jueves, 14 de febrero de 2019

Azerbaiyán bota OPV israelí en el Mar Caspio

Azerbaijan has launched its new SBS ship afloat

Navy Recognition

Azerbaijan has put its brand new Tufan-type (Saar OPV-62) border guard ship S-206 afloat in the Caspian Sea. This vessel is to be incorporated to the State Border Service (SBS) of the Azerbaijan’s Coast Guard.

Saar OPV-62 S-204 (Picture source : WeapoNews)

This vessel will help the Coast Guard of Azerbaijan to complete important missions including the ensuring of border security in the Caspian Sea, the organising of reliable protection of the oil and gas industry, the managing of rescue missions and also the surveillance of its coasts.

The S-206 is scheduled to be equipped with modern equipment, radio communications and weapons (including missile and anti-missile weapons, night and day surveillance systems, etc…). It is also fitted to accommodate a helicopter on its 62-meter long deck, and various high-speed boats.

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