viernes, 14 de febrero de 2020

Vietnam empieza a producir MANPADS Igla bajo licencia

Vietnam Mastered the Russian's Igla MANPADS Technology and Started Manufacturing

Vietnam mastered manpads technology (photo : VDI)

After 10 years of research and developing, Vietnam finally mastered the Russian's Igla man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS) technology and started manufacturing. Various live fire exercises have been held in 2019 and they brought good results. This is a significant achivement of Vietnam's defense industry, for the first time we can produce guided missiles for the Vietnam People’s Army.

Also this is one of the first results of Vietnam's defense industry on missile technology section, as KCT anti-ship missiles are still under developing and the next-gen ATGM license and manufacturing facility are finally considered after the upgrade program for the aging B-72(AT-3) ATGM fleet.

We also should take notes on the K07 woodland camoflague bulletproof vests in the photo.


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