domingo, 26 de marzo de 2017

El 29 de marzo arriban 2 FA-50 a Filpinas

Two More FA-50PH will be Arrived on March 29

PAF will have eight fighter trainer aircraft in last March 

Air Force’s 7th, 8th FA-50PHs Arriving March 29

The Philippine Air Force is set to receive its 7th and 8th FA-50PH ‘Fighting Eagle’ Fighter/Surface Attack/Lead-in Fighters Trainer Aircraft (F/SA/LIFTA), 007 and 008, on March 29. The scheduled delivery will bring Air Force’s Fighting Eagles to 8.

“This is the fourth batch of planes to arrive, with tail numbers 007 and 008,” Air Force spokesman Colonel Antonio Francisco as quoted by Philippine Star.

005 and 006 arrived February 22 this year. First two units of the FA-50PH arrived November 28, 2015 followed by the second two units last December 8, 2016.

Remaining 4 of 12 ordered units are expected to be delivered within this year.

The FA-50PH is a multi role fighter variant of KAI’s T-50 Golden Eagle supersonic advanced jet trainer. It is capable of carrying short range air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface missiles with countermeasures such as chaffs and Infrared Flares. PAF’s acquisition of the 12 FA-50PH F/SA/LIFTA is under the AFP Modernization Program contracted with the Korean Aerospace Industries, Ltd (KAI) to enhance the country’s territorial defense capabilities.


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