miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Argentine Air Force: A Pucara Pilot Dies

A pilot died in a Pucará crash in Reconquista


He was 28 years and was from Mar de Ajó (. It happened in the place called La Lola, near the city of Santa Fe. The plane malfunctioned during a maneuver and was reversed. At that time the pilot ejected hitting the floor.

A young Argentina Air Force lieutenant died this afternoon after he manouvered to eject the Pucara. The pilot was identified as Mariano Forgit and is from the locality of Mar de Ajo and was an experienced pilot, despite being a young officer. The damaged aircraft is a IA-58 Pucara, registration Alfa 598, which belonged to the Third Air Brigade based in Reconquista.

The tragedy took place in the hamlet La Lola, near Reconquista and the machine fell near the provintial school No. 6111 Martín Miguel de Guemes.


The accident occurred when the Pucara suffered damage during a move and was reversed. At that time the young pilot ejected, but unfortunately it was at very low altitude, so I hit the ground, dying almost instantly.

Although the accident occurred just after 13 hours, took more than an hour to locate the body, because even had detached from the parachute.

In dialogue with Cadena 3 the Commissioner Roberto Nicolier, head of the Regional Unit in September, said the accident occurred seven miles from the town of Reconquista

"We are analyzing the causes of the accident, involving the Fire Department, the Aviation Brigade and the Federal judge," he said.

He said the youngster's body was transferred to the morgue in Reconquista.

The cause was in the hands of Judge Virgilio Palud.

At the site staff also works Provincial Power Company Santa Fe, since the plane AIDA caused the collapse of medium voltage cables.

Lt. Mariano Ariel Forgit 
Militar Aviator
3rd Air Brigade

Report of Carlos Torres and Matias Castro Arrieta
Cadena 3

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