Laos receives T-72B1 MBTs from Russia
Army RecognitionAs presumed after the Tank Biathlon competition held in 2018, the sale of T-72B MBTs tor Laos was signed, as previously announced by Defense Studies. In early April this year, the Russians introduced the T-72B upgrade of the T-72 tank to Lao military officials, namely, Laotian Defence Minister Lieutenant General Sengnuan Xayalat, and demonstrated the tactical features of the upgraded T-72B. Laos consequently ordered “several dozen” T-72B MBTs to modernize its army.

T-72B1 (Picture source: Army Recogition)
Russia has begun deliveries of upgraded T-72B main battle tanks (MBTs) to the Lao People’s Armed Forces (LPAF). A large batch of T-72B ‘White Eagle’ MBTs was shipped to a Vietnamese port several days ago, from where they will be brought to Laos via tank transporters.
The Lao People's Army was introduced to the T-72B3 tank during the 2017 Tank Biathlon tournament, but due to the high cost of up to $ 3 million per unit, Laos chose a cheaper version: the T-72B "White Eagle", which benefits from a quick-fire upgrade package. The "White Eagle" tank has a poor T-90S defense system when it is not equipped with the new Contact 5 Armor Reactor but uses Contact 1, and also when it is not equipped with the Shtora Soft Defense System 1. The "White Eagle" tanks are equipped with a multi-channel optical thermal image for the gunner and commander of the Sosna-U vehicle company Peleng of Belarus. Its electronic system and fire control significantly outperformed those of the T-90S.
Entrando a soñar un poco, qué bien le vendrían a nuestro EA un par de regimientos de estos tanques, sería un buen contrapeso para los blindados de países vecinos y por ahora amigos.
ResponderEliminarPor otra parte, el camo de este tanque seguramente no es operacional, ya que ese color claro resalta a kms en la geografía laosiana.