022, con su contraparte china en Udon Thani.
Los simulacros, que durarán hasta el 25 de agosto, tienen por objeto aumentar la capacidad de los dos países para operaciones aéreas conjuntas, dijo el portavoz de la RTAF, VM Prapas Sonjaidee.
El ejercicio también profundizará los lazos entre las fuerzas militares de los países, lo que ayudará a mantener la paz y la seguridad en la región, agregó el vocero.
China desplegará seis aviones de combate J-10C/S, un bombardero JH-7AI y un avión de alerta temprana y control aerotransportado Shaanxi KJ-500 para el ejercicio, dijo una fuente, y agregó que los aviones de combate Su-27 no participarán en el ejercicio. ejercicio. . .
El cazabombardero JH-7AI acaba de desplegarse por primera vez (foto: ADJ)
Mientras tanto, la RTAF desplegará cinco aviones Gripen, tres aviones de ataque Alphajet y un avión de control y alerta temprana SAAB 340 AEW.
Los aviones F16 de fabricación estadounidense no participarán en el ejercicio, dijo la fuente. Este ejercicio es el quinto de este tipo desde 2015.
La ronda anterior de entrenamiento conjunto con China se llevó a cabo en 2019, que también se llevó a cabo en el Ala 23 de Udon Thani.
Gripen y SAAB 340 AEW de la RTAF (foto: SAAB)
Falcon Strike 2022 es uno de varios ejercicios conjuntos bilaterales en los que la fuerza aérea tailandesa acordó participar.
Otros ejercicios notables incluyen el ejercicio Cope Tiger que involucra a las fuerzas aéreas de Singapur y EE. UU., el juego de guerra tailandés-malayo LandEx Thamal, el ejercicio Thai-Indonesian Eagle y el ejercicio tailandés-australiano con nombre en código Thai Boomerang.
Bangkok Post
domingo, 12 de junio de 2022
Taliandia moderniza el software de sus Gripen
RTAF ha comenzado a actualizar su flota Gripen con el software MS20
Royal Thai Air Force ha comenzado la Fase 1 actualizada del software MS20 (Incremento 2.1) para Saab Gripen C/D del 701.° Escuadrón, Ala 7 desde principios de 2022 (foto: AAG)
El proyecto para desarrollar la capacidad del avión de combate multipropósito SAAB Gripen C/D, Escuadrón 701, Ala 7, 11 unidades, límite de precio medio de 629 224 200 baht (20 961 358 dólares o 175 505 261 coronas suecas) ha registrado un progreso creciente.
Según la reunión y seguimiento del proyecto, Fase 1 (Etapa 2.1) mediante la mejora de la capacidad de la aeronave piloto Gripen C/D con el conjunto de comandos estándar MS20.
Este es un proyecto más que se ha visto afectado por los recortes presupuestarios de defensa a raíz de la pandemia del Covid-19 que ha provocado el aplazamiento de sus operaciones, del que se tiene información de que desde inicios de 2022 se han reanudado las distintas obras del transportista contratado y debe estar terminado a finales de este año.
viernes, 2 de julio de 2021
SAAB hace un folleto para venderle el Gripen a Filipinas
Gripen for the Philippines at PAF Symposium Virtual Exhibit
Gripen for Philippines by SAAB (all images : SAAB)
Gripen for the Philippines March 2021 Brochure
One of the nice Brochures with a Philippine Theme at the 2021 Philippine Air Force (PAF) Symposium Virtual Exhibit was the latest “Gripen for the Philippines” Brochure dated March 2021 made by the Swedish Defense Manufacturer Saab AB.
You can also download the Brochure here. Saab is offering the JAS-39C/D Gripen for the PAF’s Multi-Role Fighter (MRF) Program, and highlighted the Gripen’s strengths, like its Short Field Take-Off performance, low Operating Cost, fast delivery time of only 2 Years, etc.
The Brochure also gave some details of Saab’s Philippine Office.
Meteor Missile
The Brochure also mentioned the very long range Meteor Beyond Visual Range (BVR) Missile. As was reported in the News just a couple of Days ago, the United States (US) had only approved the AIM-120-C7/8 Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM) for sale to the Philippines.The AIM-120C has a much lower range than the AIM-120D, which is the latest version but has not yet been approved for the Philippines. The Meteor has a much longer theorized range than both the AIM-120C or D Missiles.
