martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

¿Brahmos para Filipinas?

DND Set to Acquire Sophisticated Equipment, Missiles

Ambassadors of India, Russia and Israel have offered misile to Philippines

President Rodrigo Duterte has ordered Department of National Defense (DND) and Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to look for other military markets for sophisticated weapons.

According to DND Secretary Delfin Lorenzana, ambassadors of India, Russia and Israel have offered some of their sophisticated equipment.

“Is it time for us to look for others for our military defense materials? It’s time. Many ambassadors already came to me, offering a lot of equipment. I see this as a healthy development with our relationship with other countries,” Lorenzana said, as quoted by

The defense secretary also hinted the plan to acquire missile defense.

“We can also buy missiles from other countries like Germany, Israel and South Korea. We can also buy from France,” he said.

However, Lorenzana acknowledged, US-made materials and technology remain well-known world-wide.


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