viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

The Death of a Miserable

Nestor Kirchner died. Suddenly died. Few people like him made so much for staying in power since he began his political career. That effort, a personal crusade, was in no doubt without a reason. He personally (with his wife, later on) tried by all means to control the part of the State he ruled each time (he was Major, then Governor, and finally President) for avoiding law prosecution. He enriched himself in the way to the presidency in a manner that cannot be disguised. In a poor country he bought cash a hotel for 2 milion dollars. He manipulated politicians, judges, policemen, military personnel. He found no boundaries to his behavior.  He used tax funds as his personal ATM for buying wills. Any opposer was an enemy surveilled by the intelligence of the state and several other State entities.

But, his main crusade was against the military. He twisted the History in a way that leftist terrorist became heros and right military became evils. Defense was, again, the Cinderella of the national budget reaching the lowest GDP percentage in History. 

Good bye Nestor and never come back. I won't miss you. I follow this entry with an article of Nicolás Kasanzew. He was the only film reporter in Malvinas during 1982 conflict. I fully agree with him.

Hypocrisy cloying
Nicolás Kasanzew

I write trying to get rid of the cloying hypocrisy that drips from radio, television and newspapers, as a thick molasses adulterated.

I always believed that death does not make a good person miserable but a miserable death.
Nestor Kirchner was, according to my non transferable opinion, a person evil, vindictive and petty. One type essentially destructive and deeply selfish.

Two out of three inhabitants of this country had a negative image of him, with levels of disapproval certainly mixed. Of these two thirds, some portion probably important to share my opinion about him.

Of course, death stirs up the enemy. The good people covered with a carpet of dark sides mercy of those who die and prudently silent their opinions if they do not favor the dead.

It is also true that from certain institutional positions or representative is sensible to comment on hand and present Christian sympathy to the bereaved.

We talked about cloying, because since yesterday I hear about a "passionate advocate" of a "nature born-politician", a "passionate defender of his ideas" and several other qualifications of epic dye. And these skills do not come from his supporters (which, moreover, take turns to mourn on the radio) but people who until yesterday was struggling to avoid being destroyed by evil killer volleys of rage of Nestor Kirchner.

Still two days to his funeral and I think this is just beginning.

Listening to guys like Scioli and Alberto Fernández (who have been none, abused, disowned, eroded, boycotted, blackmailed and manipulated by the "passionate advocate"), to pout on the radio talking about the friend who they were, I refer to the tragic battered woman syndrome. They try to understand them from the pathological need of the politicians, especially the Peronist jump on the bandwagon that suits them.

Not to mention the cake dolls that make up the cabinet and is competing to see which makes the pain more poignant statement, while hiding the calculator with which they try to figure out how to be standing in the new scenario.

However, the coverage seems to reflect the death of John Paul II, in all media, even those who had to fight it not to be devastated by the vindictive fury of "political race" and its pupet. I did not dare to tune (the official) Channel 7 for fear of shock mellifluous.

I invite you to do a short exercise of inference and imagine what would have happened if the dead had been different.

For example Cobos:

• El Calafate would be a party, with banners on the street.
• Aníbal Fernández declared that "the vice burns in the seventh circle of hell reserved for traitors."
• (the official) Página 12 would titled: "A traitor less"
• We deny all the presidential fleet aircraft to transport the coffin to Mendoza

For example Menem:

• Nestor would come to the funeral just to make the horns and touching the testicles to prevent bad luck, to the laughter of two or three "spontaneous"
• Página 12 would titled "He died to blame for the misery of the 90"
• In "6, 7, 8" (official TV show) would make a special program describing how to Nestor and Cristina fought neoliberalism and were fierce opponents of the late infamous throughout the decade.

And this could go. However, I try to resist to trait miserables with his own misery, because I was raised differently. So I dig into the depths of my mind trying to find some compassion.

Just find a little for our country.

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