Lockheed Martin
I just noticed also that Lockheed Martin, the Manufacturer of the F-16C Block 70/72 Aircraft being also offered for the PAF's MRF Program, does not seem to be at the PAF's 2021 Symposium Virtual Exhibit.Rhk111
martes, 16 de febrero de 2021
Tailandia moderniza sus Gripens al estándar MS20
RTAF Begins to Update the Gripen to the MS20 Standard
RTAF JAS-39 Gripen (photo : Jaryd Stock)
In this fiscal year 2021, all Thai armed forces have to cut their budget for supplies in the wake of the economic crisis caused by the Covid19 outbreak that forced the government to borrow hundreds of billions of baht to restore the economy. The procurement of military equipment was one of the first state programs to be cut off.
One of them has an Air Force budget on 11 Gripen fighters (from 12 because of a crash one), which is a refinement of the logistics capability. And adjust the performance in technology and equipment for the training of the aircraft with a budget of approximately 631 million baht
This would be impossible other than upgrading the aircraft to the MS20 standard, with most software enhancements rather than hardware by enhancing the capability of the CDL-39 Datalink system to closely support air support missions. Added support for the Link-16, NATO's standard Datalink system, added Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto GCAS) and Nuclear Warfare Self Defense, Biological Chemistry, radar and sensor capability improvements. additional support for the medium-range Meteor missile and the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb, etc.
Additionally, Gripen's MS20 enhancements will give Gripen the ability to operate a mid-range Meteor air-to-air missile, which the Air Force is interested in. The update will be an upgrade of the PS-05/A radar to the Mk.4 version that will have a 100% increase in detection capability, which will be more suitable for use with long-range Meteor. By changing only the Processing Unit, there is no need to replace the radar dish or any other equipment. "
The Meteor medium-range air-to-air missile is one of the world's most highly efficient missiles. It has one of the highest probability of hitting the enemy, because the missile uses a Ramjet engine that increases the range and maneuverability of the missile. Instead of a conventional solid rocket fuel that typically burns out quickly and the rocket relies on kinetic energy to move towards its target, along with a datalink system between the missile itself and the firing aircraft to enable the firing aircraft to improve its target most current the long firing range makes the aircraft to shoot safer from enemy aircraft counterattack.
See full article TAF
domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2020
La disponibilidad de los Gripen tailandeses es del 100%
RTAF Gripen : 100% Availability Despite the Pandemic
Eleven RTAF Gripen in elephant walk formation (photo : FMV, RTAF)
High availability despite the pandemic
With a formation flight, the Thai Air Force showed its appreciation for how the support for the Gripen system in Thailand works.Last week, the Royal Thailand Air Force (RTAF) Wing 7 had 100 percent availability on its eleven Gripen aircraft. This was celebrated by the RTAF by flying a formation flight (usually called a ‘Christmas tree flight’ in Sweden) with nine aircraft. Two aircraft were on standby (QRA) loaded with weapons and participated by taxing on the ground.
This is proof that the FMV project Gripen to Thailand together with the Swedish Armed Forces, even during the current pandemic in the world, has succeeded in maintaining our commitment to the Royal Thai Air Force.
“There are major challenges that the project manages to solve together with RTAF, for example the logistical challenge with transport of classified equipment to and from Thailand. We have solved this with a very good collaboration with the Armed Forces, which supports transport and forwarding,” says project manager Kristian Säf Pernselius.
Everyday life for the project is not the same due to the limitations that the pandemic entails. It is not practically possible for Swedish staff to be present in Thailand due to quarantine rules.
“We have therefore had to find new but creative solutions to succeed with the task that the Swedish government has assigned to FMV. A major challenge is to conduct meetings and negotiations. At the moment, we are planning to upgrade the Gripen aircraft and due to the pandemic, this means that everything will take longer, both for the project and RTAF. In that work, we have collaborated with the Thai Embassy, which supports us in an exceptional way,” says Kristian Säf Pernselius.
Facts Gripen to Thailand
Through FMV, Sweden has delivered twelve Gripen aircraft, including RBS15 anti-ship missiles, two AEW aircraft, one Saab 340 transport aircraft and management systems to Thailand through contracts signed in 2008 and 2010.FMV has continued contracts for support and maintenance.
miércoles, 8 de abril de 2020
miércoles, 1 de enero de 2020
Filipinas evalúa el F16V o el Gripen
PAF Evaluating 2 Aircraft Types for Multi-Role Fighter Project
LockheedMartin F16V (photo : Frances Mangosing)
MANILA -- The Philippine Air Force (PAF) is currently evaluating two aircraft for its multi-role fighter (MRF) project, Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said Monday night.
