domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2018

Suecia ordena Gripen E para sus fuerzas

Saab wins new order for Swedish Air Force Gripen E program

Air Recognition

Saab has received an order from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) regarding new equipment for Gripen E. This is a supplementary contract to the previous Gripen E contract, and is valued to approximately US$ 47.57 million.

Saab Gripen E fighter jet
(Credit: Saab)

The original contract, regarding development and modification of Gripen E, signed with FMV in February 2013, was based on the terms that certain equipment from the existing Gripen C/D fleet within the Swedish Armed Forces should be reused.

Instead of reusing equipment from the Gripen C/D, new equipment is acquired for a part of the total Swedish order of 60 Gripen E aircraft. This approach secures the availability of the Swedish Gripen C/D fleet in operational service, while Gripen E is being delivered and introduced to the Swedish Armed Forces.

In December 2017 Saab received a supplementary contract from FMV for new equipment for Gripen E. This second supplementary contract covers another batch of new equipment.

Saab unveiled the first Gripen E test aircraft on May 18, 2016. It has been ordered by Sweden and Brazil (36). The Gripen E is powered by one General Electric F414G turbofan engine rated at 22,000lb. It features a new high-pressure turbine and a new six-stage, high-pressure compressor. The aircraft features Selex's ES-05 Raven active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar system.

Gripen E's weapons package include METEOR, AMRAAM, IRIS-T, and AIM-9 missiles. The single-seat aircraft is equipped with a 27 mm Mauser BK27 gun.

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