viernes, 10 de enero de 2020

En 2022 se empezará a producir el transporte ligero Ilyushin Il-112V

Serial production of Il-112V light military transport should begin in 2022

Air Recognition

In a press statement released on December 27, 2019, Russian aircraft manufacturer Ilyushin said that the Il-112V, a new transport, should be ready to enter serial production in 2022. The company said, "Production facilities allow us to launch production of more than 10 Il-112V aircraft per year."

Maiden flight of the Ilyushin Il-112V with ODK-Klimov TV7-117ST turboprop engines and AV-112 propellers of Aerosila (Picture source: UAC)

The statement noted that factory flight testing of the aircraft has begun. Two prototypes have been completed and another two are in the process of being built. Production of the test aircraft should be completed in 2021.

The Il-112V conducted its first flight test on March 30, 2019. While Russian officials referred to the flight as ‘successful’, a number of issues were discovered as part of the test. Ilyushin has been working on addressing these in order to move the aircraft back on schedule.

If the Il-112V passes testing and is accepted into operational duty with the Air Force, it will be the first transport designed after the collapse of the Soviet Union to enter service with the Russian military.

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