"One of the aircraft being evaluated is from Sweden (the Saab JAS 39 'Gripen) and the other is the American (General Dynamics) F-16 (V)," Lorenzana said when sought for updates on the MRF which is being eyed to beef up the country's air defense system.
He did not give additional details on the process.
The Swedish-made 'Gripen' is a light single-engine MRF capable of speeds up to Mach 2.0. It is armed with a 20mm automatic cannon and is capable of carrying a variety of rockets, bombs, missiles and surveillance equipment.
Saab JAS 39 Gripen (photo : DefenseNews)
Meanwhile, the American F-16V has a top speed of Mach 2.0, can also carry an assortment of bombs and missiles and sensors and armed with a 20mm cannon.
The MRF is part of Horizon Two of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization Program slated for 2018 to 2022, which aims to acquire more equipment for external defense.
Any aircraft that will be selected must be able to integrate with existing radar systems that have a range of around 250 nautical miles.
Once these MRFs are acquired, the PAF, with the help of these radar systems, can be deployed to determine whether the aircraft flying in Philippine airspace is friendly or hostile.
These proposed MRFs are expected to augment the existing fleet of 12 South Korean-made Mach 1.5 capable FA-50PH jet aircraft acquired from 2015 to 2017 by the PAF as its first supersonic aircraft after the decommissioning its Northrop F-5 "Tiger" jet fighters in 2005.
sábado, 13 de julio de 2019
Filipinas busca caza multirol
Multi-Role Fighters Soon to Complete PHL’s Integrated Defense System: PAF Chief
Philippine Air Force (PAF) commanding general Lieutenant General Rozzano D. Briguez said during the 72nd anniversary celebration of PAF at Colonel Jesus Villamor Air Base in Pasay City that the acquisition of multi-role fighters will soon complete Philippines’ integrated defense system.
“The acquisition of multi-role fighters would soon complete the integrated air defense system of the entire country which is composed of the sensors, the radars, the ground defense, and the interceptors which will be our multi-role fighters,” Lieutenant Genreal Briguez said.
He noted that the third radar system acquired from Israel will soon be installed at Mount Salakot, Palawan. The first and second were installed in Paredes Air Station in Ilocos Norte and Gozar Air Station, Lubang Island in Occidental Mindoro, respectively.
He also said that recently National Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana approved the Notice of Award for the Ground-Based Air Defense System (GBADS) Acquisition Project.
“Furthermore, the PAF strategic basing plan intends to develop areas as Lal-lo in Cagayan, Guiuan in Samar, Mati in Davao Oriental, Hill 900 in Zamboanga, and Balabac Island in Palawan to ensure effective and efficient air operations in support to the AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) mission,” Lieutenant General Briguez said. (Mintfo)
Duterte vows to complete P139-B Air Force modernization by 2022
PRESIDENT Duterte vowed on Tuesday to complete the P139-billion modernization program of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) by 2022.
Durterte committed to prioritize the 16 projects benefiting PAF under the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) Second Horizon project.
The project includes the procurement of utility vehicles, drones and other command-and-control fixed-wing aircraft among others.
“I am hoping and praying that before my remaining three years will expire, that all of these things especially those labeled Horizon projects of yours will be completed,” Duterte said in a speech at the 72nd Anniversary of the PAF at the Colonel Jesus Villamor Air Base in Pasay City.
He also disclosed the successful acquisition of a flight simulator, new aircraft and an air defense surveillance system.
“I assure you, this administration will continue to pursue all efforts to enhance your capabilities . . . through modernization and capacity-building initiatives,” Duterte said.
During the event, Duterte also recognized the award recipients from various Air Force units and airmen who have displayed exemplary service and dedication in PAF.
Business Mirror
domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2018
Suecia ordena Gripen E para sus fuerzas
Saab wins new order for Swedish Air Force Gripen E program
Air RecognitionSaab has received an order from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) regarding new equipment for Gripen E. This is a supplementary contract to the previous Gripen E contract, and is valued to approximately US$ 47.57 million.
Saab Gripen E fighter jet
(Credit: Saab)
The original contract, regarding development and modification of Gripen E, signed with FMV in February 2013, was based on the terms that certain equipment from the existing Gripen C/D fleet within the Swedish Armed Forces should be reused.
Instead of reusing equipment from the Gripen C/D, new equipment is acquired for a part of the total Swedish order of 60 Gripen E aircraft. This approach secures the availability of the Swedish Gripen C/D fleet in operational service, while Gripen E is being delivered and introduced to the Swedish Armed Forces.
