viernes, 25 de mayo de 2018

Vietnam completó la reparación y mejora de sus corbetas ASW

Vietnam Completed the Repair and Upgrading of Pohang ASW Corvettes

Pohang class corvettes of Vietnamese Navy 

Research Institute for International Peace Stockholm - SIPRI report its latest mentions of Korea donated to People's Navy Vietnam 1 ship antisubmarine corvettes of Pohang used, be aware that the main The Gimcheon (PCC-761).

The image of the Pohang class ship guard after your handover to Vietnam is numbered 18, has appeared on the Sputnik Vietnamese page since mid-2017. However, it was not until March, A short video about this ship.

Reported by the National Defense Channel, currently ship number 18 are located in the factory building of the X46 Factory - Naval Technical Department. In the first quarter of 2018, the mission of the unit was to repair and upgrade the large submarine warfare tanker to hand it over to the 2nd Naval Region.

At the end of quarter I / 2018, the progress of repairing, upgrading the ship is something that many people are interested.

As for answering the question, the recent column on the National Channel of the National Defense Broadcasting Station has broadcast a recent report, including an image of the 18th ship anchored on the 171th Brigade. to serve the training, showing the overhaul, overhauling was completed.

In the video we can observe very clearly the configuration of the ship's weapon, it retains a Oto Melara Compact at the nose and a 40 mm Nobong Gun (DARDO Korean version manufactured under license) behind.

The location of the Nobong 40 in front of the command cabin was replaced with a 20 mm Sea Vulcan artillery shifter, which was a common weapon for the Korean Navy's Chamsuri class patrol boats. .

There are no longer torpedo-like trenches of the original size of 324 mm. They have been removed before handing over and no news has been found in Vietnam.

It is likely that the Pohang was only used as a patrol boat, but did not exclude that we would be equipped with an anti-submarine torpedo for the ship at the appropriate time.

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