miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018

Indonesia prepara bombas inteligentes para sus F-16s

TNI AU Prepare Smart Bomb for F-16 C / D Combat Fighter from US

Tribun News

Smart bomb of domestic products (photo: Defense Studies)

F-16 C / D fighter jets from US, TNI AU Prepare Smart Bomb, Here's the Shape and Its Specifications

BANGKAPOS.COM - A total of 24 units of F-16 C / D 52ID fighter jets from the United States have finally arrived all in early 2018.

The arrival of F-16 C / D that can to form 2 squadrons that immediately make busy the Department of Research and Development of the Air Force (Dislitbangau).

However, Dislitbangau must produce many bombs to arms it.

A number of Dislitbangau research and development bombs such as BTN-100 and BT-500 have been successfully tested and certified and ready for use by F-16 C / D.

In June 2014, a number of weapons in the form of bomb sharp (BTN) -100, BT-200 and BT-500 were successfully tested in Iswahyudi, Madiun and Air Shooting Range (ASR) at Pandanwangi, Lumajang, East Java.

The two-stage bomb test is static test and bomb release.

A static test can only be said to be successful if the bomb installed in the wing of the plane is stable and can be dropped with a padded mattress pad that is stable and secure.

While the test bomb release using Sukhoi Su-27/30 and F-16 aircraft that can run perfectly because it can target to the parameters that have been determined.

The bomb blast testing tools used to analyze various bomb capabilities also work optimally.

One of the test parameters is the speed of the bomb, the accuracy of the bomb on the target, the power and the range of the explosion, the shape of the bomb fragments, and so on.

To enter the mass production process of bombs, related companies are appointed by the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan) and the number of bombs that must be produced must also be in accordance Kemhan demand.

After successfully developing BT-500 bombs to enter the stage of mass production, currently Dislitbangau also still trying hard to create smart bombs (smart bomb).

A large explosive bomb type which, in the course of its work after being dropped from the plane, can hit the target accurately thanks to the guide.

In accordance with the process of research and development of smart bombs, Dislitbangau actually have to enter the test phase both statically and release (release).

In various domestic armaments exhibition, smart bomb of Dislitbangau has even been exhibited and become special attention of visitors from military circle.

Dislitbangau is still facing obstacles to test smart bombkarena not yet have the device to test it.

If there is already Dislitbangau ready to test until smart bomb immediately ready operation.

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