domingo, 7 de agosto de 2016

Ucrania manda series de BTR-3E1 y Oplot-T a Tailandia

Ukraine Sent to Thailand Next Batch of Wheeled APC BTR-3E1 and Oplot-T Tanks

BTR-3E1 of the RTA 

Ukraine sent to Thailand next batch of wheeled armored personnel carriers BTR-3E1

Ukrainian defense concern "Ukroboronprom" carried the shipment of another batch of new wheeled armored personnel carriers BTR-3E1 in the orders of the Royal Thai Armed Forces.

On February 22, 2016 at the Kiev armored plant transfer was carried BTR-3E1 foreign customers according to the intergovernmental contract between Ukraine and the Kingdom of Thailand. Later wheeled armored vehicles were shipped by rail for further loading on the ship.

BTR-3M2 commando version

Fighting wheeled amphibious vehicle BTR-3E1 has armored protection, high maneuverability, weapons (from the control complex), is able to quickly identify, recognize, and to strike the ground (including steel) and low-flying targets with high efficiency, and is designed for use in motorized rifle divisions of troops (forces). Armored personnel carrier is able to follow the tanks, with the move to overcome the trenches trenches and water obstacles.

Previously, Thailand has signed a contract with Ukraine for the supply of a large batch of BTR-3. The first contract for the supply of 96 BTR-3E1 was signed in August 2007, a second contract to supply 121 BTR-3E1 - the summer of 2011, the third contract to supply 15 BTR-3E1 armored personnel carriers and six-3RK - in August of 2013. As of 2015, there were 180 armed BTR-3E1. In May 2014 of the armored vehicles manufactured in Thailand, it was placed the National Guard of Ukraine in connection with the acute situation in the east of the country. (Military Informant)

Thailand had the Acceptance of Another Batch of Ukrainian Oplot-T Tanks

Oplot MBT

Representatives of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Thailand made the acceptance of the next batch of tanks "Oplot-T", the second time this year - made Kharkov now under the "Thai contract."

This was reported on the official website of the "Malyshev Plant".

The process of examination and testing of machines took place in two stages. According to a report on the site of the plant, first in the assembly shop of the enterprise, which had been approved by the "ready for battle" of the machine and confirmed their settings - at work benches.

And then - have been tested new "Oplot" in landfill conditions, where foreign customers are presented with all the features and advantages of the combat unit. Showcased unique driving characteristics of the tank, its protection, fire control system, including the possibility of navigational support and endurance under extreme conditions. All tactical and technical characteristics of the machines have been fully confirmed. Faced crews task - performed on the "excellent".

Counterparty fully satisfied with the result - the reception was successful. Customer noted the excellent quality of the combat vehicle - signed a protocol of delivery of finished products. Part of tanks for the needs of the Armed Forces of Thailand is fully ready to be sent, which is scheduled in the near future.

Also, the company already is in the process of manufacturing the next batch of MBT "Oplot-T" in the framework of this contract - with the aim to perform the supply as soon as possible.

Military Informant

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