Navy LST and LPD
Modernization Going in Time Close, Kolinlamil Prepare Ships
Paglima Military Sea Traffic Command (Kolinlamil) Admiral TNI General Prasetiawan, M.AP. said the modernization of the main tools of weapons systems (defense equipment) Navy in particular Kolinlamil will be implemented in the near future, it is becoming a priority leader in enhancing the ability of the Navy Navy force in support of their main tasks. Defense equipment there to remain a concern in the maintenance and care, and defense equipment which will add to the retrofitting would give encouragement to the soldiers on duty.
"Prepare personnel who will be appointed as pengawak alutsista new plan will come sixth ship of Landing Ship Tank and 3 types of Landing Platform Dock to achieve the minimum basic strength (Minimum Essential Force / MEF)," he said while giving a briefing as Commander Kolinlamil new to the ranks Satlinlamil Surabaya, recently.
MEF development itself is implemented in three strategic plan until 2024. In addition to the acceleration of the procurement process, the projected strategic plan includes organizational and personnel.
On the other hand, although some who are in the ranks KRI should Kolinlamil are elderly. However, some of its defense equipment is the most advanced production KRI domestic industry.

As the realization to improve alutsistanya, Kolinlamil continues to pursue its modernization program Kolinlamil through the procurement of defense equipment, revitalization and rematerialisasi.
Kolinlamil currently has 13 warships, including KRI Teluk Ratai 509, KRI Teluk Bone 511, KRI Teluk Parigi 539, KRI Teluk Lampung 540, KRI Teluk Bintuni 520 and 592. A number KRI KRI Banjarmasin is under the guidance of the Military Sea Traffic Unit (Satlinlamil ) Surabaya.
While KRI under the guidance Satlinlamil Jakarta, consists of KRI Tanjung Kambani 971, KRI Tanjung Nusanive 973, KRI Teluk Amboina 509, KRI Teluk Manado 573, KRI Teluk Hading 538, Mentawai KRI KRI Banda Aceh 959 and 593.
As Kotama Binops, Kolinlamil a single builder Sea Transport, building the capacity of military sea transport system, develop the potential of the national sea transport, in the interests of national defense and security at sea and establish operational readiness.
This, as the realization of increased strength and to carry out military sea transport, including personnel, equipment and provisioning tools that are tactical, strategic and administrative.
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