sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2013

Rusia ofrece 5 regimientos de S-300 por 4 mil millones USD a Irán

Russia called the terms of delivery of S-300 to Iran

Russian President Vladimir Putin has taken a policy decision, which will have to resolve the conflict between Moscow and Tehran regarding the delivery of anti-aircraft missile systems S-300. According to the newspaper "Kommersant" quoted a source close to the Kremlin, according to the decision, Russia will supply Iran with five battalions of S-300VM "Antey-2500", but on the condition that Tehran will withdraw a lawsuit against the "Rosoboronexport" for the failure of the previous contract.

According to the newspaper, Tehran is likely to agree to supply a set of "Antey-2500". Earlier, Iranian Ambassador to Russia Seyed Mahmoud Reza Sajjadi said that Moscow could offer Tehran anti-aircraft missile systems, "which are able to cover our territory in the framework of the plan" and that will suit the Iranian side on the cost and time of delivery, "we could be flexible." It should be noted that the S-300VM prohibitions under the UN and Russia to supply not covered.

Russia and Iran signed a contract to supply five battalions of S-300PMU-1 in 2007. The deal amounted to $ 800 million. Delivery systems to the customer for various reasons, regularly postponed, and in September 2010 the UN Security Council imposed sanctions on Iran, banning the delivery of offensive weapons. Soon after, Dmitry Medvedev, who was then president of Russia signed a decree banning the delivery of S-300 to Iran.

Tehran perceived refusal to supply S-300 as Russia's unwillingness to fulfill its contractual obligations and filed in the International Court of Arbitration in Geneva lawsuit. It Tehran accused Moscow of disrupting the delivery of S-300PMU-1 and claimed damages in the amount of four billion dollars. Before that Russia has returned to Tehran advance payment of $ 167 million, paid in performance of a contract for the supply of air defense systems.

To resolve the conflict with Iran Russia earlier offered to Tehran delivery of additional anti-aircraft missiles short range "Tor-M1E." However, Iran has not agreed to compromise, saying that such a change does not suit him.

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