lunes, 19 de julio de 2010

Argentine Navy: Uruguay and Argentine Planned Exercise

Navies of Argentina and Uruguay planned an exercise in submarine search and rescue:

Navies of Argentina and Uruguay made this week the planning stage of the exercise  IV-Sub SAR submarine search and rescue, to be held in Mar del Plata waters between 17 and 27 August. The delegations of both Armadas met last Monday at the Command of the Submarine Force Base Naval Mar del Plata, and today finished the detail of the binational training involving the submarine ARA "Santa Cruz " and the rescue ship "Vanguardia" of Uruguay, among other naval surface units would conduct the meetings apoyo. Tasks held responsible for the Rescue Service and the Marine Patrol Division of the Argentina Navy, the commander of the ship "Vanguard" and the Division of Sea Force uruguayos.También attended as official observers and non-commissioned officers of the School of Submarine and Diving Puerto Belgrano Naval Base, members of the Support Group for Search and Rescue Submarine (GAOSARSUB).

The planning took place in the Central Operations Submarine Force:


Source: Gaceta Marinera.

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