martes, 6 de febrero de 2018

Indonesia forma nuevo escuadrón de F-16s en Ambon

Complete Air Defense, TNI AU Prepare F-16 Squadron in Ambon


Air Force F-16 Air Force Squadron (photo: IMF)

RILIS.ID, Ambon-Mabes TNI-AU programmed the construction of the F-16 squadron in Ambon, Maluku, in fiscal year 2018.

Air Field Commander (Danlanud) Pattimura Colonel (Pnb) Antariksa Anondo said the existence of a strategic squadron in order to support the implementation of air operations carried out TNI-AU.

Moreover, said Antariksa, Maluku consists of 11 districts / cities with 1340 pieces of islands.

Similarly, 92.4 percent of Maluku area of ​​712,479.69 square kilometers is the sea.

Strategically, the construction of the F-16 Air squadron at Pattimura Airport is one of the safeguards considering the boundaries adjacent to the near geographical south near Austalia.

"We are currently doing the survey and other readiness to build the squadron as an operational element that is programmed with a capacity of 12 F-16 fighters," Antariksa said, Friday (29/12/2017).

Alluded to the maintenance of F-16 fighter, he explained in Makassar, South Sulawesi, which has the facility.

"Maintenance of light levels can be handled in Ambon if it has been operated," said Antariksa.

TNI-AU currently has two air squadrons manning F-16s, ie air squadrons in Iswahjudi, Madiun, and Air Squadron Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin, Pekanbaru.

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