In December 2017 Saab received a supplementary contract from FMV for new equipment for Gripen E. This second supplementary contract covers another batch of new equipment.
Saab unveiled the first Gripen E test aircraft on May 18, 2016. It has been ordered by Sweden and Brazil (36). The Gripen E is powered by one General Electric F414G turbofan engine rated at 22,000lb. It features a new high-pressure turbine and a new six-stage, high-pressure compressor. The aircraft features Selex's ES-05 Raven active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar system.
Gripen E's weapons package include METEOR, AMRAAM, IRIS-T, and AIM-9 missiles. The single-seat aircraft is equipped with a 27 mm Mauser BK27 gun.
jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018
Hungría recibe instalación de mantenimiento móvil para sus Gripen
Hungary becomes launch customer for Saab's Deployable Aircraft Maintenance Facility
Air RecognitionSaab has signed an order to provide enhanced aircraft maintenance capability to the Hungarian Air Force, using the mobile solution Deployable Aircraft Maintenance Facility, the Swedish defense contractor said on December 19, 2018.
Artist's rendering of Saab Deployable Aircraft Maintenance Facility for the JAS-39 Gripen fighter jet
(Credit: Saab)
Deployable Aircraft Maintenance Facility (DAM) is a mobile hangar solution that enables enhanced aircraft maintenance capacity combined with superior protection. DAM provides capability equivalent to stationary maintenance infrastructure, but at a fraction of the cost.
“This is an important breakthrough for Saab as it marks the first order of the DAM, a fairly new offering in our product portfolio, however based on solutions with previous proven performance. It is a proof of our continued capability to deliver support solutions allowing air forces to combine operational availability with cost efficiency,” says Ellen Molin, Senior Vice President and head of Saab’s business area Support and Services.
The Hungarian Air Force is currently operating 14 Gripen fighter aircraft on a lease-purchase agreement with the Swedish government. DAM will provide the Hungarian Air Force with an increased level of flexibility and reduce their dependency on stationary infrastructure for maintenance and protection of their Gripen fleet. A DAM solution can be rapidly deployed (in less than 48 hours) to enable sustainment of self-sufficient operations for extended periods of time, in any location, regardless of whether they are domestic or overseas.
The solution will be delivered in 2019.
viernes, 29 de junio de 2018
SAAB quiere ubicar los Gripens en Filipinas
Saab’s Gripen Positioned for Philippines Fighter Requirement
Saab is positioning its Gripen to meet the Philippines’ Multi-Role Fighter requirement.
Swedish defence group Saab is advancing its engagement with the Philippine Air Force (PAF) as part of efforts to meet the service’s stated requirement to procure a multirole combat aircraft over the coming few years.
The planned acquisition – known in the Philippines as the Multi-Role Fighter (MRF) programme – has not yet been formalised through the issue of a request for information (RFI), but Saab has already strongly positioned its Gripen platform to meet the requirement when it goes to tender.
Recent reports from the Philippines that President Rodrigo Duterte has now approved the MRF acquisition in principle suggest that the programme may move ahead soon in line with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) ‘second horizon’ modernisation programme, which runs 2018–23.
Funding for second horizon, which includes the MRF as one of its key acquisition projects, has been set at PHP289 billion (USD5.46 billion).
Commenting on the reported progress in the MRF programme, a Saab spokesperson told Jane’s on 11 June, “It’s a positive development for us in the Philippines, and we are encouraged by the momentum that is now building around the MRF programme.”
The spokesperson added that Saab has been in dialogue with the PAF and AFP about military requirements in the country for several years and that it has held detailed talks with the former about the MRF requirement.
“We have had detailed discussions with the PAF’s technical working group that has been studying the options for the Philippines, and Saab is fully committed to supporting whatever acquisition path [the Philippines] moves forward along.”
According to reports, the MRF programme is likely to progress as a requirement for two squadrons acquired over two batches, although the total number of aircraft that will be procured and the value of finances set aside for the procurement have not yet been confirmed by the Philippine government.
domingo, 31 de diciembre de 2017
Tailandia exhibe sus Litening
RTAF Demonstrates The LITENING Pod
RTAF demonstrates the LITENING pod along with the GBU-12 laser-guided bomb on board the Gripen fighter during the air operation demonstration in the annual Aerial Weaponry Competition. The LITENING pod was ordered for the Gripen at the same time with the Sniper AT that would be equipped on F-16.
