lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

Rostec abre planta de mantenimiento en Vietnam

Rostec Opens Helicopter Engines Repair Center in Vietnam

Maintenance of Mi-8/Mi-17 helicopter (photo : Rostec)

Integrated logistics support center for repairing helicopter engines created by UEC-Klimov (subsidiary of the United Engine Corporation, part of Rostec) has begun operations in the Vietnamese city of Vũng Tàu. Pilot repair project of the first engine in the new center has been successfully completed.

The center is equipped with all necessary equpment, spare parts and assemblies to provide repairs for engines designed by UEC-Klimov. By the end of April four more engines in use in Vietnam will go through repairs in the center.

Specialists from UEC-Klimov perform medium repairs of TVZ-117 and VK-2500 engines operated in Vietnam. The Russian side provides the details and spare parts, and trains the personnel for engine and gearbox maintenance. The Vietnamese side will provide support personnel to accompany the working process. The Vietnamese specialists have already received certificates from UEC-Klimov on successful familiarization with the medium repair process of the first engine: TV3-117VM series 02 used by the Mi-17-1V. A foreign object damaged this particular engine during operation by the Vietnamese civil aviation.

“Till the end of April, we’re going to repair four more engines operated in Vietnam. We plan to actively expand the geography of our cooperation and start providing repair and support services of helicopter engines in India, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Australia, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Our partners in the region are highly satisfied with the approach and quality of services provided by Rostec, which includes after-sale support for the whole life cycle of our products”, said the Director for International Cooperation and Regional Policy of Rostec, Viktor Kladov.

The Aviation Administration of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam certified the new center. Certifying the support personnel is a mandatory procedure for ensuring the operation and repair process made by the center. Vietnamese specialists familiarized themselves with all the steps concerning medium repairs of the TV3-117 engines and their different models during a technological procedure of the certification.

In October 2018 UEC-Klimov and the Vietnamese company Helicopter Technical Service Company signed a distribution contract concerning service maintenance of engines.

Helicopter Technical Service Company, on the territory of which the new center is located, provides service maintenance for Russian-made helicopters. It also operates as the distributor of ТB3-117 and VK-2500 engines.


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