martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

Helicóptero embarcado K-52K recibirá AESA

Ka-52K attack helicopter poised for AESA radar upgrade
Nikolai Novichkov, Moscow - IHS Jane's International Defence Review

The ship-based Kamov Ka-52K Katran attack helicopter is set to receive an AESA radar upgrade. Source: Nikolai Novichkov

The navalised variant of the the Kamov Ka-52 Alligator (Hokum-B) attack/reconnaissance helicopter - the Ka-52K Katran - will be equipped with a compact active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar from Russian defense contractor Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET), a company spokesperson told IHS Jane's .

KRET claims that its AESA radar will be able to operate in the millimetric wavelength for effective ground target acquisition as well as the centimetric spectrum to enable large naval targets to be detected at a range of 180 km.

The radar is also capable of detecting low-altitude aerial targets such as cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), providing data to cue onboard electro-optical devices and corresponding weapons to these targets.

Flight safety is enhanced with ground moving target indication and tracking modes, which assists the crew in coping with low visibility conditions such as fog, dust and night-time operations. The radar also detects ground obstacles including transmission towers and power lines.

The Ka-52K helicopter - developed to sink amphibious landing ships as well as the transports of enemy strike groups and convoys with its ability to employ anti-ship cruise missiles such as the high-speed Kh-31AD - was originally slated for deployment aboard the two French-built Mistral-class amphibious command ships originally destined for the Russian Navy.

However, delivery of the ships to Russia had subsequently been cancelled by France due to the former's annexation of Crimea.

There are now plans to add the helicopters already constructed to the air wing of the Project 11435 Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier.

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