LITENING is a high-performance targeting pod that capable to equip on board various platform. It is reported that RTAF has 6 pods on their inventory.
martes, 16 de mayo de 2017
Indonesia interesado en Gripen y buques suecos
JAS 39 Gripen con el esquema de color de la Fuerza Aérea
Indonesia renovará Jets y Buque de Combate desgastados
Estocolmo, DMC - Indonesia planea reemplazar todos los buques y aviones de combate de combate se consideran obsoletos o sobre la edad de 30-40 años. La realización aún está pendiente Presidente Joko Widodo, así como la aprobación del Parlamento.
La confirmación Ryacudu ministro de Defensa Ryamizard después de una reunión bilateral con el ministro de Defensa de Suecia, Carl Peter Anders Hultqvist en el castillo de Kalberg, Estocolmo, Suecia, el lunes por la tarde (8/5).
El ministro de Defensa reveló muy interesado en una serie de la industria militar sueca, tales como armas, sistemas de tecnología militar, incluidos los aviones de combate Gripen JAS 39 fabricado por Saab. "En principio, vamos a sustituir el envejecimiento de los equipos militares", dijo el ministro de Defensa.
Sin embargo, continuó el ministro, en el discurso de sustitución de equipos de defensa no se puede hacer al instante. Hay medidas que deben tomarse antes de que el informe se presenta al Presidente, a través de negociaciones limitado entre una serie de empresas de la industria de defensa de Indonesia y Suecia.
La llegada del secretario de Defensa de Suecia es un seguimiento del acuerdo de cooperación en el ámbito de la defensa que ha firmado ministro sueco de Defensa de Indonesia, junto con el ministro de Defensa en el Ministerio de Defensa de Indonesia, Jakarta, a principios de diciembre el 2016.
"Esperamos que lo que se dijo esto se puede hacer. Como muestra de nuestro compromiso de trabajar juntos, aquí tomamos cinco (5) El Director de la industria de la defensa local y funcionarios clave del Ministerio de Defensa de la República de Indonesia ", dijo.
JAS 39 Gripen
Ministro de Defensa de Suecia aprecia la llegada del ministro indonesio de Defensa y su entorno. Ministro de Defensa de Suecia evaluar la segunda reunión del ministro de Defensa, puede mejorar la calidad de la reunión como un socio estratégico, sobre todo en el ámbito de la defensa.
"Más adelante vamos a realizar algunos más reuniones. También tuvimos una gran cantidad de programas y otras formas de cooperación. Gracias por su apoyo y esta visita ", dijo el ministro de Defensa de Suecia.
Lo mismo lo afirmó el Director General de Defensa Potencial Kemhan Dr. Sutrimo Sumarlan. Según él, si Indonesia ha asegurado para comprar equipamiento de defensa aviones de combate de Suecia, entonces tiene que haber algunas cosas cumplimiento de requisitos previos armas según lo acordado en el Memorando de undertanding (MoU) al final de 2016.
"De acuerdo con la Ley de Defensa Nacional, es decir, tiene que haber una voluntad de proporcionar la producción offset, la coordinación con el sistema G-a-G, y la transferencia de tecnología (CpC)," dijo el Director General de Pothan.
Otro requisito que debe ser considerado es la transferencia de la transferencia de tecnología, implicará la industria de defensa local de las empresas estatales y empresas privadas. De hecho, Suecia también tuvo que asegurarse de que su potencial de embargo de garantía no va a ocurrir en el futuro y garantizar la continuidad de repuestos y mantenimiento del sistema de equipo de defensa.
Además explicó que los militares tienen una gran cantidad de enfermeros de combate de más de 30 años y los buques de más de 40 años de edad. Si no hay ningún obstáculo, a continuación, la tierra y el aire alutista obsoleta que será reemplazada por la nueva alustista comprados a Suecia.
"Es sólo que todavía está discurso. El año que viene pensamos en alutista todo lo que era adecuado para nuestras necesidades. Esencialmente toda probabilidad (compra discurso) todavía esperar después de haber sido informado de que el Presidente ", dijo el Director General de Pothan.
Jefe de Instalaciones Agencia de Defensa (Kabaranahan) Kemhan militar Laksda Leonardi añadió que el propósito de la llegada del ministro de Defensa Ryamizard Ryacudu y un número de funcionarios clave del Ministerio de Defensa es explorar la cooperación en defensa, junto con las partes interesadas de la industria de defensa sueca.
"Por ejemplo, Suecia ha ofrecido la posibilidad de cooperación en la adquisición de buques, mientras que también tenemos programas para la adquisición de la embarcación. Todavía estamos pensando en la posibilidad de elegir Suecia o en otros países ", dijo Kabaranahan concluyó.