sábado, 4 de febrero de 2017

Planta Kalashnikov aumenta a tres turnos de producción por incremento en ventas

Concern in "Kalashnikov" increases staff by 30% and goes to work in three shifts
Red Star

Concern "Kalashnikov" increases staff by 30% and goes to work in three shifts because of the increased volume of export orders in 2017 - reported on January 30, Prime Agency of economic information, with reference to the press service of the concern.
According to the press service, in 2017 it will create 1,700 new jobs, which will increase the staff of basic and auxiliary production facilities specialties of not less than 30%. At the end of 2016 the average number of the personnel was about 6,500 people.

"The decision to increase the State Concern employees made against the background of output growth, due to the increase in the number of export orders before us is not an easy task to cope with the growing orders for their execution, from April 2017, work will be carried out in three shifts.." - press service quoted the director general statement of the concern "Kalashnikov" Alexei Krivoruchko.

New employees will work on the production of the Concern in Izhevsk, which produces a wide range of shooting output, high-precision and special machinery, equipment and tools.

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