Fighter IFX / KFX
Bandung, DMC - In order to meet the program Minimum Essential Force (MEF) in order to achieve the appropriate military targets and to achieve independence in the development of strengthening the country's defense, the Ministry of Defence through its work program embodies a strong national defense system. One of the programs the priorities are the strengthening of the national defense industry with the implementation of the program is the development of fighter aircraft KF-X / IF-X.
To that end, in 2015's. begin preparation of infrastructure development of fighter aircraft KF-X / IF-X marked by the laying of the first stone hangar fighter aircraft KF-X / IF-X in the PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) Bandung. Builders laying the first stone hangar that took place today, Wednesday (2/9), conducted Secretary General Kemhan Ediwan Lt. Gen. Prabowo, S.Ip together with the Director of PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero), Budi Santoso, Kabalitbang Kemhan Dr. Ir. Anne Kusmayati, M.Sc, Expert Team KF-X / IF-X Marsdya Army (Ret) Eris Herryanto and Commander Koharmatau (Material Maintenance Command Air Force) Air Vice Marshal TNI Robert S. Marut
Hangar construction fighter aircraft KF-X / IF-X on land area of 4 ha and is expected to be completed in December 2015 has become a historic momentum for the revival of the national defense industry and the realization of Indonesia's defense industry in order to strengthen the country's defense system. Systems and national defense strategy is continuously enhanced to create the overall defense system based defense capability in order to simultaneously shown to achieve the ability to cope with the threats and have vibrators.
In such systems, the country's defense is designed to have the ability to ward off the threat in Indonesia and the ability to defend the mainland as well as monitoring and protecting sea jurisdiction of Indonesia and the national air space. Strengthening the defense industry is expected to provide a good multiplier effect on economic development and technological mastery of the Indonesian nation. Thus, the principle of supporting defense economy can be realized in the future.
As is known fighter development program KF-X / IF-X generation 4.5 is a program of cooperation between the Indonesian government and the South Korean government. The program is based on the Letter of Intent (Lol) in 2009 and the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2010. The development phase was completed in 2013 to produce System Operational Requirements and System Configuration. In 2014 the Project Agreement was signed between the Ministry of Defense and the Defense Acquisition Rl Adminitration Program (DAPA) South Korea as a legal umbrella for the implementation of the program.
In addition, as the legal umbrella of the program implementation is Presidential Decree No. 42 of 2010 on Defence Industry Policy Committee (KKIP) and Law No. 16 Year 2012 on Industry Defense mandates to all stakeholders to synergistically to realize the revival of the defense industry.
DMC Kemhan
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