sábado, 5 de enero de 2019

Nuevos BTR-82A para la infantería naval rusa

New Amphibious Combat Vehicles for the Russian Naval Infantry

Army Recognition

New fighting vehicles for the Russian naval infantry will be designed and enter service "in midterm perspective," Russian Navy Commander Adm. Vladimir Korolev said in an interview to the Krasnaya Zvezda daily on Wednesday.

BTR-82A amphibious vehicles during manoeuvres. (Picture source: Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation)

"In the midterm perspective, we plan to create and introduce into service a family of combat vehicles for the naval infantry of the Russian Navy, designed to deliver naval infantry units to battle locations, destroy (strike) the adversary’s armored objects and personnel, render fire support to assault forces during all stages of their combat operations," the official said.
He said the new vehicles will operate "in any latitudes and climatic conditions, including Arctic ones."

Earlier, media reported citing a presentation of Rostec`s Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) research-and-manufacturing corporation, that the new vehicle would weigh about 35 tonnes and will travel at the speed of up to 75 kmph on land and 37 kmph on sea. It will have a crew of three and a passenger capacity of ten.

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