sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2014

Turquía actualiza los Falcons pakistaníes

Turkey Delivers Upgraded F-16s to Pakistan 

ANKARA — Turkey has delivered the last four F-16 fighter aircraft it upgraded for the Pakistani Air Force, the company tasked with the work said Sept. 2.
Turkey’s aerospace powerhouse, Tusas Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), said in a written statement that it concluded the Pakistani F-16 upgrade program by delivering the last four aircraft to the Pakistani Air Force.

The program involved avionics and structural modernization for 41 Pakistani F-16s.

TAI, which assembled F-16 fighter jets in Turkey in the 1980s and 1990s, today manufactures parts for Boeing, headquartered in Chicago, and Stratford, Conn.-based helicopter-maker Sikorsky. The company also participates in the multinational JSF program and the A400M, known in Turkey as the Future Large Aircraft.

TAI also has upgraded scores of Turkish F-16s. In a more ambitious program the company has been designing an indigenous Turkish fighter aircraft.

Last December, TAI also won a contract from the Turkish government for the serial production of two versions of the Hurkus basic trainer aircraft, which it developed. ■

Defense News

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