martes, 27 de agosto de 2019

RBS-70 para Australia

SAAB contract for the support of RBS-70 and Giraffe radar for Australian army

Army Recognition

Saab has received an order from the Australian Army to extend the support of their Ground-Based Air Defence (GBAD) and Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) systems until 2022. This ensures the availability and effectiveness of these important capabilities, which are fielded by 16th Regt, Royal Australian Artillery.

Australian Army 16th Air Land Regiment personnel scan for targets using the RBS-70 at a tactical firing point overlooking Lake Hart during Exercise Remagen Bridge 19 at the Woomera Test Range, South Australia.(Picture source Australian MoD)

Under the contract, Saab will provide support for the range of systems forming the GBAD and CRAM solutions, including the Giraffe Agile Multi-Beam (AMB) radars and RBS-70 very short-range air defense weapon system. The contract value is approximately SEK 184 million.

“Long-term, top-class support is key to our offer and we look forward to continuing to help strengthen Australia’s GBAD and C-RAM capability with our expertise in complex integrated systems”, says Anders Carp, head of Saab’s business area Surveillance.

The support program will include the Mode 5 Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) capability that has been recently integrated by Saab Australia into the RBS 70 Air Defence System, including the RBS-70 missile-firing posts, TaCCS and Giraffe AMB radar. This world-leading capability ensures that the Australian Army’s air defense system is able to deploy into a coalition environment and significantly reduces the risk of misidentification of aircraft.

The RBS-70 is a man-portable air-defense missile system (MANPADS) designed for air defense warfare in all climate zones and with little to no support from other forces. The original RBS-70 missile had a limited range of 5 km and 3 km ceiling. The limited size warhead resulted in a mediocre lethality. The Mk 2 missile has a much-improved warhead, 7 km range and 4 km ceiling. The latest BOLIDE missile has an 8 km range, 5 km ceiling and Mach 2 speed.

The Giraffe Agile Multi Beam (AMB) is a true three-dimensional search radar, designed to specifically operate with short- and medium-range surface to air missile systems.

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